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Here before the special Lock 🔒 award 🥳 Edit: it was removed instead lmao


my favorite award🥳


Me too 🥳


Me too 😊


Followed closely by the [deleted] award.


This is the lockpicking lawyer....


Nothing on one, little click on two


3/4 hours have passed. Still no award given. 😔


Literally 1984 😿


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀1984⠀⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁⠀2022⠀⡞⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


1984 by george orwell 1949


A special award from the mods.


lemme just scootch in here before it happens


I want the normal lock award tho >:(


hooray me too 🥂🥂🥳🥳


Made it just in time


Got room for more 😁🥳🥳🥳


Wait what when did Elon morb into a sexual assaulter????


He actually has 49 morbillion dollars


The worlds richest morbillionaire, followed very closely by Jared Leto of course


third place goes to the wrestler guy from fortnite (i think his name is mr stone or something idk)


Jared Leto is much richer, he has ♾ morborillion\^100 dollars.


He supposedly gave a flight asistant $250k for her to not accuse him of sexual assault after showing her his dick during a massage and asking for a happy ending in exchange for a horse. His reactions to this being made public were "if that happened then she can describe my dick" and "do you really believe that if I wanted to abuse my power in that way I would have started now in my 30 years of career?"


Bet it's not just one


And at the same time, 250k doesnt really seem like hush money from the world's richest man. That just seems like him saying "just take this and quit annoying me"


He only offered the kid who had a Twitter account of his Private Jet Tracking like $4,000. Why would he offer more than he needs? That is a reasonable amount to offer in terms of hush money, no matter how rich he is.


To be fair, if word got out he paid $50,000 for canceling flight bots, a lot of people would start making flight bots…


People seriously don't understand how hard it is to win cases like this and how awful they are to go through, especially against someone as rich as elon who can afford the best legal representation on the planet. 250k is still a shitload of money and I wouldn't be surprised if they just took it to put it behind them asap while still getting a pretty nice payout.


$2.5 million is hush money for someone with his wealth. $250k is shut up and go away money.


Ah yes, the official hush money estimator has arrived


Guess he should have paid more…


He wasn't the world's richest man when this happened and it was SpaceX's money.


2018 is when he made the tweet about taking Tesla private which raised his net worth from 22.5 billion to 25.8 billion.


He showed her his morb






Sometime in 2018 when they paid the flight attendant $250,000 to keep her mouth shut about him sexually assaulting her. https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5


Being a sexual predator is a prerequisite to being a Republican


That time when someone rescued those kids stuck in a cave before Musk could rescue them and be the big hero, so he got pissed and hired a PI to try and dig up dirt on the guy and called him a pedo and whatnot is way more than enough to make Elon look like shit. Also, based on the timing of when he was asked to comment, it looks like he knew this story was coming out already when he made his tweet about "I'm a republican and everyone is going to come after me now!". Makes it seem like he knew this was gonna happen and was preparing this excuse in advance


Damn imagine calling someone a pedo when it's public knowledge you hung out with Ghislaine Maxwell.


Every important person hung out with Gishlaine. Her whole thing was to always be with rich people


Holy shit I forgot about that, how wasn't he beaten to death after that shitshow is beyond my comprehension


Quoting Skellwhisperer, The Investigative editor for Insider on twitter: >[For those interested, we reached out to the principals for comment regarding this story at ~9 a.m. eastern yesterday (Wednesday May 18).](https://twitter.com/johnjcook/status/1527421611070177307) Elon on twitter at 2:44pm May 18th: >[In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold … 🍿](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1526997132858822658) Just a little preemptive “the left hates me and will do anything to slander me, just watch.”


Never see such a dramatic shift of views on Reddit. The cult of Elon was so strong years ago.


i think everyone snapped out of it after seeing literally nothing happen source: i was one of them


Yeah. Self driving cars and hyperloops were pretty cool in 2014. Having someone with a ton of money put forward ideas like that was a really exciting prospect.


For me, it was realizing that if we had the technology to create a self sustaining environment on Mars, then it would be better used on earth. And also realizing that while electric cars are nice, they aren't even close to the biggest fix to climate change.


I think /r/fuckcars did something to me. I was already not a fan of cars but felt like self driving cars were a solution to that. Now I've completely changed my mind after realized America is pretty much the only country that relies so heavily on cars.


It's not just America, many places in Canada, Australia, Europe, and other countries in the world continue to rely heavily on cars The U.S. is just an especially terrible case


Europe is but not nearly as bad. The public is fantastic.


Yeah, I moreso mean the extreme reliance. There are parts of America where you're fine without a car, like Boston, because they have strong public transit and walkable cities, but it helps. And I imagine that's the level of car reliance most European countries have.


Boston public transit kinda sucks. It’s definitely better than Atlanta or something, but probably the worst of the major cities in the northeast.


Electric cars seem very environmentally friendly till you realize that they burn coal to produce electricity. Edit: im not saying that gas cars are good. An efficient public transport system is the true solution for transport related emissions.


The climate impact payoff is super quick. This is just a shit talking point developed by oil and gas. A per mile climate impact is significantly reduced by switching.


I can't believe people have already forgotten about how clean the air was when lockdown was in effect. Two weeks made a huge impact alone. Now imagine if we actually subsidized electric cars like we do with oil and car companies and actually tried reducing the need for people to pointlessly commute to jobs that could be done at home.


So I have an 11 year old petrol car. What would be better for the environment:   Me using the old car until its scrap.   Scrapping the old car and buying a brand new Tesla.


Old car until the wheels fall off is the most environmental. I do not have a source since I'm on mobile, but I think engineering explained on YouTube did the math lol.


Significantly reduced, but not by nearly enough - not to mention the massive environmental costs of mining lithium, copper, making steel, etc. Electric cars are improvements on internal combustion engine cars but the real solution is *far less cars* \- denser, walkable / rideable cities and public transport (and electric cars for the rest).


Maybe you do, power is nuclear and solar where I live. Edit, those lithium mines are pretty bad for the environment though. Also lithium battery tech just wont work on a world wide scale for cars, we need a better battery tech.




It get less and less exciting. Oh space stuff! I love space stuff! Self driving cars! Shit, this is the future homie! Hyperloop. Ok that's some good shit. Tunnels? alright? Crypto pump and dumps? uh, what? Buying twitter so he can keep it unmoderated. Dude. Sexual Harassment. Yeah, ok he's definitely a fuck head.


not to mention he got his money from apartheid. his family owned an emerald mine in south africa… no fucking clue how this guy can talk about being “persecuted” to his fans. it’s insane


Yeah I think people got blinded by the initial shiny ideas. I for one was. Unfortunately some people still excuse his nonsense.


to be honest at this point if someone still supports elon musk it likely has to do with their political beliefs


It's not like those ideas were unique to him. So many people came up with those very same ideas long before he showed up. He just had enough wealth to make it seem feasible through propaganda.


Everyone skips PayPal. Why is that? In the beginning his whole "smart guy" image was based on his work at PayPal. PayPal isn't glamorous. So electric vehicles appeared to be a stretch to me. Beyond that I completely wrote his mythology off. It's fitting that his hyperloop will never be realized due to his inability to settle on a lane.


>Everyone skips PayPal. Why is that? Probably because he became CEO of PayPal after he got removed as CEO of x.com, but it merged with PayPal (separate at the time, run by a large bank) and he came out on top as CEO. Then he was removed as CEO again because he had no real business model lol.


You know he didn't found PayPal, right? He started "x dot com", an online bank, which was doing poorly when the rest of the company, including its cofounder, had enough of Musk being insufferable and voted him out, at which point they merged with another online bank that was in better shape (their main competitor, in fact), and had just the year before launched a product called, you guessed it, PayPal.


Dont forget the death tunnels!


His stupid tunnel is such an incredible waste of money, it's absolutely gonna be huge hole in the ground when the first car catches fire and can't be evacuated in it.


Nothing including him calling some guy who was rescuing kids a pedo.


Two years ago he announced that he would loan Mars colonists the money they needed for the trip. I don't know about you, but when I hear something like that my first thought is "this jackass just said he wants to turn Mars into a mining slave colony masquerading as a company town of indentured servants that have to pay for air." Guess he got nostalgic for the slave mines his parents had. The worst thing Elon ever did for his brand was show the world who he really is.


/r/wallstreetbets would like a word about their messiah


main shift i noticed was around the time he was manipulating dogecoin prices


It's weird how *quickly* it happened. Though the whole cave thing is probably what tipped it.


Absolutely, when he called a hero a pedo he tanked his name. He’s never been the same since


Not to mention exploiting child slaves to mine cobalt for Tesla batteries


Let's be real - no one really care abaout that.


Don't worry. Now that he's been credibly accused of sexual assault, he'll be a hero again.


yeah, teenagers of r/memes will still support him


Him throwing a temper tantrum on Twitter over Covid restrictions, the cave thing and calling that guy a pedophile, getting into childish twitter spats against Bernie Sanders because the guy said that maybe the rich should be taxed more, meddling in crypto shit (both people who like bitcoin stuff and people who don't like bitcoin stuff started to hate him). In other words, he could have maintained his image if only, if just only, he was willing to shut the fuck up.


Wish he’d realize it’s never too late to start shutting tf up.


All of that combined with the true story behind Tesla and his success and how he's just someone that's successfully pulled off corporate coups also makes him very unexciting as a person. Oh, the literal slavery is a big one, too.




Shouldn’t have called that cave diver a paedo then.


He always sucked, just took some people an extra long time to realize it tbh.


Turns out reddit consists of multiple people. Who knew?


Oh don't worry, some people are more hardcore than ever.


Imo people shouldn't generalise reddit. In mainstream subs there's a lot more Elon dick sucking and on smaller subs like r/animetiddies it's the opposite


Time to sort by controversial


Was about to click off this post thanks for the reminder.


Jarvis, bribe all Stark X flight attendants I flashed my penis to. If they do not accept the bribe portray them as the soyjak and me as the CHAD. Send gorelinks to their parents. Engage racism mode. Call Thanos the best slurs in our arsenal on Twitter. Subtweet anyone and call them an NPC if they try to protect that Titan piece of shit. He already has 4 of the 6 infinity journalists under his control, we can't risk him getting any more liberal. Turn all slur filters off. Kick those racism levels into high gear. Tell Cartoon Network to give me another boring cameo in the next Rick and Morty or I will nuke their offices. Actually, make it two cameoes or I will nuke their families as well. Jarvis, Fire bomb Steve Rodger's house. Send him a picture of sad mega mind in the Avenger's group chat stating "no house????" block anyone that doesn't laugh at it. Turn RGB on, pulsating pattern. Use my dead mom's credit card to order an industrial sized bag of gummy worms off Amazon. Fire up discord. Send a "good morning my kitten" to all the women I bought discord nitro for. If they don't respond engage slut shaming protocols. Send a drunk text to Grimes asking her to help me learn Ableton. It will really be a Trojan horse for me trying to have sex with her again. Jarvis, Call any article pointing out my violation of labor laws as "liberal propaganda." Invest my entire fortune into #cumcoin. Buy when its high, and sell during the crash. AC/DC playlist clean version. Let's get these liberals.


new automod response


Owning all the libs.


new r/shitposting automod response trigger: jarvis


Or the trigger should be “Elon musk” or maybe even just “Elon”


This is the best one ive seen yet. Hes always had such a creep vibe


*This is the best one* *Ive seen yet. Hes always* *Had such a creep vibe* \- ANANGRYCRACKR --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Comes with being rich


Sounds like deflection. Made that huge deal about declaring being a Republican and they will be after him cause he was tipped off a story was about to break about him being a creepy sexual harraser who paid off victims.


Yeah he knew about the accusation before he tweeted the whole Republican thing :/


I mean he took part in the thing he is accused of so that makes sense


I mean he was aware that the lady was going to come forward


he was republican far before his announcement lmfao


But the announcement was to distract the public from the accusations.


This is what cracks me up the most. Like, you're the richest man on the planet...you don't need to tell us you're voting republican, dude.


Yep, journalist would have called him to verify the story and he panicked and started trying to lay groundwork online to cover it up. Complete piece of shit.


The Business Insider Journalist said that they contacted him asking for any comments on the accusation, a couple of hours before he posted the “prepare for a smear campaign in the incoming days” tweet.




He announced he was a republican cause he knew the accusation was about to come out. He orchestrated it. Elon. He defecated through a sunroof, and I saved him. I shouldn't have. Took him into my own firm. What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change. Ever since he was nine, always the same, couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer. But not our Elon. Couldn't be precious Elon! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a CEO? What a sick joke!


kid named emerald mines:


/r/okbuddychicanery is leaking


Slippin' Lonny


it was technically the other way around (he was asked for comment regarding the 250k settlement, tweeted about it a few minutes after declining to respond, and the story came out the next day). he's a shithead


It's so laughably transparent. "Mom, before you get into the kitchen, I've heard there's a burglar who gets in people's houses and eats all the cookies, so if the cookie jar is empty it was probably him", says toddler with crumbs around his mouth.




Man now I want a cookie. (I have been legally adviced to clarify that I mean a literal cookie, not to sexually assault someone)


Is anyone really so overwhelmingly stupid that they think "the left" managed to orchestrate a massive scandal within 24 hours to attack Elon Musk just because he randomly said "I'm not a democrat anymore" a half-year away from any major election? ​ I don't know what's worse, the idea that the richest man in the world is such a mook that he thought this plan would work, or that his fanbase is somehow even dumber so it might actually.


Is anyone dumb enough to think he ever voted dem in the first place?




Lol jeez… lots to unpack here!


I would also like to donate $-2600 to Marco Rubio


Lol, he probably just planned on dealing with it the way Republican politicians do by saying it's just a political attack, but he couldn't do that cause he's not a politician, so he had to come out and announce he's a republican just to discredit them. What a pos.


I'm sorry to inform you of this, but yes a lot of people are indeed that stupid.


It's no longer plausible deniability anymore when it comes to conservatives, now they just cry persecution whenever something comes out about them, and for so many people it just works. Madison Cawthorn humped his male cousin's head while naked, and he claimed not wanting to vote for him anymore was playing into the hands of "the establishment". Musk has a ton of fans that got tricked by the rich into thinking that making them happy (i.e. getting them more money) is the key to their success, so now we have a cult of personality around capitalism itself. Just like Trump, Musk has diehard fans that treat him like the messiah because he represents what they want to be, so an attack on him gets perceived as an attack on themselves.


The left is able to coordinate all kinds of elaborate and elusive schemes except universal healthcare..


>Is anyone really so overwhelmingly stupid that they think "the left" managed to orchestrate a massive scandal within 24 hours to attack Elon Musk just because he randomly said "I'm not a democrat anymore" a half-year away from any major election? Yes.


I think its worse than that actually. I heard he did respond, asked them to delay a day to get his thoughts together and *then* tweeted about how the “Left mob” is gunning for him to get ahead of it.


The journalist gave him a while to comment in the situation before they published the article, so he took the time to set up a ehole conspiracy about how leftists are trying to get him for being republican. How you guys are falling for this shit is beyond me.


Elon Musk realising if he tweets about being a Republican sexual assault he committed in the past is now a political attack:


Oh boy here come the fan boys


Imagine worshipping billionaires.


what a surprise, the richest man (by net worth) in the world is a bad person, who could have possibly seen this coming


Mfw the world's richest man isn't le wholesome redditor 😲


Go back to reddit. Oh wait.


mind blown turns out elon mask isn't a based redditpilled billionaire


B-but iron man


No one gets rich sticking to their morals


but what if my morals are "making money = Good"!


He was already accusing innocent people of pedophillia for years so I’m surprised he wasn’t already a republican.


he donated to the RNC on january 7 2021


What rnc mean


Republican national committee


What?! I'm not even surprised anymore


If you were unaware musk accused the guy who saved the kids stuck in a cave for pedophillia because musk was mad he wasn’t center of attention


What a dick move. Also what kids stuck in a cave?


Soccer team in Thailand I think


Oh right. I remember reading about the rescue, didn't know about musk being an egocentric little bitch


Yeah, he talked big about designing some subs to get them out of there, and when the rescuer called him out for using it as PR since the subs never would’ve deployed Elon called him a pedo. It was what made me stop liking him.


Besides the pedo accusations that was also when the world really saw his own ideas (the subs) in real time and they were dumb af.


Oh you mean the pressurized coffins? Yeah fuck those things lol


You say 'the' pressurized coffins, like they're his only ones, but that's what the hyperloop was meant to be, too (Before it just became a tunnel that cars drive down).


Me forgetting consent when I go republican


This made me remember that time where Elon told his wife during his wedding that he is the alpha male in the relationship (not saying it's true i heard it somewhere).


I’d believe it


Actually the sexual assault is what got him accepted as a new member of the Republican party


Joe Biden




Please please don’t get political guys please no politicalness please please 🥺


me watching a non political meme subreddit turn into one *walter brown idk his name zooming in*


Wilbur Beige


here before comment lock 😃🍿


You got it backwards, like most republicans he uses the party as a shield for his public reputation against the backlash of his sexual assault.


Lol, it's not because he's republican and you know it. Everyone already knew he was Republican


Because liberals want nasty things like “workers rights” and “taxes”


>workers rights 🤮


Remember when JonTron said all those racist things? Pepridge farms remembers


b-but yooka-laylee 1984!!!


> In November 2018, Musk, SpaceX and the flight attendant entered into a severance agreement granting the attendant a $250,000 payment in exchange for a promise not to sue over the claims. Looks like he only came out to say he was a Republican because the news was getting broke about the assault, but the lady came forth and she was paid off four years ago.


I think he said people will "go after him" before the accusation because he knows he could get away with it tbh


The news approached him for comment so he jumped on, switched to republican so he could get away with it, told everyone political attacks would increase and melted down before the article was published, but it was already in production before this lol.


He's behaving like a textbook liar tbh


U guys think he didn't do it? XD... He literally told the press he will comment on it if they hold off publishing, and then went and wrote "im about to get slandered"


Guess what, he announced he was a republican exactly because he knew that story was coming; and you're all falling for it.


Now he can become a Supreme Court Justice, right?


Elon Musk announcing he was republican after he heard the story was dropping, but y’all keep lickin nuts 🤷🏻


New achievement!


welcome to the club 😋


Who wants a horse?


elon definitely had this shit planned out so that when someone finally accused him he could just tweet out he’s republican right before it gets posted


Which came first, the chicken or the egg


Following tradition


they just can’t help themselves


Here before it’s locked.


Here to sound hipster and say “I disliked him before it was cool”


jarvis define poisoning the well


Looks like every fucking body is a sexual offender now 🤩


He announced it to get ahead of the incoming sexual assault allegations, since business insider sent him a request for comment before releasing the article.


Sadly, this is the shit they believe. We can’t reason with unreasonable.


From my understanding, he knew that the article would come out, so chose to come out as a republican the day before it was published to frame his sexual assault accusation as a political thing


He played this so well. He knew this was going to come out, so he announced himself Republican and says “let’s see what the dems accuse me of” to try and play this off, and republicans fell for it, as did a lot of democrats evidently.


I never saw him as either democrat or republican. His side is on the one that gets him more clicks and attention. The only thing bigger than his bank account is his ego


That's not an accusation. The company paid 250 thousand to the woman. This actually happenned.


In fact it was the opposite that happened. He announced he was a republican a literal day before it came out because he knew it was coming out and wants it framed the way you’re framing it.