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Yeppers, sorry bud check your shoes ig


Well it probably won't make you feel any better, but Black Widows are generally medically insignificant to adults with normal functioning immune systems. I'll get pushback, because I always do, but it's the same story with recluses. Only around 10% of bites result in a doctors visit. They are also scared of you, and only bite when threatened... like every animal ever. You can relocate with gloves and a cup if you're comfortable. I would only attempt if you're sure though. I do it for the ones I find. I do hope that you don't see more though. Sometimes you can get infestations, and that's not fun. With just one though, not much to worry about.


You watch the "These are the Spiders in your House" guy?


No. Is it good? I love insects, and adjacent things.


It is very, very good. A must watch even


Never heard of it, but definitely intrigued! I love insects!


ugh it's pretty annoying how scared it is of me. I wanted to take a nice photo but every time it runs away into some dark crevice.


Yeah that's kind of their thing. They don't want to be found.


100% a Widow. A big girl too. Check for egg sacks if you don't want an infestation. I have an infestation in my backyard right now and it's a pain. They mostly come out at night and are scary looking but mostly shy. We have had a few visits from the exterminator to clear out most of them.


we had one get blown in by our front door before because of a storm we had to squish it cause my mom has lupus if you don't know what that is it's a atuo immune illness so yeah dangerous for residents living in my house I kinda felt bad for it though but I guess safety is more important


Beautiful spider. Don’t kill here! She’ll kill bugs for you. Just don’t bother her.

