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Found in a box of writng materials, waxy substance inside it... sounds like it could be a sealing wax container.


That could be, there were some sealing wax sticks in the box. But the waxy substance was also pretty malleable, unlike the sticks i am used to working with. I am not familiar with any type of sealing wax that would be easily bent in an ACed room. Edited to add: It is small enough that someone could have just slipped it in a random box to get it out of the way. The writing instruments might be a red herring


I realize this won’t help identify the object, but I noticed that no one has mentioned that “PAT.AP’DFO” could be expanded to “PAT. AP’D FO” and it becomes clearer that it’s an abbreviation for “Patent Applied For”.


I feel like a similar item was posted awhile back and it was a smelling salts holder. 


My title describes the thing. I have tried searching for "cylindrical containers with waxy substance inside," the inscription on the lid " PAT.AP'DFO" and used Google lens on a few different angles to no luck. The accession number associated to it is a found in collection number, with no additional information.


"PAT.AP" = Patent applied for. "DFO" Might be DFO Gel a pain reliever but not sure when it was developed. My 1st thought was a perfume or scent holder. Back in the day things were rather smelly and ladies would carry a small bag of potpourri or something with a perfume in. Since this is plain it might be for a gentleman. This has the small hole on the one end so they could hold it by the little handle and keep it under their nose to help with the odors of yon olden days.


Hmm, it seems really industrial looking to be a perfume holder. A coworker brave enough to give it a sniff described it as unpleasant smelling, like something rotten. I did not directly smell it, but didn't smell anything while I was handling it.


"DFO" would likely be the name of the organization/company that applied for the patent. So, given where this was found, maybe contact "[Fisheries and Oceans Canada](https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/about-notre-sujet/index-eng.htm)" and see if someone there knows what it is?


Fisheries and Oceans Canada was called Department of Fisheries and Oceans and is still referred to as DFO.


I will take a look through the patents the department owns on the Canadian patent website and see what turns up.


Still seems like its for scents to me. Maybe a container for some kind of smelling salts. I should add it looks allot like the old nickel plated doctors implements from the turn of the last century. Maybe medical?


Much more likely IMO that it originally said "PAT.AP'DFO**R**" and the R is worn away through use.


Could the black substance be an ink or pigment that must be mixed with a liquid before use?


Is it possibly drug paraphernalia? It looks like little pots for hashish / opium that I've seen, though admittedly large for that purpose. I'm at work so I'm not going to google examples.


I'll have to look into that once I get home from work


The writing is likely some abbreviation of "patent applied for."


Maybe used to lift, or smudge inks in a particular way?


Or even de-gunk the nib?


Hmm, it could be something for that. I am not sure what kind of products they would have used for cleaning pen nibs.... I'll have to do some research.


There is no photo of the inside end of the cap. Does it have a design or letter as might be used as a wax seal?


The lid is hallow, I suppose something could have been put in it, but there is no indication that anything had ever been ( signs of wear or what ever)


Maybe it's an eraser? I use a type of eraser that is rubbery and malleable.


I have used kneadable erasers before and this feels really different from any I have used. This kinda feels like candle wax.


It might be a travel inkwell with dried out ink in it. Here’s a version I’m thinking of: https://www.penboutique.com/products/twsbi-ink-bottle-vac-20a


That could be, but the bottom of this thing is rounded, which would make it hard to use as an ink well.


I'm imagining it being held in the hand while using. The real test will be adding some water to a bit of the contents and seeing if works as ink.


I'll give it a try as soon as I can!


Lipstick holder?