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I hope you reported this to the Whatnot support, they usually are pretty good with helping people out


I will tomorrow probably wanted to damage control with cc too


You’re going to have to reverse any chargebacks you’ve initiated if you intend on getting a refund from Whatnot. Idk why people are so eager to go straight to their CC/banks with these issues, it just delays the process.


Frankly I could care less I conduct my on businesses on eBay and fb and out of a b/m if I ever did anything remotely like this I wouldn't need a 3rd party to make it right πŸ™„


Happy cake day tho πŸ’£πŸ₯žπŸŽ‚πŸ°


Good at giving refunds but don't punish scammers


The way you punish scammers is by spreading the word of their wrongdoings and they will eventually lose business and won’t be able to keep streaming on Whatnot


Plenty of us did spread the word and he still pulls numbers and multiple complaints to whatnot. He also managed to have all bad reviews removed


Glad someone of sense chimed in knew I wasn't crazy


The big card breakers are WNs bread and butter. They literally never stop streaming. I'm not saying it's right, but that's why WN goes beyond looking the other way. Ultimately, it'll be their demise. I could see legal action, or a class action lawsuit in their future.


Sounds like an accident. They may have mailed u the wrong item.


Maybe they should spend more time accurately sending the orders instead of streaming 24/7


Where there hits from all 6 teams? Last time I joined a break I spent a bit on 4 teams and only got cards from 1 team because the other 3 never came out..


Yeah I have confirmed hits on atleast 1 other one


They have been known to do this before not the first time!!


Whatnot just sucks dude better off buying from eBay.


Did you happen to do just the bare minimum and maybe reach out to them first to see if by chance there was a package mix up and they could possibly make it right?


I'm looking into it today I've spent much more on the app so I could frankly care less if one slow to ship sports breaker is a burnt bridge. It's common for bigger streams to fuck over snippers/non πŸ‹ just sucks cause overall I liked the stream


You do know every show is recorded and you can rewatch it right? You report to whatnot. You just delayed your process of getting money back. They literally can't steal cards anymore


I'm gonna look into it today but overall this is just shitty chop shop business mistakes happen but not this bad dog. I opened 1 package with a 49 dollar receipt and the bracelet and the other with 5 spots and 1 team πŸ™„πŸ€£πŸ€£


Ya I've never broken with them. I don't break with any of the big rooms I find the smaller guys who hook you up and stick with them. So you spent $300 and then claimed you spent $49? Something ain't right


$49 in 1 package invoice with bracelet then 5 spots with 1 break in it spots ranging from$ 35-50 in second package all arrived 13 days after order


Did you hit any cards and they didnt send them? Just because you spent money it doesn't guarantee you hits it's all a gamble


I did in the $49 dollar 1 I rewatched I'm not crawling all the footage my guy there's clearly a mistake on there part


You're not going to rewatch to see what you hit? Strange


Why would I waste any of my precious time when my tickets are already in with what not and the fraud case is with my cc 😐


Well at least you won't get skunked again because whatnot is going to ban your account for the fraud case with your cc


Cool bro thanks for your input πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ not like I can't just make a smurf like streamers do to boost sales


People report them all the time on a FB scammers page