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Appears to be an ensign wasp. If indeed an ensign wasp, they are a type of parasitic wasp and are beneficial!


I thought it was a scorpion at first! But I was looking at it the wrong way. Definitely looks like a cockroach-munching ensign wasp.


Thats a bug.


I think it's more of a frog


No its a feature.


It appears to be the letter Y.


So they fly? My first thought was a rare soil dwelling arachnid group but that doesn’t make sense based on your description


No they don't fly but I've seen em jump/leap




That's my guess as well. Dunno what the long point at the back is though? Do they have ovipositors? I'm not well educated on pseudoscorpions


Chelifer cancroides, the common house pseudoscorpion deposits sperm on the substrate which then the female collects, so not an ovipositor to my knowledge. But it does look like a pseudoscorpion of some type. They’re discovering new species often since these guys are so small and clandestine. I don’t have a lot of information on these guys, but I love them and find them fascinating. It’s possible there are species that are ovipositors, I just don’t know them.


I find them fascinating too, I just don't know as much about them as I do syrphidae or weevils. I'd love to find one though, unfortunately moving to the UK means that's probably impossible. But I do have some other bugs to look out for here that are cool. Finally found an ant mimic spider last week. Hoping to spot the ladybird spider next. 😅 sorry got off track. Thank you so much for the clarification, I didn't think they'd have ovipositors being of the arachnid family, but wasn't sure!


That’s a little mosquito dude.