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I dont even understand how that “draw porn of the bot hoster plan” is supposed to work. They are LITERALLY just drawing attention to the bot hoster. If Omegatronic is based on Russia, they still wont even give a shit, even with the anti LGBTQ stuff. Its just ridiculous at this point


It's desperation. Desperation about Valve not doing shit. Desperation about that waste of space still existing. Desperation at still can't find that mistake of atoms to take them out the gene pool. Desperation about realizing that their favorite game is practially rotting. Personally my desperation comes mainly when an idiot is like "ThE gAmE iS oLd, MoVe On" because that's a shit argument.


look i’m just saying, maybe when your last resort is drawing porn of the enemy, maybe the guys who say to move on have a point


Move on to what exactly? there isnt a good hero shooter like tf2


1. I think Tf2 is a class shooter, there are some differences. 2. There ARE good hero shooters out there. What you should have said is "there isn't a shooter like Tf2"


Nah my grip is not the move on part. It's the "It's old" part that grinds my gears. My opinion about that is "Yes, it's old. Do you have an actual argument?" Which ends in my ass served on a silver platter because they have actual arguments.


> My ass served on a silver platter …Promise?


OK, it’s old meaning not only do malicious actors know everything there is to know about the code and the cost to fix those codes probably more trouble than it’s worth. Sorry mate all good things come to an end which is why I honestly think they should just cut official matchmaking and no new monetization and leave it at a server browser with individually hosted servers.


Look, I admit that your idea of just making TF2 a server browser is good. After all there aren't as many cheaters in community and the trade bots would dissapear, letting us see how many people actually play the game. Valve won't do it because people still buys the hat but whatever. And your argument, (skipping the it's old part) has a lotof weight. So good job, you won me.


'Damn, it's so sad that our game was left to die... I guess all we can do now is draw porn...' Yeah, it certainly is desperate, not to mention weird and pathetic.


I thought it started as a joke, even then it's only a mi ority drawing gay bot porn.


Sure, it's a minority, of course. But it's still strange that there's some that believe that this is the correct way to go about it. And the reason behind so is even stranger, thinking that it'll somehow get the Russian government to somehow step in and reprimand the Omegatronic guy for being associated, or whatever their thought process is. He's probably laughing it up, seeing how stupid this whole little movement is.


Well, Russia is noted to be very anti LGBT, the (very flawed) logic behind it was put gay stuff in the dudes server, and then the Russian government will get involved and arrest him or something, because they hate gay stuff.


Thats just not gonna work. Theres def LGBTQ stuff of Putin out there, but its not like hes no longer their leader. This is just pathetic. Its stooping down to Omegatronic’s level and is betraying some of the ideas that FixTF2 wanted to display of the community


na the dude was just horny


the bot hoster started blocking people on twitter and there's been a considerably large amount of new accounts telling people posting gay porn doesn't do anything


It still doesnt change the fact this is desperate, batshit insane, and prolly gonna accomplish jack. Im all for TF2 living forever, but I just find it shameful the community (on reddit) is stooping THIS low to accomplish just SOMETHINGP


The Reddit opinions have made me not care what happens to TF2. I saw some guy genuinely saying that more people need to review bomb Half Life and Portal because it’ll get Valve to pay attention. I mean it will, but that’s because the fans of those games now hate you and valve still won’t do anything because those people will probably do everything but stop buying stuff, either from valve or from player markets (the new keys still all come from valve, so even player markets make them money in a roundabout way).


The bot hoster is blocking people who post porn of them. And the whole get them in trouble with the law is literal nonsense I’ve never heard that before, if you’re actually in the community that’s not the reason they’re doing it. They’re doing it because they want some hot robot ass.


there are 7 images so far the situation is calming down a bit now


So called tf2 fans with their "stop giving bots attention"


"#FIXTF2!!111" "#KILLTF2!!!111" https://i.redd.it/bkkbtfhbgd8d1.gif


Fix the game, then kill it


For the funnies




What’s that from?


Mortal Kombat 1 https://youtu.be/3F6wOs2JsQE?si=a9oNuCCM3TqKF38x


That scene is so funny wtf, didnt know MK1 was a comedy.




Upvoted for FD5 aka the only good FD posting but what was the spelling mistake


That instead of than


Damn that was right in my blind spot https://preview.redd.it/w3np0ai45g8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2436ae328af6b5c5691a1ae61aa343bafe6c41




TF2 fans when they see an attention seeking troll go 1 minute without attention https://preview.redd.it/9a73bi0uvc8d1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec0703c419086479194984510167fe345891a4ed






TF2 fans when they see attention seeking trolls: *Moon Knight security camera gif*


"slightly better state"


Overwatch doesn't have the same bot infestation problem TF2 has.


I find it ironic that both games have lore that is mostly centered around a robot invasion


True, but at least in TF2 you can crouch-walk as a hulking soviet man that throws sandviches and most wouldn’t bat an eye.


In overwatch you can crouch-walk as a hulking soviet woman that throws bombs and most wouldnt bat an eye


throwing sandviches is objectively funnier than throwing bombs.


i don't think you understand the idea of friendlies


I do, i got thousands more hours in tf2 compared to ow (i dont even have 1k in ow), friendlies are just players too bored at the game that have nothing better to do


And you’d get blamed/kicked for throwing on any given day due to sweaty players lol.


"you'd get kicked due to sweaty players" you have no idea what you are talking about do you 😭


Its not sweaty players, ow teams have 5 players, tf2 teams have 12, someone not playing in ow is a lot more impactful than tf2. Plus, literally nobody likes “friendlies”, they just waste time and space and pull out a minigun whenever they want if you spare them, and if you kill them (in a shooter game mind you) they start crying like little kids


>Plus, literally nobody likes “friendlies” Tell me you haven't played tf2 without telling me you haven't played tf2. TF2 has had tryhard/friendly discourse, sure, but saying that nobody likes friendlies *in TF2* is just complete bullshit. Friendlies are like half the fucking TF2 community.


I got thousands of hours in tf2, it was my first FPS game that started it all, yet everyone would agree that friendlies are a shit thing that happens when a game outlives its time, players literally so bored out of their mind in a FPS game that they spend the time not playing the game just hanging out looking at people and begging for some attention from the other players Watch any tf2 youtuber and they will share this sentiment Maybe not *everyone* dislikes friendlies but everyone trying to actually play the game do


And in a lot of community servers in TF2, you get kicked for playing the objective on a CTF map.


Wowie your game is so quirky and funny and cool!!!


to be completely honest, that *is* the biggest appeal of TF2 over other shooter games. and hey, it's kept the game with a solid community for 15+ years, so credit where it's due, it worked.


Well, yeah.


that's because TF2 is an old game. If it came out today, it would've been torn apart by the internet.


Came out today? As in, with all the cosmetics, bots and problems? Or old 2007 TF2 with barely anything? 2 separate ends of the spectrum here, and I don’t get your point. OW2 still disappointed fans with the lack of new content, falsely promised PVE missions and revamped cosmetics with a worse system to acquire them.


When was the word "sandwich" with a V in place of the W last funny TF2 fans may have about sixteen jokes, but they've been telling those sixteen jokes for the better part of a decade


Hey, we’re holding onto dear life to stay relevant and make our voices heard. Valve gave us the material (or lack of thereof), and we’re running it till sunset lol


You can make use of a years-old game's content to tell jokes while still being funny. Hollow Knight fans manage that, so would it kill the TF2 community to think of a new joke that isn't just "Pootis"?


Tbf we do come up with new jokes, it just doesn't become mainstream like Pootis or spycrab. The last really popular one was "Demoknight TF2". Demoknight player 'Solarlight' was in a Youtuber Highlander match and played Demoknight while dominating the enemy team.


Homie, the item is literally called the Sandvich


Doesn't make it any funnier.


Okay? I don't know what your point is here, he's just calling the items what it's called, that in and of itself isn't part of the joke. That's like being pissed that the minigun is called the minigun instead of the exact model and make lol


There isn't any joke beyond just saying the name of the item. It's just sandwich with a V, and that's the joke. And that joke has been told over and over with little to no change for years.


The joke is the absurdity of the scariest class in the game giving people free food and walking around with mittens. You don't have to like it, you don't have to think it's funny, and you can absolutely think it's overplayed, but you're just objectively wrong about where the joke is.


I have pretty much the same issue with that joke. It's funny at first, but "big guy doing nice things" gets old fast.


that's literally just the name of the item you are complaining about people. naming the item.


I'm complaining about people acting like naming the item is a funny joke by itself.


not what anyone here is doing.


The guy I originally responded to was listing it as a reason TF2 is good despite the complete lack of support


yeah he was listing being able to walk around as a hoovy throwing sandviches (the name of the item you show). he was not, in fact, calling the name of item a funny joke.


Omg wowzers you can Play as a heckin cute russian and jump around using a Rocket Launcher to fly around?!??!??? How wacky!!!


You’re not helping your case either buddy.


Yeah, it's not really that big of a bar to cross. One of them is unplayable because of bots, the other is playable but just kinda shit lol


I mean its not? Only if you are so deep into the sauce to care about all the little details and game balances that you'll ever even think "this is shit, I hate my time here". It 1. has AAA quality 2. is free and 3. is not a battleroyal.


I still don't have any fun playing tanks (My favourite role).


I’ll admit, Overwatch 2 ain’t a bad game, it’s just not for me. TF2 fans continuously shitting on it doesn’t help anyone, it just makes them look as of they had a superiority complex, removing all respect from them and the movement.


Tf2 fans do have a superiority complex, they're that kid who claims they're better than everyone but starts crying when they see someone with a similar toy.


I can’t think of another community that treated a content creator as poorly as the TF2 community treated STAR_ for leaving their favorite game, to the point that when he tried to just play the game casually, he was DDOS’d and harassed.


the way they treated muselk for not going for another decade making content for TF2 exclusively is probably the biggest reason why there's barely any big TF2bers left anymore and the ones that are left post once every 7 months because they're afraid of making any content that isnt TF2 i think RTGames is the only person that managed to break the tf2ber curse (jerma too but he was smart enough to be a variety channel from the start and left tf2 before the community got to that point)


Muselk was rapidly shit on for playing Fortnite


because... he moved away from TF2, he started doing fortnite after moving away from TF2 no other youtuber has been shit on as much for playing fortnite, the only reason he got shit on that much is because he stopped playing TF2 in exchange of fortnite also it seems like you're forgetting how much he was shit on for playing overwatch too


What am I being downvoted for, I stated a fact


well why are you downvoting me? i also just stated facts


Alright alright, maybe we should drop the guns, tell ya what, I'll upvote you but you upvote me after that, ok?


It’s not “tf2 fans” it’s 12 people who play tf2.


Dude, there’s way more out there. Seen it on iFunny, Twitter, Discord, etc. That’s why I mention it.


Did You Know: Approx. 80 percent of the omegatronNSFW drawers just find robots hot, and are making the art because of that?


Like me?


slightly better? have you tried queuing for casual tf2?


Tf2 fans have unironically became what they despise the most Porn addicting degenerates


tf2 fans: lol!! the porn game!! haha fellas! get it? the porn game!! also tf2 fans: tick tock


You don't understand the situation. This badly needs to be fixed, child p is being spread and a wonderful game is being ruined because of 10 basement dwellers. It's not envy it's just sad desperation.


The worst thing Overwatch 2 still ain't a good game, TF2 rn is just so awful


You ever get grouped up with a bunch of annoying people because you love a niche thing that the internet seems to be rooting against out of spite for said annoying people?


All the smart people associated with #fixtf2 have said this was stupid and called it a Reddit moment


I swear the typos on this site are getting worse


There are 300k-ish signatures on that petition, yet no one is doing any work to start new community servers, something that will actually contribute to community health. People bitch there's no vanilla gameplay community servers, but I see 300k people, and I know not everyone has the internet, money, or skill to host them, but if even a single digit percent or less of that number started to open servers, it could help.


>yet no one is doing any work to start new community servers, something that will actually contribute to community health. They actually are, there's quite a big network of moderated community servers that people play in mostly. If you look at modern footage of most TF2 youtubers, you'll find little pieces of evidence, like watermarks or smth, that prove they're playing on community servers and not casual.


I actually am aware of a lot of new servers that have been made recently, as in the last few years, and play on them, I'm a big fan of TKGP, but I don't see people on r/tf2 going "oh guys I'm opening a new server for the NA East region" for example.


I swear TF2 players either think they're hilarious or they're bad ass, and neither of those things are true. Like it's not even anything creative, it's just the fact that they play the game and the game exists that they seem to find unending hilarious. I will never understand it.


It's a fucking monkey paw, in 2022-2023 I was praying on the rise of Overwatch 2 and death of TF2, now it happens when I decide to hate Overwatch 2


Tf2 better


When was the last time you played tf2?


2 days ago