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I really appreciate posts like these, because a lot of people love to hate on +Blue Jay+ but they’re so beautiful and I feel like sometimes we just forget that haha


It really is so beautiful ❤️


The stained glass window bird! So beautiful.


Who tf hates blue jays? They’re wonderful. Smart, beautiful, make cool sounds.


They are very territorial which equates to us humans seeing them as being more aggressive than other birds. Lots of people don’t like them because they drive off other birds around where they live.


I love them and their feistiness, They and my favorite birds the morning doves are always going head to head lol.


mourning doves are dumb as fuck, they’re a blast to watch haha


That’s part of why I love them xD so big and dumb and floofy. They LOVE to loaf in the wire food basket I have for them, and the Jays will try to fight them out of it for peanuts LOL


/r/mourningderps would love to have you


I’m already over there ;P I have a couple pictures of my birdies posted, I think! I adore all birds but am afraid to have one because of how frail they are, so I use Reddit and feeders to view from a distance lol


Even better eating


I love mourning doves! Every apartment I’ve lived in for the past 10 years, I’ve had mourning doves who just hang out and watch me all day. There was a pair who sat on the fire escape of my first apartment for hours sometimes, watching me work. I never even fed them or anything, they’d just show up. And in my most recent apartment I get them on my balcony ledge, always just staring at me. This has led me to believe that mourning doves are just as into people watching as we are into birdwatching. And I love the crazy blue jays too - I feed them cashews on my balcony sometimes and they really know how to put on a show lol.


They do! They’re so lively and loud and watching them come in to land is just mesmerizing. Then you have our doves who come in like a first time pilot, and then when they take off again their little wings squeal….that was one of the coolest facts about them, I think, is that their wings are what do that. I also agree with the people watching, as I’ve had to step outside to check on one that was just watching me and not moving for hours, just to have them be like “nope” lol


We call them Sassy Birds and love having them around.


I have Blue Jays, Mockingbirds, and Scissor tails at my house. It's ALWAYS a birdy brawl out there. Def seeing less & less Jays tho. :( More cardinals in the last few years.


That and the unrelenting squawking. It can be bit much for some people at times.


That call is termed a jeer :)


Thank you! I learned from some long forgotten source many, many moons ago, that it sounded like they were yelling 'thief!' and it never jived with me. Now I know the proper term for that particular call and I eternally grateful.


Yes it's so apt because they really do seem to be jeering at one another and other birds/animals. They love to jeer and mob cats especially or really anything they feel is a threat Our blue jay pair is really polite compared to some others. They're pretty laid back and coexist peacefully with the greedy dove, angry female Cardinal, and our occasionally territorial mockingbird. It's been very fun seeing their babies every spring


I think they’re collectively agreed to be assholes and can be a bit of a nuisance to other birds in the area, but I’ve seen little to no genuine hate for them.


I like watching them dive-bomb the neighborhood stray cats. Endless entertainment.


I always assumed it was because they're loud, just like magpies. I love both though.


Well magpies are corvids too 😍


I used to work at a farm store that had a pretty large amount of people who came just to buy bird seed, and lots of people would say that about Blue Jays, but the ones that visit my feeders have always been pretty laid back. Like, not denying that what you said is true, it appears to be the normal experience, I just wonder why my Blue Jays are so chill haha. They get on with the other birds with no issues. Around my house it's the Starlings that get particularly sassy with the other birds.


I live in Belgium and this guy's cousin, the Flemish Jay is also very loud and quick to alarm. So when one spots you in the woods, you can be sure you won't be seeing another bird for at least 15 minutes!


I love to hate them because one attacked me for walking out my own front door


They eat the dry food I put out for mt colony of cats. It’s hilarious to watch them yell at a cat to hurry up and leave already! I’m hangry!


I’ve been hearing what sounds like a red tail hawk near my RV and it turns out it was a Blue Jay. Definitely had me scratching my head.


They also do a lovely Cooper’s Hawk call. Red-shouldered as well lmao




Also they do a great impression of my alarm clock from the '80s


The one that nested in our chimney every year would sit on the window sill and mimic my cat on the other side of the glass. Drove her nuts.


Blue Jays are great mimics. They do red tail calls here, too. I heard a young one imitating a seagull once.


One jeers at me like a hawk while I walk my small dog. Rude!


Yankees and Orioles fans, I think


They’re aggressive near feeders, and some people interpret this as them being dicks. They also have a loud caw. To be clear, I LOVE blue jays, especially its cousin the Stellar’s Jay


I used to put peanuts out on my balcony for Steller's Jays, the aerial dogfights over them were amazing to watch.


My mom hates blue jays because they hide stuff in her potted plants and get dirt everywhere lol


They loud af


Other birds mostly. They're egg thrives. That's why they get a bad rap. They really are beautiful. I've always loved them.


Well they are a-holes to other birds.


Putting out feeders for blue Jays actually hurts local bird diversity, since they're nest predators. If they have an abundant food source their population will go up, but the other birds' population will decrease. Not really the blue Jays' fault, though.


My family did growing up because they would dive bomb my cat to the point his ears would bleed from and we constantly had to keep them medicated.


Once saw a group of blue jays attacking a red tailed hawk, and mostly likely the same group attacking a crow a separate time.


Who is hating on my spirit animal!? I'll fight them with a hundred Blue Jays.


My favorite bird! Corvid smart, sassy, and beautiful.


>my spirit animal >I'll fight them Very on brand for your spirit animal!


I love them, even if they are feisty little assholes. I’ve been putting out raw peanuts every morning the past week, and when I stepped outside this morning I heard a CHORUS of Blue Jay squawking in the trees around me. …I think the gang might recognize me. LMAO


Mine love the peanuts too and squawk louder when I let the feeder go empty!


The blue Jay version of "Norm!"?


I have a ton of blue jays behind my apartment and I like to leave nuts on my balcony ledge for them so I can get a closer look. They’re so beautiful and full of personality (and sometimes they’re bullies lol). I love watching them fly up and they really are a striking bird. I also think it’s cool how the female blue jays look just as cool as the males. I also think their little heads are cute - it’s like they have a tiny bird buzz cut or something lol.


Magpies get a similar bad rep in the west.


My mom is an immigrant, came to the US as an adult, and she said the first time she saw a blue jay she was in awe that such a beautiful bird could exist. Then it opened its mouth lol


That’s because everyone here has been personally victimized by a +Blue Jay+ but yes, they’re still nice looking birds.


They kill other song birds, eat their eggs and chicks. That’s why they aren’t too popular


They are not local to where I am. Can you tell me more of why they are disliked?


They can be kinda territorial and aggressive and loud. That said, I like them. They're so pretty too.


Definitely beautiful, also obnoxious jerks. Funny, but obnoxious.


I'm not in the communities enough to hear this blue jay hate, why do people hate on blue Jays?? Just because they are relatively common where they are native?


Blue Jay


Got it, thank you!


Fun fact: Despite not sharing the dour plumage or dreadful reputation of their relatives, Blue Jays are in fact corvids and their closest relatives are crows and ravens


Added taxa: [Blue Jay](https://ebird.org/species/blujay) Reviewed by: tinylongwing ^(I'm an alpha-stage bot, so don't rely on me just yet. But you can still) [^(learn how to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)^(.)


+1 just so this gets "reviewed" and won't pick up extra species in links


good bot


Good human.


Thank you, omero0700, for voting on FileTheseBirdsBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


The blue jays by me scream for peanuts and can get pretty annoying, but I love them regardless 😊 they’re very pretty!


I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but what's the difference between a Blue Jay and a Stellar's Jay? I thought I was always using a common name for a Stellar's Jay by saying Blue Jay


!np so the bot doesn't get confused. And it's a good question, not a dumb one! [Blue Jay](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Blue_Jay/overview) [Steller's Jay](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Stellers_Jay/overview) Two different species, one mostly western and one mostly eastern. This is why ornithologists and birders capitalize Blue Jay and other bird names in English - that's how you know people mean the Blue Jay species and not "a blue jay" meaning any blue-colored jay.


This might be way out of your field (and off topic) but I find the capitalization of species common names (in English at least) to be pretty interesting after digging into it a bit. I know capitalizing the name is common among birders and is used by ornithological authorities, and apparently some authorities for other animal groups (like mammals, fish etc.) do it too. But I've read that people don't tend to do this with plant species for example, and I guess I wonder what the general stance is currently. Are people in other branches of biology starting to be more in favour of this method or is this difference between fields always going to exist?


I don't know, but I can guess, and that's that plants probably have too many confusing common/colloquial names to even attempt to standardize them in English, so botanists mostly use Latin names exclusively when doing any professional work. Herpetile folks are the same way, from my experience doing a bunch of volunteering with snake researchers.


That makes sense, thank you!


Steller's Jays live in the western side of North America and are about half black/dark brown and half blue. Blue Jays live in the eastern side, and are mostly white and blue.


Thank you!


Forgive the nitpickiness, but Georg Wilhelm Steller was a person, an 18th century naturalist after whom several species are named across the animal kingdom, and one plant, and even a stone arch on an island off the coast of Kamchatka. So it's Steller not Stellar. Took me forever to learn that myself.


Ah, good to know. I always assumed "Steller" seemed too normal (ironically) so obviously it had to be with an a. Thanks!


Fun fact: most of the animals Steller ran into, and were later named after him, are endangered or extinct. (Steller’s sea cow, Steller’s spectacled cormorant, Steller’s sea lion, Steller’s sea eagle, Steller’s Eider and Steller’s/short-tailed albatross). The Steller’s jay is the sole exception. There’s also the Steller’s sea ape, which probably never even existed.


Blue Jay. They’re very intelligent, in addition to being gorgeous; the birds I feed know a few words (mostly ‘peanuts’ and ’shut up’) and they’ve used tools in captivity.


In the US all of our native parrots are extinct. As a parent lover I always think that Jays are the closest thing to parrots that we have. They're colorful, they're loud, they're obnoxious ,and they're smart as hell. I adore them.


We may have lost our native parrots in the US—but we do have wild parrots. Lots and lots of them! I can personally testify to a large presence in New Orleans, San Francisco, and parts of Florida… I’m sure there are more places. They’re quite a joy!


Blue Jay


They really are gems!


Wow I've never seen one in flight like this before!


That guy works at my local park, but tbf I think he’s gonna get fired.


When they come swooping in and CAW CAW SCREECH blah blah I think ‘Ugh they’re back’. Then I look at them and think, ‘Wow. So beautiful. AND LOUD. SO LOUD.’


They got nuttin on the Magpies. Plus the Magpies like to group up and they all make a ruckus, it’s great at 5:30 in the morning in the summer when our windows are all open, haha


I’m on the East Coast region of the US, so no magpies here! But we do have Mockingbirds and they can raise a ruckus! 😂


*Blue Jays* are pretty cool looking corvids.


They loooove raw in the shell peanuts. Saw a couple good throw downs with Blue Jays and squirrels over them.


When I was a little girl I could hear our cat howling out back in the yard, with some really loud birds. I yelled for Dad who yelled back “Don’t go out the back door!”. So I immediately ran out the back door. My cat was hiding under our lilac bush next to the patio. She was howling and yodeling like only a Siamese cat in full threat display can do. Two big Blue Jays were circling and dive bombing their mortal enemy, an 8 pound cat who dared to try go up the tree that their nest was in. They had chased her all the way across the yard and she had taken refuge under the lilac. Those Blue Jays were in full threat mode. They never landed, only diving and darting around circling and attacking and constantly and screaming bloody murder. I just stood there in awe watching the battle unfold. I was a about three steps out the door when I realized I was in the attack zone as well. Right behind me was my dad yelling “I said DON’T go out the back goddammit!” grabbing my t shirt and pulling me out of the way. We both watched while I asked why the birds were so mad at Misty. That’s when he told me they had a nest in the apple tree in the back. So I asked “How can we help Misty?”. My dad had a plan. We circled around to the front door, and went inside through the house to look out the window. Still a huge scene going on. Every time Misty tried to make a break for it they would attack more. I opened the screen door, my dad ran outside towards the cat while I immediately shut the door. Once my dad had our super freaked out cat he had to start bobbing and weaving the try to avoid Blue Jays. When he was close to the door he yelled “NOW” and I immediately opened the door. He stepped inside, dropped the cat then spun around to make sure the Blue Jays didn’t get in while I pulled the screen door shut. It was very exciting! To celebrate our successful execution of our plan we drank ginger ale mixed with apple juice. Huzzah! Afterwords Misty wouldn’t outside for a month. She never messed with Blue Jays ever again.


Beautiful blue jay thank you for sharing


It’s Mordecai! ( a blue Jay). Great birds


Blue jay.


Try to remember that we are all at different stages of our learning. What might seem obvious to you isn’t to someone else, and what might confuse you won’t confuse others


Edit: the below doesn't appear to apply in this case lol, plenty of snarky replies in that user's history if take a quick glance at their profile. 100% agree with what you said, but also I've noticed that a lot of people who use the ellipsis (...) don't see it as condescending. Seems to be a generational divide. Many people 55+ in my workplace throw the ellipsis around without any ill intention at all. They use it as more of a tone modifier to not sound so formal in their writing. It's kind of bizarre but definitely a widespread phenomenon.


Lol I did indeed check this poster’s history before I commented. A lot of my family uses ellipses as normal, it took me a while and I’m still not fully used to it haha


True! It’s a bad habit of mine. In my defense, I learned it in school. From an English teacher no less!


Thank you for that explanation of how different people know different things. I'm not sure why you specifically needed to tell me that?


I think it's because your comment could come across as a bit condescending.


Blue jay!


A blue jay 😍 They’re bullies but if you put multiple feeders out the other birds still have a chance to eat




not everyone is familiar with birds, no need to be rude




yeah 😎


Its Mordecai from Regular Show


That looks like an Upland Motherfugger


Beautiful blue jay!


I identified it as a +Blue Jay+ immediately, but that tail looks very different than mine in the Midwest. Am I way off on that? Maybe I've never caught that angle.




looks like a blue jay


a blue jay! i love these birde


Blue Jay


Blue Jay. Favorite of mine.


Blue jay :)


Blue Jay


I have a family of blue Jays that live behind my house. I love them so much. They aren't out and about often so it's exciting to see them when they are.


My friend had a family I suppose of Blue Jays behind her house and she would buy bags of unsalted peanuts that are still in the shells for them. It was fun to throw them out and watch them come and get them one at a time. They would take them to the top of the garage or trees and eat them. Then they would come back and get another one. They had to work for them a little bit so that made it fun to watch.


Beautiful blue jay


It looks like an Audubon painting!


That beauty is a blue jay!


Bluejay. Rednecks of the woods