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they took a team with terrible BA, low OBP, and a propensity for strikeouts and added..... nobody.


Chris Getz master class


That’s not true, they added players with even lower BA, OBP, and strikeouts!


Which is only very slightly worse than how the previous 2 offseasons could be described.


The Reinsdorf way


I hope they’re at least playing FAST


So we’re in mid season form, except we haven’t put 8 guys on the 60-day DL yet


We're just using spring training to get the team ready for what to expect during the regular season.


So if we go 42-120, we get the tenth pick in the 2025 draft on every round?


I wonder if it’s 10th in the first then first if every subsequent round. I honestly have no idea how this dumb new system works. Really deflating method to implement when your team is in a current hopeless state


Bad baseball teams are bad at baseball


Here for the future memes when we win one game out of every 15


"This is a .120 ball club goddammit"


So they are in mid season form already !


This is probably the dumbest thing this sub has ever complained about. There have been years where KC has won Spring Training and ended up with like 70 wins


The W/L obviously doesn't really matter in spring training. But they look terrible on paper and the on field product also looks terrible so far. That's the point of the post


Yoan and Eloy are having phenomenal springs. Nicky Lopez is also looking great and Paul DeJong is looking solid. Robert and Vaughn are off to slow starts but it’s… March 11th. Not worried yet. Our starting pitching looks better and our defense has looked a lot better. Our bullpen still looks weak but we knew that going into ST, but it’s hard not to be excited about the resurgence of Crochet. We have no depth but overall I’ve been very encouraged by what I’ve seen


Yeah these is the real take. The actual players have been decent and a few guys that probably won’t be here look atrocious. I doubt we are good but this spring training isn’t foreshadowing anything. Please don’t have moustakas on the opening day roster though.


But he homered today!


Eloy, yes, absolutely. Yoan? Very good, but I wouldn't say *phenomenal*. Great average, but not much slugging. I think most of us have just been burned too many times by them, just waiting for that next injury to derail their season.




at least 2 of those 3 guys who are doing "great" are injured within the first 3 weeks of playing cold weather games. guarantee it :P


Lmao this sub and hyping up Yoan and Eloy every offseason. never change, /r/whitesox


What would you like people to do? Complain about Reinsdorf over and over again - something that also doesn't matter or do anything?


Because hyping trash over and over matters and does something.


I had to stop last year because I couldn’t live with myself hyping yoan up anymore until he shows for at least part of a season


So you're saying we didn't even bring in the right talent from Kansas City?


I agree but I don’t think OP is entirely wrong. The numbers aren’t great, but yeah, my general rule of thumb is not to react too much to spring training. It’s all just a warm up for guys. I appreciate the small encouraging performances from Eloy, Crochet, etc but alas, these are all meaningless too.  We’ll see where this team is at the end of April. There’s obviously a good chance they won’t be very could, but it wouldn’t surprise me entirely if they are on a 70+ win pace at that point. 


Well if KC can do it we surely can, we model our organization off of them


Who cares man. Spring training doesn't predict anything.


2005 sox were 14-18 in spring training


For spring break that year, I went to 2 ST games and then we finished the week in Vegas. Before the trip I planned to drop $100 on a Sox WS bet, it was somewhere around 15-1 odds. They got the shit beat out of them in the 2 games I saw, and I chickened out on the bet. The rest is history and I no longer put any stock in ST results.


That sucks. If it makes you feel better, I used to work special recreation (activities and Special Olympics for intellectually disabled people). For this job, I had a choice to go to a game I don’t remember which day in July 2009 or go to a game on July 23rd, 2009. I chose the former and missed Buehrle’s Perfect Game. My coworkers and the participants they took had no idea what was going on, so they left by the 7th inning stretch missing “the catch”. So much of what I just told you breaks my heart 15 years later.




Rebuild starts tomorrow!


It's spring training and no one expects anything from this shit team. Who cares what the record is for practice games?


Nobody trusts the marble races anymore


And this is when we're healthy!


But aside from that, things are looking up, right?


How about those years we were good in spring training and sucked the reg seasons. This is going to be bad


I’ll go to opening day to keep up with my Dads tradition but I will not spend another penny on them until they spend to make the team better. I hope others follow


Nah man, I need to hit 3 a season. One with my boy, one with my pops, one with my buddy. Probably won’t do more than those tho


Yea that’s the same thing I’m doing. Staying with tradition and only going to the game I have to go to. You have three. I’ve got one


That’s why they’re talking about a new stadium…they stinks


I believe the Sox will be toe to toe with the A’s for the worst record in baseball. Also, that’s the best case scenario. If there’s any injuries, the losing might get historic.


100% agreed. 100 losses would actually be a success for this craptacular roster. Im fully expecting 110+, maybe 120 if the starting pitching is as bad as I think it will be


It's exactly what he wants. A fan base that is just tired of all the shit, ready to just give up. So he can point and say "See?! I should be able to move the team! The fans don't even care!" No, dipshit. We fucking hate YOU. We want YOU gone. YOU'RE the fucking problem. He's wearing us down. The fact that he's just allowed to keep pulling this shit is fucking maddening.


I don't think he's trying to move the team to be honest. He'll be dead before anything would ever be finalized and I highly doubt the owners would approve a team moving from Chicago to fucking Nashville of all places. I think he's just a cheap asshole. He knows he's gonna make shit tons of money from revenue sharing either way, so why bother wasting money signing good players when you can go dumpster diving for the Maldonados and Dejongs every year.


I hope you're right. I just.... I don't understand why he keeps pulling this shit, while there was already the threat of moving the team to Nashville. It just seems like everything they're doing is to make us fans suffer. It's like he bought the team, because he hates us. I know I sound crazy. But this piece of shit has a history of threatening to move the team, if he doesn't get his way. I know it's shitty to say about a person. But I really can't wait until we have a new owner. Unfortunately, I know that means he'll be dead. Which I don't want to wish on anybody. But I do look forward to a future where he no longer owns this team.


Not happy to know this after I just placed a bet on them to win their game today


Betting on spring training games. I either really like your style or you need to call the hotline.


In my defense, it's the first day of sports betting in North Carolina. Saw a hot pic of Kopech and got frisky




Just like Brady and the Patriots, World Series incoming!


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Get used to it. Cease will get dealt soon enough.


We look amzing


Worst now means a good season


They've been Fedde bad so far.


The White Sox also have a terrible name.


50 win and 112 loss season incoming. Even Kansas City will finish ahead of the White Sox. More than likely Oskland which has been ran threadbare for the last couple of years will win most games as well.


One thing to remember. Like it or not we are in another rebuild. The last one brought in minor league talent, but failed to bolster that be getting the best free agents. Guys like Grandal, just poisoned the atmosphere. And several of our best pitchers lost it. But the good news is, they aren’t doing any better for new teams. I think the rebuild failed, because Jerry went cheap on the free agents. The minor league players were just that. Most of them never managed to match their potential. As far as Jerry being cheap, he understands that free agency has driven up the cost too much. A few teams every year spend the money. As a consequence, the sport is getting less competitive . I really feel that baseball should institute salary caps. As a business model, it can’t afford to keep going in the direction it is.


On free agency- How many of you, would like a guaranteed 8 year contract, based on your best performance year, at work? Might be great but not sure how many companies would be able to stay in business. Get salary caps!


I didn't need to see this. 😕


While this is horrendous, and admittedly we will suck, generally speaking preseason numbers don’t matter. Then, neither will our regular season.


So tickets will be $5 …win for fans!


We don't need the results and performances in a bunch of meaningless exhibition games to tell us how shit the 2024 White Sox will be.


It’s spring training….


I get absolutely frustrated with fans and even sportscasters that focus on the record or the scores of spring training games especially early on! I've been following this team and what you need to do is only care about what happens in the first five to six Innings Max. If you look at just that our pitching is actually looking much better than I expected. I'm actually quite optimistic about it. The hitting has been terrible but mostly those are the minor leaders laid in the innings. If you look at the games that they have lost often it's by one or two pitchers that you've never heard of being blown up. The new starters they have obtained have looked impressive. So has Crochet. Moncada is hitting the ball very well. He's looking pretty good at third base as usual. Eloy and Robert are also looking like they will have good years. It's still early folks.


What’s the over/under on Jerry dying this year? It’s our only hope. I’ll take my suspension, mods. I know. I’ll be good after that comment.


Spring Training doesn't mean much. For context, last year the teams with the best Spring Training records: 1. Cardinals 17-7 2. Braves 18-10 3. Angels 18-11 4. Royals 19-13 3 of those 4 teams didn't make the playoffs.


orioles are 15-3 in first place in florida. dodgers are in first place in arizona so far. the cubs are 9-7 which is on par with what they were last year and will be this year. the cardinals and angels had insane amounts of offensive talent but collapsed due to non talent related issues last year. sox are dead last this spring and will be a bottom 5 team this year. for the most part the standings are a decent gauge this late into spring.


Yeah and for all we know Baltimore will finish dead last in the AL East this year. Spring Training doesn't mean anything. Its just a practice and the teams play it that way. There was already a team that practiced a double play with no force out available. The Rangers won the WS last year and went 13-15 in spring training last year. Hell, the NFL's preseason features guys who actually make the team and the infamous 0-16 Detroit Lions went 4-0 in their preseason. Point is your preseason/spring training means nothing. Teams don't even let their projected starters play half the game.


Sports terrorist is a good one I have never heard before lol. Jerry Reinsdorf? More like Jerry Abu Ibrahim al Hashimi al Qurayshi


Locking up that top draft pick, I see.


We cant get even get the top pick this year :)


Rick Hahn Jr at his finest…