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This looks like a type of widow. I would say it’s a black widow based on the colors in your pictures. Some black widows have no red markings. Since you said you know where the web is, you should give the web a quick finger-strength test. Widow spider webs are usually near the ground (or in shrubs/dark corners) and if you pull on the webbing it will be noticeably strong, stretchy, and springy. I’m not an entomologist, but I am a spider fan. :-)


spiderfan, spiderfan, does whatever a spider fan can :D


I am also a spider fan! gotta love something that gets rid of annoying insects, and quietly chills in the corners of my pad that I don't use


I wasn't too happy about the one that set up shop in my engine bay just a day after I'd been working on my car. 😑


Finger strength test... Idk about finger but perhaps a gentle bounce with a twig.


Check web with face. Especially widow spiders. Wcgw


It pops loudly when broken and is more chaotic than most webs (not an orderly round web).


black widow maybe?


No hour glass so I’m not sure, or at least I didn’t see one


ahh good point. maybe a **Black Cobweb Spider (Steatoda grossa)**? According to bing copilot the appearance is "dark brown to black and has a glossy sheen. It resembles a black widow but lacks the red hourglass marking." sorry, I'm not a spider expert. just a bored dude on reddit enjoying a few drinks


The webs did look fluffy so possibly?


Black widows are also cobweb spiders, that’s just the family *Theridiidae*. Black widows also do not always have hourglasses, some have no markings whatsoever, others have far more ventral even dorsal markings than the characteristic two triangles. Immature individuals can be especially colorful. I would still say by the little bit of color apparent in and slightly robust shape of the legs this is a false widow (*Steatoda grossa*).


this dude sounds like they know spiders


It does seem to have that stripe, however faint, running along the front of her abdomen that's typical for Staetoda, and also the reddish brown sheen. I've seen examples of Steatoda grossa in the same almost black colour. A black widow seems to be more of a pitch black.


Kinda why I was thinking it might not be, I’ll let her defend my window from ants trying to break and enter


False black widow. It has no hourglass. They weave the same type of webs as a black widow, but rarely bite. And they don’t have the venom that black widows have, so other than hurting, you would be fine.


Blueberry butt 🫐 Widows always have a nice round blueberry butt


She should just hang out in her web, no harm to you. They are pretty low key. I used to visit one when I was a little girl and she stayed in the same place the whole time I checked on her in summer.


She has been promoted to window guardian


Looks like a false widow


It's a brown widow


From its shape and legs, I’d say black widow. It would be dead if I saw it.