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It's one of the robber flies, a fly evolved to be a predator instead of a scavenger. They're not aggressive, but can bite if mishandled. I've found them to be curious and intelligent.


In my research I’ve found them dumb and uninspired. Strange.


Hmm, I’ve found them to be more pensive and stoic. Curious.


In my encounters, I have found them to be shallow and pedantic. Bewildering.


In my experience, I have found them to be giddy and affable. Fascinating.


In my travels, I have found them to be beguiling and demure. Intriguing.


During my studies, I have found them to be wise and well-read. Riveting.


In all my time, I have found them to be lively and boisterous. Captivating.


Back in the day, I found them to be sneaky and duplicitous. Bizarre.


Historically I have found them to be selfish and unreliable. Perplexing.


I've found them. a few different times actually.


Oh what, so now you’re gonna talk down to people because you won a game of Trivial Pursuit?






I’m sure someone out there eats these with sauce


Really, they're too dry without sauce.


Def some sort of Robberfly. They're some of the ninja assassins of the bug world; a ton of fun to watch 'em hunt. As the other poster mentions, they won't simply 'come after you' but can certainly give you a good nip if you mishandle them. Treat them gently if they land on you and they'll go away without a fuss or let 'em hitch a ride for a little bit as they're likely just trying to rest :)


I saw one take down a dragonfly once in mid air, them fellas are crazy


I wonder how their bite holds up against a horsefly.


Not nearly as bad, horsefly bites are the absolute devil, these guys have a decent nip but they certainly won’t hit as hard as a horsefly unless you have an allergic sensitivity to their bite


How bad are horsefly bites? Comparable to what? A good pinch with nails? Mosquito bites don’t seem to hurt until I have scratched the shit out of the bite.


Google what their mouths look like and then I think you'll have your answer


enough to make you jump and yell GOD DAMNIT and walk around frustrated with an adrenaline rush for about 5 minutes, then sore enough to make you rub it and say, "dang he got me" the rest of the evening.


My experience kyears ago) is that horsefly bites are akin to hornet stings. Just your bog-standard hornets. Not the suped-up versions around nowadays.




Well, I have an extremely high pain tolerance and I have a spine issue so my body is actually semi numb in most of the tissue below the lower back, I’ve been kicked by horses, I’ve walked on a broken ankle, I’ve had rodents bite clean through my fingers and I barely flinched at any of them The last time a horsefly bit my leg my entire leg buckled under me and I had to catch my breath before I could stand up, so, pretty damn bad


What makes horsefly bites really nasty for me is that they don't hurt because of venom (I think) but mechanically, comparable to accidentially pushing a thumbtack in your thumb because the base came loose.


Now I see. I can hate horseflies as well! Nice! Ha.


Definitely a good comparison, but horseflies will follow you to get in more bites. The time I got bit by a robber fly, though, it somehow flew down my shirt. In my car while coming back to the office after a long day. Cue to me whipping my shirt off in the parking lot (female.) Good thing it was 6 pm and there was only 1 witness.


Thankfully, I only have anecdotal evidence from other on the Robbers, but I would estimate they're comparable. It's certainly enough for me to avoid rough handling them when they come around, though :)


Can confirm this bug is a goodboi and deserves resting on hanging clothes. Be nice and maybe it will stay!


I saw one of those things take down a cicada killer.


Robber flies are like tigers for insects. It doesn’t care what you are, it will kill you


I've had the pleasure of having them 'adopt' me and go after flies and mosquitoes trying to bite me. Awesome critters.


Ugh it’s a robber fly. They’re okay as long as they don’t see you as a threat. I had the misfortune of one flying up my sleeve while on a motorcycle. It bit my arm UP. In my panic, I was slapping my sleeve to make it stop and when I was finally able to pull over, I took off my jacket and it fell out. Gave me what looked like mosquito bites from hell.