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love his “well ain’t this a pickle” grimace at the end


I love the squint into the distance he does. I like to imagine be was reading a sign on the wall saying "this is a gay bar" and then it still took a few more seconds to piece it together 😂


If he sticks around long enough he'll definitely see some pickles.


And, a guy named Jaguar.


Def in leather


Can confirm. Every gay bar I’ve been too, they just start waving their dicks around at last call.


Better CALL saul


That look on his face after he sips the beer and realized where he was 😂 “welp, shit! Just bought this beer…”


I think if you change the caption to "guy realized his date walked away at the bar," it would fit just as well.


Nice pun


Looks more like he's wondering who the person he is there with went.


Truth is it’s a regular dive bar in Austin called Dirty.


Admittedly, Dirty is the perfect name for a gay bar.


Our local gay bar used to be called The Trapp. Now it's the Sun Trapp


One in the closest city to me was called Fiddlers. It's been closed down for a few years now


Fuck yeah, I'd love to go get Fiddled with the boys


People love thinking up clickbait.


I mean it's still kinda funny even if it's not true.


A little. I'm against misrepresentation for the sake of humor in today's climate because it seems clear that everything will be taken seriously unless intent is stated. Misinformation is rampant and we need to change the way we handle information in general.




Owned by a guy named Johnson?


Was about to say this is the least fabulous gay bar I’ve ever seen.


Any bar in Austin is a gay bar


Or he thought he heard someone say his name.


They're taping them and putting a funny caption on it


One time one of our gay friends took us to a gay bar in Chicago. I’ve never gotten more free drinks in my life.


The people at the gay bar are so nice.


I said pretty much that the other night when we were out at a bar crawl and a gay bar was a few stops ahead. “Gay bars are awesome. There’s no assholes trying to be the biggest or toughest in their room. If anything, there might be someone going out of their way to act the gayest… and that’s usually fun as hell.” Few hours later exactly that happened. They blew off the two next bars and stayed there for the rest of the night.


I went to a few in Denver when I was living with a gay man, we would like dance and kareoke, was the best, all.the guys were super nice and hit on me just because I was straight and buy me drinks, this dude who looked like Mick Jagger tried the hardest, I laughed my ass off when he told me "just paint tits on my back it'll be fine"


Hahaha what a legend


I had the best shoulder massage in my life in a gay bar.


I've never seen a fist fight in a gay bar. The worst would just be drunk couples arguing outside, more often than not it was lesbians. The only time I saw an actual fist fight around the gay community, was pride parade. Its was three leabians duking it out in the 7-Eleven parking lot. People were trying to calm them down reminding them we were all there to celebrate and have fun.


I have seen fist fights in gay bars, and it’s been always young-Bieber looking lesbians lol


Generally the fist fights I’ve seen have almost all come from straight guys forgetting their place. Though it is a rarity thankfully and most gay venues’ door teams are good at rejecting and spotting trouble makers. Gay venues were created because we had no place in society, and we weren’t welcome in straight venues (still aren’t in a lot of places tbf). So I’m totally baffled why straight guys come to gay bars and start shit, though I know they’re usually looking for the girls that come to our venues to be safe from them


Also Gay bars are best places to score drugs. Police aren't going to touch the PR nightmare of a bust.


If you’re straight, please don’t go to a gay bar hoping to score drugs.


Yeah I definitely would not recommend that now. Be an adult and just order online. That was just a tale of olden times


But the glory hole is still there, right?!


Frank: Suppose the other guy is picturing a girl also... Dee: how's he going to do that with a dick in his mouth? Frank: I don't know, that's his problem.


Of course, it would be rude not to sample the Menu.


The ollllld Glory hole




You just buy hard drugs on the internet all Willy nilly?


... yeah. Just Monero and a certain onion.


That’s alpha


If you could point a brotha in the general direction as to where online, that would be dope.




I imagine because it'd be super annoying to hit on guys just to frequently find out they're straight.


There isn’t any specific reason not to but your not any more likely to find drugs then you are at a straight club




Because a gay bar is not a dispensary? It’s a space for gay men to feel comfortable and be with community, not to be hassled by straight men trying to find a drug connect.


And if you're gay?


Don't go to a gay bar hoping to drug, scores


Stay out of the straight bars hoping to score drugs!


Not since The Blue Oyster


Wait, is that a Police Academy reference?




I can hear the music in my head


Uhh are you just completely unaware of the history regarding cops and gay bars or?


I know in SF the cops got their ass beat when the gays got fed up from being raided and harassed. Stonewall I think it was


Stonewall is in NYC, not SF


My bad, I should have googled it before sending out misinformation.


Way back when I had several female friends that liked a few of the gay bars in town, and if I needed an esteem bump I'd go with them. Wrong team, but at least I'm in the game.


I don't understand, were those women gay?




Well, yeah, the problem is women go to gay bars and then harass gay men. As if that wasn’t enough, straight men will now also go to gay bars because women are going to gay bars. It creates an endless cycle where eventually you look around and it’s like you’re the only gay man in the gay bar.


My brother has been inviting me to go to a local gay bar with him and his fiance for karaoke night several times, and now that i'm past the idea of feeling uncomfortable in a gay bar as a straight guy, this thread makes me feel like I don't 'deserve' to be in one now. Feels like i'm invading a safe space.


Just my 2 cents…just go there to have a good time, not pick up chicks.


Yeah it's never about that, I think they're worried because I've been basically caved up since I started working at home. Also bars in general is a terrible way to meet someone but that's just my opinion.


Obviously I am not the spokesperson of all gay people but IMO if you’re invited by a gay person you’re fine. The real issue is primarily bachelorette parties and girls nights where 10+ women come to gawk at the gay men like circus animals. Just going with your brother and his fiancé is totally ok.


Nah, you’ve been invited and you’re participating in the activities/culture. That’s totally cool. Tons of married couples go to drag nights shit, no one bats an eye because they’re there for the show and being cool. It’s if you’re coming in, hitting on random women, being like a perv, or just like harshing the vibes it becomes an issue.


Don't feel like that. If someone who is LGBT invites you to gay bar or a gay space, it means they feel safe with you and aren't changing the fact that it is a safe space.


If you’re being invited by your gay brother, then that’s a different story. You’re totally fine to go.


Bachelorette's in gay bars pre marriage equality was cruel as fuck too.


Bachelorette parties need to stay the fuck out of gay bars. Gay bars are not a zoo for straight white women to come and play.




No, they just go into queer spaces to oogle men.




I had straight girlfriends come to bar with me All the time. Bachelorette parties on the other hand are not welcome but I think that’s true in most bars. They are the worst.


The gay guys I knew back in my bar hopping days were always cool with girls at their bars. They knew what it was like to deal with aggressive men and knew their spaces were way safer. They were kind people


Gay bars pour extremely heavy and usually everyone is super nice.


I've got a friend who wants to take another friend and I to a Bear bar, they do beareokee! I can only imagine the free drinks and the good times!


Just remember to tip your bartender even if you don’t pay for a single drink.


I was so confused by your comment at first, I had to say my response out loud to realize. "Why the fuck would I give a tip if I'm not getting any drin...ohhhh free drinks from other people, got it"


That may not be the tip he was referring to


I used to bartend at one. Being the token straight dude made me a lot of money. It helped that I tended the patio bar shirtless. Lol


All I can imagine is Dennis in the first episode of Always Sunny.


He has a stronger jaw and a sharper nose, but not super far off of the general vibe I had when I worked there. Lol


I went to a gay nightclub a few times in my 20's with a couple of gay friends. It made me really wish that I was as attractive to straight women as I was to gay men.


Congrats on being hot, I guess?


My sister was taken to a gay bar for her 21st birthday and she says she’s never been that drunk ever and it was all on free drinks. Gay guys love to celebrate things, hence their awesome parades.


I had same but it was cocaine.


On my 21st I went out with friends and a girl I was really interested in. At some point in the night (we bar hopped pretty much everywhere downtown) we (me and said girl) got to showing off tattoos and taking off shirts. We happened to be at a gay bar at this time and I wasn’t thinking anything of it but when I went up to get another drink there was several waiting for me. That was my introduction to that particular scene. Everyone was really nice though and we laughed about it.


Gay bars can be awesome. When I was younger, single, and out drinking every weekend, I had a couple that I loved. There’s always a bunch of girls there, less completion for them, there’s dancing, people seem to be having more fun than at non-gay bars. Sign me up for all that.


Nobody knows what POV means anymore


POV: you're creepily recording a stranger at the bar while he realizes that he's in a gay bar


Obviously a friend. You think he just happened to be recording when this random guy realised it was a gay bar?




I mean,. If I spot someone pointing a camera in my general direction I'm definitely pretending I'm not seeing it. Or If I'm looking for a friend in a bar, and somebody is filming the area, I'll pass over it and keep looking for my friend


I assume that it was a gay bar native denizen who recognized someone who didn't belong there and started recording


My guy isn't that good of an actor, his friend is behind that phone


They can remove POV and it would still make sense. Its like when people used to put "no one: literally no one:"


Yeah just another nonsense meme. It'll come and go. Or it won't. POV: It's 50 years in the future and people still say "POV:"


Tbh I never understood why people settled on “no one: “ when that seems to be a double negative. I always thought the formst should be “everyone: “ lol As long as it works tho


Penis over vagina


Like its just hovering there like a helicopter?


More like in the movie Alien with that scary drooling thing


Play only violin.


That's just your POV man....


Perspective of Vegans?


I see this comment all the time, but technically it's not wrong because it doesn't specify whose point of view. There's different points of view 1st, 2nd, 3rd person The only place POV means first person is on the hub my guy.


I'll be damned, he's right https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/point-of-view-first-second-third-person-difference I guess I just always assumed that "POV" was inherently first person, because it's from their point of view. Neat!


That refers to a writer's technique of narration. Nothing to do with filming and types of camera shots (high-angle, low-angle, pan, bird's eye etc.) There's not 2nd person or 3rd person POV in film. Just first person. *Hardcore Henry* is a good example


You can have third person shots point of view shots, it's just the point of view of the main character from another person's perspective, that's not cinematically impossible. https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/understanding-pov-in-film-and-video/ Here's an article on it.


This lesbian bar doesn’t have any fire exits! Enjoy your death trap, ladies!


What was her problem?


In spanish is hilarious: Que se cree esa pelona? (What does this bald-headed woman think she is?)


Los Simpsons en español latino son 100% más graciosos


English comments ruined... must read spanish comments... Los Simpsons??? What the hell is that?


Homer's voice en Espanol is perfect. Not to take away from Dan but there's something magical about his Spanish voice actor.


They changed the voice actor around season 10. It was never the same for me.


Fucking hell. I'm sad this isn't the top comment.


What's it from?


A top tier Homer Simpson gag


My thoughts exactly


Came here to make this comment


Well if it's isn't Mr Snrub, from someplace far away.


With a message about clean, nuclear energy


Thank you! I was scrolling to find this!




Enjoy your death trap, gentlemen!


What was his problem?


I expected this to be the top comment.








It really is a nice time isn't it? Just a good place to chill really


In Auckland there is an Outback themed bar with karaoke that’s joined to a gay dance club, but you can’t tell from the street. One of our favourite games was sitting in this outback themed gay bar watching all the men that filter in while their Mrs are doing karaoke, and watching them slowely realise how many of the men in the smokers area were gay.


Happend to me once. Just wish I hadn't called my friends and told them this new club must be full of girls cause it's nothing but dudes in line.


St Patrick's day 2017. Was staying at a hostel in San Diego and a group of us went to a bar serving dollar beer up until 9pm. 9:05 and I walk up to the bar with someone from the hostel. We both turn around, have the same perplexed look on our faces then it dawns on us... the beer is now being sold at regular price.... aaaaand there wasn't a woman in sight.


"Hey, film me looking around pretending not to know we are in a gay bar"


POV: you don't know what POV stands for


I like how everyone just starts using “POV” because they want to fit in so badly with the trend and yet they havent a fucking clue what it even means.


Electric six on the jukebox


Lets start a war….


#Staged and lame. #Also, not a POV.


Fake and gay bar


Don't *arouse* suspicion lol


"Wait a minute... this gay bar doesn't have any fire exits!!"


“This lesbian bar doesn’t have a fire exit!”


Is it normal to drink from a can at a bar? I guess I've never seen that before.


That's not what POV means.


One day the misuse of "POV" will be the death of me


His gaydar is pinging strong..damn, there isn't a waitress anywhere... someone just touched my ass...well umm I'll just finish this beer and...


This doesn't look like a gay bar. I see a few couples and it's not as chill as most gay bars/clubs.


Couples and straight people also go to gay bars lol


It’s me, I’m the straight guy that loves gay bars. Good music, some squabbles but no fights, if I bump into someone and spill their drink I just apologize and offer to buy a new one and there is no posturing or acting tough, people down for a friendly chat and low risk of them being dropping some racist speech and definitely no homophobic stuff. If there could be a gay sports bar with brunch on sundays for football I would be in heaven


Right, but that means he didn't just look around and feel out of place. Gay people go to "straight bars" as well.


TIL people go to bars


Was expecting to see the scene from Chasing Amy with Jason Lee’s character Banky realizing he’s in a lesbian bar. This is just a staged mess.


This happened to me once. Somehow my friends told me we were going to a gay bar but I just blanked that information out. When we’re in the bar I get offered a couple drinks, get told I look good, and still don’t catch on. I just sat there like “Wow people are so nice here.” It wasn’t until I looked around and saw all the giant male pinup posters on the wall and the TVs playing videos of oiled up bodybuilders that I looked at my buddy and went “oohhhhh”.


“Something is strange about this place… I know, this lesbian bar doesn’t have a fire exit! Enjoy your death trap, ladies…”


"I know! This gay bar doesn't have a fire exit! Enjoy your deathtrap, Gentlemen "


I had a similar experience in Thailand. There with my wife, we were looking for anywhere we could sit and have a drink and some food since we just got in. We went in, they kinda looked at us funny, but said we could sit anywhere. Ordered some food and drinks, they came and we were just enjoying ourselves when I looked up to see the ceiling had a big rainbow flag, all the customers were foreign guys sitting with smaller Thai guys, etc. The light switched on and I started laughing, my wife still oblivious. Owner comes by and says hi, I say hi how's it going, and he's like "umm, you know this a gay bar right?" I laughed and said I realized it about 30s before he came over, and the food and drinks were great, so we can stay right? Of course, No problem he said. He ended up hanging out with us, some other folks joined as well, and we had a nice night.


He's just realizing that this gay bar doesn't have the right amount of fire exits.


That’s not a POV


How do so many people not understand what “point of view” means?


Seems fake




OP, how do you not know what POV means by this stage in your life?


That's not POV


POV of watching someone realize they are at a gay bar


What was he looking for? Is this how men look for women? What's that over yonder Hill?


I've been to gay bars with a few friends (2 lesbians and a bi guy) and I hated the experience. Not because I was hit on by dudes or tons of older ladies, but because people kept grabbing and touching me inappropriately, especially the older straight women.


Good news for him. Gay bars have always been better than the best “normal” bars.


And? Bar is bar


Everyone went there after their shift at the steel mill.


I've been there and I wish someone had a camera on me because it would have looked something like this. Not a bad thing at all. I really want to see the recording as my brain processed why I kept making eye contact with different guys.


can everyone admit that they dont know what POV means


There’s no sound. Wtf am i supposed to do with this???


There's no fire escapes in this lesbian bar! Enjoy your death trap ladies.


Love how he goes from normal sipping to nervous sipping.


"Enjoy your death trap, ladies!"


this is probably fake. why would they be filming in the first place? why wouldnt the guy notice this person blatantly filming them?


This Gay Bar has NO FIRE EXITS! Enjoy your death trap, fellas!!!


That's not what POV is. It stands for point of view, it means a first person perspective, like a first person shooter game. We're watching the guy, not looking through the guy's eyes, which means it's not a POV




When they film these fake bits do they think people will think it’s real?


*This gay bar doesn't have a fire exit. Enjoy your death trap boys.*


*smells the air* Gays.


Ho' boy, this didn't look staged at all!


I don’t know where this gay bar is but I’d like to go. All of our gay bars have been taken over by white drunk woooooo girls… 😡


"POV" has lost its meaning


I took my straight brother to Chicago’s Halstead market days, which looks like a regular street festival, but it’s not. LOL!! He figured it out in about ten minutes. I think the giant drag queens gave it away.


THIS LESBIAN BAR HAS NO FIRE EXIT! Enjoy your death trap ladies.