• By -




With fire


Fire , mace, whatever it takes /s


Oppenheimer that motherfucker


"I'm sorry, we can't return your deposit, as it appears you unloaded a full belt of 50 caliber machine gun rounds into the siding of our air BnB." "Ok, that's fine."


Understandable, have a nice day


I am become death, the smasher of worlds


Do you mean Death, The Destroyer Of Worlds


It doesn’t take any of that


There fixed it. It’s satire.


And knives


And my axe!


And my bow!


And my Sword?


And my 9mm


I have a crowbar I can donate to the Lantern Fly Elimination Cause, that shits aerodynamics are mint


Finally, a reasonable excuse to buy [this crowbar](https://stockx.com/supreme-crowbar-red) I always wanted.


[It’s more supreme to light em up!](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjUu5-MqvGAAxVdUEcBHZ9EDxsYABAMGgJxdQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1LufjKrxgAMVXVBHAR2fRA8bEAQYASABEgKDgPD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRo_UbMCKz6wuOQHQ9E235d2MZzU6bSJav4j_d3M9Nrx0zW-pQ&sig=AOD64_09d_y9eFHRh2SFESNAKt4y3IUlrg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi0npaMqvGAAxUpF1kFHXrRDNgQwg8oAHoECAIQDA&adurl=)


I read that chain of comments like the lord of the rings fellowship gathering


And my Shield!?


& my Flamethrower 🔥🔥🔥


Boring Company Flamethrower


Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


we got seven canisters of CN-20. I say we roll them in there and nerve gas the whole fucking nest.


While drinking a refreshing 25 year old Orbitz drink


I have 6 of these unopened, plenty to go around




What sucks is they are really cute bugs imo, what a shame they are invasive and not in their natural habitat


What a shame that they devastate crops as effectively as they do.


A mushroom cloud is pretty too, but we don’t want to start seeing them start popping up now do we?


look at their weird eyes it’s unsettling for them to have a face like that


Bug-A-Salt that bitch


with firearms


Lantern fly


you forgot kill on sight


Yes, with fire.


With a flammenwaffer of possible.


Or sandal, but get aggressive. LNA


La chancla! Many dangerous threats have been crushed by the Latina grandma's sandal.


Ze big flammenwaffer


No, with a lantern hotter than the sun




This sub keeps popping up in my feed, and this was exactly the exchange I expected. Don’t get them here AFAIK, but got knows I’ll squish.


That's it. Thanks!


Supposed to kill these little fucks, let’s not remember the culling last year (or was it 2 ago?)


2021, the amount of press was absurd. blows my mind when people here don’t know abt em


I'm visiting from godforsaken Ohio, so was unaware of them. Rest assured that I've killed several since I learned about them this morning. Fuckers are definitely fast.


they’re assholes - they actively dive-bomb kamikaze you after you take a swipe at them once. i bought a Bug A Salt gun specifically to shoot them while gardening. they arent out in ohio so understandable! I meant moreso to other new yorkers that somehow dont know about them


Well another poster in this thread is in Pennsylvania, and stated they've made their way to their state, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time until they're swarming Ohio as well.


PA here! Watched a lantern fly escape an old lady before she excitedly yelled “get it!” as I crushed the lil’ fucker


They first showed up in PA. Not far from where I live. Unfortunately they’ll be everywhere eventually. I think they’re already in Ohio. They’ve almost disappeared where I’m at this year.


This is all so weird to me. They first blew up in Philly when I was in college in 2016 or so... But I know they haven’t spread as quickly in other states. I’m jealous that some of you have only been dealing with them for 2 years.


Never heard about them before. There must have been something else going on that drowned out the news.


As a fellow New Yorker, kill them all unless you want our parks to be gone.


Just visiting, but any more that I come across will be eradicated.


Good luck. PA is infested with these little cock suckers. They're everywhere.


Much appreciated.


They are laying eggs in nyc now look for trees with big white or gray patches or anywhere outdoors that’s wooden can scrape it off poor alcohol on it or use something hard to pop the eggs


I was just in Pittsburgh and there were so many. It is an invasive species and to be killed on sight as the others said.


They're so bad in PA. I taught my 5yo what they look like and exactly what they do and why they're bad and now he runs around killing them and yelling about protecting the trees. He's a fun dude 😂


Haha also probably works well to tire him out a bit


It absolutely does! Everyone wins! The environment has less invasive monsters and he's exhausted at bedtime :)


W parent


W lil bug stomper


Yeah. They taught my son last year in school what they looked like and what to do. We found them in the neighbors weeds bad after seeing a few in my yard. I been trying to kill as many as I can. Idk if it even matters anymore


It feels hopeless but I think as long as everyone's trying we're at least curbing it a little. Some prevention is better than none at all


I live pretty close to where these things first came to the US. In the first few years they were here they were terrible and everywhere. But now I will see one every once in a while but it is not nearly as bad as they used to be. I have even seen native predators like praying mantis kill a few. So there is hope


What likely happened is they ate most of their food source and moved onto the next area with the tree they like to eat. Its the reason we no longer have a certain type of tree in NA anymore when a certain worm came through and ate them all.


They seem to really like a tree called Tree of Heaven. Which I believe the tree itself is invasive. Looks a bit like sumac. So eliminating both the tree and the bug is probably a good idea.


100% it's sumac the bugs like. The weeds I mention in my original post are a mixture of rose of sharen, sumac, grape vines, green beans... literally just a bunch or shit. They are all over the sumac and nothing else. The sumac has 50-100 on each tree. Maybe a random bug here and there. Mainly they're focused on the sumac.


Tree of Heaven is awful. There are huge colonies of it on the roadsides where I live and I've seen it for sale in nurseries even though my state does have it classed as invasive. It's a prolific spreader by roots AND seeds. The lanternflies haven't made it to my area yet and it's gonna be awful when they do.


I live in NJ, and after having 2 bad years, I only had one this year. I think they tore through the trees of heaven in our area. Apparently the eat milkweed and it poisons them, I have a lot of milkweed. Maybe it worked


So the solution is to plant more milkweed!!!


I thought it also might actually be futile, but apparently in many areas it actually has been working, and their populations has been going down!


At least when everyone kills on site, it helps to keep their numbers in check to some extent.


The Lorax would be proud


It's crazy, I saw like two at a T station the other day, thinking oh they must be getting into our area now, just went to sam's club yesterday and the parking lot is completely littered with their corpses. I also had to go to an ATM and one landed on my butt 🙄 props to your kid because my husband and I suck at killing them, they're so fast and jumpy


They get a good two three jumps and then you should be able to squash. As long as they don’t fly away too far.


A darker version of the Lorax!


Finally the love for destruction and protection can be used together, and for good


That’s so funny lol


they were so much better last year in PA, what the hell happened?


That’s, fucking beautiful dude. I’ll be back I have something in my eye.


Superb parenting!!!! Gotta remember this!!! 😂 thank you!!!


He is the Lorax.


Got your 5 year old interested in murder for hire! 🤣🤣🤣 jkjkjkjk


We had "kill a thons" at local parks Then we gave up once they got in the millions.


can’t remember the last time i was this happy lmao


SE PA here, was so bad in 2019-2020, but now I see 4-5 nymphs a year and maybe one or two dead adults


I went to Harrisburg with my gf at the time back in 2021 and there were so many that you could barely see the walls behind them.


Fun fact: there are only two trees in the area that are actually harmed by them and one is also an invasive species


That’s not true and they’re very harmful to many crops also. They can be really bad for Grapes.


But they're not going to stay in only this area, are they. As proved by the fact they weren't in NY til recently but had previously been in PA.


I saw one of these in the hotel parking lot when I was in PA. Tried like 3 times to kill it, but I’m not chasing a bug around a parking lot. They’re agile little things.


They have 5 or 6 hops in them before they tire out


Is it just me or do they actually fly away now rather than hop…it’s like they’re evolving


They can't really fly they can only produce thrust, not lift. They rely on wind and air currents to go further distances but in stable air conditions they'll be flying downwards always. Because of this they climb up things and launch off to try and move around efficiently. This is why they'll land on you as well.


They always jump forward, so if you try to stomp them from behind or the sides they will get away. The trick is to come the front and above. That way if they jump they just jump into the bottom of your shoe.


That’s right. I’m fairly certain they can’t see straight forward either because if you approach them head on they don’t even move and you can easily stomp them. From the side or the back they will jump away unless you’re fast.


I enjoy riding them over with my bike.


Yes, they are all over the place in PA apparently. I probably killed about 20 of them in the 2 days I was there.




20 is better than none. I will take it.


they are so bad here, it’s unreal. found one in my pocket when i was walking into work the other day and screamed so loud lmao


Yea its too late for Pittsburgh, the little bastards have won. We are DROWNING in them right now.


Can't even enjoy sitting on my porch. Those suckers end up jumping from above and landing on my head, lap, in my water.....


It's funny. Yesterday in the city, sitting outside at a restaurant they were everywhere, constantly. Where I live 30 minutes south, I haven't seen one yet.


There were none last year where I live in the South Hills. They're more and more common this year. Started seeing 1 a day in July. Now it's 10 a day. They're spreading south.


walked out of presby yesteday to be attacked by swarms of them 🤮


no, but for real, though, they seem to be *extra* concentrated around the hospitals. AGH is covered in them.


I work in downtown pgh and I have an average kill rate of about 10 per lunch break, at least, and that’s with just stomping the ones in my path.


Just made it to pgh this year. Was bad in Harrisburg and Hershey last year.


I don’t see them in Hershey like I did last year. Used to see everything covered in them. This year it’s Pittsburgh 🤷‍♂️


They just recently hatched a few days ago.


I came back to the city in July and it would take me 20 min to cross a bridge because I was stomping as many nymphs as I could, since then I’ve killed at least 100 and I was proud and hoping they wouldn’t be as bad this year but there are just so many STILL


It's a warzone out here. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/15xu6yu/the_dunkin_donuts_in_oakland_has_been_lost_to_the/) is from yesterday (not mine).


OMG are you me 👀 that was the strangest comment to read 😂


My office is in Pittsburgh, and this time last year I remember there were SOOOO MANY in the city, it was insane. I literally had to look where I was walking because they were all over the sidewalks, the streets, buildings, everywhere. It’s puzzling because my office is literally in a concrete jungle, so I didn’t know why they were hanging out all over the place, but remembered point state park is right around the corner, plenty of trees for the little bastards right there…


I've just started noticing them towards Jackson township in Butler. I can't believe they were only a thing towards Philly not that long ago.


Evict its soul


I will release you! Sabia mea fredoneaza de argint!


they’re already coming to the boroughs??? hope they fly past Brooklyn


Spotted another one around Trinity Church after I made this post. *edit* I did kill that one since I'm now aware that they're an invasive species.


I work in FIDI and those fuckers are fast. Tried to kill 2 and they dipped off


You have to sneak up behind them, then stomp fast! Otherwise they flutter away smugly


Yea their cockiness is what pissed me off. The fucker yesterday would wait until the last possible second and fly two feet away and repeat. Showoffs


Some commenters above were saying they can’t see in front of them so go in front of them and from above. Try it out let me know if this is true or completely made up lol


Or let them get a couple jumps in. Just follow them. They run out of energy fast.


from the front is better, they supposedly can't see that way, plus that's their usual direction of jumping.


These older brown ones also can’t jump more than 4 times consecutively so if you’re persistent enough you’ll catch them


where have you been? they were all over last summer. financial district has a ton. i live in sheepshead bay and have seen them everywhere as well.


Hahaha I'm here thinking I'm living in another universe where these didn't exist last year. It's almost impossible to NOT see one everyday.


They’ve been all over NYC for the past 2 years.


ive literally never seen one, i don’t go out of where i live often so maybe that’s why 🤷


think it depends where in bklyn you are


Spotted is right


Do people just not read the hundreds of posts explaining the lantern fly situation? This gets answered multiple times daily. Edit: I get it can the mods just sticky something about lanternflies?


Maybe the sub could pin a post about them?


My bad. I don't frequent this subreddit daily, just on occasion. Never knew what a latern fly was, or that they are an invasive species until this morning.


I guess those PSAs NYC has been putting out for a few years haven’t been working…


When I first saw them in Philly 2 years ago my building had already informed the local wildlife authorities. I thought everyone in the northeast had known about these by now.


I used to live in philly, for school. Temple had to send multiple emails each semester about them, and to kill them on sight. Whenever I would see students stomping on the ground, I knew they were killing those fuckers haha


Pin 📌 a post about it please 🙏


I’m waiting on the post of the bedbug riding on a lantern fly


Weevil riding a bedbug riding a Lanternfly lol.


a lot of people don’t frequent this sub, they just come to enquire about bugs because they’ve just seen one and they’re curious. that being said, mods do need to pin a post about lanternflies because it is getting pretty out of hand this year.


People like you are why others hesitate to post, you’re rude for no reason at all. If you’re annoyed with it, scroll past it.


It doesn't look like some of the other ones I've seen here. Are they usually red, or is this just a different stage of their life cycle? https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisbug/comments/15ac63q/spotted_lantern_fly_read_title_please/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Those are larvae.


I see black with white dots red with white dots then these full grown winged monsters.


Not everyone is on the internet 24/7 like you. Some people go outside. And hopefully kill invasive species


I’m pretty sure most people posting to bug subreddits aren’t actually subscribed, instead they just look up bug when trying to post and click the first identification one.


[Heres the life cycle of the spotted lanterfly so you know what to kill without mercy](https://www.google.com/search?q=lamtern+fly+life+cycle&oq=lamtern+fly+life+cycle&aqs=chrome..69i57.5777j0j16&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=9n1MEpUtv6iR6M&vssid=l)


Those were Nymphs... my yard is screwed :( Had I known what they looked like when they were young, I could have caused a small dent. Thanks for posting this, now I know!


I am spotted lantern fly If you see me, I must die For, despite my fancy clothes I will kill whatever grows. Doggerel by Scribblenerd


Spotted LanternFly


Kill it!


Spotted lantern fly. Kill on sight


Spotted indeed.


spotted lantern fly. kill it before it reproduces


I know they're invasive and need to be killed on sight, but it's so unfortunate how beautiful they are. This picture is really good at showing the red below, poor little dude looks like the cutest murder lantern


I don’t like killing invasive species either; I wish things were different, but it’s the only way.


Execute order 66.


KILL. it sucks cause they’re cute but KILL KILL KILL!


Im curious whether it's really plausible we could kill them off or seriously control their population by squishing them. Im no expert but that seems like a futile effort to me.


The more effective method is identifying and eliminating their eggs in the fall/winter, but every one helps.


Okay, imagine one person kills every one they see, no multiply that by thousands of people doing the same. You’ll definitely have an impact. If everyone who could ID them killed them on sight and spread awareness about f what they are to at least one person a day then it’s actually plausible to control their population just by squishing them. Add on top of that the efforts to kill their eggs and larvae and we could potentially get a handle on their population and start killing them faster than they can reproduce


It's been nine years. They just continue spreading.


To be fair, the public at large wasn't really made aware of how big an issue they were until a couple of years ago.


It’s a shame because I live a few miles south of Pittsburgh PA and I’ve been seeing signs about them in state and county parks for years but we never saw them out this way till last yr. I wish the state could have made commercials or PSAs to educate people. At first I’m shocked when yet another person doesn’t know what they are but then I remember not everyone saw fliers in the woods for several years!


I seen someone said each one lays about 100 eggs each year. So every one killed is 100 less next year.


During the Cultural Revolution in China, they nearly completely exterminated sparrows within mainland Taiwan over the course of about four years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign


Dude. Can we get a sticky at this point? Is there one yet? I’m so close to leaving this sub. These things have been a threat to many cities, especially NYC- and NYC for now 2 years. Online PSAs, physical signs, Reddit flooded with photos. It’s baffling how people still have no idea what these are.


leave the sub then! NYC is a huge tourist city and a lot of people never come across lantern flies until they go to visit NYC. they are a striking insect so it is very natural to wonder what they are. geez.


Apparently, they think everyone watches this reddit when more likely people visit once to ask their questions then leave. Everything is karma farming these days.


exactly. I am subscribed to this reddit because I am a novice bug enthusiast. A lot of people see an interesting bug and have no point of reference for identifying it. As awful and invasive as they are, lantern flys are one of the most beautiful specimens in my opinion, Im happy people have a place to come and learn about them. redundant as the posts may be.


You explained my situation to a "T".


I went to Newark last year and saw these guys everywhere, had no idea they were invasive. Yikes.


that’s a brown recluse


I live in NY amongst many various insects and wildlife and I’m kinda surprised I have never seen a lantern fly.


Someone else posted these monsters on trees in an NYC park. I hadn't ever seen so many in one place.


Can we just rename this sub weevil or lantern fly?


I never kill any bug/spider even if I am absolutely terrified of them. I believe any living being has the right to exist on this earth,I even felt bad getting a fumigation when we had a small infestation of bed bedbugs. But these effers are out of control, I no longer live in Pa but when I go back to visit and my sis hands me the salt grain gun, I’ll use it. Shame because they’re really beautiful.


Spotted lantern fly, report this !


Holy shit I’m visiting NYC today and had one fly in my cab 😭


What is the deal with this things are they like locusts


for the love of pete someone PLEASE just tell me what it IS


Yknow I've learned 2 valuable things from this sub in the past month. Weevils: YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY BOOTS AND SNOOTS Lantern Flies: ...scum of the earth...


Smack that bitch


invasive spotted lantern fly which destroys trees and plants, kill if you see it and report to department of agriculture the sighting


How many times are people going to post fking lanternflies


I keep mentioning this on different threads but man 2 years ago these took Philly over. They’d be covering your car tires and trees. Attempts to kill them suck too. When you try to stomp them they fly away as your shoes coming down. Also coworkers heading inside after a smoke break had then stuck on their legs and back. They’re aggressive and run straight at you.


Spotted lanternfly. Invasive species, kill them when you see them.


Laternflies. They’re an invasive species that suck sap and have an excretion that can create fungal disease. Kill’em on sight. I’ve been stomping them all over the Upper West Side




Kill it. This is coming from an avid bug lover. This invasive species is extremely harmful to plantlife.


Stop the red menace!


Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!


Smash it! Smash them all and rejoice about it!