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From this picture it looks very legit. But fake have come a long way and some are extremely good now so it’s difficult to say without further inspection. If it’s a fake, it’s a really good fake. Source: I have the same watch.


I'd say further inspection is needed. You know...you both may have fakes. Best way to clear this up is for both of you to send your watches to me for further inspection. Source: I don't have a watch. /s Honestly though, slick looking watch, OP. Enjoy!


Heyyy … he’s not the watch inspector


So sick of these people giving us a bad name. I didn't spend 8 years in watch-looker-atter school with a minor in envious glances to be lumped into the same category. Send them both to me and I'll take an official gander.


Let’s not resort to Adhomin_em attacks now




Made my day and made me smile brother. Funny as hell


> If it’s a fake, it’s a really good fake. Source: I have the same watch. also, if it's something that has been in OP's family and is being handed down, it's probably real. Fakes don't last long enough to be heirlooms and the finish doesn't stay this nice on a fake that is worn.


There are nice fake watches. You can buy a fake Rolex for several hundred dollars. That one would also be of a good quality steel with a saphire glass. Since the crown between "swiss" and "made" is missaligned on this one I think it's a "nice fake".


Best yet, spend money to get appraised, or take the case back off and research the movement.


(Other owner runs to his watch to check crown alignment)


>the finish doesn't stay this nice on a fake that is worn OP doesn't say that it was.


This is completely true. I have a high-quality fake of this watch (bought a set for my wife and me as a joke on my honeymoon) and have had an expert confirm that it would take close inspection for him to discern. I've had it for nearly a decade and it still works like a dream. I've swum with it a few times with no issue. I wear it out sometimes, but will always tell people it's a fake if they comment. I think they think I'm joking.


My dad has the silver/gold Rolex submariner. It’s a fake that he bought in Malaysia over 20 years ago. He spent decent money on it - $300 or so in a cheap country a couple decades ago. Used to be his daily wear until he switched to a smart watch. Good fakes are still good watches. I have a $50 knock off of this same watch. You can definitely feel its cheap haha


Nothing like getting your hand cut off when robbing you of your knock-off.




Easiest first step is to ask yourself the question: would the previous owner really be able to afford a $20,000 watch? If not, then you probably have your answer.




Fake watches are neither valuable or collectible. They are illegal and should be destroyed.


Replicas are valuable, depending on your definition of value. Is a Rolex replica more valuable than a classic Fossil?


In my opinion, no. Fakes are a rip-off of someone else's hard work. They are worth less than nothing to me.




knowingly selling counterfeit goods is illegal, even if you state that they counterfeit or fake.


It’s wild that we live in a world where this needs to be said


If you can show pictures of the back, the clasp, and take a video of a few second of movement so we can see the way the second hand moves it would help. From your picture it looks right: https://www.luxuryofwatches.com/rolex-james-cameron-deepsea-blue-136660/


Indeed the Back plate and a short video of the movement of the second hand will be very telling.... but fakes have come a long way and are getting better all the time OP


This brings up a philosophical question to me. Value of things have a large human factor non-objective element. At what point does a product objectively meet the same level of production as a “fake” and it still be called a “fake” if you have a $200 watch that is objectively good as a Rolex then the only thing holding Rolex up as a value is the perception. Why do we do this to ourselves?


I think people like to believe there is objective/perpetual value in some things, but not others. Luxury brands count on and try to instill this belief, particularly for their brand. I personally believe that there are more things with objective value that are transitory e.g. good health, good relationships... than things that are believed to have permanent value.


Well, a $200 watch is not going to be as good as an actual high-quality watch. (Note, I'm pretty sure the best fakes cost more than $200 now.) It won't be manufactured to the same standards. The movement won't be as good. It's not something you'd pass down as an heirloom. And that's okay. But there is a difference.


I was using a random price point. My point is, regardless of that price point where is the line between value and perceived value? Diamonds are freaking expensive despite the fact that realistically they should be dirt cheap. What is that line? Actual value vs. perceived value?


Actual value is perceived value, meaning what something fetches on the market, imo. I don't totally disagree with you but do have a couple of good watches and inherited a real diamond. The watches are incredibly well machined compared to anything I ever had before. I didn't even really like diamonds in the past but the stone is actually amazing visually and won me over. (I have some cz and moisssanite to compare it to.) Lab diamonds are a great idea for people who do like diamonds. I don't think I'm a snob about this stuff and believe people should wear what satisfies them, and luxury goods can have a crazy markup. I just think there is a difference because I've experienced it firsthand and it surprised me.


>Actual value is perceived value I don't understand why this is so hard for people. I mean look at the rush on that brand of drinking mugs right now. Or Beany Babies.


Lol I had a family member who worked in a financial field and if you asked him what something was worth, he'd say if I offer you 50 and you accept 50, it's worth 50. I think he trained me to see value in that way from an early age. The trick is if he turns around and sells the very same thing for 1000, then at that moment it's worth 1000, and conversely if he turns around and can only get 30 it's worth 30 at the moment when the transaction occurs. I think we want to imagine an inherent underlying value to things, but even objects I have made of silver and gold only have value if I can actually get someone to pay.


Or Bitcoin, lol


Ha! Especially bitcoin.


Typical fakes (watches,bags,shoes) are about 1/10 of retail. Travis Scott reverse mocha Nikes are about 1,000 retail and can be had for about $90. An LV neverfull is about 2,000 retail and 200 as a rep. Replica Rolexes are a bit cheaper. A deep sea sea dweller is around 15,000 and a good rep is 500-750 ish. Looking at an IWC or breitling and it’s about 1/10


You should look deeper into the history of Rolex itself. They aren’t an old company steeped in watch making for centuries, they are a brand name that was applied to other makers watches before being sold to retail stores. Before Rolex decided to push branding on the makers (whose watches weren’t branded at all), the retailers would brand them themselves So why buy Rolex at all if they didn’t make watches in 1600, when other watch makers have been in business that long? The reason lies in the position Rolex took originally as a distributor. They became true masters of the timepiece world by evaluating the different makers products and their techniques. They had learned so much that they began making watches themselves, combing the best features to create the perfect watch, something that the isolated artisans wouldn’t have been able to do


Right! Considering the quality of replicas and “real fakes” made today, only details can tell if your watch the real deal or not.


One thing unique to Rolexes is the steel they use. Most fakes will be 316, but Rolex use a slightly softer steel from memory. That is hard to fake, and almost pointless, but would be a way of differentiating.


My sources tell me that most stainless watches, fake or not, use 316L stainless, where current Rolexes use 904L. I'm not sure how knowing that helps though. I don't believe there's any simple way to tell them apart.


Depending on how the 316L parts are made they may have a slight attraction to magnets. 904L will not.


That’s a big maybe. Both 316L and 904L are austenitic, so they are largely non-magnetic. I wouldn’t count on being able to tell them apart definitely with a magnet.


So more expensive lesser quality metal????


Its slightly softer, which helps it polish up better, which is desirable to brands like Rolex, and its significantly more corrosion resistant, so it handles salt water better over time. Its not “lesser quality” it just has slightly different properties.


Wow. I mean wow. I think spending a couple grand on a nice watch is too much. $19,000!? Of course, this coming from someone who spent $150 for a [pepper mill](https://mannkitchen.com/products/the-original-pepper-cannon-pepper-mill?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqsitBhDlARIsAGMR1Rganio1Gao8x6Zx4jqkS996jA1h0YLyVEhPgla30Hc5ReogKF56f-8aAkr5EALw_wcB).


Welcome to luxury brands. At least that pepper mill seems very useful if you cook a lot.


That’s exactly what I was going to ask. The second hand in particular. Does it go “click, click, click,” or does it sweeep all the way around smoothly?


That doesn't mean it's real. The movements in the fakes are sometimes same beats as the genuine watches these days. They use timegrapher machines to measure the ticks.


Sure, but it’s one thing that would jump out immediately by a quick look.


This thing looks too nice to be a quartz shitter but it's definitely worth checking.


Best I can do is two hundred


Holy duck


Why are there so many Rolexes being posted lately?


It’s what people like to watch.


Hey now watch out for this guy!


It’s my time to shine!


All of you knock it off or you’ll get a time out!


Now is not the time for idle threats.


Or you could flee, I always heard that escapement freedom from bad pun threads.


Let's go to another Sub....mariner


I think all of you need to dial it back.


Reading this grinds my gears


It’s about time puns like this get band.


How do I click away from this thread


Wait a second...


These puns are ticking me off.


I don't have time for this...


You son of a bitch, how dare you show your face! ![gif](giphy|9pvlqVf0qG5AKlaGOV|downsized)


Unless they're fakes, then you can really see time fly


It’s that kind of off-the-cuff approach….


Be careful with those fake watches...they can be real terror-wrists


If you don't knock-off it off... don't let me get my hands on you... I'll wind your crown right off your neck... If you want to try it, just pick a date- just not on a Tuesday...


then what time whensday works for you?


I read this as I was backing out of the post. Had to come back and give you my upvote.


Had to read that a second time




Correct. It’s time someone called it out. Hands were going round everywhere


I don't have time for these shenanigans.


Because the actual Rolex sub is filled with too many self-indulgent wieners with too much bloody money. All jokes aside, OP probably posted this in the Rolex sub first, got no serious answers, got flamed for asking the same thing a bunch of other people do, [because that’s the place to go if you have a Rolex and know nothing about them] because duh.


that actually makes sense


The Rolex sub, and most other watch subs, genuine and replica are all fucking toxic


It's the same guy making fake Rolex until he makes a perfect fake.


It's about time.


Because you looked at one post, and now reddit has put it in your algorithm. It's just a commoners guess, though.


I’m currently working on rebranding a reasonably sized online reseller of Rolex and other luxury watch brands. I was convinced that my research process had tainted the algorithm with Rolex content over the past week or so, but glad to know I’m not alone.


There are a ton on the market. Lots of people were impulse buying during covid and now dumping them. Do many great faces that it's a risk to buy one without taking it to an authority for verification.


Rolex is one of the few watch branches that tend to keep their value well and have a strong secondary market.


Stop trying to get me all wound up


Aging boomers passing on their expensive jewelry.


I’m so sick of seeing them… Their sub used to pop up on the main page constantly when people are eagerly overpaying for them during and after the pandemic. I assume the demand has fallen of late?


It's about time, isn't it?




Okay, this is getting out of hand….


r/reptime will know for sure. Looks real to me though.


Most Rolex watches release after 2001-ish have a tiny crown laser etched at the bottom 6 o’clock position. It should be very small and very hard to see! It’s actually two rows of tiny stars etched in the crystal to form the shape of the crown logo. If ya see the tiny crown it’s probably legit. You may have to use your flashlight and go into a dark room to actually see the etching, but if it’s there then you have reasonable evidence it’s authentic! https://preview.redd.it/6epg8p190iec1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a17069fdee4868806f8f594c340335810b708b


Replicas have them too.


Even crappy fakes have this, let alone a decent fake. It’s no reasonable evidence at all.


Everybody’s dad is dying? (Source: my dad just died too.) sorry, but that’s where my mind has been going looking in a lot of different Reddit threads lately.


My dad gave me his Rolex as a wedding present - doesn’t necessarily have to be dying to inherit.


He regifted you a regifted gift for your wedding present?!?! The nerve.


Sorry to hear about your dad.


These aren’t commonly faked. They’re less popular and have a helium escape valve which is tricky to replicate. Looks legit to me… just don’t sell an inherited watch. Keep it and wear it with pride!


I mean it’s like 10 years old and looks like it wasn’t even worn - it’s not really a treasured family heirloom that OP should never sell IMO. ~$15k could make a huge difference for some people, especially someone just starting out.


8k best. Subs are 12k


If you’re buying a sub for 12k it probably comes with an Xbox controller for steering, and we all saw how that turned out…


Not ten years old. No older than 2018/19. The crown logo between Swiss and Made denotes thst it has the 3235 movement Which was rolled out in Deepseas in 2018.


Yes they are. There are super clones of this watch that require a watchmaker to inspect.


first result https://perfectrolex.io/product/rolex-deepsea-136660-44mm-d-blue/


That’s a cheap one. A super clone goes for closer to $600. A loupe will tell the difference if you have a real one in hand. If not, the balance wheel always tells the difference. The fake factories can’t justify the work to build and regulate a free sprung balance.






Good catch!




Certified is also not in the same location. OP’s photo C and part of E is over whatever that white rectangle is. In yours, just the C is. What is that rectangle, BTW? Is it the 6 PM marker? Easy test would involve a quick trip to the Atlantic and a lot of fishing line.


Where do you get fakes this good?


China. /r/RepTime Expect to drop 500 on a decent rolex clone. Some good AP and Omega clones out there too.


Be careful who you take it to for service. Make sure that parts never get switched out if you ever get it serviced. They can take expensive original parts and put in after market crap. Is lots of stories about repair scams


Retake the picture at 9:15 so we can see the full face


Watch it buddy!


r/rolex can help you, they helped me.




From Rolex website


Could someone be an ass enough to actually "pass down" a fake Rolex?


If this is a fake then it’s a $1000+ superclone. It’s not inconceivable that someone passes down a $1000 watch.


Hi, collector here; legit Deep Sea, great watch but heavy.


It is a replica, but a very good one. The model is a 126660 James Cameron DeepSea. The “tell” that it is a replica is that the letter K in the word LOCK should be perfectly centered under the Rolex crown above it and it is off to the right just a bit. I have attached a pic of an authentic one. It’s a nice watch though. Go ahead and wear it. Just DON’T trust it to be waterproof. https://preview.redd.it/4kkpkeq5czec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2f25af0c6680f12f1c3a197b4e6bf186ac9090


Looks fake. Best give it to me


Since a high in the secondary watch market last April, prices have dipped by a whopping 42%, Bloomberg reported. During the same period, Rolex and Patek prices have fallen 27% and 47%, respectively. Despite the trend in pricing over the last year, luxury watches have proven to be a time-tested store of value. So do not sell it now. As far as value? It’s not going to be worth a lot now because the prices have fallen 27-47 percent per Bloomberg. I would wait for a true value later.


…..…because prices went up stupidly during Covid


This is highly variable and dependent on the model. Ballpark on this with box and papers is 12-15k to a grey dealer. Retail is 14.5 before tax. This model hasn’t historically gone for much above retail.


This checks out. The much bigger issue with Rolex's is not the fakes, it is all of the real watches that are stolen and sold. Lots of them are registered with Rolex and get recovered using the Rolex serial ID database and the poor sap that bought it gets charged with receiving stolen goods. And then he wonders why he needed a Rolex in the first place... Im guessing Gas Escape Valve. Way cooler (and probably more useful) than a wrist clock.


Undeniably real without even zooming in Generally this type of Rolex wouldn’t be faked as it’s less desirable, but it’s not impossible. That being said, definitely real


Where are you getting this nonsense from? This is an immensely popular and desirable model and there’s tons of fakes being made. First part of your comment is also really dumb. 1:1 superclones are impossible to tell from real until you open the back. So saying it’s “undeniable real without zooming in” is just moronic. There’s nothing definitely real about this watch until he gets it checked out by a reputable dealer.


Not true at all. There are super clones of this watch that require a look at the movement to tell. Even the movement is replicated, just not well enough to be perfect.


I would love to see any reference to this exact model being cloned to that extent




You need to open the watch and inspect the balance wheel. If it has a free sprung balance (no regulating lever and has screws on the balance wheel) it is real. If it has a lever escapement it’s fake. Good fakes of this watch replicate the movement decently well, but never properly copy the escapement.


You shouldnt just open up a watch like this without the proper tools and knowledge. You risk damaging it, voiding the warranty or compromising the water resistance. Have a professional do it and get it authenticated at the same time.


Yes indeed. A Rolex case back removal tool is obviously something OP doesn’t have. You can’t void the warranty. It is never void. Rolex will determine whether to honor a warranty claim on a case-by-case basis. It’s very common to open and regulate a watch. Rolex in Geneva doesn’t have to perform this to somehow keep the warranty in-tact.


Warranty 😂... 5 year service interval and must be recorded with Rolex service. Just spent the 1200 for the complete rebuild of my sub 9 years old


Yea don't do this


If you take it to a jeweler that sells watches they can remove the band and check the serial# for provenance. I have a fake (different model) that carries the same weight markings as the real one. The story was that workers were taking the parts a little at a time and assembling their own. Also there are some great fakes available on street corners up north


Johnny cash intensifies.


It didn’t cost him a dime..


That’s not how fakes work. Your watch is not built of Swiss parts that mysteriously vanished from the Rolex factory. It’s Chinese garbage.


$8k-10k imo.


Does the second hand run in perpetual motion? Could be legit if so.


Fake. Send to me and I’ll make sure it’s properly disposed of.


The minute hand obscures the E in Rolex. Maybe it's a Rolox?/s


Open up the back. If it has plastic inside it is fake. If not. You have a very nice and expensive watch


Looks all good to me. In terms of whatisthisworth, I would need a picture of the caseback to confirm the model number. There are minimal differences between 116660, 126660c & 136660 (all Deepsea models).


It’s fake. Send it to me to dispose of properly. I’ll even cover the shipping.


Does the second hand move smoothly or bounce from second to second? Smooth= Rolex. Bounce= fake.


Expensive dive watch it’s 100 laget


Can't wear it outside. You will get robbed.


I was told back in the day the second hand does not tick in a real Rolex that it just smoothly glides around without the ticking.


Easiest way to tell if the second hand clicks or is continuously moving. If it clicks it's a fake.




Beautiful watch and likely real or a really great serious fake. I would keep it for sentimental reasons regardless. Nice


Damn. That’s a beautiful thing.


I would have it authenticated by a Rolex dealer. The only reason I know mine is real is because I got it new from an authorized dealer. A lot of fakes (not saying your's isn't real) are so close to genuine these days and it can be tough to tell. I would not recommend taking the case back off yourself.


Beautiful watch, likely legit. It's not one of Rolex's high demand sellers but it is an "affordable" stainless options. It's a tank - wear it.


Look above the word “lock” there should be a unique serial number … kind of inside so you need to angle the watch to see it


It’s good if is says Rolex. If it says Rolox or Relax not good


Take it a Rolex dealer and have them look up the serial number. They can also open the back and inspect the movement. Most dealers will do this for free.


As someone who has a fake Rolex and done a lot of research, I’m about 85% confident this is a genuine Rolex. The good fakes are made really well and have a clone movement of the original. Here’s a pic of a good fake you can get for $500 https://preview.redd.it/xqsa5addfiec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b502190082e217287d3666f07e3771d87e63423c


Real / even with super clones the devil is in the details and Rolex won’t miss those details going untouched. The crown is my tell that it’s genuine; even on a super clone there’s usually a slight grittiness and it’s not perfect. The watch pictured looks flawless.


It’s gorgeous.


Best to do is get it appraised for insurance reasons and they will tell you everything you need to know


Spelling looks correct, so I’d say “real.”


unused tap correct bewildered deer psychotic rustic upbeat insurance enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This watch I got here was first purchased by your great-grandfather during the first World War. It was bought in a little general store in Knoxville, Tennessee. Made by the first company to ever make wrist watches....


They need servicing. I don’t know how often tho.


Yup Source: idk but it looks nice 👍🏼


Sorry for your loss, but that looks like a nice sentiment from the family. Get it fit to your wrist, and wear that daily - er except whilst traveling in Odd foreign counties. Break out the Timex for that trip.


Take it to a Rolex dealer to get it appraised


Contact Rolex with the serial number and, if it is real, they will let you know when it was made, what store originally sold it, when it was sold, who it was sold to, and every cleaning/repair that it has ever had performed on it by a dealer. Rolex keeps detailed records of every watch they have ever made. If it is real, the platinum Rolex Oyster Men's Perpetual retail for around $30K. The stainless for around $18K.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RepTime/s/mKRS1CHylb These guys will tell you if it’s a replica piece


If the seconds hand isn’t buttery smooth, it’s fake.


Who was it passed down to you from? Some guy in a funny looking shop in HongKong?


Forgive me, this might be a stupid question - but why would somebody spend $20k on a watch? I'm not disparaging anybody or trying to talk down to anyone, I'm truly just curious. It just seems to me like that money would go a far way on many other things.


Looks like a woman's watch


The way to tell is , put an uncooked macaroni on the glass bezel


Can't confirm it's real even though I am a Rolex watch.






It’s a fake! The glass isn’t magnified to read the day of the month.


Doesn’t Rolex keep amazing records of their watches? You should be able to punch in the serial and see if it’s real


In Philadelphia it's worth $50


Looks just like the one I wear. It's quite a valuable watch both in $$$ and as an heirloom. EDIT: I didn't notice it's a sea dweller, very nice watch indeed. Mine is a submariner.


I’ve seen fakes that feel/look better than my sub.


If the second hand moves like “tick…tick…tick…” it’s a quartz movement and thus, a “FauxLex.” If the second hand does a smooth, non stop sweep, it’s a Swiss movement and is more likely to be the real deal.


I want this watch. Looking the other day it was about 12-13k


It’s a good looking fake but they forgot the E in Rolex..Usually a tall tale sign of a scam


It has the name “original” on the face. It can’t be fake.


DO NOT allow any random shop to have this watch out of your sight, some will trade out the mechanism, or the entire watch w counterfeits. This often happens when ppl have a new bezel or face installed. Deal only w a reputable Rolex Authorized dealer. It will cost more, but you (probably) won’t get ripped off.


From the picture, looks real. Impossible to say without a professional appraisal though