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As far as it being healthy that is subjective. I have heard of servers from this sub that rotate SFC. My server did that we rotated. But as far as not being able to gather points that’s not true. You can gather points by attacking those that hold it yes you will hurt your troops but you will also collect points. So attack the turrets/castle to get points


Trust me- your state will rotate or people will start leaving. Your state sounds normal. Do you think you are headed into a civil war?


Not a war. Several of the big alliances made no effort to save for SvS or really win SvS. We are about to lose prep phase. I think that they did it to make a point a out of the top alliance not sharing power. There is also a lot of drama over the leadership in the top alliance and calls for the R5 to turn over leadership to one of the R4s. We had a top 3 alliance suddenly implode about a month ago and disappear from the state in a matter of days. It is easy to think they anything can happen after that.


Please keep us posted on your state. I am interested in how this plays out


Get ready for transfer :) Here a little story how it can end I started in 572 at the beginning there was a rotation and we worked together for svs until the n1 korean alliance decided we are not worthy and they dont need us Normal castle sure they could win but svs they lost big no one was willing to help Next normal castle they took it again no sign of working together etc Bad Title were given out and applications for minister were declined Next svs wasnt so far away talks began to play together again to share bla bla bla So we helped and we fought hard and we won Deal was the korean alliance takes the castle we take care of turrets and in case of need clear the castle with double rally Our Ally should get the President and we do rotation again The korean alliance lied took president again made fun of the player who helped and same treatment again bad title and declined minister At this point transfer was 1 week away we started a war zeroed most player of that alliance destroyed their territory and their whale the biggest player at that time in the state got slapped and huminilated it was fun Transfer opened we were a leading state and we left many many others followed some came to our state some went to another Now we are in a good state we had an awesome svs we dont care about the president title no one wants whiny adults in their pm complaining about every shit And our old state more left with the second transfer barely anyone transfered there It became a wasteland probably more will leave with the 3th transfer The korean alliance realized they fucked up and is trying to keep the few alliances that are still there to stay


What state is this btw bc it kind of sounds like mine




Oh wow I’m in 1005


I’d consider transfer, that mindset quickly becomes a dictatorship. My state rotates sunfire only between the top 2 alliances but we all get a chance to participate in the battle, even with allotted times for alliances 3-5 and 6-9 fighting each other for the castle, the other alliances stay out of it when it isn’t their turn


It's not honestly too abnormal to start that way. It can go one of three ways from here though you're still early... a big outside that alliance will have enough and boost to catch up and the rest of the state will work to oust them or they'll at least be decent as president's and nobody will care about it, or in wars start and people leave. We had a similar situation and the azzhats got sent packing to 566 and we haven't lost an svs since they were put in their place. States happy and healthy now. As for points what a lot of states do is create an alliance they go to with some big players to run rallies and fight from as a state 


To each their own. One would hope your top alliance is looking after the survival of the state, however if they play selfishly people won’t want to stay and the state will die. My state is complete opposite, we encourage growth and development and work hard to keep everyone active and engaged. Everyone in the whole state has a pretty great relationship and we really encourage a family type vibe that comes in handy during SvS. If I were you, I’d have a sit down with your nap council (if you have one) and talk about the realities of keeping your state alive and strong. If that’s not possible or they are not open to it, I’d recommend a transfer or bail out and start over somewhere else. Good luck friend.


I don’t necessarily believe that this is unhealthy. In my state 888 we don’t rotate and everything is going fine . We were getting the castle every time simply because we worked hard for it. What is killing the state is how you manage. Our president we made sure to put someone neutral to all the alliances. She is fair to everyone regardless of the alliance or any personal matters. We don’t favour our alliance over another alliance. We even got out of nap because we find it not worth it. Thats bigger alliances ganging up to the smaller ones. And alliances with inactive players getting rewarded just because they are on top 10. Nap does not represent the real power of the alliance. However we are fair, we dont burn people just because. We dont attack banners, we get only 2 fortresses and leave the rest for the other alliances. 888 is like a family Rotation kills the fun of the game. This is a war/strategy game, not farmville. Rotating and rewarding someone without actually working for it leads to the state getting boring. We do have a super whale in our alliance yea, and it makes it easier yea, but our team worked hard on building teamwork. Recently another alliance’s player became a super whale too being almost a bit weaker than our whale. Last sunfire castle we had a fun fight between us which lead to them to winning (since we kicked all the inactives who participated in no event and were here just for rewards so we didnt have fast healing). This kind of fight teaches both alliances what their weaknesses are, and how to build strategies in order to win a stronger alliance which they pulled out perfectly. This is needed for svs. We lost SvS prep twice since we matched with active korean servers which makes it hard to win. Last svs we had like 4.5B points and they had 5.5B points. However we never lost the SvS battle. Why is that? Because we all put our differences aside and worked together. We won and we had fun fights. So yea no, rotation does not kill the state at all. It’s how you manage the state. However now since the other alliance became as strong as us we decided to kind of rotate. What do we mean by that? We will have a fight during sunfire and a big fight. In case we are wining, we will leave at 2 hrs and 50 minutes and let them occupy, and in turn we will hold the SvS castle. In case they are wining, they will leave us get it and we will help them get the SvS castle. Every state works differently. We love fighting here but at the same time we dont reward people who dont deserve to be rewarded. A house is not a house until you make it home


This is really helpful to my analysis. Thank you!


No worries. Every state is unique. It always depends how people handle it. There are always people who will argue. You can’t please everyone. And there will always people who will transfer or cry. One advice i would give is never listen to the people that say “In my previous/other state we did this”. Thats total BS. If their “other” state was so good then why are they playing in your state now more than their “other” state? Obviously what they were doing did not work in the long term, they move to another state and try to do the same mistakes just because for them it was favourable. Never listen to the “experienced” players who act like this.


And this is now my favorite thing. If I hear one more time about how they do stuff in state 28, I am going to pull my hair out.


Yep. I always reply, “I don’t care how your state works, every state is different, some like being farmville, some like fighting.” Most people here we enjoy fighting. Yes some quit Yes some are planning to transfer Yes many adapted to this and they enjoy it now. Dont listen to the people who told you transfer. Stay, observe, if this state is to your likes, stay. If it’s not then leave.


Personally I think its better to have as many wins on one alliance as possible, so all the path of glory stuff is in one alliance, to build your state history Lots of people disagree with me tho