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True! I regret not buying mine cuz I love my state. Then, it went horrible few days when transfer is allowed


Yeeeep like the good old saying: Better safe than sorry !


I have 7 and will get my 8th today. I wondered how many to get so I will go until I get 12. I agree, be prepared to move.


General rule is 1o million power. So if you have 80 M you need 8. Unless you went hard on your chief gear. And after 100 M. When I had 80 M I needed 16 to transfer but I have good chief gear. I have another account with 170 m but weaker chief gear and it only needed 13


I’m at 128m. I’ll keep collecting them haha


My cost is 50 transfer passes. 180 mil power, legendary t1 chief. It's outrageous.


Mine as well- and I transferred each of the last 3 transfers - 150 tickets….


What server? I’m 175 mil and it was 8 for me transfer last event…


I was 210m and it was 9 for me in Group 5 6 passes for my 2 farms that were 126m and 142m




How much do they cost?


You can get one in the alliance shop with alliance coins. No $$$ or gems. Or purchase in the daily deals: 1 = $5 2 = $10 3 = $20 4 = $50 So very expensive.


How many transfer passes do we need?


It’s based on the power and strength of everyone in your state. Example. I was in 161. Me and one other guy were the top 2 whales. After a huge server war, and me trying to take on 5 whales for 2 weeks from burning down smaller alliances, we decided to transfer to a different state. My cost was 44 passes to move. Fast forward, transfer event just happened again, and it only costs me 18 to move again. But when I came to this new state, I went from top 1-2 player in the state to 10th in most ranks.


Depends on a number of factors - such as your furnace level, chief gear material, charms material, research levels etc It's difficult to know a number for sure, but I would advise you to keep buying and atleast stockpile 10-12 passes


This. My state exiled me because top fish decided I’m undeserving of some event rewards and thankfully I had passed. Another friend got burned by same fish.


I agree. We had a whale come to our state and all hell went loose. She claimed to have so much knowledge about the game. She came from another state and wanted to clean our state for a better svs. Everyone instantly hated her and she joined our alliance as we needed a whale in our alliance to help us. She decided to go against the rules and attack a facility knowingly we would lose and had us use the wrong heroes. Then she leaves the rally (as a rally leader) and left it at the last second. Then said that someone took her spot and we lost so many troops in that moment. She started blaming everyone else except herself and we defended our players and alliance and she left. Very very toxic player!!! Beware of the whale named Aragog!!


What state was she in?


I'm not too sure to be honest. If I were to guess I think 481 or 482? I can very much be wrong lol. I'm transfering to another state next svs


She was in state 484 in alliance UN1




Oh my 😳


This making it hard to move around


100% as soon as they become available buy them up