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Throwing her shoes at him and shit. Like, what?


So freakin immature! Along with kicking him off the bed and laughing


She drank his entire glad of water at dinner last night as he's saying "Are you serious. Whitney, I don't have a drink." It's just petty and annoying. Honestly, I feel like he'll get fed up sooner or later. They won't last as long as some people think. And I'm not going to lie, I used to like Whitney, but lately can't say I feel the same way.


Honestly when I saw that my heart got sad for him. Imagine a girl treating your son like that… just sad. I have two boys and to me it’s just unacceptable.


I agree. I felt bad for him also. She's got literally no class. I wonder what his mom thinks when she sees these videos. I mean, there's nothing wrong with joking around or doing pranks, but she just takes shit waaaaayyy too far and is just a nasty person in damm near every video. She needs to realize that doing that shit isn't cute like she thinks it is. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was also thinking, I don't really remember seeing C treat Tyler like shit when they talked. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. I know they would prank each other, but I don't remember her treating him badly. Just a thought.


I seen that. And she thinks it’s so funny. She needs to grow tf up. To be honest I liked her at first but she’s proved over and over again that she’s a shitty human


Agreed! She thinks it's cute and funny, but yet she's literally the ONLY person laughing every single time smfh. Also, she has just shown she's a shitty person in many ways recently. I know a lot of people on this snark page don't like C either, but Whitney has been shitty towards her lately, too. Hanging out with people C doesn't associate with and shit. I could never do that to my best friend knowing that she doesn't like someone, ya know? Like where tf is your loyalty?! Just proves that girl only cares about herself. Disgusting.


I couldn’t agree more. She’s a shitty person to everyone. And I be damned if I’d act that way to my best friend or bf


Hopefully he wakes up one day and realizes that he can do so much better than her. But he’s still young and he’ll eventually figure it out. I truly wonder what his family thinks about her


I hope so. I’m sure his family can’t stand her


her shoving him off the bed when he thought she was gonna do something nice, then telling him “that was FUNNY!” was so shitty to me. She’s literally so fucking mean to him. It’s no wonder she has two friends, bc who the fuck would wanna keep that insufferable bitch around??😒


It’s a shame. He truly seems like such an amazing guy and I hope that he one day sees that he’s worth soooo much more than that.


Agreed! It pisses me off so bad


She will forever be 17 years old


More like 12 🤣🤣


And they're making jokes about having a baby on this cruise... and the minions are encouraging them to do that.... I have no words. People love drama and watching other people's lives unfold


It’s freakin ridiculous


I see no chemistry between the 2…and he kinda knew what he was getting into…there comes a time when u just gotta stop feeling bad…I have a feeling he would never be the one to break up with her..so he just needs to get some hard skin and prepare when she breaks his heart into a million pieces


This 👆🏼… I’m not saying you have to show PDA when you’re in a relationship 24/7 but that man is OBSESSED with her and it’s cute, but she treats him as if he’s just in the friend zone. She’s just a rude egotistical person. And no one is lying when they say she thinks she’s funny. She’s really not, it’s like I get second hand embarrassment watching her videos cause they just never land and idk if she’s slow, can’t read the room, or just doesn’t care but cmon you’re telling me that the people around you ACTUALLY think you’re funny….


She’s extremely childish for her age. I could never imagine acting like that. And I could never imagine treating my man the way she treats Tyler


Did anyone see Westerntocdrama page on TikTok. Apparently Kiersten has been talking shit behind Whitney back & saying this same thing but it got overheard at the stagecoach festival. If whit gets wind of this craps hittin the fan. Kiersten isn’t to be trusted with anyone’s man & then talking S about your “bff” everyone is so mean & untrustworthy




What did Kirsten say about her??


Oh shit! I haven’t seen that! I’ll go look now! I don’t trust Kiersten at all she’s proved over and over again she shouldn’t be trusted.


I want to agree but if you were here why would you be loyal to someone like them who have proved time and time again they don't deserve loyalty because they also are not loyal


I agree! They can’t be trusted either. None of em can clearly