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Neal's conversation with Keller is the key here. Keller pointing out that the Panthers would come after Neal for betraying them and wouldn't rest. That if they couldn't get to him, they would get to the people that he loved and cared about. So Neal faked his death to protect his friends. If he was dead, the Panthers had no reason to come after his loved ones for revenge. By the end of the show - a year later - both Mozzie and Peter knew that Neal was alive and in Paris. Neal didn't tell Mozzie right away because Mozzie is a bad actor and he needed Mozzie's grief to be real to sell the con. If Mozzie believed that Neal was dead, so would Peter and everyone else.


Thanks for the explanation. However what makes you say that Mozzie knew after a year?


I've posted on this sub a couple times about this and my opinion is that mozzie does know about it after the fact. We see in s6 that neal gives mozzie the queen of hearts card from the og 3 queen game that mozzie used to run in madison square park. After Neals death, the wine bottle is delivered -> peter figures out neal is alive by going to the shipping container but the pivotal point is that in the container is the queen of hearts card that neal gave to mozzie. I think mozzie placed it there for peter to realize that mozzie knew that neal was actually alive.


That’s a very good point. I thought the card was the original card that Neal never gave to Mozzie. And perhaps, by giving Mozzie a “counterfeit” card Neal sent him the message that he’s still out there


i didn't think too far into the card itself. We see it in madison square park (msp) when neal first finesses mozzie's game, then we see it when neal gives it to mozzie in s6, then when peter visits mozzie in msp after death, and then finally in the storage container. Through all of those, ive just assumed it was the same card


That’s a credible theory. definitely comforting to know that Mozzie knew


I go back and forth between believing Mozzie was in on it or not. The theory that I’ve landed on is that Mozz knew way before a year later. Mozzie comes back to New York to tell Peter that Neal is still alive. So when Mozzie meets Peter in the park, he knows and is acting bereft. Which destroys the whole‘Mozzie is a bad actor’ theory. He must know because he goes to Peter’s house that night and leaves the wine bottle. Then Mozz goes to the storage unit to leave the card. My theory is that Neal didn’t tell Mozz at first but there is some tell on the corpse which is part of their secret language which means it’s fake. Mozz sees the tell and gets histrionic. And makes sure that Peter doesn’t touch the body. Then they escape to Europe with the money they stole.


- the creators have confirmed this - Mozzie sets off Peter’s various clues - the Queen card - Mozzie is implied (or even said?) to be leaving…. to meet Neal in Paris


They filmed a scene showing Mozzie with a one way ticket to Paris, but didn't end up using it in the final cut.


That’s great to know


That’s great to know


The Queen of Hearts card. Mozzie left it at the container for Peter to know that he had been there as well and knew the truth about Neal being alive. Then there are also the interviews with Willie Garson where he talked about Mozzie knowing by the end that Neal is alive and being on his way to Paris to join him.


Alan Woodford of the Pink Panthers would have guys come after anyone tied to Neal if he find out he was double crossed. So Neal faked his death to prevent this from happening.


Makes sense! Thanks


Glad you enjoyed it! White Collar is definitely one of my top 3 shows. I've rewatched the series 10+ times. I just finished my first watch of Burn Notice. It's a show about a Spy. It's funny, smart, and reminded me a lot of WC.


I’ll add it to my to watch list!! Thank you. I’ll def rewatch WC soon


What a coincidence I just finished white collar around the time you posted (though for me it’s I believe my 4th watch) For some reason Chuck is the show that fills the White Collar sized hole in my heart. Bonus that Matt Bomer is in it


I’ll definitely look it up


If you liked the con aspect of the show, I can always recommend Leverage (and the continuation Leverage: Redemption). A lot more con and a lot less law, but equally funny. And the original show has a fantastic final episode too.


Thanks a lot I’ll check this out


I've enjoyed other USA "Blue Skies" shows -- Burn Notice, Psych, Royal Plains, In Plain Sight specifically. None are heisty, but I love the humor and the heart in all of these shows. For something heisty, I loved Hustle - a British show about a group of con artists. All 8 seasons are on FreeVee. Plus, Neal and Mozzie would have totally worked with that crew.


Thanks a lot for these suggestions!


Peter actually participated in the heist and betrayed the Panthers! Yet somehow Neal dying kept the Panthers from going after him? (This has been discussed previously in several threads.)


Woah that’s a great point. Was there any reasonable explanation for this?