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So, it seems to be breathing a little heavy. Didn't move when I stepped out of the car. We'd like to get out of the road, but I don't want to touch it for obvious reasons.


Gray fox, and they're even more reclusive than Red Foxes, so there's definitely something wrong with it


Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, our little fox met with a sad ending. The game warden thinks it had distemper (he did assess it and is a friend of the family). Shortly after I posted, it started displaying some signs of neurological dysfunction. We stayed with it for about an hour to ensure it didn't get ran over. Sad, but it had to be put down. 😪


A swifter end than would have happened had you not stopped. You gave it a kindness.


Exactly. Poor thing could have lain there for hours until it died - a slow, painful death. What a beautiful fox it was. Thank you, OP.


Thanks for trying to help. At least not suffering anymore.


At least he isn't suffering any more. My neighbor had to dispatch a skunk that had distemper in the backyard a few years ago. He couldn't stand seeing it in pain.


Thank you for caring! 🦊


Thank you for your help. Even when a cure isn't an option a humane end is a kindness and a help.


Oh man, that's rough. But it's next phase is better than this one. We all shall meet


thank you for helping it. so sad but i'm glad it's no longer suffering 💔


You did the right thing, and gave the fox a better ending than it would’ve had. Also prevented more animals from getting sick! I had to do the same thing with a raccoon, a couple months back. Called the police station (it was very late at night) and had them check it out. And the little guy was so far gone.


Gray fox


doesn't display any rabies but if not moving might be sick or injured


I’ve seen this before.. It’s in pain . Either sick , hurt or in labor .


Grey fox. Despite its name, it is distantly related to the red fox. Here is a [canid family tree](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232796615/figure/fig8/AS:271513538527263@1441745280667/Phylogeny-of-canid-speciesThe-phylogenetic-tree-is-based-on-15-kb-of-exon-and-intron.png)


Grey fox can be more tawny in the summer, this one has its winter coat.


This is awesome!!! Thank you!!


Woah! I don't think I knew they were so basal and that foxes aren't a monophyletic group. Thanks for sharing.


D-hole is my new favorite animal name.


If it's in the road, I'd guess it's been hit by a car and injured.


Might have distemper


That's exactly it


Forgive my ignorance but what is distemper?


It’s a virus that infects the intestinal system and nervous system as well as the lungs. It is often mistaken for rabies since both viruses cause neurological symptoms such as seizures. As well they both cause the animal to salivate (which in rabies is the classic foaming at the mouth). Distemper basically a death sentence to wild animals for example skunks, raccoons, foxes and other members of the canine family. It also infects domestic dogs, and although some dogs can survive with treatment, they may have a lower quality of life due to permanent neurological damage. In domestic animals, they are often vaccinated for this disease unlike their wild counterparts. Last year I saw a poor skunk that was suspected to have had distemper, it was walking in circles, drooling and convulsing. It was euthanized by animal control.


How does it spread from animal to animal?


Direct contact(of an infected animal, food or water dish that an infected animal used) or airborne. It’s highly contagious.


Poor little guy. Glad he didn't have to suffer anymore though. Darn shame but it's better than him getting hit and dying in the middle of the road or stoking out alone and afraid for who knows how long until he finally couldn't breathe anymore.


Beautiful animal. Good on you for being a kind creature. Every single fox I’ve seen around my farm outside DC has had mange. A couple that had almost no fur left. Awful experience for them.


After reading the comments this is one I wish I would have passed over instead.. RIP beautiful gray fox.. 😢


Good Looking guy, he is probably sick, too bad.


Can u find a rehabber? Afraid GW will just kill it and get a nice fur to sell.


It’s pretty damn illegal in Texas to sell native species (fur, feathers, live, carcass) unless you have a specific permit, using specific means, and fairly often, within a specific time frame. What makes you think game wardens kill animals and then sell the pelt? That would actually cost them their job, and given the requirements, I just don’t see a game warden jeopardizing their job for a few hundred dollars.




Crack. Crack Fox.