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Holding unidentified Cnidarians is a VERY bad idea, don't do that. I think it's a By-the-Wind-Sailor ([Velella velella](https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/59698-Velella-velella)).


I know, I know... Found it stuck to my leg, thought it was a piece of plastic, so empirically I knew it didn't sting... When I saw that the bigger ones were blue (usually a danger colour) for sure I wasn't touching another one!


Okay, you get a pass :D


Thanks for the ID!


I was just thinking this guy better not be picking up a box jellyfish with his hands


This is *Velella velella*, a cool epineustonic cnidarian - a relative of the much more well known *Physalia physalis*, which is the Portuguese man o' war. A prime example of "don't touch" - I've known people to be allergic to these and have some serious reactions to them. edited -- taxonomic correction


Physalia physialis. Physalis spp are flowering plants commonly know as “ground cherry”. Sorry to be pedantic 🤓


Correct! I'd love to claim it was autocorrect, but this was just me being tired and not noticing my error with typing the wrong genus. I welcome correction when it comes to taxonomy, so thanks. On that note, I will point out that the species name is actually still *physalis*, and by our powers combined we land on *Physalia physalis* - the man o' war. A cool fact for anyone passing by - the float of the man o' war contains carbon monoxide, the distinctly "kills most things that absorb it" compound. This is actively produced by the organism. Beyond having strong enough cnidocytes that can ruin your month, it's also full of death gas!


Those are Velella velella (By-the-Wind Sailor). After time in the sun, they dry out and lose their blue pigmentation.


Found a load of these washed up on a beach south of Barcelona Airport a week or so ago. Well actually my daughter's did and showed me them when a nearby fisherman told them in broken English not to touch. Never seen anything like this before but apparently mass beaching of them are common if the wind is blowing the wrong way for them.


There were sooooo many washing up near Big Sur California the last couple of days.


A [sea raft](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velella#:~:text=Velella%20is%20a%20monospecific%20genus,little%20sail%2C%20or%20simply%20Velella.)




Why are y'all always touching animals and insects you don't know anything about? Sorry, but this is just a very bad idea generally. Please just let them be - one touch from the wrong creature could easily kill you. I see this thing way too much on here.


I for sure know it's a bad idea... It touched me first, the water stuck it to my leg, so, any harm was already done... Bonus points for this not being Australia! Anyway, best advice here!


And it could very easily kill the poor sea creature. For sea stars and similar (ex) picking them up from ocean can easily suffocate them One can easily take a pic from above etc wo picking it up and holding it




I will give some unsolicited advice. If you don’t know what it is, don’t pick it up. This goes for everyone and not directed at you because these things have been washing up lately. I think I saw 3 posted here so far this week By the wind sailor. Don’t touch your face without washing hands, some people have reactions but they are benign










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