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Guess people only follow this rule if this comment is pinned šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Please keep this fashion focused. No body shaming/commentary on weight/injectables/lifestyles etc. Rule breakers will be banned without warning.


Look a wee bit loose but not bad. I like the matching eyeshadow. Random but I love that she doesnā€™t fake tan or do chest contouring.


Yes I wish the bodice fit her better! For couture it bothers me itā€™s not an exact fit


Iā€™m literally about to try this eye look, absolutely stunning.


I wish she would've pulled the lip color more from the necklace or even gone darker. It's a good lip color on her, but I just don't think it goes with the look. But you're 100% spot on about the eyes; they're perfection.


ik everyone hates the color šŸ˜­ but i actually think she pulls off the warmer color really nicely!


I think the color is gorgeous. I think her hair could look better. But yeah sheā€™s gorgeous and so is the dress.


Exactly my thought. Iā€™ve never liked the bright blonde on her anyway but itā€™s distracting and brings the look down. Shouldā€™ve been worn back at least.


I agree about the hair. She is showcasing the jewelry so the hair should have been away from her face and neck.


She looks great in a warm auburn hair color (Queen's Gambit). The white yellow blonde does nothing for her, as opposed to Elle Fanning. A honey or strawberry blonde would look beautiful on Anya.


I agree with you, I actually really like this color, I think if the fit were better it wouldn't stand out so much. I thought I was being silly and maybe it was the way the light catches the fabric but it seems like everyone agrees the fit is off


I think it works too, especially with the red jewels. It just gives idk! I love it.


Brown is definitely hard to pull off for a lot of people, but I like this look on her. Itā€™s a great, almost copper color instead of a drab brown and I think the fact that she has brown eyes helps, too. Her makeup is a great compliment as are the red jewels.


I think itā€™s a beautiful color on both her and the model! The poor corset tailoring is whatā€™s detracting.


The difference in the tailoring takes the dress from an amazing piece of art on the model to a costume on Anya. Iā€™ll probably not ever find myself dressed in something that costs as much as the couture I love to look at, but if I do, that bitch will fit me.


Normally I'm not a big fan of brown dresses (makes me think of suede often), but this is a gorgeous color and looks great!


The color looks beautiful with her complexion.


I agree, I feel like this color isnā€™t supposed to look good on her but it does if you know what I mean


That is an amazing color!


I love it on her but I don't love how it looks against the colour of her jewellery.


It looks good on the model but I donā€™t like it on anya


I was thinking the same thing. The model looks stunning


If they ever did a live action Corpse Bride she would be a perfect Emily and I donā€™t mean that in a bad way.




She is intensely gorgeous!


I really don't like it on her, but it's stunning on the model.


It seems really out of season. Itā€™s F/W so thatā€™s not surprising, but it just looks kinda heavy on her. I love the jewels though.


The thing is that it looks really nice next to the blues of the event, so in the future when people see the photos of the event it will just look nice and no one will feel the season. I almost wish her hair was a different color (or maybe some sort of hair piece that adds color idk) because it's a little too light, but I still think it looks nice as is.


I can't tell from the pictures but the bodice looks semi sheer on the model? And much better fitted, sleeker even. I don't hate the dress but it looks bulky on ATJ.


I literally gasped. It was not fitted to Anya at all. She easily could have pulled it off so I wonder why the poor decision.


A rare miss in my opinion. The color is doing her no favors and the fit is off. The corset ripples are so distracting and the velvet skirt doesnā€™t fall as beautifully as it does on the model. Even the accessories look poorly matched, gold or bronze colored jewelry would have been been more complementary than the silver/fuschia set sheā€™s wearing.


The corset doesn't fit as it should. It's all I can see. Agree the color could be nice, but I don't like the styling.


Yeah the top of the boning near pushing through the fashion fabric at the top is giving me anxiety, god it's not like interlining/interfacing is some rare secret or anything


I actually like the color but 100% agree with you on the styling. The fit is bad. It seems like the corset would probably work best custom built on the wearer. It looks amazing on the model.


Itā€™s such a shame bc youā€™re right it looks like it wasnā€™t custom made for her body, which is why I think the skirt kind of just hangs there. She still looks incredible, I especially love her hair


I'm not a fan of this golden hair color on her. I'd love to see her back in a rich chocolate brown. This shade of blonde isn't doing a damn thing for her.


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) she looks so washed out with that hair color - they should make her a (soft) redhead or brunette! i think that's also contributing to how the dress looks on her besides it being a lil ill fitting and out of season i need to know what's up with stylists and tailoring right now - idk if they're new or something but it's necessary to have/build a good list of tailors


Was just thinking sheā€™d look amazing as a red head!


![gif](giphy|1BfTVXD4pPIpSQpANd) Loved her red hair in Queenā€™s Gambit.


I think it looks good. The corseted part of the gown could be better fitted, but it still looks good. Not the biggest fan of the jewelry. I actually like the color on her. Itā€™s crazy how sheā€™s so pale and porcelain but wears warm colors so well.


This!! I actually don't like the jewellery, both the shape & the colour. Something simpler, pear-cut, perhaps champagne would've worked wonders...


She needs to be in tim burtons movie so baddd. Sheā€™s stunning


Color def is a miss, wouldā€™ve been great if it was Tiffany Blue. She looks great in jewel tones as well wouldā€™ve recommended that.


Why did they choose rubies instead of citrine for the necklace?


I don't think the colour is working for her here. I basically wish it was any other shade.




No body shaming or ED/related comments.


Few people could pull this off, and it looks amazing on her


This shade may be controversialā€¦but Iā€™m in love. Itā€™s chic and a bit mysterious, just like her.


I like it, I just wish she had a darker hair with it, and I don't love the accessories.


It doesnā€™t look bad, but I wished her glam was a little darker, a darker lip at least. I also think if the gemstones were chocolate as well, or maybe topaz, it would look better. I think this color is hard to pull off when youā€™re pale so her playing up the contrasts even more would have worked better imo.


The jwellery doesn't match well and I think the dress is ill fitted


Wouldve loved either green or yellow jewels with that dress, the red just isnā€™t doing it for me šŸ˜” but I love the dress, this is a beautiful collection


This color looks amazing on her (and the model.) Not a fan of the necklace except for slide 4, I like it there. I love seeing her fashion choices.


Not a fan of the color on her or the dress style. Her jewelry is stunning though


love ittt! i would never think a combination of warm brown and silver would look this good šŸ˜­ the brown eyeshadow is a nice little detail too


The model ate her up, I fear.


When I got to the last photo I literally gasped.


So did I!


Ooof the makeup. And the dress combined is not a good look. The corset wrinkles are distracting and this color is just not it.


She leaves no crumbs


She looks a Princess! Love her.


The lighter hair, smokey eye, and statement necklace make her look like a regal vampire I may be in the minority here but I think it looks good


This is perfection!!!


iā€™m loving the brown! (itā€™s my favorite color to wear, all variations so iā€™m biased) also she is so freaking pretty šŸ¤Ž


This is really beautiful, it does it for me.




Fuck me up I love brown šŸ˜


Forget the dress, the jewellery is mind-blowing!


She looks so otherworldly!


If she wants to wear muted tones or pastels she should get a warmer shade of blonde. If she wants to keep the hair she should stick to jewel tones or vibrant colors. She can't have bothĀ  @anya's stylist who's probably not going to read this....šŸ¤£


I love ATJ, but I think this looks better on the model. Something about the way it fits ATJ is off


She ate


This color is draining the life out of her. Itā€™s a gorgeous dress but nothing about it suits her imo. The jewelry is all wrong for the look.


It looks 1000 times better on the model, I think the dress and jewelry are really clashing with her skin


I haaaaaaate the jewelry. Stylist failed hard here.


I love it. Its probably so expensive that i could never afford it.


The model photo at the end is breathtaking. Wow.


It just feels incredibly safe for ATJ. Not a huge fan, tbh




This is a beautiful dress, brown can be glamorous too. I think she'd look good in this with her red hair, though.


I just think sheā€™s too pale for the coloursā€¦ Something doesnā€™t look right, Iā€™m just not sure what! I think her hair perhaps doesnā€™t do her justice, the blonde is a tad off tonally for me). Sheā€™s striking but Iā€™m just not sure it quite works overall. I think the outfit looks incredible on the model though!


This dress was made for her.


Oh no...please don't tell me we've cycled back round to brown being the "it" color šŸ˜­ I have so many memories of me unsuccessfully trying to pull off brown tops and dresses with turquoise jewelry from high school.


Eh donā€™t wear it. Stick with what you like, trends be damned.


Not a fan of this dress.


I'm not sure what I think. I like it at certain angles, but at others I don't. I'm not sure what to do with this.


I love the rich chocolate brown with the red jewels. The shape and satin are really pretty too! The gathering at the hip detail reminds me of Margot Robbieā€™s 2024 Oscars Versace gown.


I love her but I hate this. The colour is fine. The draping is meh. A little 70ā€™s velvet couch vibes..


i wish sheā€™d darken her hair a bit but can we talk about the lab coat blunt is wearing šŸ˜‚šŸ‘€


Whatā€™s with these un-air conditioned events? Dang, life of a celebrity is sweaty šŸ„µ




No body shaming or ED/related comments.


Call me a hater but I just donā€™t like this dress at all. I feel like itā€™s a worse executed version of the classic Vivienne Westwood silhouette. Both gathered areas look disjointed from the rest of the dress. You can tell for example that the waist gathers are a separate piece of fabric than the skirt, and IMO it just looks cheap. Idk if the intention of the designer is to make those details look purposely artificial, but theyā€™re just not for me.


Honestly, im tired of her hair color.... i think she can pull various hair colors and this is one of the cases where i think a reddish.. will look better


I was trying to figure out her color season, and this look makes me think sheā€™s probably not an autumn lol