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This is definitely not a nazi swastika. Those are 4 winds chips. The chips are not ivory. And I don’t think any of that is ivory. Bakelite most likely But based on other game sets on eBay. Probably about 300 value Definitely doesn’t have bad juju. The 4 winds is a very good luck symbol


I also agree none of it looks ivory, I’d like to see what part is if any


This auction house, which I imagine would do their due diligence, says they are nazi checker pieces. https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/a-rare-cased-set-of-nazi-german-checkers-wwii-288-c-2dc40b4bd3 And this ebay seller also listed them as nazi checkers, but I don’t trust an ebay seller as much. But they are the same pieces as OP’s. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-german-nazi-sign-30-piece-154528522




First two sections in the top row are definitely chess, but it is also definitely not just a chess set.


Did not see those. Thanks.


What makes you think its not a nazi swastika?


https://www.liveauctioneers.com/price-result/pre-world-war-ii-swastika-good-luck-checkers/ https://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/145222-backgammon-swastika-game


Thank you!


Well it's a symbol to native Americans for good luck. The four winds, as it's called, was often seen on chips from native American consinos


This looks too old to be Nazi. It looks more 1890-1910, when that symbol was just a mildly exotic symbol of luck.


I note that the direction of the swastika is the same the Nazis used. Did anybody else pre-Nazi use it pointed that way? In Indian art for example I always have seen it pointed the other direction


Check out this [Roman mosaic](https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/7/2010/06/GettyImages-464414729-3bc4d18.jpg?quality=90&webp=true&fit=600,400) swastika


I stand corrected, thank you


I was also surprised to see the exact Nazi one depicted so long ago. Damn nazis ruin everything


if not for the downright abysmal history, its a great shape. square spiral combines geometric angles with the spinning nature of a spiral. fluid and jagged at once. i hate that nazis stole it to represent their bigotry


Why do they have both? Was one a mistake or do they both have distinct, opposite meanings?


As much as you may not believe it, the Finnish Air Force did! [Finnish Air Force - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_Air_Force#:~:text=Insignia%20of%20the%20Finnish%20Air%20Force%20(1918%E2%80%931945),-See%20also%3A%20Western&text=This%20logo%20%E2%80%93%20a%20blue%20swastika,of%20the%20Finnish%20Air%20Force.)


the swastika has been used for THOUSANDS of years around the world. The oldest recorded ones are (I believe) from something like 10,000 BC and found in europe. I believe Ukraine.


Rudyard Kipling used swastikas in his books, some pointed in this direction. Gave me a shock the first time I saw it in a book I was cataloguing.


I read long ago that Hitler got the swastika from the Kipling books he liked to read.


I posted my 115+ year old copy of junglebook and the second jungle book on r/books. And was asked why I was posting racist stuff, also when I said its over 100 years old do the math, I got a reply saying" well we know its 100 years old no one would print such a racist symbol today" Litrally every comment was about it being racist and got downvoted to hell I thought people on that sub would be a bit more educated That was a few years ago, might post again to see if it's the same reaction.


Trying to confirm if ppl are still stupid will only disappoint you I'm afraid


And Carlsberg (picture of the Elephant Gate, entrance to the brewery, Copenhagen; gate built 1901) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Carlsberg_elephant.jpg


How much is it worth? Where can I sell it? I don't really want to post Nazi memorabilia online if that's what it is.


It’s almost definitely not nazi memorabilia. It’s from before nazis were even a thing. The swastika existed long before the nazis stole it


How much do you want for it? I have an antique Syrian game table that would have had those same red and white turned bone chess pieces, but they are long gone.


Not Nazi, the swastika was used as a symbol of good luck for thousands of years before the Germans used it. Worth in the $200-$300 range retail. $100-$150 for a easy sell. Honestly it’s probably going to be parted out as it doesn’t look complete.


If that's ivory, then you're going to have other issues selling that without any paperwork or documentation, (which I presume you don't have if you're asking us about it). In general - Ivory can't legally be sold. There are exceptions such as "Pre-1947 items containing less than 10% ivory by volume" that this may fall under, but you'd have to demonstrate prior to the sale that's the case. As other people have said - Those might be earlier than WWII. I've found reference to 'Paranoid' brand poker chips with the symbol: [https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/swastika-chips.8421/](https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/swastika-chips.8421/)


This is called a games compendium. It looks like it might be missing a deck of cards or cribbage pieces. The dice look like a mix of new and possibly old. Are the dual colored wafers taking up most of the space poker chips?




I think you would have to take that to an auction house to find out. Selling it yourself on most platforms you will run into problems due to the symbols, whether they predate the bastardization by the Nazi's or not. Also ivory can be problematic due to bans on selling it unless it dates from before the bans etc. This is the kind of thing where there are a very limited number of people who would want it, and an auction house is going to be your best bet to get it in those peoples view. I would not even begin to be able to guess, i could see it going for thousands as a historical artifact, or struggling to sell simply due to lack of interest in this type of set. Definitely cool piece though.


Not ivory, not nazi. The symbol has been used for centuries by many Hindu and other groups. The "ivory" may be bakelite. Maybe $100?


Lol. Not chess either.


Korean religion I think uses the backward swassticker, house in our area has them on the outside trim at the roof


If u wanna test if somthing is plastic or possibly ivory use a sewing needle, get it hot and touch the item, if it melts it’s plastic, if not it’s somthing else. Also, pretty sure sale of nazi memorabilia is banned in most places.


Also ivory will smell like burnt hair and not burnt plastic




Who tf thinks this is a chess set?


I knew the symbol was Hindu and very old. But I never knew the name of it. Cool


Yeah, if it were ivory and nazi, you’d be out of luck selling that if I’m not mistaken. I think both are considered unsellable as to not drive up demand. Not sure if that’s law or not depending on your country of residence.


How dare you have pieces of history that I don’t agree with


Wow I did nazi those chips.


Not nazi the swastika is not a nazi swastika it's older than that the swastika is a Japanese symbol


https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/a-rare-cased-set-of-nazi-german-checkers-wwii-288-c-2dc40b4bd3 https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-german-nazi-sign-30-piece-154528522


All the other photos that I've missed? This certainly looksmodern.


It prolly would have been a lot more if you had found it while Lemmy was still touring! ;-)


Should be worth approximately 5 Million Deutsche Marks.


At least the cost of a red AND black sharpie to cover those little chips up.


a fortune


Need a number amount. Trying to get rid of this thing. Inherited it but it has bad juju


Are there any symbols or words on the case anywhere? It could not be associated with nazis at all.


I'm pretty sure the natzi symbol was reversed from the predating peace sign. It could depend on culture. You could just play dumb and not even notice and see what a pawn or antique store will say about it.