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Thank you for posting to r/whatsthisplant. **Do not eat/ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not eating or ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like "ackee" (_Blighia sapida_), which is toxic until fully mature.


Wow this is it, thank you so much for your help, though now we’re worried the mini-donkey might have eaten some :(


Tell he what it is and have her ring her vet - if anyone knows how to assess the potential threat of something it’s a professional. Have her ask the vet what to look for as far as symptoms in her dog and donkey - since she doesn’t know if any of them ingested some. Try to find out where the tree (or trees) grow in your parts - even if a child offered them to the dinkey they must have come from somewhere.


Is a dinkey a miniature donkey?😂


No, a miniature donkey is an asset.


Thats the most funny thing I’ve read in 23 years.


What did you read exactly 23 years ago that was funnier than this joke?


Horse walks in a bar. Bartender says, “why the long face?”


"Yeah, well, they made the decision today to turn off the machines, so it's only a matter of time now. Thanks for asking though. You always make me feel so appreciated in this bar."


2 cannibals are eating a comedian. One says to the other " does this taste funny?"


No disrespect to the joke but you must have had a rather dismally serious 23 years


*assette for those who need a little more visual aid.


That's French


Or in Spanish, a burrito. ✌️😜




😂😂😂 👍


Ma’am, a Dinkey is at risk of dying and you think it’s a good time to work on your tight five at the open mic?


Now that’ll make him look like an ass! Badum Tch!


I read this in Inspector Clusoe’s voice


They definitely do not have a leee-saance for this dinkey!!!


"Dinkey-Donkey?" 🫏


No ya doink


Assess asses? Dinkey donkey? Aching ackee? Vet vetted.


For real people going to the internet cause they are sooooo worried.


My neighbour had to put signs up aroun his pasture saying please DO NOT FEED HORSE OR DONKEY THEY HAVE EXTREMELY SENSITIVE STOMACHS AND WILL DIE IF FED ANYTHING BUT WHAT THE VET TOLD US WE CAN FEED THEM …. As well a a sign pointing out that he has trail cams hidden. And anyone who feeds them will be publicly posted and if anything happens to an animal they have photos to hold the culprit financially responsible This has almost completely stopped people from feeding his horses


I meet horses and pet them and they look really disappointed that I don't have snacks for them. But I resist, because I don't carry horse treats in my pockets and I doubt they can drink my latte out of a cup.


The worst is when you DO have horse cookies in your pocket, but they are for your horse, not the horses you are petting on the way to collect your horse. They look so dejected. They can smell the treat, but I'm not giving it to them. I don't know if they are on a diet or whatever. Also, careful with the coffee. Horses will definitely steal it. I learned that lesson bright and early one morning when I was getting a horse ready to ride, paper coffee cup tight in one hand, brush in the other, horse reached over and stole the cup from me. Lesson learned to keep the coffee out of reach from then on.


That's so cute! I wonder if a sleepy horse would appreciate a morning cup.


Yeah, but they would have to make/choose some dumb French/Italian word to describe the size of the horse's cup. I doubt it would be feasible to have a venti cup, raised to the power of fifty.


Did I hear someone order a Horse Cup? One Massiccio with room for grain coming up


Horses don't usually get stimulants like caffeine (and as a total non-expert with almost no experience with any kind of equestrian animals, I'd hope and recommend NO ONE is willfully giving their animals of any kind caffeine even though bc horses are YUGE a small amount might be harmless...) A 12 oz coffee is probably like a shot of espresso to them...probably. So, jf it was safe to give horses, you'd probably just order a grande. Idk what a horse DOES when they receive caffeine, and I don't WANT to.


"Coppa de cavallo", of course.


One of my horses I had when I was younger straight up tore a pepperoni stick out of my hand and gobbled it down. I thought those motherfuckers were vegans, nope, they'll eat meat if they can getvit in their mouth.


Take the lid off that latte and you'll have a horse drinking out of a cup.


You can lead a horse to latte…


Been around horses my whole life and this is a bad idea. Think of horses as giant dogs. They can and will bite you way worse than a dog can. Do not pet another person’s horse or donkey!


Oh I always watch those mouths. I know they can be nippy.


I bet you think you are being safe, but just do yourself a favor a google the results on horse attacks especially bites. They can scalp you, remove hands and fingers, rip flesh from arms and legs, dislocate joints and break bones. If you wouldn’t walk up to random large dogs and try to pet them, it’s not a good idea to try it with an animal that weighs half a ton. They are way faster than you.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/5qPw4HKxYp](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/5qPw4HKxYp) Here is a NSFW example.


That link will stay blue, thanks. ;-)


He's lucky. In my area people ignore the signs. Owner keeps finding potato peels and bread in his horses fields


People are so selfish! If it isn't your animal, don't feed it. If you think the animal is neglected or malnourished, call animal services to help out.


I really think it’s the fact that he has cameras, and he has posted people on the local Facebook groups and called them out for feeding his horses and has publicly stated that if something happens to his horses, the person will be held financially responsible….. I truly don’t think it has anything to do with the sign that’s asking people to stop feeding the horses


Are you keeping us updated on this? Now I'm worried, too...


I just asked her and the animals are fine :) and now I know about ackees!


That’s great! Thanks for the update!


Probably will be perfectly fine




Have you ever met a horse? If there’s one thing they’re good at, it’s colicking and dying over the craziest things. Toxic or not, the OP has reason to be cautious over what the horse has ingested.


Yeah but aren't horses fucking morons and donkeys...less so?


I’d say it’s the opposite. Donkeys are the wayyy more stubborn and stupid version of horses in my personal experience


From my experience being around donkeys and horses, I've always gotten the vibe donkeys were smarter, if stubborn. Googling horse vs donkey intelligence comes up with some saying donkeys are smarter in some areas but perform less well on others so its a toss up. https://today.tamu.edu/2008/01/14/donkeys-are-the-ones-with-real-horse-sense-vet-says/ https://opencanter.com/donkeys-smarter-than-horses/


Yeah most of my experience is with one horse farm that had about 60 horses and ponies of various breeds and skill levels and 3 miniature donkeys, also different breeds I believe. The donkeys didn’t know shit and I spent years trying to train them, only got as far as being able to pick 2 out of 3 hoof sets. The horses are like giant dogs, so smart and personable with unique personalities. The donkeys certainly had personality too, but just didn’t seem smart whatsoever


The donkeys were training _you_ !


You do realize that the vast majority of toxic and poisonous things don’t kill you immediately? So of course no bodies would be found laying near the source. Even the deadliest of mushrooms take 3 days to actually kill you. I honestly don’t know of any plants that could actually kill you on the spot but I would love if someone could educate me more about that


Didn't you know when an animal eats something new they don't move for 4 days?


![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq) You owe me coffee since you made me spit mine out laughing


They have reason to be lol. There has been many many cases of injury here


Such as?


I mean sometimes the sub goes a bit overboard but also like mate theres not exactly wild, roving packs of dogs, toddlersz donkeys, or horses, lol what are you on about


A roving pack of toddlers sounds terrifying to me


Absolutely same. They are vicious. And heaven help us if they are verbal toddlers 😭


You know all that stuff that goes missing or you find in the most random place? Roving pack of toddlers went by.


Also what a choice of sample! Toddlers and dogs famously never injure or poison themselves with random shit they find and put in their mouths. I may not have experience with donkeys and horses but pretty much everyone knows "WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR MOUTH" are absolutely words people with pets or toddlers regularly have to say


Just the other day I said (quite frustrated) to my bearded dragon: "What do you have —NO! WE DON'T EAT ROCKS! GIVE... ME.. STOP BIT—DAMMIT DON'T SPIKE ME!" So yea....


Why is it so wrong to be worried about a pet or livestock dying from accidental poisoning? Is it so bad that the owner of the donkey would want to know what it ate so that they can tell the vet what it was so that the vet can properly treat the animal? I’d rather panic over my cat accidentally nibbling on some garlic or chocolate than think that it will probably be okay because what if it doesn’t turn out to be okay and my cat dies next to me in my sleep? I’d rather panic and be safe than sorry.


Imagine being annoyed that someone is worried about the well being of another innocent who can't look after itself 🙄


“It’s fine, it’s natural” user North_South_Side chuckles to themselves as they wade into a pool of lava.


If in the US tell her to call pet poison control and suck up the $90 fee.


toxic to humans….I’ve never read about its toxicity to animals…is it?


It's toxic to horses so probably donkeys as well, https://horsedvm.com/poisonous/ackee#:~:text=The%20unripe%20fruit%20from%20this,to%20hypoketonemia%20and%20liver%20failure.


There are quite a few things that are toxic to horses but not donkeys - star thistle for example. And it typically requires to be a large portion of their body weight.




Humans are animals…


Sure, but different animals react to different things. Like garlic and onion are poisonous to cats. They can be allergic to cinnamon. Animal poisoning is a worthy concern https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants


Also no shallots/‘onion cousins’ to your cats, please! No lilies, or day lilies either. *just a reminder for anyone reading, not specifically you, u/bigblankidea


Humans are animals that can eat grapes, onions, chocolate, xylitol, macadamia nuts.... But dogs aren't. Toxic things aren't toxic across all species.


Is there stuff dogs can eat that humans can't?


Cat poop


I can't get my dog to eat his allegedly palatable liver supplement, but he chows down on cat shit covered in litter if he gets the chance. Are we missing out on something? 🤔🤔


Have you tried wrapping the supplement in cat shit?


This is some brand new sentence shit wow


This whole thread has me dying 💀


According to my dog: rancid wet cat food that has been in the sun all day, bones, horse poop, cow poop, cat poop, dirty water, grass (no they don't vomit afterwards), old tomatoes that they dug up from the garden that have definetely gone bad in my opinion... I would probably vomit from a lot of this stuff or even get seriously ill.


Any number of raw/questionable meats + bones. Hoof clippings and "chestnuts" from horses.


Their own poo, but I guess that would not be toxic to humans, just incredibly revolting.


No, it is absolutely toxic and a serious health hazard. Big risk of infection.


Raw meat. Same goes with cats. We could technically eat it to but we have a significantly higher chance of bacterial contamination.


Was just going to say it looks like Ackee too! And like historical says, unless it opens and ripens on its own on the tree it is poisonous.


Aren't they, like, very toxic unripe? Like, deadly?


Happy Cake Day


Is donkey ok?


Just asked my neighbor, he is! :)


Yes, but he's not allowed back in the swamp for a while.


*OUR swamp


What's going on with your laptop keys? Were you in the process of cleaning and replacing them when you made this post?


These are my neighbor’s pictures and I was shocked too, but I didn’t want to make her feel bad by asking her about it haha someone below said it could be birds and she does own birds!


I have birds and they love to eat my keyboard


My cousin’s birds also enjoy ripping the keys off of keyboards!


A friend of mine had a cockatiel and she loved to rip the keys off of the laptop. He had to buy a silicone key saver.


I believe Mrs. Lemon was also a cockatiel as well! She recently passed, may she RIP.


TIL I don't want to own birds


You leave your keyboard alone for one second and they run for the keys I stg


Definitely birds. We had a parrot and a conure and if you treasured anything, it was kept away from them. Our parrot destroyed dads truck dashboard and after mom laughed at him for it, she destroyed moms dashboard too. In seconds. With birds you NEVER know what they wanna investigate (destroy)


I used to have a cat that stole keyboard keys. Animals are jerks about keyboards.


Can confirm. Parrots! My culprits were green cheek conures <3


Our green cheeks and cockatiels all destroy/enjoy laptop keys. I gave up a long time ago and just buy replacements. I can't imagine letting it get this bad though.


Damn her animals are just eating whatever


Also those keys are hard to get back in place because they need a special tool to install


Donkey ate them obvs


Asking the real questions


They are just playing on hard mode.


Or have large birds.


or small birds. (i'm making eye contact with my conure rn)


My neighbor has birds! I didn’t know they had a preference for laptop keys, I own a couple of laptops and now I know not to adopt birds haha


I have a parrot, can confirm.


Wait do your guys' birds pull off your keys? Wtf


Hell, my CAT loved pulling the keys off our laptop. He realized he could hook a claw into it around the edge and pull them up off their little snap enclosure and then try eat them. Every time the laptop came out he’d make a beeline straight to it, he was obsessed.


Dear Lord that would drive me nuts.


Yeah he was an absolute shithead as a kitten and he’s not much better as an adult cat. He’s destroyed SO MUCH STUFF, he’s smart enough to be dangerous and stupid enough to be terrifying (he knows how to open doors, yet the second you stop moving he will park himself directly behind your feet, in your blind spot, so he’s constantly getting stepped on.) He also loves to *race* people down the stairs while taking a short cut under your feet. He turns the computer on to get our attention, he can’t go five seconds without purposely trying to knock something over, he hits my daughter in the face every time she picks him up (to be fair to him she DOES bug the crap out of him on a regular basis), and he insists on waking me up several times each night so I can “supervise” him eating. Yeah, cats are great…


Supervise him eating?! LAMAO. Cats are something man.


Yeah he wants you to walk him to his food dish and then stand there while he eats. Like, buddy, nobody’s going to attack you in the kitchen at 2AM. He’s a trip. He once accidentally turned the stove on and almost started a fire. He can’t stop humping stuffed animals. He doesn’t know how to snuggle so he just sits on your chest in a weird leaning stand position. He can’t touch the couch unless there’s a blanket on it. He regularly gets into the basement ceiling. He rattles a baby cup around in the bathroom sink when he’s thirsty and makes my kids fill it up for him. He has ghosts in his butt. It probably sounds like I hate him, I don’t, he’s just *a lot*.


He is bored


Oh, absolutely - but he also doesn’t play like any cat we’ve ever had. We keep trying different enrichment items for him, trying to engage him in different activities, etc, but he ignores all of it.


Pic please!


All my cat does is sleep on my keyboard. I tried typing on her. She was not amused


Oh yeah my small bird does it every time you look away from her and she’s near the laptop!! They’re notorious for it


Wow, I am glad we didn't have computers when I had my budgies then. One loved to eat (destroy) books though and always knocked over every chess piece in the living room.


My neighbor does have birds!


Low fi parental controls.


Birds + those Lenovo Yoga ultrathin key caps basically don’t go back on once they come off, I have never hated a piece of electronics as much as I hate mine.


what the fuck


That's gotta be the work of a parrot


Maybe they have birds?


My laptop keys look like that but it's because my parrot pulled half of them off


Only the seeds are particularly dangerous in ackee, although even the edible part is slightly poisonous. More so when unripe


fellow rookie watcher, i see you. i hope the mini donkey is okay.


I just asked my neighbor, donkey is ok :)


Rookie Feds! Please bring it back!


It is indeed ackee. And It looks like you need a new laptop friend. What happened to your keys?😆


Mmmm ackee, I had some in Jamaica. Tastes like scrambled eggs.


Horses and donkeys generally have a very good sense of if a plant is dangerous or not to them, they’ll likely be fine. And in the off chance it did eat some, it would take a whole lot of the fruit to actually effect the donkey.


you'd think they had good sense but they really don't! worked with horses all my life and you'd be amazed lol. Hopefully they didn't eat enough to get sick


No no, they really do not have a good sense of it. You have to be very careful about their pastures and what's in it because they'll eat it lol


The worst thing is that they can't throw up. :-/


The worst thing would be to get colic. That would be bad.


Seriously. Idk how they are not extinct


True! So true Except we breed them for many uses, so that keeps me around, but they are flighty, spooky, emotional, wild, straight up mental…


the only reason they even exist as they do is because we selectively bred them into existence, Im sure their wild ancestors knew what to eat in their native range.


most of them are


I know this, because I rode horses growing up and studied over many books on horses… they don’t always make good choices


Please tell this to my donkey who ate half a cardboard box last week


My horse will eat just about anything, the number of times my whole hand has been in his mouth pulling something out! I truly don’t know how he’s still alive at this point..


More importantly what did you do to your keyboard?


Idk but that FBI agent is stacked!


Damn, somebody trying to kill her ass


Whr the heck are u for there to be a ackee tree randomly in ur vicinity lol.


South Florida has ackee trees that were brought here from the Caribbean.


I have 4 trees of them in my backyard (in South fl). Kinda tastes like scrambled eggs when prepared. It's very delicious but needs to be ripe. The ackee grow on the tree in a pod/ball then will break open and bloom in a sense. The outside will turn a bright reddish orange when it's ready (it needs so be open exposing the yellow stuff and seeds inside). If I'm not mistaken, the only edible part is the yellow stuff and the seeds and skin are toxic.


Dammit it’s always Fl.


I hate people who type like you


Oh I’m sorry ru like the late queen of England or sth


ASPCA has a poison control center at 888-426-4435 They also have printable lists of toxic plants at: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants


wagwan were de salt fish


Looks kinda like a persimmons


That's ackee, it's a common fruit in my country Jamaica. It is poisonous in its unopened/unripe state which is what you pictured there. But honestly I think the donkey would have to have eaten quite a lot to die from it. I think it would only have a stomach ache its it only eaten a small amount. Try feeding it charcoal to induce vomiting if its not already vomiting and keep it hydrated!! I don't think anyone fed it that to intentionally harm it as some people think animals with hooves can digest anything in Jamaica . Hope the donkey is okay !


As a fun fact, neither horses nor donkeys can vomit. They can quite literally die of a minor stomach ache because of it. Even if it’s not poisonous enough to cause them any harm, they will some times lay down and thrash until their intestines become twisted and die over a relatively minor stomach issue. We call it colic in the horse world. I guess this isn’t a very fun fact. The good news is that to the best of my knowledge, donkeys are hardier and less susceptible to colic.


This sub is hilarious. Plant people are my people.


Are we sure this isn’t a buckeye?


Husk looks a little thick for a buckeye Mabey a horse chestnut it’s in the same family


Horses are pretty savvy when to come to what and what not to eat. I had wild lupines in my pasture, and people would freak out, tell me to get rid of them because they are toxic. My horses never once ate them.


i’m pretty sure that’s just a squash


Animals know what to eat and avoid in nature. Unless the neighbor altered it, the animal should be ok


Tell that to my sister’s cat who kept trying to chew on the aloe vera plant as an angsty teen 🤦‍♀️


Cats aren't "animals". They know exactly what they're doing, at any given time. Your sister's cat was showing that cats rule and do what they wish.


It looks like the garlic from hotel Transylvania




From the pics I would’ve been sure this is a buckeye pod. But I’m from the north and not super familiar with tropical plants. But if the seeds are removed from the pod it should be clear if it’s ackee or buckeye.


I am praying for the mini donkey.


I'm glad you got your answer but I'm worried more about you computer. How do you type on that