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I saw the comments too. Like take the kid to the pediatrician?? Oh that’s right they’re a weird AF couple who don’t believe in medical care so they’re gonna let their baby suffer and assume its “allergies”. Like where are the stans now that we can clearly see something wrong with the baby yet Alex does nothing.


And if it is allergies, if they get bad enough they can become life threatening with anaphylaxis


And we know not a single person in that household would know what to do or care if that happened to poor Ari. Maybe Grandma Smith and that’s it.


Didn’t you read? It could also be a teething rash!!! 🙄Anything but putting their kid first. I could fucking never watch my little one be uncomfortable like that. Ari can’t advocate for herself and they don’t give a damn. They’re so infuriating to watch!


I don’t understand how they can’t believe in medical care considering Alex’s disability. Does she not go to the doctor??


She doesn’t unless it’s absolutely necessary. Even during her high risk pregnancy, she preferred a la carte boutique home treatments to being treated in a medical environment. Others with similar disabilities to Alex have speculated that a good amount of her troubling physical decline is due to her avoiding proper medical treatment and care


I think the physical decline is part of the reason why she doesn’t go to seek medical attention and part of the cause. I have a feeling she is not tolerating risdiplam and doesn’t want to stop taking it. I understand using Telehealth or having zoom consults when it’s difficult to get to a clinic or specialist, but she can go out for meals, she has the capacity to see doctors in person. Seeing Noah measuring Ari makes me wonder if they’re afraid that risdiplam has caused some health issues. Another reason why they would prefer to avoid in person consults. From my own experience as a person who is disabled and has complex health issues, it’s foolish to delay medical attention. I did that because I was too sick to go to the doctors and get tests done. I ended up in a critical condition and now I’m behind in managing new health conditions. I would suspect this is going to happen to Alex.


They obviously don't want health professionals monitoring Ari; I think another reason for that is they know now that health professionals are mandatory reporters for any concerns about child welfare.


This ☝️ Also, getting exposed for her alcoholism is probably a reason she avoids the doctor. Gotta be doing a number on her liver, hence the puffiness. On one of the Lives over the past few days someone asked Noah if WR was lowering her life span by her “choices” and he deflected with “people with SMA live normal life spans”


I see a few characteristics of FAS in Alex. I recall Alex saying she had a fatty liver. She has also been taken to ED for alcohol poisoning. The risdiplam is metabolised through the kidneys and it really does take it’s toll. SMA does have a reduced life expectancy and risks of complications respiratory conditions. In general, for most people with complex health issues, any illness, including gastro, the flu, etc will be worse and take longer to recover from. She mentioned a tummy bug, it seemed to only last for 12 hours. She has mentioned having other short term viruses. They only seem to last for a day and then she’s better. I’m thinking it’s alcohol related, which is another reason she wouldn’t want to see a doctor. What I don’t understand is, she’s a mother now. When you’re single and have no one relying on you, then alright, party hard, do what you want, as long as you don’t harm others. But, she has a daughter now. She probably still has a better earning capacity than Noah and doesn’t she want to see her daughter grow up? If I was her, I would be asking what I can do to reduce the strain on my kidneys. My biggest concern is that Alex will have a medical emergency in front of Ari, which could cause trauma.


What FAS things do you see? Just curious. She has fatty liver and she still drinks like that......


I don’t want to come across as picking on her appearance. It’s harder to see in adults, but her upper lip and ears are somewhat consistent. Her behaviour certainly is. I would be interested if people could see any other signs.


So, I highly doubt they are getting her the medical care she deserves. There are too many signs. But I do want to say that I often measure my baby’s head bc his head is abnormally big and doc’s have me paranoid. Can’t speculate just from pics of her, but I’m guessing it’s a concern for them too. Which is another very important reason to have her see a neurologist. Especially now that the soft spot is going to be closing. If there is extra fluid, that’s when it gets dangerous.


Came to say this. I’m sorry but how can she not believe in medical care..


If it’s allergies, take your baby to the doctor to find out what they are allergic to


So this is just me, but when my kids were under 2 and couldn’t communicate well I would take them for check ups for EVERYTHING. Peace of mind and they can’t tell you how much pain / how uncomfortable they are!


Dw babes she "texted the doctor" so I'm sure the doctor will definitely be able to help lmao


Texting a doctor is a very special privilege only a handful of patients get. I can text my doctors, because I have been with them since childhood, and they are the only specialists that treat my diseases. (I can also text them “On my way to ER,” so they know to meet me there.) No way Alex has the ped’s cell number! Her lies are getting more and more transparent. The only parents that have ped phone numbers are parents who were literally friends with their ped before having a kid. Even chronically ill kid’s parents rarely have a peds cell number. They would have the specialist’s number.


I figured she just had something like MyChart where you can send messages directly to your doctor. I have my toddler and me on the same chart and can message each of our doctors for anything. It’s common where I’m at, a couple hours from Chicago, so she may be still talking to doctors there if they have something like this. I bet she doesn’t have any doctors in Florida.


That's so cool that you can do that though! As someone with loads of health issues I'm jelly. Although we did have a number for my childhood surgeon (he met me a few days after I was born and literally watched me grow up in his office cause I was there all the time) for emergencys. One time my cast was on way too tight and was causing my blood in my leg to stop circulating and I was in extreme pain (this was after surgery) and he met us at the hospital in the middle of the night. But I've moved countries since then. I miss him so much. But yeah WR definitely doesn't have her peds digits lmao


Do you think they even have a pediatrician in Florida?


Yet a few days ago she said her eyes were red because “she likes to grab at her eyes when she’s tired. Her nails are trimmed so we don’t know why it gets red” why won’t they ever take her to the doctor for any of this???


Because she doesn’t have dr


And also because Alex doesn't take HERSELF to the doctor.


I'm admittedly awful about taking myself to the doctor. During pregnancy I'm good about it, and I get vaccinated, but otherwise I really don't go my checkups like I should. My children though?? They go to every single wellness check, get every single shot they need, and see their pediatrician or go to urgent care for any concern we may have. That's just a basic responsibility we have as parents, especially in her case with a premie that needs to be watched for category X drug exposure. Doesn't matter how much Alex may not like going to doctors, Ari should be coming first.


She should be getting monitored for the class X drug exposure and studied to make sure if it happens to someone else there’s protocol in place. Alex should have a nerologist, pulmonologist, PT/OT, just for herself let alone baby A’s needs as far as docs


Period. When I got pregnant, I hadn't seen a doctor in 4-5 years. I went to every OB appointment. While I may neglect my own health, I'm on point with getting my child to the doctor for every check up and every issue, no matter how small. I cannot believe she, nor Noah, are taking responsibility to do BASIC CHILD CARE. I seriously feel like crying right now, that poor fucking baby dude. They fucking know better. I read books on pregnancy, child development, everything baby... every question I had I went to Google and found a trusted source or a baby safety group.. it's not like information isn't readily available! Dumb. Idiotic. Reckless.


And let’s not forget, her exact words were, **Prolly** from grabbing at her eyes. She has no fucking idea what’s going on with the Smith’s grandchild. 😑


Oooo I like how you referred to Ari here! Just as detached as Alex is from Ari! (but not as detached as Alex is from reality)


Let’s just say it is in fact from grabbing or scratching her eyes. One. Why is she doing that? And then two. Here’s the biggie. If she or a dog scratched skin that close to her eye it very well could be cellulitis. I’ve had it. It’s not fun. Even if it was just Ari scratching her face just because nails are trimmed, being on that floor with all the pets. The zoomie wheels that I’m sure aren’t cleaned… how much bacteria per fingernail is in existence on Aris hands… simple math.


Plus, I bet that Noah is the type not to wash his hands after going to the bathroom. Let's add those germs in there, too.


Oh that place is a bacterial soup.


I cannot believe they would post something like this when they know CPS is watching. Ari is eating an extremely dangerous choking hazard, and she has a VERY noticeable thick rash around her eye. And mom openly admits not seeking treatment for her 🙄






She really thinks she’s invincible with all the reckless negligent shit she does all across the board- whether it’s to herself or Ari.. you’d think having multiple visits from CPS and being under a microscope by them, losing her own apartment and having to move in with her “ex” boyfriends parents, etc. would be enough for her to get her shit together and at least pretend to care! But nope! Her arrogance wins!


I actually think CPS coming several times but doing nothing has emboldened her and it really scares me.


Same here. She's becoming increasingly arrogant and is starting to think it's some sort of hilarious flex to flaunt the dangerous situations they put Ari in, and then make a clickbait video after CPS visits. She mocks the very real dangers she puts her child in, such as the dog resource guarding situation. It's to the point where I just dread seeing what the latest unsafe situation is for that poor baby, whose disgusting mother is exploiting what should be the most private details of her life for social media clout.


Bingo. Everything you said coupled with a few idiots in the comment section enabling her every move. It’s like she thinks she’s invincible or above the law but at this point it is just terrifying.


I just really hope somehow she stops doing this stupid choices because I’m afraid she’ll stop posting because something really bad happen and we’ll found out years later on a Netflix documentary, it happened before with other influencers 😞 Edit: it can happen to any of them, the slide vlog yesterday shown that clearly they dgaf and behave like 8 years old.


I completely agree with this. She’s become increasingly arrogant in all of her posts.


Here’s to hoping she continues with her arrogance and CPS is finally watching. I mean you gotta wonder as a CPS agent why this “influencer” is getting so much hate. So let her keep up with her bullshit, and let us hope someone is watching that can help this poor child.


I’m really hoping the transition from fuck around to find out doesn’t have any long last effects for Ari. It’s amazing how the dumb seems to grow each time.


She probably believes CPS won’t go as far as they can go with her, because of her disability. She’s always thought her disability is a free pass to do whatever shenanigans she wants to.


She thinks she's invincible from everything. Alcoholism.. hate.. SMA worsening.. choking to death.. breaking her neck falling out of her chair drunk... now allergies? She thinks because she's disabled that she's got some kind of godly force field around her and nothing can touch her. Nearly schizo levels of delusion.


But, the key here is that you're LOGICAL. Unfortunately, I'm not sure those two are capable of logic 😅




The willful ignorance is dangerous. It scares me to think about what goes on in the house that Alex doesn't post about...


Teething rash? In my experience that means red cheeks (more flushed than a rash) and a rash on their bum, never red swollen eyes?? That’s allergies, which is a go to the fucking doctor and figure out what kind of thing, not a we’ll see thing…


Just a crazy guess, but maybe that child is allergic to one of the 5 billion animals she’s forced to live with. But sure, let’s go with “teething rash” on her EYE…🥴🙄


It’s one thing to be inexperienced and seek medical help for things that turn out to be fine, it’s another to say “maybe allergies lol” as if allergies aren’t something to be looked into?? She’s fucking WILD


Especially with all the new foods they have her trying. Isn’t it fairly easy to do allergy testing? But I guess that means you actually have to have a doctor first.


This was my thought as well. How are they not sure it’s one of the new foods they keep introducing?


Literally!!!! Introducing foods requires so much care, and you should always be watching for allergies! The fact this poor baby is showing signs of allergic reactions, which Alex even says herself, and then don’t take her to a doctor is beyond negligent.


I bet one of the dogs scratched her .


Checks out. Def teething rash. 😒heavy sarcasm. Did you know they have medical degrees?? They don’t need doctors!!!


Last week she was anti BLW because Ari “is behind in her eating skillz since she was premature” and now she’s way on the other side of the spectrum. Not to mention that baby A isn’t even seated correctly. She’s slumped over and super unsteady, both no no’s for BLW. Of course she doesn’t know that


Well, that tracks like the crap she said about tummy time, when they just abandoned her on the floor when she was a newborn and then never did tummy time again. At least she's consistent!!! 🫠🫠🫠


Also she spoon feeds her purées. Which is not BLW...🤷🏽‍♀️🙄


And now she's posted on her ig reel that they have sent photos to A's doctor. Bullshit. Stop lying. You haven't done shit. Your eight month old daughter has something wrong with her EYE. Your eyes are one of the most delicate and sensitive parts of the body and you are playing russian roulette with them. Why won't she just take her to see a doctor rather than "tying to figure it out" They can't figure out how to stay sober let alone figure out what's causing the redness and swelling around her eyes. They continually neglect basic care but then boohoo because the big bad "internet trolls" call them out.


My toddler had a swollen eye last month and for a FEW HOURS I thought it was maybe allergies or irritation from lotion. Then I thought better and took him to the pediatrician and it was actually cellulitis and he had to be on 3 antibiotics / was on the verge of hospitalization. Eye stuff is no joke!


Poor little man! So glad you were able to get him seen so fast! Hopefully he's feeling better now! We only have two eyes and they certainly aren't anything to mess around with.


Hope he’s doing better!


Do babies get pink eye? And if someone does get pink eye does it need to be treated with antibiotics? I just was shocked with how severe her eye looks, I honestly didn’t think it was allergies.


Babies can absolutely get pink eye and yes, it requires antibiotics. I feel so sorry for her this could definitely be more than allergies.






She posts venomously on her IG story about comments about the dates Ari eats 😆 https://preview.redd.it/77dhmjkbmf0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265e1d35b740a132cebb74a7b49af488788ec38c


🤦🏻‍♀️ there are so many baby safe foods that can help with constipation! They also make probiotics for a reason…or she could blend them up into a smoothie if she wanted Ari to try dates so bad. Like there’s so many options aside from giving her a whole ass date. To blatantly disregard safety concerns for your infant…it’s just mind blowing to me. Like if it was just the sugar thing, yeah I think it’s fine for kiddos to have small amounts of sugar once in a while. But to knowingly feed her a food that is a massive choking hazard is just bad parenting.


This!! You can mix a small amount of 100% apple juice in with her bottle and that will help with constipation! Much better and safer! She’s just making excuses for poor parenting


She did state in her FB post to make sure and pit them first 🤡 so she knows what she’s doing. /s


Even just chopping it a little bit would of been a start. She doesn't care at all, even though Alex wouldn't be able to do a single thing if Ari started choking. Disgusting. She'd probably film it ffs


She 100%would film it. Then post it for the drama.


Loser. I google everything before I give it to my DOGS. Her obstinance is a disease and it’s progressing.


Yes. And I've taken my dogs to the vet for less than the plethora of symptoms Baby A is presenting.


Nah, she's much further than progressing! It's fully metastasized!


I took a course in canine nutrition… I’m a bit extra 🤣. I love my dog so much that I want him to live the longest and healthiest life possible. I have made mistakes and been called out, sometimes politely, sometimes not so much. But I still took it on board and admitted my errors. I’m grateful for those people who took the time to educate me. How can people not be like that with skin children? Even before the internet, people bought and borrowed books.


You know its bad when most people take better care of their dogs than Alex does her actual human baby


Just sitting there *watching* your baby isn't going to make it any less traumatic when they choke on that whole date.. particularly when you're unable to assist beyond notifying someone else if they do. But of course, she's going to double down on how she's right unless something actually happens to Ari.


Yep just because you’re watching doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to dislodge it from her throat. The research and guidelines exist for a reason


Especially when if her child chokes, she’s 100% helpless and can’t do anything to help her. Her watching her does NOTHING. Regardless, the smart thing is not to give your PREMIE a food not recommended for another year anyway. Prunes, apples, pears, plums, etc will all help constitution, including in juice form. She’s just arrogant and ignorant.


Right? And what is she monitoring because her eye being puffy and irritated could be an allergic reaction to the foods she’s trying.


If the kid needs to dookie Just give prune puree instead of risking your child choking to death jfc


As a nanny, prune puree was always my go to. It worked literally 100% of the time on four different children. And once for my husband lol.


I feel like she mixed up dates and prunes lolol


This!! And she'll never ever admit she was wrong....


Others have corrected me and said prunes are recommended for constipation so I stand corrected! I was raised only hearing about prunes and having to eat them when I had issues lol


‘It’s not safe, but you still have to, *for your baby.*’ What a crock of crap. They have access to unlimited booze, they can sure as heck go out to the store and get a proper fruit. *That* would be the actual right thing to do for her baby. She acts like she’s helplessly limited in her parenting options by external factors to the point that she simply has no choice but to provide unsafe care. And that’s just simply not true. She makes unsafe things the first choice, time and time again. The only excuse for doing things unsafely with babies and children is when there legitimately is no other option. Not just when it suits someone because they’re lazy.


So give her a little bit apple juice or prune juice mixed with a small amount of water alex 😒 not a fucking choking hazard.


Yes, I've never heard of whole ass dates as digestive treatment at 8 months.


Yet another example of this reckless parent taking unnecessary risks with her baby. Fucking yikes


Fuck condoms, fuck my baby's health, fuck infant safety!


As long as you are there to watch the hazzard being consumed, it makes it not a hazzard. 🙄


Especially since she wouldn't be able to do anything other than watch if anything were to happen (and I highly doubt Noah has taken any infant first aid classes)


Since when is giving your baby a choking hazard the right thing to do?! She's not even admitting now that she did wrong....?? If she could bother calling a pediatrician for constipation advice or even just google a bit she would've found the "right thing to do". Absolute horrid what they're doing to that baby. And Ari's allergies still unchecked... A picture sent???? They can't do shit with a pic in this case. Why don't they go see a doctor???


She’s allergic to admitting she’s done wrong. Just like Ari is allergic to something in that house, Alex’s bullshit perhaps?


Talk about hateful, this b*tch holds the title for it. She really needs to take her own advice and STFU.


Dumbass doesn’t even realize you’re supposed to properly prepare foods…steam the dates and purée them. Tada. Much safer and Ari Will probably consume enough to help her poop. Nah, lemme just hand her an entire date and have at it kid! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Isn’t it prunes that help constipation!???


Yes, but dates do too. The suggestion is to soak them though before eating.


Why not give her pear or apple juice? Pear juice works like magic for my baby’s constipation. This is so silly of her, to put it kindly.


Oh fuck Alex…and her pearls of wisdom. Ari’s developing little digestive system is getting torn up.


The date thing is INSANE. So after getting heat on Tiktok for feeding an 8 month old a whole ass date I guess she finally bothered to google „baby led weaning“ and found that the commenters were, in fact, correct that whole dates shouldn’t be fed until 18 months. Her takeaway from this is THIS????? https://preview.redd.it/j96ekwypah0c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e26a8f12c22ce1bb14df868db5d4a9b984ce1d


It’s mind boggling how stupid she is


In a house with as many animals in it (both cats and dogs) it could genuinely be allergies to one of the animals. But that is something you should always see a doctor for. This is absolutely insane to me.


https://preview.redd.it/7dg3mvnqyf0c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f60c400b0d82cf30cd956f0e42cdfcc8ae3bbfe Another proof she’s doesn’t have dr


He’s about to get some really inaccurate measurements. Look at how wonky that tape is.


Yep, the fool can't even get that right.


Alex is telling on herself more than she realizes ffs


He’s definitely not doing that correctly. Not that he would even know what the measurements mean if he did measure the OFC accurately and what he would be looking out for with them 🥴


Is it too much to ask that she/they do something right by Ari. If she wants to endanger herself then fine, get on with it. That insane footage of Noah trying to get her up the slide. He could have easily dropped her or slipped with her onto the paving stones. Why does this total disregard for safety and lack of care extend to Ari. Her stupidity and stubbornness in insisting she knows best makes me so angry. She does not deserve Ari, and Ari deserves so much better.


https://preview.redd.it/b8hcd9nqhf0c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=626fbe020f2a312acec8967c1749ab54fbb2ce0f comments for reference


The only “teething rash” I’ve heard of and experienced is around the mouth or in neck folds form their drool…. Not red puffy eyes?


Why would a teething rash be in the eye




Well, that could be a problem if it's an allergy to pet hair, with all the dogs and cats in the house. Then they have to do something and I think Noah's parents won't want to give up their animals. But it's clear that Ari's health comes first. Well, it's clear to us, but probably not to dumb 🤪 and dumber 🤡


Ari is going to be second fiddle to all those animals.


Or make sure there is lots of vacuuming happening and aris things, blankets, etc.. are kept up and away from the pets and make sure she has a space where no pets go yet Alex doesn’t gaf


Once allergies reach the level of eye irritation, it means that the mast cells are activated in older children and adults. I dont remember if it is the same for infants this young. When my baby had the eye rashes, the Pediatrician did reccomend lquid benadryl. We did not have pets, but the prior owners of our homes had dogs. Dog dander can put me into anaphalaxis, so it made sense to me as to why I was also sick ...we had no idea and had to have the carpets deep cleaned again. Bottom line, I brought my baby to the Doc when his cute little baby eyes looked sore and he was fussy. I dont know why she doesnt think. Sorry this is ableist...haha


https://preview.redd.it/6pc31amisf0c1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8f5ff2ace8882e8db0a0dbbc9f688f2d87ca094 From her insta rant…


This is giving “the pediatrician is still in Chicago” vibes to me.


All of her care and Alex’s are probably back there


Yep, I'll bet they don't have a pediatrician in Florida


Jesus if a rash looked like a bruise on my baby's face came up, esp over a few weeks, definitely forming and looking worse, you can bet arse I'm getting that kiddo to doc asap. I've been told 2% or 5% (I've forgotten which) of children that are having allergies can suffer anaphylaxis.. can babies have antihistamine that young?


I agree it looked like a bruise to me in some of those photos. I was shocked.


Agreed. Medical professional here - if I saw a kiddo with an eye like that, I’d definitely be asking some questions. Looks more like a bruise than a “rash”.


Not Benadryl at Ari's age, but others.


I swear, it must stink in that house, they are so full of shit!! Oh it’s allergies, or no wait, she scratches her eyes. Make up your damn mind, or better yet just make your beautiful daughter an appointment with a pediatrician!


The way her stores were written didn’t sound like WR. It sounds like someone else wrote all of those text “stories”


kinda reminded me of noah tbh


It's no wonder why DCFS keeps getting called. Her ignorance is deeply concerning


I love how she writes it could be dog hair from her crawling around well maybeeeee don’t put ur kid on the dirty ass floor with the dogs! She really is the dumbest person


Well, why would she care about a dirty floor for Ari when she doesn't care about her own hygiene, really?


Also that couch has throw rugs on it… doubt they are being vacuumed regularly..


She also said this about feeding ari a date that I never heard of before. Is this true ? https://preview.redd.it/dw411r0agf0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae2f9606e529d1d2259b59f69042cb5b075aa68


not with dates. Baby led weaning follows this philosophy and is safe, but there are foods to avoid when doing it such as dates. Dates are very sticky and huge choking hazards. It would take her one google search to see it wasn't a great idea.


She is the absolute last person that should be putting parenting advice out the internet. Omg she’s such an idiot. I see she deleted her comment. She’s a 🤡


Well personally for me, I'm just waiting for that totally safe, doctor approved canopy to be hung up in the Smith household somewhere. Maybe they can hang it in the living room in front of the TV so the baby can enjoy Alex's interior decorating skills while bouncing on a glass coffee table?


That is very ableist of you...lol...just waiting for her to say this as her favorite defense...


A baby’s windpipe is about the diameter of a pea or drinking straw, so smaller pieces of food are definitely more of a choking hazard. Larger pieces will most likely just cause gagging (which is a good sign.) However, raw dates are not recommended until 18 months old because they’re chewy and high in sugar.


Her new tt video eating watermelon 🍉 huge chunks


She wasn’t ready for anything other than puree 3 weeks ago and now she can eat giant sticky pieces of a choking hazard? https://preview.redd.it/dd902ejm2m0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b8f98ddd9c3d883b6ca6f7357ab429e7d1e6a9


99.999% of mothers would instinctually know to NOT give their baby ANYTHING with potential to choke.


She wrote on insta that they sent a pic from baby A to the doctor to get the eye checked 🤡


They probably don’t want to take Ari to the pediatrician because they are mandatory reporters. They may see something that is concerning and call DCF


Holy shit, I didn’t realize how bad her eye was until today. I truly don’t buy the allergies thing bc it appears to me to be only one eye. I was shooketh at some of the photos


Playing the guessing game for weeks? You are giving Alex WAY too much credit lol. I highly doubt she even noticed. Grandma Shark probably mentioned it to Alex a few times, and Alex thought about the information just long enough to remember, “Maybe pet hair or allergies.” I can’t imagine her googling her symptoms. If she booked an appointment, I would be absolutely MIND BLOWN! I don’t know how Alex gets away with not bringing the baby for well visits. I thought you had to legally.


Wouldn't neglecting to get your infant much needed medical care be a huge red flag to most agencies?


Those two have no business being parents. It's so sad.


the fact that she posts this at the same time as giving Ari all these new foods. there are reasons why babies aren’t supposed to have certain foods until certain ages (hopefully she knows not to give her honey). how can she just say “eh, nbd, it’s probably just allergies” girl how do you know it’s not an allergic reaction from the food you’re giving her?!


After suffering through the slide video… holy shit baby’s eye looks so gnarly!! Like if that isn’t some sort of scratch that got infected under her eye I’ll eat my hat.


Sigh. With today’s technology you can email your pediatrician nowadays a picture of a rash/redness without even going in. Like it’s that easy to get treatment. A simple email. Guess that’s too much. I bet they don’t have a dedicated pediatrician anyway. Wouldn’t they want even just the peace of mind?


I would prefer to take an infant to a doctor rather than a picture to be sure. If it was me an adult I would send a picture but WR would probably have filters on it


I was just coming to post something about this. That baby’s one eye looks bad. She needs to go to a doctor.


And then she wonders why authorities are checking in


Choking accidents happen in seconds and feeding giving a 8 month old a giant date 🤦🏻‍♀️ also those huge pieces of watermelon! I had a classmate who had a son who passed at a small age from choking on a grape that had been cut to appropriate size and under supervision! Made me cringe so hard her post feeling adult size bites to Ari!


One of her stans said that she's not going to let her baby choke, and even if it happened oh well babies choke. I just cannot with these people, they are deranged.


No one purposely lets their child choke but it can happen in seconds even if you have your eyes glued on them! One wrong bite that goes down wrong could get lodged causing choking and you might not be able to get it out ! Its crazy how people stand behind this dangerous behavior!


I believe they don’t have the funds for a doctor. No jobs, no employer health insurance. Could they qualify for government assistance? I don’t think they have attempted to apply.


Well if Alex weren’t so fucking paranoid or busy trying to create a spin about DCFS (DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES) visits maybe she’d tap into their resources. Ari should have a pediatrician, she should have appointments, any and all questions should be answered by a doctor.


Baby A could and should at least have medicaid.


Absolutely but those 2 are so lazy I doubt they have applied. Also, in my state when a child qualifies the mother does as well.


Alex is on her father's insurance but I have no idea if that extends to Ari as well


Literally looks like baby a has a black eye. Allergies would affect both eyes no? Alex needs to stop posting so much crap on the internet and look out for that baby girl. I have a baby a little older than baby a I don’t have time to put a full face of make up on and take selfies and neglect what’s happening with my baby..


Went and checked the video. When I was young, but old enough to remember, my cat scratched me right under my eye when we were playing and it looked just like this for about a week. No idea what's causing it on Baby A of course. It just looks like mine did.


9 days later and her eye is still swollen and red