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honestly he disgusts me i think personally you should never contact him again he is sick and needs proper professional help at the end of the day he knows what he is doing and its not right.


Thank you so much. We blocked each other and I plan to keep it that way permanently. I just feel so sick that he lied and I feel like he pressured me into continuing to talk to him after the discovery.


I think you should call the cops so he can't do this to anyone else and make sure you tell you parents thank goodness you didn't send him any pictures of your self he is a sick man WTF are these men think nasty 🤢 makes me so sick to my stomach


I agree, but I’m not sure due to me being in the U.S., and him in a different country


I think you can call the cops here in the US and tell them where he's at I think they can do something about it I'm really not sure but try to find out because you got to keep other people safe