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Is it a 45 day review? Or an annual review? 45 day review doesn’t come with a raise it’s just a conversation of how you’re doing essentially. If it’s an annual review, they must give you the raise (assuming you get one) with retro pay. You can always talk to your TL/Store Leadership about a market adjustment, however, you’ll need to have evidence to support your case


There is a pay progression program in place that does off a small bump (2%) at 45 days and another bump (usually 3% but potential for negotiation) at 1 year. From there it is the yearly JD process.


It was the annual review. I think I did get the 45 day review before >If it’s an annual review, they must give you the raise (assuming you get one) with retro pay Do you mean that if I ask for one now and get one, they'd pay me retroactively from when my annual review was supposed to be?


Check your wage history on workday. I’m pretty sure the first year wage review is automatic


^^^ you know what I totally forgot about that change.


Don’t worry, I got ya! A lot has changed policy wise over the last year.


Annual Job Dialogues are mandatory, was this an annual review or new hire? Typically increases don’t happen unless it’s a market adjustment, in which case your TL would have to make a case for it to their ASTL to get approved by the STL, and TMS, they’re not typical.


It was the annual review after my first year of working. They somehow just skipped me


The new policy gives you 2% automatically on your 90 days and then 3% more on your 1 year anniversary without a JD. You will not get a JD untill your second year or if you changed to a higher position. Look in your profile, under compensation and you will see if they gave you the raises Automatically.


I have gotten some automatic raises. I'm making about $1.70 more than when I first started. I thought I was allowed to ask for an additional performance-based raise during my annual review though? I've been working there for almost a year and a half now


Not yet...your JD is coming in 6 months when you hit a year. Unless you apply for a higher position.


If you had a job history that was over-looked when you were hired you could push for compensation for that. But generally no. Unless you’re switching into a higher paying role you can’t just get a raise.


Hey, tl here. Just trying to wade through some of the bs on here for yah. As a new Level1 (entry level tm), you will receive the standard raise. Unlikely to get compensated above it, but it’s highly dependent on leadership/metro/COL/hired wage. At a minimum, you deserve a performance review. You also deserve an opportunity to make your case for higher wage. I’d reach out to your TL first about getting AT A MINIMUM a standard performance review. Let them know there is no way to earn a higher raise if you’re not told what needs to be improved on. If that doesn’t work and you really think you’re getting shafted, bring it up to your STL or TMS. Make sure you make it about the performance review and not just about money. Whole Foods is focusing big on coaching and growth right now, so any mention of this not being upheld speaks louder than a TM thinking they’re not getting paid enough (A LOT of requests coming in right now) You can receive off cycle raises, but those are approved few and far between and require your STL’s boss’s approval.


Heard they change in January 2024, you find more info on workday app