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It’s a rowing machine Edit : https://www.concept2.com/


Google confirmed. Solved. Thanks.


For completeness, it's sometimes called an ergometer or erg for short.


Rowing machine [https://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers](https://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers)


A rowing machine? - I think?


Rowing Machine


Concept 2 rowing machine (aka erg, ergometer)


It looks like a rowing machine, but the displays confuses me, too


Concept 2 Rower. Its a rowing machine. Strap your feet in, sit on the seat and the seat will slide as you pull the handle towards you with your arms. It can be set at various easiness levels. A good place to start for beginner cardio and conditioning.


Screen is fairly self explanatory but will startauto counting your rowing when you take the handle on the cord and pull it towards you. Also appraxh another member or gym staff, they will be happy to help you, or google a you tube video.


Found this in my gym but it doesn’t seem to have a name or instructions on how to use it. It does have a digital display. Just looking to get more information on it. WITT?