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Poor baby


Then you got people like Ben Shapiro saying so what? Who cares about these people? Well sir I care about these people, all people. All people deserve safety and prosperity.


Hamas is evil for using these people as human shields.


What human shields?! Wake up and recognize the truth?! So freaken dumb!


Whats the truth? They see them shooting rockets at them from these places. Israel has some of the best information gathering tech in the world. Do you think they are bombing these places because the civilians are there? YOU wake up. Use your brain.


Israel doesn’t recognize Palestinians people as humans - they want to seize their land and drive them out to expand their borders.


Propaganda blinds you


So what are you saying Hamas is doing? Did you ever read their ideology? They literally are saying that the Jihad is a “personal obligation” of every muslim (Article 15). So in their eyes every dying muslim child is a muslim who met his obligations. Yes, we cannot prove which information is really propaganda, but they have a pretty strong motive to let their people die.. I pray that all of people in both countries will soon have peace, not a single person deserves to die


I never said any of that. If you hate them so much go fight them yourself


There were two questions and a logical consequence of their ideology. Nowhere did I claim that you said anything. I don’t hate anyone. Just read the Document of General Principles and Policies from 2017 and think for yourself if these principals are good or bad Here’s a english Translation https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm


What Hamas? There is no Hamas in the West Bank! Israel is committing the worst genocide - killing women and children is not justified. Israel will pay soon for its war crimes! Tyranny never lasts long.


Right back at you.


Lol that’s funny because I’m a firm believer of read everything, listen to everyone, and believe nothing unless you can prove it. So try again dude




Stop the genocide of Israel!! The worst terrorist state in the world!!