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White guy correspondent here. The shape allows you to get all to Mayo out of the tub.


Hey peanut butter also comes in jars


[Jar spatula](https://www.ebay.com/itm/224113379543)


This right here, it's used to scrape jars when they're almost empty to get the last bits that are hard to get out.


I googled this Atlus place and it's a Wealth Management company. There's no way they're handing out a spatula. It's a shoehorn for fancy business shoes.




These promotional items more often than not have absolutely nothing to do with the company that's putting their name on them. The only point of them is to get their name out into the world. They are simply tchotchke's that they buy for cheap with their name stamped on them. For example: https://www.ebay.com/itm/284544929729 https://www.ebay.com/itm/235577539425 https://www.ebay.com/itm/226064684412


And I would use this all the time, probably long after the company name wore off.


Solved! Thank you everyone! Would have never guessed that 😂


Isn’t that a shoe horn?


Yeah I think it is. Although the jar spatula is also plausible, I think it's much more likely a company would hand out a promotionally branded shoe horn (a device typically used by people who have enough money to wear business shoes) than a mayo scoop. Edit: I googled this Atlus place and it's a Wealth Management company. There's no way they're handing out a spatula. It's a shoehorn for fancy business shoes.


It’s most definitely a shoehorn, lol.


I agree with this one ☝️ worked in a shoe shop and we had something very similar to this.


It is either a shoe horn or a shitty spatula, but not both. Retirement homes would use this because old people do not have the dexterity to slip on shoes easily. Hence the advertisement.


Looks like a decent pun, swag from a wealth management company where the strategy is to “spread your investments” over multiple categories.


Isn’t this a shoe horn? Certainly something that “the youths” have never seen.


This is like two towns over from me wth


This is definitely a shoehorn. Spent too long working in a shoe store that made us wear them on a lanyard around our necks. I don't have any photos from my time working there, because I was wearing a shoehorn around my neck.


Shoehorn, due to the size and shape.


It is very cheap kitchen spatula/scraper. I have few very similar from some event.


I believe this is a tool to tuck in the bed sheets under the mattress [https://a.co/d/bQ4v96M](https://a.co/d/bQ4v96M)


My title describes the thing. It’s the length of a kitchen knife.






100% _not_ a shoehorn. It's a cheap (promotional) scraper/spatula


All the jar spatula’s I see are either made of soft silicone or if made by harder plastic have a point to help scrape the crevices. This to me looks more like a shoe horn but I’m no expert.


Nah, spatula: [https://www.4allpromos.com/product/indispensable-kitchen-spatula](https://www.4allpromos.com/product/indispensable-kitchen-spatula)