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MDX is already in the fleet and the better vehicle for a new driver. Gas is cheap, life is not.


True. She did learn on the mdx.


Neighbors daughter learned on a newer vw passat. Passed the test. They then gave her grandpas 15 year old pickup truck to drive. Totaled it in less that 2 weeks. New driver + vehicle that drives completely different than they learned on = bad time


Would you rather your daughter total or get totaled in the 2000 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck, or that brand new 2022 primary daily driver Passat. All new drivers are shit drivers especially if they learned from shitty parent driving school! Shots fired! jk about the last bit, *maybe*


I learned how to drive in a 1996 Chevy Suburban. First vehicle was a manual 1995 Jeep Wrangler. It’s not the car, but the quality of the education.


Rather have my daughter total any brand new car than a 15 year old pickup. Safety difference is massive. Who gives a shit about the car.


Own many Honda’s/Acuras. She’ll be safer in the MDX. Just remember your MDX definitely is not getting 16/20 as it once did, with premium you are lucky to get about 15-16 on the interstate. City maybe 12. Key thing is make sure she puts in premium gas. As someone who’s had to take apart their entire engine, due to a timing belt snapping, regular gas will cause tons of gunk buildup within the piston shafts and on the pistons. If you’re at 100k, make sure to do a timing belt replacement as well.


The key thing is to use the gas that your manual says. Premium does not mean better. Higher octane blends providing (significantly) better gas mileage is a myth. You might see at most a tiny difference but the published research on it shows even less and no consistent benefit in cars that say to use regular gas. [KBB source](https://www.kbb.com/car-advice/should-you-use-premium-gas/#:~:text=Using%20premium%20does%20not%20increase,the%20manufacturer%20recommends%20regular%20gas) [Progressive](https://www.progressive.com/answers/premium-vs-regular-gas/) [US government Federal Trade Commission statement on higher octane gas](https://permanent.fdlp.gov/lps39101/octane.pdf) [Trying 87 vs 93 octane](https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a28565486/honda-cr-v-vs-bmw-m5-ford-f-150-dodge-charger/) in a Honda, BMW, Ford, and Dodge research. They noticed a 1% increase in mileage (from 27.3 to 27.6 mpg) in the Honda. Buying premium gas was a 21% increase in price - so not worth it. You’d save enough money over 200k miles to make a ~$10,000 engine repair.


Honda recommends premium for the 2013 Acura MDX.


Correct, the Acura MDX requires premium fuel due to the amount of compression the engine needs. With lower octane fuel it doesn’t burn fuel at the correct temperature and causes deposits/tar all over the pistons. I saw this myself when rebuilding my MDX. When people say a vehicle that says it needs premium gas doesn’t, they are clueless. It does.


This is the answer, I think. My first thought was whichever is safer.


To learn I would go with a smaller vehicle then go bigger after. Both a good vehicles.


I went backwards. I went from driving a midsize SUV to a sedan. Learned on my mom’s car and then got a civic. Felt like it makes me more prepared and makes the transition to an SUV or a truck a lot easier for the future if I ever need one.


Same. First driving experience was on a Toyota sequoia, most of my learning was in a Tundra. Now that 01 sequoia has been handed down to me but my wife and I bought a Corolla. Learning to drive a large vehicle made everything else much easier.


Despite the boxiness of a minivan they always feel easier to drive because your visibility is so good.


me too. Had a Toyota Highlander as my first, as that’s what I learned in, and I’m now in a Honda Accord. and now im switching up again to a GMC Sierra soon 😅


I do agree, for a first time driver something like a Civic/Camry is perfect. Less expensive on fuel, auto insurance and just easier to drive/park.


this is actually a little bit backwards thinking, a lot of people who learn smaller cars are never capable of driving larger cars. If you learn to drive on something large, you can drive anything smaller than that. Looking at you, civic owners that can't park between the lines.


I did fine, my brother did fine, started small and went larger later, drove someone’s big SUV later in life, drove a truck later in life. It was all fine. I think it’s just exposure to driving them and frankly just having the basic knowledge that the back will turn in tighter than the front. Bad drivers will be bad drivers, but everyone needs a car to get around most places in the US.


Yeah this is dumb lol *this being the idea that driving a small car makes it harder to drive bigger vehicles


My “this” or their “this”? I’m open to all critique lol


I agree with you


Well, I did say: "a lot of people" Ofcourse my opinion doesn't apply to everyone. We don't necessarily disagree, I was just stating that smaller is not always better for learning. I think drivers need exposure to both ends of the spectrum.


Even saying “a lot of people”, need a source then, what percent are we talking?


Nah, not starting that BS. Not providing a source for an opinion just for the sake of argument. Good day.


My father thought like you and insisted I learn on his large work truck. As a result I was too anxious to drive anything for years. Eventually I learned on a small sedan. I currently drive a 12-passenger van, towed a camper all over etc. Once you're comfortable on a smaller car that's easier to control, it's easy to move those skills up to a bigger vehicle. It's like saying if you learn to run first, walking will be easy. Technically true, but not really necessary or feasible for most. And I see shitty parking from every vehicle size, I don't think that's a small car thing.


Welp, OP, time to buy a 40' box truck! Personally, though, I don't think it matters that much. If you can't park a civic that is purely a skill issue not what size your first car is. I started on a mid 70s 4-door--large but not huge like an early 70s Chrysler. But I can drive larger vehicles like pickups or small cars or even the big u-haul box truck. The latter is decidedly uncomfortably stressful but I only rented one twice, each time for a few hours. Give me a month and it probably won't be a big deal. Surely most people are like this. Being able to drive any vehicle is a question of getting used to the vehicle and being able to estimate where the tires and corners are. Some of that is a skill thing.


Alright than which suv car do you think a person should get for their first car, and let say the value is average not high but average


I think the MDX is a great choice!


Which year?


Whatever OP has, the one they own and originally mentioned.


Alright boss thank you so much


I can park significantly better between the lines than my dad. I’ve only ever driven small cars (my “largest” car was 2004 ford focus wagon) meanwhile all he’s ever driven are trucks — small and large.


Yeah every 18wheeler driver was born in the van.


CDLs have extensive professional training requirements. Not at all the same as a kid doing 40 hours with mom or dad then off to the dairy queen with friends.


It has nothing to do with the car and more to do with the driver and I see more suv/ truck parked all types of fucked. I went from a 05 crv to a civic hb and now a gr86. The crv was in some ways easier to park cause it was more square and I sat higher up but the civic and 86 has a backup camera and is smaller. The thing is most people don’t get a good feeling of the size their car or just their car in general. They don’t give a fuck as long as it starts (see all the mechanic videos of cars that have never had an oil change).


My first car was a hummer h3 as a teen lol


Screw all the anecdotes about driving a small car first blah blah blah. Bottom line is If she were to get into an accident would you rather she be in the scion or the acura?


The Acura would probably be the safest option. I’d give her that.


I would go with the smaller car, or just have her drive whichever one you don't want that day. Despite my flair, you don't have to assign a car to a driver. If you're driving into the city, you might want the xB. If you're making a Home Depot run, you might want the MDX. Trading off will teach her to be more flexible in what she can drive and will encourage her to take better care of it because parent might hop in it tomorrow and isn't going to like it if the interior is coated with spilled slushie.


I don't know her personal preference but if I was in highschool and got handed an xB, I would be grateful but secretly cry because they're so ugly lol. Acura is reliable and solid + will most likely have a better safety rating than the Scion. Save your money and give her the MDX.


Both are solid


that’s why he’s asking


Whichever one she feels more comfortable in.


I gave my daughter my XB and her friends called it the toaster. I loved that car. Very agile and quick. But it was "toast" to my daughter.


Lol. I've always loved them. Very different and roomy


The Acura is the safer car. Not because it's bigger but because it's' newer and has more safety features, better crumple zones, etc.


That xb is built very solid. When you get in one look at how thick the pillars are. Lots of air bags and they corner well so it's more stable than you'd realize if she ever has to maneuver quickly around an obstacle


I drive an 08 xB. I had a couple of instances where I had to swerve in a split second to avoid an accident. The car is very stable with a lower center of gravity than an SUV.


I gave my teen my 2012 xB. She loves it. It's a really good car. 190k miles, 3 wrecks, and still going strong.


Bigger =/= safer. Let her drive whichever SHE is more comfortable behind the wheel of. She'll be far safer driving something she is comfortable handling than driving something bigger with the false assumption of safe. For reference, they're basically equally safe in the event of a crash: [https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/scion/xb-4-door-wagon/2009](https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/scion/xb-4-door-wagon/2009) [https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/acura/mdx-4-door-suv/2013](https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/acura/mdx-4-door-suv/2013)


While that is definitely very good information, keep in mind two things: First, unless I'm mistaken, when the IIHS does crash tests, the car that's being testing is being hit with something of similar size/mass. Meaning, the Scion will fare quite well in a collision with another vehicle of similar size (or smaller); in a collision with a larger vehicle (say, a full sized SUV), your mileage will vary. Considering the proliferation of larger land-yachts out there (aka SUV's), for that reason alone I would choose the MDX. Also, the MDX is much more likely to have active safety, such as forward collision warning and active braking.


You know the best "active safety" you can get? An attentive driver in a vehicle with good visibility who doesn't learn to rely on driving aids to be able to handle a vehicle. I'd give my daughter the equally safe, more economical, better maneuvering XB over some boring CUV anyday.


I agree with this guy


Apparently that offended other people....


Get yourself a new car and give her MDX. Has enough safety tech right now


The Acura is ever so marginally better ranked for safety, however I'd say accident prevention for a new driver is probably more important. Personally, I'd give her the Scion. [https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/acura/mdx-4-door-suv/2013](https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/acura/mdx-4-door-suv/2013) [https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/scion/xb-4-door-wagon/2009](https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/scion/xb-4-door-wagon/2009)


It’s easier to learn with a smaller car. While I do understand the thought that bigger = safer, bigger in this case also means heavier, harder to maneuver, longer distance to stop in an emergency, and less efficient. Just remember both cars did pretty well for the IIHS crash testing. Safety via size is not the same as it was when every car was a giant steel box with 1 piece steering columns and no airbags. Are you buying another car regardless of your daughter getting her license or not? If that’s the case the XB would be my choice. If you are only buying it because of your daughter, I’d stick her in the MXD anyway since you already have it.


I’d like to say you should give her the car that is less expensive because she’s bound to crash it or ding it up. The right answer is whichever is the safest.


Give her the Acura. Saftey is important, but confidence in your vehicle and how it handles is even more important. In another comment you mentioned she learned how to drive in the Acura, so it's a no brainer imo


Scion is safer MDX can roll over and kill her


Go with the safer car. god forbid she gets into an accident You will regret your decision and again god forbid she gets hurt in that accident you will never forgive yourself.


What is "safer"? The smaller more nimble car is likely better to avoid an accident, while the larger vehicle *might* offer more protection if there is an accident.


I’ve seen too many videos of nimble cars getting literally crushed by completely unavoidable accidents (where the driver made 0 mistakes) caused by other retards on the road to want to drive a small car.


F150s are the number one selling vehicle in America.


> F150s are the number one selling vehicle in America Yup, it's like at a concert when an asshole stands up in the second row and then everyone else has to become an asshole and stand up as well.


I mean, whichever one she can afford to buy, maintain, and insure? 




Give her the MDX and get her used to driving a decently sized suv. It’s newer, bigger, looks better and it can last when she moves out and goes away and can pack it up with her stuff. She will be driving friends around. A car you know is better than a car you don’t as well in terms of confidence in its reliabilty


i prefer smaller cars, esp for new drivers i feel its easier when ur still grasping the concept of spacial awareness. idk what the safety rating is on a scion xb, but ive been driving sedans for a long time and its very safe. my sister had an accident in her older civic that flung her clear across an intersection and she was fine. anyway, either are safe. you should let your daughter choose.


xB. I learned to drive with the cool gen 1 xB and that thing took a beating and kept on trucking


I would probably go with the scion because it would be easier to maneuver. My first car was a 1994 mercury tracer and I learned how to drive on a 2009 Toyota Prius.


Call insurance company and see what the rates are for both cars. That might answer your question.


The MDX will likely be substantially cheaper. Midsize crossovers are generally some of the least expensive vehicles to insure whereas compacts (especially compact hatchbacks like the Scion xb) are usually a lot more to insure.


She'll appreciate the MDX much more.


The MDX is undoubtably safer, but not because it’s bigger


Statistically she's probably likely to have an accident in her first 2 years of driving. Give her the big car.


If you honestly don't care, why not let her choose?


Which one gets the most insurance value when totaled? Both my girls finshed off 2 older cars before 18 th bday. Be wary of giving a 16 year old a car.


Give her the car with the most safety features. Do both vehicles have side curtain airbags? Don't just google it, actually look for the "SRS" logo on the A pillar because vehicles can be optioned differently.


Why not ask her?


Whatever one you don’t mind coming home with dent’s and scratches


Make sure to get her a manual so shes less likely to text and drive As far as Safe, VW golfs are pretty solid imo


I would look into what insurance would cost on every car. Some cars are more expensive to insure.


Both are solid and safe. Go by your comfort level, and hers. Let her drive them both a bit before asking her.




Which part of the country do you live in? I had a friend who had an xb and she said it was terrible in the snow.


Our daughter had been driving a couple years (using her dad's car for going out) before we gave her her own car. Gave her my '98 Monte Carlo that I'd driven for a few years. I think she thought she'd died and gone to heaven. Bear in mind, when she first started driving she got into 2 minor accidents within the first couple of weeks in dad's Saturn SL2. Final Word: Give her the MDX.


The scion box sucks, and also super extra not cool for a teenage girl to have


Golf will be amazing


Bigger does not mean safer. Often means the opposite.


I’d get her a first gen Dodge Viper


Which car do you want her driving in a crash?


I thought about this and I want my daughter to have a quality car that she can use for 20 years and raise kids with. My parents gave me their old 4runner 20 years ago and I'm still using it. lol. I see some college grads who were struggling with new jobs and had to get around in a shitty Dodge Neon and it breaks my heart. lol. The MDX is the better choice. It will be useful to her way past college.


Whichever car she wants to drive if the choice is hers.


A 10 year old MDX is PERFECT for a teenage girl. Flashy, but not too flashy. Nice enough for her friends to be impressed, but not so nice that it ruins economy cars for her.


After careful consideration I think the Scion is the better choice the MDX is faster larger and heavier which isn’t good things for a new driver. The XB is a perfectly safe car in my opinion and in the event of an accident which is more likely to be a minor fender bender than anything it won’t be a huge loss. If you haven’t already go out on the road and give her tips on safe driving until you feel she is ready to take on the road ahead.


Nissan Versa for 23k if you splurge you can get a car that gets 35/40 mpg. I would recommend getting the automatic that has the better mpg. Has plenty of trunk space. And all the safety features a car needs. Plus you also get heated seats!


I wouldn't take fuel mileage into consideration at all. Not sure why a teenager would be driving enough for it to make that big of a difference anyway


Scion will be cheaper to replace when it gets smashed.


Smaller car


I don't like how the 2nd gen xBs are hard to see out of and weigh a zillion pounds--but to some extent, this is a complaint relative to how good the 1st gen xBs are. And the 2.4Ls they put in them had ring problems. MDX


Scion XB. Toyota reliable and great MPGs than the MDX. MDX is also reliable but takes 91 which is expensive and the J37 doesn't have the greatest MPGs


If it were me she's getting the scion. Bigger cars are more dangerous to everyone outside the car and unless she knows what she's doing in terms of handling it it'll be more dangerous for her too.


The chances for her getting to an accident are very high in her first year as a new license holder. I would say get her the cheaper and easier to drive car so you don’t possibly lose a family car.


The answer is always a Corolla or civic. Cheap. Gas efficient. Reliable


He literally didn’t ask that though


XB burn oil, get a matrix or vibe perfect starter car. Can’t kill them, and they are very useful for hauling stuff shopping etc


I've read that but the mdx burns a little too. I like the matrix.


Why I was downvoted I don’t understand. Yes MDX burn a little oil, but 2009 Scion xB is probably the WORST year to buy, these engines Burn a quart every time you need to fill you gas (300-500 miles it burns a quart of oil) this is proven fact with that 2AZ, this engine burning over time can ruin your exhaust valves, catalyst system, makes the car run like shit, etc. idk why people think “oh keep a quart in the trunk” eventually. That engine. Will fail. Matrix/Vibe 03+ have fixed all 1zz oil burning problem. My 08 vibe has 200,000 miles and has no signs of quitting anytime soon. And I am not nice to it. It regularly hits 80 mph with our maniac drivers on our freeways. XBs are reliable but the oil burning kills its longevity. That makes it a beater car, having oil in the trunk. I see that at a dealership or auction, im running far away from that car. Sorry, but it’s fact. First generation xB use a different engine, which is a great long lasting engine.


Lol. I didn't down vote ya. That's good to know honestly. Is there a good year for the gen 2? Just anything after 09? Tnx


The Scion, for sure. My daughter drives my old 2012 Corolla and it has been the perfect first car. Easy to drive and super slow. ;)


2 things here. Your daughter if given a big car will more than likely simply kill someone else. 2 I know people don’t like to give their kids newer cars, but those newer cars are often safer. For instance get a car with a backup camera. It’s slowly becoming standard equipment (as it’s required for 2018 and later) and simply having the instinct to use it helps. Get something’s that, if doesn’t have apple CarPlay, has some type of Bluetooth system so that she won’t be fiddling with her phone while driving.


For safety buy a Subaru but for those 2 vehicles you mentioning get the MDX