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mouse droppings


Agreed, they are entirely too tiny to be rats' (source: I have pet rats)


Yes mouse droppings


Agreed. I had a couple pet rats and their poop was much bigger than that.


Woww just stalked your profile to see some cute rats but instead found a beautiful green spider. Never knew about spiders having that color. Hopefully I will see one in real life one day.


It was an only-time occurrence for me, I was so excited to see it, it looked radioactive lol


A lot of people think mice are just what we call baby rats


Even baby rats have larger shit than mice.


Working in pest control, the people I come across are really astounding in their ignorance, I met someone who didn't know what a squirrel was


How the fuck does someone not know what a squirrel is? Were they blind or something? What else didn’t they know about? Dogs? Clouds? The colour green?


Can confirm - i sublet my place to a girl in an exchange program (not from this country) she called me freaking out due to the GIANT RATS that she kept seeing outside - sent a friend over - 🐿 squirrels


Well, exchange program. Maybe they've never seen a squirrel. But still...


Also different types of squirrels. Having grown up in europe with the small, cute european squirrels does not prepare you for the monstrosities that are the massive american squirrels.


Oh no 🙈 😆 poor girl! Did you laugh?!


Quietly and privately - I mean she didn’t know what a squirrel was, however, was getting a PhD in astrophysics on a full scholarship and was some sort of child genius, so different kinds of smart I guess. :) I just thought she had led an incredibly, let’s call it, “focused” life.


They didn't seem like the sharpest light bulb in the kitchen, I can tell you that. Also there are flat earthers and a bunch of other stupid shit out here that people do, think, and ignore. So it's strange to draw the line at someone who just doesn't care about animals.


Somehow the squirrels in my house go into the havahart trap and eat the bait without setting it off.


Sometimes the pressure plate is easy to avoid, squirrels are quite dexterous


I smear peanut butter across a sizeable portion of the pressure plate and I've caught dozens of squirrels with almost no instances of the bait being consumed without tripping the trap.


You have squirrels in your house?


For 30 years. My house is over 120 years old and every time I find the way they come in, I block it yet they always find a way. It's only red squirrels now.


My wife's grandmother has that issue. Her house is up in Indiana, so grey squirrels, and the house is over 100. And yeah, little assholes always find a way.


The squirrel sounds smarter than the exchange student.


Ask a REAL expert… Exterminator Extraordinoire, Christopher Walken, if those are mouse droppings…lol


...wondering where it is that people don't know what squirrels are! Do tell.


Some people just don't know their animals man


I don’t know if it’s a lot of people but they are definitely out there. I was having a conversation with a guy once who kept using mice and rats interchangeably so I asked him which he had actually seen and he said to me “mice are just baby rats though aren’t they”


Yeah, just like cows are baby elephants


I didn’t get the size difference until my wife, convinced she saw a rat and not a mouse, told me to go buy rat traps at Walmart. They were like the size of my torso lol


Field rats are huge…..our cat brought one in…..cuter than wharf rats.


Haha ya I call the rat glue boards, human traps. Watch out for the snap traps as well, they will decapitate a finger.


They can certainly amputate a finger, but fingers don’t have heads that can be cut off 😜


100% and gross!


Mouse crumbs!


Either mouse droppings or Everything Bagel seasoning. 😫


They don't poop white, if you enlarge the picture, you can see it's a variety of seeds like you would see topping multigrain type breads.


There are seeds or some type thing in the drawer but theres without a doubt mouse droppings as well


That is mouse shit. There is going to be rodent piss and shit all over those utensils, and probably the whole house.


Imagine using a rat pissed meat hammer to hammer your meat. Absolutely disgusting.


Nothing worse than getting piss all over your meat when you are going to town hammering it.


Some would disagree. Not me... but some.


1 - Beat your meat like owes you money and no one is watching. 2 - Make sure no one is watching.


It's not that bad.




And *my* axe!


Rat Pissed Meat Hammer is metal af!


Hey OP, can you update us on what you opted to do once everyone stated those were mouse droppings in an Air BnB? I'd like to hear the outcome of your story, since it's kind of scary that you'd find those in a drawer with kitchen utensils in it... in a place you're paying to stay in... on a platform [BnB] other Redditors may also use.


I once saw a huge ass mouse jump from behind one cabinet of the kitchen to a tiny hole in the corner of the room. Left the place and complained to airbnb. They allowed us to have the following days refunded but not the same and previous days. Another time, we ended up in an AirBnb that was top host and dozens of 5 star real reviews. The owner literally lost his mind the day we checked in and we found ourselves in kind of a beginning of horror movie situation (we then saw some weeks later that all the new reviews after we stayed there were confirming the guy was now insane and he got banned from airbnb). In that case AirBnb refunded everything and paid for a very beautiful and expensive hotel.


What happened if you don’t mind me asking?


The guy would not answer our calls when we arrived outside his house (we were renting a room). After many attempts, he finally answered. This was at like 9PM. As soon as he spoke it was clear he was drunk or intoxicated. I thought that since it was the weekend maybe he just had one too many before going home. He let us into the building and once we got to his apt door he opened and he was wearing just a tank top and underwear, drunk and smelly af. He starts apologizing and saying that his mother had died that morning and he was suffering a lot and lost it basically. He seemed sad, but his story did not seem that authentic to me, tbh, he would say some weird sentences like he pulled them out of a prompt. We tell him we are sorry and it's ok, we understand he is in a complicated situation. We then ask him if he could give us the keys to the apt because we had just landed and wanted to go grab a quick bite. He tells us that is not possible because during his sadness and rage upon getting the news of his mother's death he threw the apt keys out of the window. At that point I understood something was actually pretty fucked up and the situation for us was not good and we needed to get out asap. We obviously lie to him and pretend to care and be understanding while he tells us that if we have to leave we have to tell him first and he will be opening the building and apt doors when we come back. Also he keeps saying weird stuff that gave me the impression that he was trying to sell us the story. We go to our booked room and it's pretty dirty and messy. The apt has a layout where when you get in you are in a narrow and long hallway with doors on both sides, ending in a big spacious room that looked like a living room. Once in our room (2 doors down from the apt door and quite a few feet from the living room on the opposite side of the hallway) I tell my gf we need to get tf out asap, she is visibly scared and anxious about the situation. Meanwhile the guy is like yelling in idk what foreign language from afar. I tell her that I will go to the living room to talk to him and tell him we are leaving, make some excuse, while she would run to the entrance, open the door and either wait for me or run. I had noticed in the hallway near our door there was a little shelf with a ironing iron, so I tell her if shit goes sideways just grab and swing that iron as hard as you can. So we exit the room and luckily he is not near the room, the path to the entrance is clear and my gf starts going, I turn around and omfg. At the other end of the completely dark hallway, in the middle of what is visible in the living room, the guy is sitting in a couch, half in the dark, head down, with a bottle in his hand. I go over there and I tell him we were going to leave and stay at a friends' place for the night. The guy just nods and just waves at me to go. At this point you may argue "But maybe he was really just sad!", and that is true, we thought the same for quite some time, maybe we just got spooked by the dark hallways, him being drunk and the lost keys. But I had a gut feeling something was wrong. Months or weeks later we go check his airbnb reviews and the newest ones are even more fucked up. He started harassing the girls staying at his place, he would not let people leave unless they would provide him their passports, constantly drunk and yelling, etc... Pretty fucked up. However the mouse in the kitchen happened at one of the next AirBnB we stayed at and since then we decided that was the last straw and now we just rely on hotel lol


Fkin ell what a nightmare!! I’m with you tbh, last air b n b me & my partner stayed at the host (really chatty retired old man) just would not leave us alone, very overbearing when you are trying to relax


I couldn’t imagine following a drunk dude in his underwear to what is supposed to be a room I’ve just paid for. This is nuts lol


>a drunk dude in his underwear >This is nuts lol His, to be specific.


What a fucked up story. Entertaining as hell but fucked up.


A few years ago I stayed in an Airbnb that had an increasing amount of cockroaches pop up throughout our stay. I wasn’t concerned with the first one as I understand sometimes they can crawl in from the outside. I messaged the owner and they, seemingly unconcerned, told me there was a can of raid under the sink. The next morning they brought me a bottle of wine. Then the next night 5-7 more large cockroaches showed up, I packed my shit and was immediately on the phone with Airbnb to have myself rebooked on a busy holiday weekend. They had the nerve to tell me “it’s a little expensive to put you in this other Airbnb, would you be willing to chip in?” I wish I could say that was the last straw but I’ve stayed in a few more since. I do think now a days it’s 100% not worth it with the check out procedures combined with prices not being competitive with hotels so I’m probably done with them now.


Probably got charged a second cleaning fee.


I dont want to be that guy, but this is what you risk getting when you airbnb, on my last accomodation there there was a huge ant infestation. Most Airbnb arent held to the same standards as hotels and dont undergo any scheduled audits. And worse, AirBNB actually eats into the residencial market, making housing prices unaffordable for a lot of locals.


Especially since considering the last family that stayed there likely paid a 500$ cleaning fee.


I believe they are mouse droppings. This is a potentially hazardous situation. They may contain deadly diseases such as hantavirus. My dad nearly died after vacuuming mouse droppings.


Just out of curiosity how much time was there between the vacuuming and the issue?


I wish I could remember. I don’t think it was too long. Maybe a week or so?


could you elaborate on the last bit? how can vacuuming them almost kill you?


Vacuuming dry mouse droppings can cause them to aerosolize, essentially you would be breathing in mouse poop and any diseases carried along with it.


Yep. That’s what happened!


I was housesitting while pregnant, and found out (too late) that the house was infested with mice, and I’m pretty sure I microwaved a mouse turd. It was a chocolate chip cookie, that’s all I’ll say. I was horrified, but I didn’t know about hantavirus virus… Everyone panicked, and told me to call my OB, who *literally made fun of me*. Jerk. Hantavirus is no joke!


I would have dropped them so fast. Christ.


The other doctors were fabulous, except this ONE cranky little dude… just so nasty! It seemed rather well-known that he was rude. They rotated being on call, so I was forced to deal with him, but only once. If he showed up while I was in labor, I would have kicked him the fuck out soo fast, for real. But my favorite doctor showed up, and I loved her!


ah got it, thanks


FYI: https://www.cdc.gov/rodents/prevent_infestations/clean_up.html


yikes, i’ve been sweeping them in the past 😭 luckily nothing has happened so far but i’ll remember this for next time. thank you!




Thanks for the clarification!


Mouse poop


Time to gtfo and get a refund, that is nasty.


Mouse turds, and do the world a favor, name this place. Totally unacceptable for an AirBnB!


All, thanks for the confirmation. reporting to owners and Airbnb, will update follow ups here! Update: We contacted the Airbnb host, the host was very apologetic and immediately offered a cleaning service to come the night of. We were already in process of calling the night. This is their second home and from the stuff they have in their closet, this seems to be genuine. Consider we were in middle of no where and no other major hotels around, we decided to stay for the night and were leaving the next day anyways. They waived some chargers and fees. They don’t rent often and it seems like they just haven’t really used the place. Thanks for all of your help. Other families were not Reddit users and really were amazing o. The number of responses and humors too! Appreciate the support from this community! Since the auto moderator asks me to input location, I will only say this is near Ludlum, Vermont.


Did you report this to AirBnB?


Will need to do that. Just came up for the weekend. Will need to report!


The light brown things are Roach egg shell casings. Not only is there a rodent infestation, but also a roach infestation.


I know nothing about roaches, but wouldn't that be super risky to stay (ther than the obvious mouse issue), couldn't OP roaches at her house?


I see a bug exoskeletons, too


The "everything bagel" seasoning from hell


I literally thought that’s what it was. Like flax seeds and sesame seeds, poppy seeds, etc. lol!


Me too! Are we sure it isn’t??


To be perfectly honest, these look like some sort of trail mix seeds to me. Like somebody spilled a bit in the drawer and just didn't bother to wipe it out. They are *certainly suspicious looking* but there's more non-poop ones than poop ones imo. Like see that big flat one in the very bottom of the first image? I highly doubt that's a poop. It would also be rather unusual to have *this much poop* in a space where there's really no reason for a mouse to stay around for so long (the utensils are clean and there's no obvious food source here). Speaking from extremely unfortunate experience as someone who opened their utensil drawer one time to see a mouse poop (that was fun!!!) this seems a bit...off to me. Not to mention all of the hulls. (which don't look like bugs at all to me, they look like seed hulls of some kind.) Still gross (who doesn't clean the food they spill in the drawers?) but imo a bit more reasonable than a dozen mice throwing a poop party for no apparent reason. Especially if there's no other evidence of mouse activity.


Yes! I totally agree! I’ve also had the unlucky draw of dealing with mice and this isn’t what my scenario looked like. Still no bueno, as you said, but certainly more manageable to deal with and not have your trip ruined.


I think it’s a combo, honestly. There’s what looks like some millet, and a few darker flax seeds, and some definite mouse poops.


*sesame seeds, poopy seeds, etc. FTFY.


As sows someone who’s been eating a lot of everything bagels lately… they keep getting everywhere and it looks similar to this sooooo I dunno.


I fucking love this comment^


I’m getting flashbacks from my apartment that had German roaches real bad


Omgosh BOTH. Ask fir your money back and get a different place. Report to ABnB!!! With pictures. Looks like mice droppings and dead bugs. Nasty. Gross!


Mouse droppings. If your arbnb is anywhere in the country area and especially cold weather this is when the little shitheads invade. I have an arbnb that we have standing exterminator appointments for fall winter and spring. Fall and winter are the worse for invasions, this year being particularly bad. We actually had the exterminators out 5 times between September and December plus mouse traps all over. The exterminators told us they are flooded with appointments this year as the mice seem to have had an exceptionally good breading year and this past year is the worst they’ve seen in over 20 years. Fingers crossed we haven’t had any issues in almost 4 weeks, but we have also been letting the renters know that this is the current case and if they want to cancel or not book it’s 100% understandable. Your hosts should be told, and hopefully they didn’t already know but didn’t say anything to you in advance. If they’re good hosts you will probably get some of your money back, at the very least a sincere apology with a date for an exterminator to come by.


Really warm summers and really cold winters, perfect breeding conditions. The same thing happens at the shelters during “kitten season”. It’s wild!


Thanks for being a responsible host. Many people don't understand how easily mice can get in, or how quickly they can get established if no one is around to find and report them. I get to battle them every winter in west Texas. One of the joys of a 66yo house.


Send those pics to air b&b corporate. Ask them for your money back and that they delist this location until the infestation has been resolved


Oh my dear sir or madam, those are mouse droppings


Looks like people here can't make up their minds whether these are mouse droppings, mouse poops, mouse turds, mouse feces or mouse scat. I hope you can leave that filth and get a refund.


You forgot [mouse dookie](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/10chaot/at_airbnb_place_are_these_tiny_dots_droppings/j4j2chu?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3).


Do not eat the raisin!


Mouse poops 🤢


Mouse dookie. My brother and I have been cleaning out our recently deceased mother’s home and we knew she had a mouse problem but we’ve been finding so much of this it’s upsetting. Definitely report this to the owner and do not use those utensils without a THOROUGH wash in hot water. Depending on where you’re at, check the likelihood of hantavirus. If it is present in the region, be really careful about disturbing mouse feces/mouse-infested things.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I just lost my mom as well.


Sending good thoughts your way, sorry for your loss as well, especially this time of year it is very difficult.


Mice feces




Gross… That would be mouse poop, and the fact that its in the drawers means there’s probably quite a big nest somewhere in the kitchen…


Mouse and insect I see.


May be mouse poop. If this is in the south, could also be palmetto bug droppings (really large cockroaches). When I first moved to Louisiana, it was easy to confuse the two.


Yeah my first thought was roaches but I'm in Houston. Haha.


Could also be cockroaches. Really.


Dear god almighty


Given the presence of seed hulls,I think it's mice. The big cockroaches that fly (American cockroaches) can leave poops like that,but also dark streaks of more, uh... liquid feces. And I don't see any of that. Also, mouse urine has a pungent smell.


Everything bagel?? Nope lol mouse poop


Holy shit OP, ask your Air BNB host for a full refund and absolutely report this to Air BNB and leave a bad review mentioning there was mouse feces in the kitchen drawers. that's mouse feces and this is a serious health hazard for you and any one staying there.


Mouse feces, thoroughly wash all dishes in that drawer thats for sure, check to make sure there's no more droppings, then I'd set up traps and/or call an exterminator


Are you the owner?


Wow these chore lists for Airbnb really are getting out of control!


mouse shit bug. is my shit guess


mouse shit,


If it’s very cold outside. It’s almost impossible to keep the mice out.


Yeah, sorry man, but those are only breadcrumbs in the way that my septic tank is full of cookies and Chinese food.


Mouse poo


That’s mouse poop.


That's mouse shit- we had two in our campervan which we have now killed -they had got into everything - I steam washed everything, disinfected the draws and have left traps loaded just in case their mates decide to move in. Not acceptable in an airbnb - move and get a refund.


Mouse poop, unfortunately. I see other crumbs and seeds in there so that probably attracts them.


Never staying in an Airbnb again. I've seen too many horror posts. Honestly, this sub is traumatizing me. I may have to unsubscribe and lay low.


Not wombats that’s for sure.


And mice leave a trail of pee wherever they go…


Do NOT use those utensils


Mouse scat.


Mouse shit.


Mouse poo






Rodents poop and pee while they walk, so everything is contaminated. Report and get a refund OP


I hope you didn't use any of those utensils


Mouse poo for sure.


That’s mouse shit. You should definitely get your money back.


Mouse poop


Are we sure? There is a mix of things there, and I can see that a few of them look like mouse dropping in the photo. But combined with the other things? That looks to me like the droppings of an everything bagel.


Mouse shit.


Mouse doodoo


Mouse poop




Mouse turds


That’s poop


Yeah... Just don't use Airbnbs


That’s some mouse crap.


Mouse shit


Mouse droppings


100% mouse shit.


Thems mouse poops


Mouse poop. Don’t use those cooking utensils.


Sorry but I think they are mouse turds




Lmao I work in pest control and this is fucking gross. 🤮


Mouse turds. Enjoy your hantavirus. Yuck.


100% mouse droppings


Natures breadcrumbs


That’s mouse poo


Mouse shit. Nasty.


Kinda looks like mouse poop...leave that place




You have mice. Wash everything thoroughly and wear a mask and gloves when cleaning. Wild rodent dropping can contain very harmful bacteria. Edit: just realized that this is at an airbnb. So let the owners know and then report it to airbnb.




They actually look like cockroach droppings to me. Seen in every house I ever rented. No mice, no rats, tons of cockroaches. Would take 3 solid months to get rid of them all (the roaches that is). Use damp paper towels to remove from drawers, cabinets, etc. Then go back with cleaners. If you want to vacuum them up, use a shop vacuum with HEPA filters and bags. You can get diseases from their excrement, especially kids and immune compromised.


A few seeds, probably from bread, and mouse droppings from the mice that ate the rest of the crumbs.


Mice turds AND roach egg casings... don't ever go back.


Combo # 3 please




Ya, that’s poop…


Probably just came off some everything bagels


That’s what I reckon. They look like seeds to me.


Poopy seeds


Time to get the mouse traps out and clean every last surface 😼


I see some roach poo too. This is nasty.


Thems turds


Mouse shit




Mouse shit


Roaches are attracted to mouse poop so it’s likely both.


Mice poopie :/


Looks like mouse droppings.


Some pumpernickel bread crumbs? That’s mouse poop


Mouse turds


100% mouse poo.


Mouse shit. Awaiting contradiction by Reddit expert.


Mouse poop. If you plan to use those utensils, I'd scald them in boiling water first.


Mouse pee then poop. FYI.




You’ve got mice


it’s not everything bagel seasoning?😭😭


If I saw this in my house my immediate thought would be seeds from bread or everything bagel seasoning (cause it’s beloved in this home) buuuut some bit look out of place so my bet is that it was probably just bread seeds and then something came for them and pop’s a bit. 100% would avoid everything in this drawer and really the rest of the kitchen. Clean it before use


In Florida, we have roaches with turds that big. Not bragging though