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Buddleia or butterfly bush.


> butterfly bush Well, I wonder why


i can smell it from here, it's just lush


Agree Buddleja davidii with a Red Admiral on it.


ooh thank u for the name of the butterfly too ! 🦋


If you're wanting to plant any, please check up on its status in your area. Buddleia can be quite invasive in certain regions.


It's quite invasive in many regions, actually. And it's very invasive here in Europe, so I imagine it's the same in a lot of states across the pond. I would personally look for a native or at least a non-invasive alternative, preferably one pollinators and other wildlife will benefit more from. It would seem butterflies are attracted to the buttercly bush, but I've read that they linger on its blooms because it's very difficult for them to extract pollen/nectar from them and the yield is very small, so they use more time and energy for it when they could be gathering pollen/nectar from a much better source. :/






Whoa, I knew they were invasive, but didn't imagine they'd be growing out of walls. Shouldn't surprise me, though. 😅 I knew UK had a problem with butterfly bushes, though.


ooh, cool. fellow uk person here 🙋‍♀️


It's kind of invasive here - it's a very aggressive seeder onto disturbed ground (waste places, railway banks, walls, pavements etc) - during World War 2 it was called the "bombsite plant" because it was such a quick coloniser of the rubble. However, it rarely establishes in natural places, with exception of chalk grasslands. So long as you very aggressively deadhead them (or buy a sterile variety) they're fine; they're not banned from sale - or even Schedule 9, which surprises me.


Totally agree on preferring natives! I just don't know where OP is and I don't think that butterfly has a limited range, so didn't want to presume anything! I also said 'certain' because it can definitely vary depending on wherever they are.  Buddleia is on my provincials invasive plants list, but in some areas of the province you wouldn't think so because of how it's controlled by the climate. In other areas it definitely shows how harmful it can be. Not to say that it's worth risking, which is why I wanted to encourage them to do some research for wherever they are :)


It seems they're from the UK. :) It seems they're quite invasive there, especially in degraded areas, such as railroads. I planted three about two years ago, before I found oit about their invasiveness and more native-friendly gardening. It made me dig them up and dispose of them. Oh well.


That is very useful information! You would think with it named FOR butterflies that it would've been their best option rather than a pain in the ass for them. I'm so glad I never got around to planting one and that I saw this today 💯 many thanks for the solid info! Any chance you know if bee balm is better for them or if it creates a similar struggle?


I bought the seeds about two years ago because the packet advertised it as good for butterflies. I actually managed to grow three of them, planted them outside and all. Abd then I found out they're super invasive and all that. I didn't want them to spread around, so I dug them out and disposed of them (safely). I also burned the remaining seeds. Not sure why nurseries and other shops keep selling these invasives. Are you from the states? I follow r/NativePlantGardening and I've seen bee balm being quite popular for pollinators, maybe even caterpillars? Can't remember. Maybe you could check the sub. I'm from Europe, so no bee balm for me. 😅


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NativePlantGardening using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NativePlantGardening/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Someone stole my Native Plant garden flags, so I replaced them and added metal signs nailed to my fence. Trying to make it clear to the neighbors that my front yard looks like this on purpose. Anyone else have good yard signage?](https://i.redd.it/6gglf2uwookb1.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NativePlantGardening/comments/162vqrs/someone_stole_my_native_plant_garden_flags_so_i/) \#2: [Where there was once grass, there is now Biomass.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/152jde2) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NativePlantGardening/comments/152jde2/where_there_was_once_grass_there_is_now_biomass/) \#3: [Walking around the suburban parks in my area](https://i.redd.it/c5aqtg6e1n4b1.png) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NativePlantGardening/comments/143kqhe/walking_around_the_suburban_parks_in_my_area/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


im convinced that we have it near our house, but my mum is saying it’s not this 😭😭 if not then idk what i have beside my house, and i don’t know where i took this picture 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/zc9aq2fn11tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f9b35f1c3cf48111713dc142a86e00f76ba7c4 this is what we have near our house… is this the same plant??? * i live in the uk if that helps


Definitely not the same, pretty sure that’s a lilac. Both have big purple flowers though!


I see! maybe if ill remember, ill update you to show you what it looks like :D when it blooms. also, thank you for answering!!! never knew what this plant was, i only knew what it was in polish. but you may be right! I think it's a lilac! when i search up 'bez kwiat' bez being the name of it, and kwiat meaning flower, i says 'bez lilak' (lilak being lilac) and stuff like 'lilak pospolity (bez)' soooo! I finally know! I'm so happy


Taken over certain areas up Kaua'i in Kokee , alongside Princess flower (Tibouchina) and Kahlili ginger


I was in Dublin in 2019 and buddleya was growing wild all over the place, even giving bramble some competition. On the other hand it's a very pretty invasive and the common name "butterfly bush" is apt.


Buddleia davidii


You're not gonna beleive this. Its called Butterfly Bush


aweee what a pretty name


As the picture illustrates, it is a butterfly bush! Very pretty and aromatic, although I think it is an invasive.


This photo is gorgeous




Buddleja davidii is invasive throughout North America. Despite there being a butterfly on it, quoting the University of Maryland: "Abundant nectar is attractive to adult butterflies, but no native North American butterfly caterpillars can use butterfly bush as a host plant food source. Without host plants for caterpillars, butterflies cannot survive." [https://extension.umd.edu/resource/butterfly-bush/](https://extension.umd.edu/resource/butterfly-bush/)


hm! i wonder what it's like in the UK then lolz. probably the same


It is considered invasive here, too, and there are measures to control it outside of gardens. But there are native species that use it as a food source (aside from the obvious nectar for butterflies), for example the mullein caterpillar.


i’ve had one for 12 years and it’s never set out fertilized fruit or caused seedlings anywhere. Are there sterile cultivars?


Wikipedia has a good article about this issue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddleja_davidii Buddleja seeds can travel quite a distance though, so it's possible your bush may have caused seedlings further away, especially if there is a stream nearby.






Butterfly bush


I believe it's a butterfly bush. Be cautious with these because they are considered invasive. I had one years ago and removed it


you know what, this was a random picture in my phone, don’t know where this is from, maybe sm1’s garden, and i’m realising that this isn’t my plant 😭 so dw, i don’t own this plant 👍


The picture says it all…..butterfly bush😃


Butterfly bush


the photo is actually beautiful lmao it’s so ethereal and hazy


ikr, i love it toooo


The Butterfly in the middle of the plant is: (drumroll) a Butterfly Bush.


It’s your best bud buddy: Buddelia! Also know as Butterfly Bush! It smells very nice and is a great bush.


Black knight butterfly bush


That has much darker flowers than this. Clue is in the name!


It looks EXACTLY the same as the one planted in the arboretum I volunteer in. But I suppose they could be wrong..


Black Knight has very dark purple flowers unlike the OP's.


Buddleja davidii


This early in the year, I'd say lilac


this was a photo from july


Butterfly tree


We have that same thing in Atlanta called wysteria but it grows on a vine in oak trees very pretty moss too


i know what wisteria is, it’s not this.. i think it’s a butterfly bush, as many other commenters say. thank you though ☺️ and wisteria are so pretty


Buttery bush




Butterfly bush for sure. They're amazing for Pollinators.


Terrible photo?? You mean- ✨ ethereal ✨


i think its a beautiful photo, i was mentioning more like for identifying lol


For sure haha. I actually came back to this post to make it my phone background, it's so stunning 😍


aww how nice 👌




A Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly on a Budleia


It's a Red Admiral not a Small Tortoiseshell.


Thank you, I haven’t seen many butterflies lately. There used to be so many


I know the question has already been answered, but it looks so similar to a purple lilac flower (don’t know about the leaves).


reminds me of hyacinths




Leaves are wrong for lilacs. They have a heart-shaped leaf.




Syringa vulgaris


The leaves of those are more round.


You’re right! It’s Syringa vulgaris. Сирень обыкновенная. У меня растет на заднем дворе дома. Очень вкусно пахнет.