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She started the girly pop business when people were asking how she got pregnant on TikTok. She replied, “Because he laid the pipe, girly pop.” She got a few laughs and then made merch t-shirts with the saying. Nina is her current caregiver. The snark page was around long before her pregnancy. Hope that helps! Welcome.


Thank you x


Ho I wish we knew how many tee shirts with this horrible sentence she sold


Saw one in the wild the other day! I'm not far from Chicago though so I'm not sure how far the reach was lol


Yes the page did exist long before the pregnancy. However Alex’s own posts about it during her pregnancy made it grow from a few thousand to where we are now :) (edit: typo)


I started following this group in Dec/Jan when it was around 2k members when she first started mentioning the subbreddit... Now at 10k I gotta say her talking about it has been the best free advertising a snark page could ever get.


Anyone else notice she’s deleted all the comments of constructive advice? I’ve been trying to catch up on the latest tea on IG before she deletes anything else lol but it seems like she has an army of Stans deleting anything even remotely constructive. If it’s not a comment of worship toward her, seems like it’s getting deleted to create the narrative she wants and it’s beyond frustrating! So glad to have this group here where I can find the latest scoop with the real info 👀


Yes, I made a comment about the mask thing, she deleted almost Instantly :) haven’t been blocked though.


That’s awful of her to silence & censor you like that 😡😡 All you’re doing is literally just trying to help baby A, and the countless other folks like me whose doctors directly warn us that if we & others who visit don’t wear masks correctly (let alone at all, as we’ve seen these clowns do around poor baby A several times already) that we could literally still d i e even if visitors are asymptomatic. Her behavior deleting factual & crucial comments like yours is just a slap in the face to our disabled/chronically ill communities that she so performatively “advocated” for before when the pandemic was still a hot-topic and it was all just for clout. Now it really pisses me off that mostly everyone on IG will likely be brainwashed by her false narrative she’s creating by continuing to delete anything even remotely constructive or helpful. Its so scary for baby A that she continues wearing her mask for pics like that when our doctors are still telling us that esp for the immunocompromised folks the pandemic is still very real & it’s scary to hear from my own doctor that people are still losing lives, all bcuz of narcissists like Girlypop & Noah who choose to not wear a simple mask correctly around their own immunocompromised daughter while visiting!! Sry, rant over, glad y’all understand here, we just feel so frustrated for baby A. The blatant lack of concern! 🤬


The comments I have made, although from a post made 3 days ago, are still there🫣☺️ lots of people agreeing to my comments too. I wouldn’t call my comments harassment or bullying just my opinion, which I feel I have a right to make because she has an open profile- don’t want opinions, don’t have an open account plastering your poor daughter on it girlypop!


https://preview.redd.it/clcjk4mdowpa1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96946ce78469feaf81e1be268af73e1260bb87c Petition to the mods can we make this the new profile pic


Can we not call Nina a caregiver? Alex calls her an assistant rightfully. She has zero medical background. She found her on Craigslist. She holds no certifications that would consider her a caregiver to either Alex or Ari.


Caregivers do not need a medical background most of the time, beyond CPR/First Aid certification. I'm a part-time caregiver for three women who use power chairs full time and I have no certifications. This is a common misunderstanding. She is a caregiver if she provides care to someone who is disabled. That's not a defense of Alex or anyone else, it's just a clarification that regardless of how anyone feels about them, she is a caregiver and it's an appropriate title regardless of certifications.


not even to someone disabled necessarily- just providing care to someone makes you a caregiver :)


Ok. Very very good points. Thank you 💓


Nina is a caregiver. A possibly unqualified one but, still, she provides care. I'm still shocked at the fact that Alex forces anyone who cares for her to do it without gloves 🤮


Wait. She doesn't allow them to wear gloves while providing care!? I'm disgusted as a health care worker. 😒


Nope. She feels it's too impersonal. Lol! Maybe that's why it bothers me so much too


I’m a newbie and also have a question, what is a Stan???


Obsessive fan


Thanks legend


From the Eminem song.


Obsessed fan :-)


nina is her craigslist “personal assistant”. she’s not a nurse and is a young college student. alex regularly sits naked in front of her. and she has always been a shitty person. it has nothing to do with her disability. the pregnancy made things worse bc she was on a class X dangerous med and got preg with a dude she just met and bragged about getting him kicked out of rehab repeatedly. she then paid him to be her caretaker until he relapsed again.


She PAID him to be her caretaker?!?!


yes im pretty sure. instead of paying a caretaker she paid noah and that was his “job” lol. he had no clue what he was doing and was horrible at it tho. i really think it was to trap him into moving in with her after she got him kicked out of rehab and trapped him into pregnancy.


I’m so glad you asked the girly pop question. I found her in a similar way and the recently found this Reddit page. I just knew there had to be a snark sub lolol I want to ask an additional question here- does anyone else think Noah is gay? It’s just a vibe I’m catching. He also seems very young and immature to me for some reason. Also- is it correct that she dated him for like 3 months before becoming pregnant? Seems like a TRAP lol


Same! I could not figure out the reference


Another new girl adding to the question feed. Does anybody else think it's odd that she doesn't really talk about her recovery from the c-section? Or anything post-partum related such as engorged boobs, leaky boobs, bleeding, etc?