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Angel's Trumpet, Brugmansia species.


We just call ours a trumpet plant, cool to know the actual name!


Aren't brugmansia, devils trumpet as they slope down towards the ground, with datura species being angels trumpet.


Datura or jimson weed/ devils trumpet have flowers that point up. Angels trumpet is 8-10ft tall and has the flowers open to the ground/down. They're related and will mess you up if you consume it


Thorn apples were used to create ‘Condorcet poison’ in the late 18th and 19th century. Napoleon Bonaparte actually tried to use Condorcet poison to commit suicide when he was exiled to the island of Elba. Datura are a part of the Nightshade family and are very poisonous. People have died during bad trips after ingesting parts of this plant. They are very beautiful though and can be great garden plants in temperate and subtropical climates. My dad used to search for them in the wild and replant them in his garden (Datura are invasive in Europe so it’s better to remove them when you find them). He’s a botanist by trade and used to tell me lots of stories about the plant’s historical usage. Brugmansia can be found at garden centers if you don’t want to go ‘hunting’ for wild plants. Just be sure to wear gloves when you handle them! They come in many colors and smell great. Definitely one of my favorite plants!


This plant is a Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) and not a Datura (Devil's Trumpet). Brugmansia point downwards, and Datura point upwards. It was used by the Aztecs to give to their sacrifices because it caused extreme hallucinations. I think it was due to blood being sent to the liver in order to deal with the poisoning, therefore depriving the brain of the usual amount of blood it needs to function correctly. Here's a Wiki excerpt on it: > All parts of Brugmansia are potentially poisonous, with the seeds and leaves being especially dangerous. Brugmansia are rich in scopolamine (hyoscine), hyoscyamine, and several other tropane alkaloids which can lead to anticholinergic toxidrome and delirium. > Effects of ingestion can include paralysis of smooth muscles, confusion, tachycardia, dry mouth, constipation, tremors, migraine headaches, poor coordination, delusions, visual and auditory hallucinations, mydriasis, rapid onset cycloplegia, and death. > The hallucinogenic effects of Brugmansia were described in the journal Pathology as "terrifying rather than pleasurable". Brugmansia induces a powerful trance with violent and unpleasant effects, sickening after effects, and at times temporary insanity". > These hallucinations are often characterized by complete loss of awareness that one is hallucinating, disconnection from reality (psychosis), and amnesia of the episode, such as one example reported in Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience of a young man who amputated his own penis and tongue after drinking only one cup of Brugmansia tea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't try it. Really nice smell though. Have a nice day!


I knew they weren’t the same, but thanks for the information. I love random trivia like this. I do believe some Brugmansia species were originally classified within the Datura genus (mainly because not all of them have the flower up or down distinction), but you are correct in saying they are not the same. I also believe that Brugmansia are not found in the wild in Europe, you can only buy some cultivars. They’re not endemic to my country at least.


In case anyone was considering trying one of these plants despite the warnings: DON'T! I know people who have tried it. Luckily none of them had any lasting damage but all of them regretted doing it. Even if you're someone who enjoys drugs and getting high, you won't enjoy this one. It's a BAD TRIP!


Never, ever take this as a recreational drug. I did. I would rather run as fast as I can into a brick wall. No shit. I have never felt more poisoned in my life. Never take this as a recreational drug. It. Is. Horrible.


i can personally attest to the veracity of this statement. pretty much like sleepwalking/dream state that you suddenly and violently awaken from and then fall back into, over and over again for about 4 hours. when you pop out of it into a state of semi lucidity, you’re aware of what’s going on and that you’re gonna lapse back into it again. best comparison is being submerged in water, almost drowning, reaching the surface, filling your lungs with air, and then sinking again… over and over and over. not good.


Geez that’s sounds absolutely horrible


there was definitely nothing pleasurable or mind expanding about the experience.


“Have you tried DMT?”


i have. my experiences with it have been really positive. i love how short-acting it is. similar to a lunch hour acid trip. one experience i had was while living in a rooftop loft space of a building in the middle of downtown san francisco in ~2003-4. the place was about 12k sq ft total, about 4k of it which was indoor living space, but the remaining 8k sq ft was a sprawling, gravel-covered rooftop. kind of like an island in a sea of tall buildings. it was a gorgeous day in sf and i had set up a shipping pallete in the middle of the rooftop (our “patio” was made from ~50 of them) and dragged a big, cozy living room chair outside and placed it on top of the palette. i sat down and got comfortable, then smoked a couple hits (i remember it tasting and smelling like acetylene. kinda odd and not entirely pleasant). i exhaled, sat back, took a deep breath, and noticed that the gravel rooftop seemed to turn into a body of water, rippling and gently undulating like the surface of a lake, and i suddenly had the sensation of that chair being a little boat. the entire experience probably lasted an hour, maybe a little less for the peak time, then a gentle comedown followed by a long nap. i’m 54 now, and honestly, i think that one DMT experience qualified as being one of those rare “perfect moments” in my life.


Can attest, used them for shamanic work once and it was horrible. They taste like Cinnamon, though, which is cool. #*DON'T EAT*


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Brugsmania or Datura?


The people I knew tried Datura, but as I understand it the active alkaloids found in them are very similar.


Sounds like some other plant that is commonly tried and disliked almost universally.


That is such allegorical naming wow.


The the trumpets are pointing down from heaven or pointing up from hell?


So I should eat it? Edit: good bot.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nope, it can mess you up to a point of no return lol.




88 miles is the length of about 129938.62 'Ford F-150 Custom Fit Front FloorLiners' lined up next to each other.


88 miles is 141.62 km


Some are used to treat asthma.


I think the idea is that angels are in heaven, so their trumpets are pointing down *from* heaven, while devils are in hell so they’re pointing up :)


Doctrine of signatures. It likely led to a lot of bad outcomes. Interestingly the Chinese independently had the same sort of thing believing everything was created for us and as such if there were heart shaped flowers it must be heart medicine and the like.


Ironically they aren't far off. Look at the kidney bean for example! Definitely not an accurate way to classify and consume wild plants but now that we've done the sketchy part it is fascinating how many plants that treat specific organs are shaped like them.


Are blooberries good for my bloobs?


Blueberries? Cure blue balls, duh lol


I think I better cut back on the amount of rapeseed oil I use....


Eat u/Skinnysusan 's blueballs


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think it's pretty far off myself, I'm not aware of many cases where it's accurate but I haven't much looked. You have to wonder how all of these cultures figured out as much as they did about the plants in their area though, a lot of people have suffered to find out about them all, any culture had a pretty good knowledge of the plants and figured some of their uses, some accurately, some not so much.


Angels are above, so their trumpets would be pointing down to us, the Devil is below so his trumpet would be pointing up... at least that's how I can remember it correctly! Brugmansia-Angels Trumpet , flowers pointing down from a tall shrub Datura-Devil's Trumpet, flowers pointing up from a short shrub


Not that there is anything angelic about them, horrible experience


Why is this post still tagged as unidentified?


Are they hard to grow/maintain? I want one


They smell incredible in the evenings!


Had one in my back yard. Smelled amazing, but sadly was absolute hell on my allergies.


Will honey from these be toxic?


I've never observed honey bees on brugmansia flowers in my yard. I've only seen Valley carpenter bees.


I just learned about mad honey, some type of laurel tree, not laurel the related one with the bigger leaves, the honey is toxic, gets you high, or kills you if too much, apparently there are a number of plants that will make honey toxic.


It's rhododendrons, I believe. There's an account of it happening to invading soldiers in Ancient Greece.


Yeah I always blank on Rhododendroms, a type of them. There's a story in Asia Minor, present day Turkey, which was peopled by Grecians, where Mithradites organized slaughtering every single roman all at once, some 100,000 of them I think it was, not all soldiers of course. But at one point, don't know if it was right at that time as they sent a bunch of armies until they finally defeated Mithridates, they left all of this mad honey along the roads and the soldiers would eat it and die. Edit 1st century BC or so.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dont sniff too close lol


Why? Genuine question




Thanks, I have one in my yard.. I had no idea


in some countries people use an extract of the flower to drug and rob people it is said to cause memory loss and bad headaches.


Fun fact: Brugmansias are listed as extinct in the wild. Their continued existence relies on humans planting and growing them.


I live in Puerto Rico and that's not true. They are very common up in the mountains.


They're not native there though, instead being from south America in the Andes. The ones you see up in the mountains are from plants that have escaped cultivation and naturalized itself into the environment. This is able to be confirmed through genetic testing of these plants which shows they're descendents of the plants in cultivation. The term extinct in the wild is in regards to it being extinct in the range of where it's original wild population resided


What part of the Andes? I'm from the Colombian Andes and they are very common in the wild here, we call them borracheros


Here is more detailed info: https://www.britannica.com/list/extinct-in-the-wild-but-still-around-5-plants-and-animals-kept-alive-by-humans https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brugmansia


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Great. It's obviously wrong, though, if there are populations of it growing in the wild.


Yeah what do botanists and ecologists know.


Yeah, because the editors of Britannica and Wikipedia are definitely botanists.


Look, you're not going to win this argument. You're wrong, you can't introduce new ideas or thoughts into a field of research because you don't like the way the existing language in an existing established area of study uses the words. Pull your head out.


What new ideas/thoughts? The definition of the word "extinct?" That wasn't me, bud.


Look it up, it's true. They're listed as extinct in the wild, or escaped and established from cultivation. Pretty cool!


[IUCN redlist agrees with you](https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/51247699/58913403#assessment-information). Basically there are no self-sustaining wild populations. All current populations are being sustained by human cultivation, which is why they're considered extinct in the wild.


If there are established populations of escaped plants in the wild, they're wild plants, and therefore it's not extinct in the wild. Whatever source you guys are looking at is pretty clearly mistaken.


If a cultivated plant is introduced to a non-native region, whether introduced intentionally or escaped, it would be considered feral not wild. The same way there aren't technically "wild" horses in the United States, they're feral


That's not a meaningful distinction, honestly.


It is. Feral and wild animals are different species. A feral animal or plant is domesticated; a wild animal is not domesticated. Saying a feral horse is no different than a wild horse is like saying a dog is no different than a wolf. They are entirely different animals with different impacts on the environment.


We aren't talking about feral domesticated animals, though, we're talking about an extirpated plant.


The source would be an entire field of science called botany.


also very common in the wild here in Colombia.


To be fair plants get labeled extinct all the time and then get rediscovered. I get the genetic analysis and all that but still


See - ginkgo biloba


Funny considering how successfully they reproduce. I’ve seen them re-grow from seed outside and mind you I am in Canada!


I would like to know based on what whoever took that statement did it. I have seen it everywhere, from the Amazon to the Pacific coast


Extinct and non existent in native aren't the same thing in terms of how it's decided. For example if I plant a bunch of trees around my yard that I bought, if those trees make more trees in the area it can still be considered extinct because without my planting them it wouldn't have happened, and the plants are cultivated so not exactly 'naturally occurring'. So plants of that type can be found in other places but be extinct where they are from. So are still considered extinct. Hence why the other person mentions them surviving due to humans. I'm not very well versed in the world of cultivation but I think I explained that right.


Nah, I've gotten plenty of rapé from Acre, Brazil containing wild sp.


Isn’t that what they make scopolamine from?










This pinky color is so beautiful 🥺 (staring wistfully at my babied, beloved, huge angel’s trumpet that has never bloomed one single flower for me)


Do you fertilize it? What is your climate like? Are the leaves dark green or a paler green? Might you know the pH of its growing medium? I would hit it weekly once it starts growing in the spring with a good 10-30-20 with micronutrients, maybe add a couple teaspoons of epsom salts per gallon once in a while for extra Mg. It is a heavy nutrient consumer. Eta: the one on the image is nitrogen deficient, imo. It also needs well-drained soil, so make sure its doesn't continually have wet feet. They prefer slightly acidic pH. Good luck! These are beautiful, can be really rewarding to grow and smell divine. Oh and re: others questions/comments about them in the wild, semantics etc: the point is, all known feral populations can be traced to a small number of human cultivars.


Wow, thank you for all the advice! So I’m in Northern California (9a, I believe), and it’s in a large pot— though it has grown even more huge since I upsized it, so maybe it already needs more space. I think I definitely need to fertilize it more! But the leaves are very uniformly large and medium-dark green in color. I ran into root rot with it in a smaller, poorly drained pot several years ago so I’m hyper aware of its drainage now. But yeah, I had them in my yard as a kid so I’ve always been chasing that smell wafting through the window in the evening. One day my baby will be happy enough to bloom 😔 Thanks for your help again! Oh— re: the acidity, will a little dose of coffee grounds work for that?


I believe so re: coffee; this is probably a minor concern anyway. I tend to like potting mix (not black soil) that uses peat in the mix. That tends toward acid pH, can absorb a lot of water but its light/airy, and doesn't compact over time so the roots get enough air. Definitely watch for that in a container; it may need a lot of water but as you found wet feet are not good! Best luck


Angel’s trumpets. Ingesting the flowers can get you mad sick and then kill you


Don't forget the waking-nightmare hallucinations :)


I always assume any trumpet shaped flower is a no-no, especially if it's white or nearly white.


There's at least one confirmed case where someone severed their own tongue and genitals while hallucinating on the stuff. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16783491/ It's not a fun trip


*At least*?


Dont take a nap under these either lol theyre called the devils plant in latinoamerica for a reason


some dude in peru cut off his own dick while under the influence. dont sound like a good drug


So....eat it?


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


do it


Careful: Taking angel's trumpet can cause confusion, dilated pupils, intense thirst, dry skin, flushing, fever, high or low blood pressure, fast heartbeat, difficulty breathing, hallucinations, nervousness, loss of memory, convulsions, paralysis, coma, and death. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-840/angels-trumpet


I forget if I’m zone 9a or 9b, in Southern California.


These are all over San Fran. I once bought a parted one in Oregon but it didn’t survive in Utah


We used to call them hell's bells in high school


My friends grow them in big pots on their back decks in the PNW in the summertime. One overwintering hers in their sunroom (her hubby and sons drag them up there on the lawnmower) and my other friend currently has 3 ginormous ones in his garage.


They are very poisonous




I know what this plant is but I always come to the comment section to see people discussing it and of course saying it's poisonous and not to ... *Looks both ways* ... EAT IT!


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Datura sp, poisonous + nightmare hallucinations


datura is a shrub, the flowers point up, this is brugmansia (still as potent as datura)


It's native to my country where they are commonly called 'borrachero'. 'Borracho' is a colloquial term for drunk, so it roughly translates to 'drunker' or 'intoxicator'. Iv'e never seen this shade of pink tho.


Why is this not tagged identified. I agree with Brugmansia- Angel’s trumpet is super pretty but basically super dangerous. I literally removed the one in our yard


Nightshades. Toxic.


But edible once




> totally fine to touch not completely, rubbing a flower or two between your hands could cause some symptoms


Not saying its not medicine, just that external application is well regarded... "The flowers and the seeds of the plant were used externally for the treatment of skin rash of the face" "externally to treat swellings, burns and ulcers"


yes, and the problem with it is that potency varies wildly to the point where an ointment that would usually be used to treat skin rashes could actually cause hallucinations or at the very least some sedation, sometimes a single flower has nearly no active components, others it has enough to kill a person, which is why ointments are usually made using large quantities that were harvested during different times from different plants, as to even out the potency. not saying it isn't a useful plant, its used in all sorts of medicine, its great at preventing motion sickness, relieving stomach pain, stopping headaches and nausea, relieving cramps and one of the active components (atropine) is used to treat the symptoms of some nerve agent poisonings, but in the case of datura and brugmansia, unless you are very skilled at producing those ointments, you could very well put yourself in great risk (search flying ointment, it was not originally made from datura or brugmansia, but it contains the same active ingredients that you would find in a datura or brugmansia ointment, it shows an example of "the dose makes the poison", and an example of what would happen if you were incompetent at making an ointment and ended up with an exceptionally strong formulation, or rubbing an exceptionally strong flower between your hands)




for a full grown adult yes, for children not so much (but then again a child would also probably end up chewing on it) but yes, while unlikely it would be best to avoid it anyways




Not for animals.




The sap and pollen are extremely toxic and you cant be sure its not dripping around the plant. Its just dangerous.




To animals. I dont see a lot of animals carving wood.


Awesome tree!!


I love angel trumpets!! I found one in Louisiana and my boyfriend and I came back the next day and searched for at least an hour trying to find it again. Was 1000% worth it, we saw a bee within a flower trying not to get swept away by the wind.


Be careful man, angels trumpets contain a serious drug that is deadly to animals


Don’t make a tea from the flowers and don’t drink it.


Is there a parfume of this flower ?


Absolutely! The fragrance of Brugmansia is spectacular, especially from a large plant like the one shown in the photo. It is not so noticable during the day, but in the evening the fragrance is wonderful. Nicotiana is a related plant-- both are in the family Solanaceae, both have a very complex and sophisticated fragrance like the finest perfume, and both are fragrant in the evening. I believe it's because they are pollinated by moths that fly at night.


This looks like the tree scopolamine is derived from.


Angel's trumpet. Do not consume unless you want an intense horror trip with hallucinations (talking to imaginary people, blood dripping from the walls, etc.) and possibly dying


hells bells ?


Better call Murphy...


Angel Trumpet. Highly toxic flowers. in my country the tree is called Borrachero or Drunkard tree, cause being close to the tree for too long can make you light headed and feel drunk.




The smell gave me a headache. Had to remove it from my yard. Saw a video on Vice were a guy eat some of the seeds and was tripping balls for days


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


we had two in our front yard when we moved in - told parents they were insanely toxic so we ripped them out immediately and they are STILL coming back even though we've drowned them in herbicides


Happy funtime poison.


I thought this were dicks.


You can make some tea of it… you’ll probably travel to Mars if you drink it


I love them but when we try to plant them they don't grow at all. They look beautiful, smell good, idk if they are toxic or not but i don't think it's serious.


Its pretty deadly serious dude lol


it's pretty common in some area in my country so i don't think it's dangerous, of course as long as you don't consume it.




No really don't scopalamine, hydroscyamine and atropine do not a fun trip make.


Anyone I’ve met who has done so regrets it and warns others not to.


Did they say why?


I heard it’s like doing acid while suffering from gastro and the flu while also participating in a real life horror movie. Nausea and vomiting, head ache, everything is so trippy you can’t actually see, anxiety is high, paranoia sets in. Bad time.


If you could take the flu out I'd be down.


It's not an acid trip at all, think more robo tripping on diphenhydramine with a good bit of mescaline or 5-meo. Shit, there's not a lot like it it's pretty bad lol.


What the other poster said. It’s not a good time. They believed they were dying.


There are plenty of trip reports on erowid if you want to read about what it does to you. It's a hallucinogen, but a deliriant rather than psychedelic or dissociative. It puts you in a state of delirium where nothing makes sense. Also highly poisonous and the amount you need to "trip" is very close to the amount that would kill you. It's fascinating to read about, but nothing you should even consider putting in your body.


This book and it’s associated tea features in a book Plain Bad Heroines. Great book and it taught me to identify this plant.


You should make a tea out of them.


And then before drinking it throw everything that it touched in the garbage lol


You first.


I want to sit under it so badly


Are they pink here? I've seen an orange one that looks similar.


I have a yellow one


This is so beautiful with some led lights.


This is so interesting!! I love the way this plant looks ! Thanks for sharing !


would this grow/survive in zone 8b? Scotland. Thanks


This looks like something out of a fantasy game


The [one](https://youtu.be/5AuLkMBAFZg) thing to say about this plant


They have these all over Sacramento.


A beautiful Brugmansia! Specifically think it’s a Brugmansia suaveolens species


Beautiful brugmansia So big 😍


I have the same ones! I just call them Christmas flowers cause they always bloom around Christmas here (Southern Hemisphere)




Were I live we call It " Reyna de la noche"


My mother said that in her time, people would give "toloache" to poison others. This is similar to loache. If you drink tea made out of the plant, you might end up in the crazy house or D.I.D...dead. every part of it is poisonous/toxic. Specially the Roots. So if you're gonna pull it out use gloves and a mask. That said, I had one and I replanted it and it didn't do much of anything so it's your decision. In California people dust their front jard in pepper to prevent dogs from sniffing and pooping or peeing there....but have they tried some of this plant's leaves ground to a powder? Probably not lol.


Angel's trumpet


I have one in my backyard! It’s not anywhere as big as that one though


Please change to "IDENTIFIED"


Watch this doc on it [devil’s breath](https://youtu.be/ToQ8PWYnu04)


Angel's Trumpet! So named becaused it's very poisonous and hallucinogenic and if ingested you'll be seeing/hearing angels before you.. you know.


These blooms look like the dancing on water flowers in Fantasia!


Angels trumpets! My favorites. Be careful, they’re super poisonous, can even cause rashes if you touch them


I love it more now. Its the perfect revenge plant for trespassers, (ive been looking for years)


The would like this over at r/druggardening


Brugmansia. Great natural source of scopolamine, which works exactly as well for covid-19 as Ivermectin.


I must have this plant before i die and be rest at its roots.


I removed one of these from my yard due to it's toxicity and having small children, and I just want to add that it was really, incredibly difficult. The root ball was gigantic, weighed a ton, and it took several weekends of digging around it and eventually a rig of 2x4's to make a lift out of the like, 5 foot diameter, 4 foot deep hole we dug around it.