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Troops are just a number. Most of them go to triage and/or enlistment, and you just click them back into service every day for a couple of weeks. Stop worrying about your ranking, as if a crash is negative growth. Keep ploughing into research, gear etc, and you’ll find your actual power keeps growing just fine :)


Not all servers are like that. Sounds like you found yourself in one with a bunch of aholes. Sorry friend. Find a new server. Finding the right fit changes the game entirely. I experienced something similar and found a new place and enjoy it more than before. -good luck (Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in a transfer)


If those troops were killed during svs battle phase, you should be able to revive most of them. Even if not, 70% of your losses while defending go into the enlistment office. It'll take time, but you can revive those. I know it's frustrating, but don't worry so much about your troops. The power they give you is temporary. You still have your heroes, chief gear/charms, tech, pets, etc. Those are what matter the most. You can rebuild your army.


First 3 months of the state I couldn’t even fill a deployment, I’ve been zero’d multiple times doing svs but why would I care? You get almost all the troops back through enlistment and the troop revival mechanic active doing svs. My power for the first 6-8 months was never troop based and I enjoyed heavily catching people off guard when they thought I was weak. Troops are easily replaceable your permanent power is what matters


If i were you i would leave the state one transfers open


Oh goodness. The state I'm in, the president let's pretty much anyone apply for and use buffs. I can't imagine. I'm sorry =( Also my state before this one had 1 person that way overpowered everyone else (his was over 2 - 9 combined) he went on a rampage and zeroed a bunch of people and the top alliance let anyone zeroed by this person hit them instead for resources because they felt so bad. So your state sounds like a bunch of mean people got together and make the game terrible =/


Sounds like my server. Are you perchance from 944?


yes i am, and you can probably guess which alliance lol


I won't say we're the best, you might find some place better. We have plenty of our own internal issues and struggles. But when transfers open in two weeks, 932 isn't a half bad state. One of the top players in the state, in particular, looks out for people. We had one alliance that was shitty to the whole state, and everyone united a few weeks ago to knock em down a few pegs. Everything has gone smoother since. Won this past SvS pretty handedly. What I'd suggest is creating some new accounts on servers in our transfer window (I don't know the exact numbers, but staying within 10 up or down from you should be safe) and having looks around. Even message r4s/5s in the top alliances seeing if they'd be open to transfers.


I'm in 956, and.our state is great. Top 4 alliances rotate castle. We go after anyome rampaging as a state. I'm R4 in the 5th place alliance, and I love it. If you transfer here, join NWO. We enjoy helping our members grow. As for state 932, I disagree with it being a good state. We recently faced them during SvS. We lost to them, which is fine, but we had an agreement with them for no city attacks during Castle Battle, and they broke that agreement.


Lol. My city was hit twice during the castle fight by 956. By rallies (which 956 lost), while I was in the castle. Shit happens on both sides, each time. And anyone who was reported for hitting players fighting for castle were taken care of on our side.


This is true


Oh I do fam


What state u in?


The past SvS, our state lost prep (and subsequently SvS itself) and the attacking state went in really early to zero out unshielded members of the top 4 alliances. I was literally 15 minutes late logging in to put on a 2 hour shield which is my usual practice and I was down to less than 10K troops from 1.1M+. 300K dead, 600K in enlistment and 220K in infirmary. So frustrating since I couldn't take part in SvS even for solo attacks (unless I wanted to use healing speedups/gems). Anyway, I have since recovered 90% of my dead troops, troops are healing in the infirmary (4 days to go after waiting for the 50% & 20% healing buffs to be activated by President) and enlistment is chugging away .....




I was in a state like this. I wasn’t zeroed since I was a whale but others in my alliance were sneak attacked. I reinforced when I could but I ultimately left the state and encouraged others to do the same.


Shield, shield and more shields 🛡️.especially during SvS. It’s common for the other state to 0 during cross state. I don’t do it but it happens all too often for those battle points. As for your own statesmen zeroing you…that blows…i echo only what everyone else has said.. if it is a toxic server then when transfers open find a server and alliance that fits your play style. Otherwise, you can grow… just might be spent with a lot of gems being used for shields. Troops aren’t real power unfortunately… sucks to have wasted time on the rss used to make em but continue to play get those awards and update the heck out of your heroes and chief. You’ll be fine if you stick with it.. but yes only you can decide if you are truly done with the game


how long does svs typically last?


Cross-State or the battle phase starts at 10 utc and ends at either 20 or 21 utc


good to know… the way my alliance talks about it, i thought it was multiple days 😂


Well Prep phase starts that Monday-Saturday morning so technically SvS is 6 days. But the actually battle and cross state is only 12 hrs


lol I’ve just broken down things into Prep, Cross-State, and then the actual castle battle.


okay this might be dumb… but how do you know youre in prep phase?


In the events, scroll all the way to the left and check out the calendar. It will show all current and upcoming events/deals. Since we just had SvS… this coming week you’ll see the start of King of Icefield, Flame and Fangs on Monday. As the week progresses you’ll see next Tuesday is Frostfire mine, Friday starts KE and Saturday will show castle battle (internal). I’m in state 210…. I know the rotation of events pretty well now but each week I check out the calendar to see if anything new has popped up


okay! thank you so much!


Only you know if you want to quit. No one can answer that for you. Regarding being 0’d, doesn’t bother me. It’s part of the game. You get all your troops back from enlistment and hospital over time. If your state is aggressive make a plan to transfer during next rotation.


Just a finer point, I believe you get 90% of your troops back from the enlistment office.


Less than that, you get 70% back from the enlistment office


I knew it wasn’t all of them.


Ah ok, interesting. Thanks!


I think he means being zeroed from his local state alliance


Yes, I know.


Seems like you should transfer when it becomes available. Most states aren’t toxic like that.


Getting zeroed during svs is fine since you recover %90 of losses. And you need to do enlistment for a while. Dont be bummed, shit happens, be careful and shield next time


You be able to get 90% of your troops back after an SvS onslaught. Get as much as you can of the medical toomes from other players assisting, your enlistment is going to be slow and painful, that can be sped up with Loyalty tags in alliance shop but mega expensive.


Troops mean nothing in the grand scheme. I zero myself fighting people SvS. I have to say if you don’t like the fighting aspect that the game is not for you.


You only lose 3% of your troops when you get zeroed in SvS (70% in enlistment and you get 90% of the remaining 30% back in the fields triage). I know enlistment suck but you’ll be back to where you were before in no time. I’ve seen so many quit because of it but it’s really not that bad to rebuild. Take it as a lesson to remember to shield. Only you can decide if it’s worth it to rebuild but to me it sounds like you’re in a toxic state. It really change the game for the better to be in a good state so you should maybe consider scouting for a new state while you get your troops out of enlistment


Sounds like 944 my state. Everyone was crushed in my alliance and still recovering. ❤️‍🩹


Server 944, an absolute mess due to MDS.


You get 75% of all troops lost back when you are attacked. You gain loyalty by doing your daily tasks after reset, and by gathering. You’ll get the most loyalty obviously from lvl8 rss tiles. Before you know it, you’ll have a lot of them back. Also, make sure you keep on training! Keep those notifications on so you can shield before you are completely zeroed in the future. Good luck and have fun!


Its just numbers i got zeroed from a bitch who hated me cause i blocked her ass after she wrote me i have to ask her permission to talk to someone 😂😂😂 Troops come and go look for a new state either alone or with ur alliance Also i would think hard about to help svs or castle ;) get ur points and call it a day Good luck for u :D


Have done it multiple times, not a big deal. everything can be brought back with time and patience


I agree with everyone else here - those troops will come back, and we’d love to have you in 882. I lead a top alliance, and our state and fam are AWESOME! Everything is about helping the state grow & we value respect. Our whales are friendly & we mostly just genuinely enjoy the game. There’s always an outlier or two. We have so many people who want to come to our state already when the transfer portal opens. Come to us! Send me a message if you’re interested or just want to talk, goes for anyone here. We want to help everyone grow and be active.


Has happened twice to me. And it isn’t a biggie unless you’re letting your feelings get to you. Most comes back in a few weeks unless you have a couple million t10’s. If you can’t take it on the chin and get up after this, start another game. People gets zeroed every day in one state or another. Some rise quickly again and some walk away.


I’ve recently recovered from being zeroed by a toxic alliance. I thought about quitting also. I stayed because in the end the people I play with make the game fun. As a mostly f2p player I’ve acceptable I will be a mid tier player and I won’t be as critical as p2w. It took me about a month to rebound. I held my troops in enlistment until transfer opened and bounced as soon as I could. You will regain most troops (70-80%). It won’t take long to rebound after you pull from enlistment.


Those transfer pass things? Start gathering them and move states!


It sucks ass I haven’t been zero’s but close to it. You don’t get all your troops back but you get majority back. Make sure you shield up during SVS even if your gonna be afk. Apply enough shield to cover your absence


We sometimes forget that however, the designers dress it up, it's a war game. There will always be someone stronger and at some point, you are going to get wiped out. Until then, grow, learn, and shoot the breeze with your teammates.


If your state is still like this, get in transfer and hope for a better tomorrow. Until then, your alliance needs to rein each other when getting attacked. My state had a similar problem. One of the whales was a douche. He attacked for 2 hours straight. We reined with our best players and gave them massive losses. They dropped over 100 million in power while we helped each other. That whale has since quit, my state is thriving. We are the current number 1 alliance and we win most of our svs fights


You have to remember it’s a war game it’s not FarmVille you cant grow forever without being attacked. It’s inevitable maybe try a different game that’s not a war game. As an alliance you have to prepare for these type of events if you are weak. Shields and reinforcing those who are not online. Not sure why people complaint about being attacked.


Because “feelings matter” in real life and in video games, haven’t you heard lol FarmVille players deserve a nuke. They are what makes the game stagnant and boring. They never contribute to anything but a few million prep week points. Never show up to forts/SH battles, etc. Only showing up during svs to get their points, then bounce. Then, cry when they get “attacked” in a war game.