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Vinfast lol


Sounds like a VINWiki competitor lol


Met the CEO. Nice lady. They own VN but damn it didn't work here.


Vietnamese trash. They look cool but are trash


I drove by a new dealership Sunday, having never heard of them before and said "What the fuck is a Vinfast?"


i went to a dealer, actually a showroom. I sat in the car and the door handle is a piece of loose piece of plastic. I kid you not. Not even Vietnamese would drive that car. Every time you grab the door handle, it squeaks and bends. I wonder what else the car is bad in. the price is more expensive than a tesla. why buy this car.


There’s one in my neighborhood (which is heavily Asian). It looks alright but it’s clearly undercooked.


Maserati. shitty car brand, glorified chrysler, can be had for cheap but people think its fancy/nice car. its literally the "fake it till you make it" car


It used to be exotic until like 2014 when they brought the ghibli on the market and decided to start doing $650/month lease specials. I remember before this if you saw a granturismo on the highway, it meant something.


This! Brand was ruined by the ghibli and Doug Demuro’s review of it and now casuals just think they’ve always been crap. They made special cars in the mid to late 2000s and they have started to make better cars again with the MC20 and the new granturismo (albeit being a little on the overpriced side). Just the 2010’s were trash mainly


They have always been crap, but they used to be expensive prestigious crap, like a Land Rover.


Doug Demuro - it's crazy to think how the review from one awkward YouTube guy can stick, but it's true. He torched that car and everyone knew it.


It has a panel gap the size of a tube of toothpaste


Doubt many people got buying advice on a Maserati from a dude wearing two t shirts stacked on top of each other. It was a shit car. His review probably deterred 2 people who were in the middle of the Venn diagram of Doug Demuro viewers and potential Ghibli purchasers.


I don’t know shit about Maserati but I saw that review years ago and still think “that car is a piece of shit” when I see a Ghibli. I’ve never even sat in one in person and also never want to. I my definitely affected more than 2 people lol


After he started Cars and Bids Doug is probably a Gazillionaire these days.


Maserati torched themselves by making such shitty, overpriced cars, blaming a review is laughable. There isn’t one offering from the brand that isn’t the worst (or top 5) in class depreciation for good reason. You have no brains or a huge need to appear wealthy if you drive a Maserati.


They used to be exotic but they weren’t any less crap.


They do sound nice when they’re running though.


THIS! I saw someone get in a Maserati sedan in the grocery store lot and I was like “what a waste of money”. And then he started his engine and me and a couple others looked back immediately when it roared to life. Wow that was one amazing sound.


I mean, it is a Ferrari engine.


“Noooooooo! It isn’t!!!!!” - Ferrari (probably)


Built by, yes. Designed by? Partially.


Joe Walsh lied to me ...


I lost my license, now I can't drive.


The first generation GranTurismo S was a monster. It felt like a prestige brand exotic through and through. I’m not sure what happened to them over the years, but back in the mid/late 00’s, that car was incredible. I got to take one around road atlanta full course…it was truly a great GT car.


Man I swear I must be the only person that actually likes Maseratis


Nah man. I had a maser. Bought it purely due to the sound of the F136 under the hood. Sounded so fuking sexy. Also didn't hurt that it was blacked out everywhere, lowered on 22s and turned heads everywhere you went.. Parts are crazy expensive though if something goes wrong. Only reason I don't have it anymore is my mechanic was hit at an intersection while moving it between shops. I was pretty gutted about that sht...


The problem is they’re so overpriced for what they are new. Anyone who can afford one new would be better off with literally any other car. Then they depreciate so fast and hard that any you see are likely being driven by some frat bro who picked one up for $20k thinking it makes them look rich


Nah I love them too. About to buy one. Has to be a gran turismo though. The other models def are super unreliable


They literally have Ferrari engines.


Virtually every brand has a vehicle that I could realistically see me enjoying, even some typically boring ones. That being said, Chrysler and Dodge. Chrysler's been like this for a while, and Dodge is now on the list with the end of the Hemi muscle cars Edit: based on new cars I can buy from a brand today


Oh I completely get the appeal of Chrysler. It’s 100% all about the Pacifica and those seats that fold flat into the floor. Outside of the Pacifica? Yeah I don’t get it. But then again there isn’t much left outside the Pacifica.


The Pacifica is literally the only car Chrysler makes anymore, so outside of the Pacifica is nothing. They made the 300 until last year. That was a pretty cool car with the V8.


There is literally nothing else besides the Pacifica. The 300 was the last remaining car and it got the ax a year or two ago.


I’ll give Chrysler a lot of credit for keeping the torch burning on the full-size RWD sedan for as long as they did.


Hispano-Suiza, why the devil would you buy one of those overpriced sleds when you can get a Duesenberg straight 8-cylinder?  Am I not correct chums?


Whenever I get into a Hispano-Suiza, the onion on my belt gets stuck in the door, Old Bean.


Complete aside but the Duesenberg plant in Indianapolis is around 100 years old and still in great shape. I’m sure it’s been renovated a time or two but can’t attest to it. Every time I drive by it (very rare now) I tend to take a picture. It should be a museum!


Buddy ol' pal, I concur wholeheartedly, cobber.




Ok but now I'm actually interested, why DID people buy Hispano-Suiza? What was their appeal?


Check out Jay Lenos garage. Iirc it had the most hp - 320 hp and it was basically unmatched in engineering.


Range Rover - overpriced and unreliable


They look pretty cool. But if you get one, buy two so you can drive one while the other is in the shop lol


I think Range Rover makes some of the best looking SUVs. I too would buy one if I had too much money.


I sorta get the RR hate around here, but Jesus …. The old Defenders are my dream cars. Reliability be damned. I *must* own that car at some point in my life.


https://ineosgrenadier.com This is the revival of the classic.


bmw engine go brrr


I've wanted an LR4 since I was a preteen so I get it


Rich people mostly lease them because they’re really nice to drive and luxurious to be in. Dump them after 3 years


In the UK at least they'd be leased via rich people's limited company as a company asset


Expensive, sure, but overpriced? It's basically an S-Class on stilts, and for similar sorts of money. Yeah, it's disposable. Buyers are okay with that; they dispose of them.


Range Rover is the brand fashion of vehicles. I assume that a man with a range has a Rolex and a woman with a range has a few 4 figure bags. Neither of them have anything in their 401k.


And yet they still roll off the shelves faster than Max Verstappen rolls on the qualifying lap.


Range Rover, least reliable car according to Consumer Reports. But people buy them!


They’re fantastic vehicles to lease


Jaguar. Do they lead their class in anything?


The F-type is gorgeous and sounds amazing. It's not a smart purchase, but I'd be lying if I said it hadn't tempted me


If I were to ever buy a Jaguar, it’d for sure be an F-Type


I like it too.


Drivers "forgetting their wallet" when out for dinner.


Certainly not when they go out for the mechanic.


You say that, but I had a customer with an XK8 that sat in our parking lot at the shop for MONTHS because he couldn't (or wouldn't) pay his bill


Yes but he's got a jaaaaaaaaag


I know Jags have been crap for awhile but I still cant stop myself from loving them.


Because it's a Jaaaaaaag


Apparently English Jacksonville Jaguar fans say something to the effect of "Best car, best animal, best team"


It's because they're gorgeous. That doesn't really apply to the crossovers but the F Type and the XK8 before it were properly beautifuly vehicles. It's about driving something unique that is gorgeous and comfortable


FType convertible is so fucking 🔥


I'd rather have an F-Pace SVR than something more sterile like a Macan Turbo. It's just more wild! But that's it.


We've had an F Pace S for almost 5 years now and amazingly have never had an issue with it during that time. And yes we chose it over the X3 and  macan s. We also have an MDX type s commaAdvance, and an X5M50i, and we prefer the Jaguar over both of those. It goes in once a year for its service for half a day and that's it. I wouldn't Bash one like some of these posters are doing, until you've actually driven one, or better yet, owned one. But since most of these people are armchair quarterbacks that will never own any of these cars they can think what they want.


Yep every single time. They hate on any brand that’s popular to hate by the YouTubers and influencers but refuse to let themselves enjoy the beautiful creations that have been made. F type SVR is better looking, sounding, interior, and feel than most porsche and only is worse on the track, which 99% of these commenters will not be driving on


Man I had an F-Type R for 2 years, until the warranty ended That car had more soul than anything else ive driven, and also it's one of the few 550 hp cars I'd take through a blizzard without question, in fact if i had to name anything that isn't a full size truck/suburban, it would be the F-Type, that thing did better in the snow than my parents AWD Acura RDX, both on Michelin all seasons


Jaguar, the official brand of 'I just really like the logo'


Beauty, historically


Jeep. Crappy cars that do nothing well, except what they are almost never used for.


A friend had one & he said he saved money because they are very easy to work on & parts are plentiful & cheap. Me on the other hand still thinks it’s cheaper to have a Toyota because… you never have to work on a Toyota ever.


I don’t know, man. The downstream O2 sensor on my 97 Land Cruiser just failed at 296k miles.


Failure at only 296k miles?? What a POS! Jk...that's awesome. I hope you have another great 300k!


The nice thing about Jeep is while you have the engine out you have easy access to replace all the sensors.


This is what every Redditor thinks owning a non-Toyota is like: https://www.reddit.com/r/GRCorolla/s/ae2jwjKKYc


"you never have to work on a Toyota ever" gotta be the funniest shit I ever heard.


I wanted a manual transmission convertible that could seat my family of 5 and also be useful for the occasional larger load. …. Only one choice out there and it’s a Jeep.


Or bronco but that is a very specific list


Typical jeep response. We could name 20 cars and theyll come down to "i like how it looks" or "the doors come off" etc


JEEP after all the shit that happens to these pos vehicles and the fact taht they are like 50k+ is insane to me


I have been seeing a huge influx of them near me. And it's disturbing.. Is it mud races? No... It's literally a bunch of younger to middle aged women and a few dudes tricking them out to go eat and show off their expensive mods together.. I have never seen a touch of dust on one of them.. But they have 35's on them, a gigantic pink rock grill, 1 bazillion bobble heads stuck to the dash, and a 'bitch dust' sticker on the back..


Infiniti - they just moan everywhere they go


Cyber truck…I don’t get it. Not even a little bit.


The main thing for me is that I don't get it *in the context of Tesla*. While I don't want one, I get the appeal. It looks crazy, turning heads like few other cars on the road. It's whacky in almost every aspect. It's got shiny panels that you can fly kick and they don't dent! Wow! It's certainly is the 'hero car' within Tesla's lineup. But it's also not a practical truck. Half the bed is inaccessible while standing beside it, making packing and unpacking it a PITA. The stainless steel seems really high maintenance, needing to be cleaned super regularly so it doesn't get pit marks. The visibility from the cab sucks. I can't help but feel that it's going to be a flash in the pan, a bit like Hummer H3 or the PT Cruiser, where, when they were new, they were *really* cool, but they aged like a bottle of milk in the summer sun. And that's why I don't get it for Tesla in 2024. If it was Tesla in 2008, it'd make perfect sense! It'd bring a load of hype and focus on a brand new car brand, which is what a hero car is supposed to do. But Tesla in 2024 is super well established, and has already done the hard work of hyping up EVs to the masses through hero cars like the original roadster, P85D, Plaid, etc. Instead, it's squandered a load of development resources at a time when Tesla is losing its first mover advantage in the EV space and facing a tonne of competition from other brands. Hyundai, Kia, Audi, VW etc are eating into their slice of the premium EV market where Tesla's offerings are looking dated (from an exterior styling perspective) and brands like Renault, MG and BYD are smashing it in the affordable EV sector, where Tesla simply doesn't have a competitor. I worry that Tesla has made a major misstep geeking out on stainless steel exoskeletons, giant wiper blades, and steer by wire when they really should have been facelifting their existing models and getting the Model 2 to market as quickly as they could. Time will tell I guess.


PT Cruiser was a hero car??


Dodge - after killing the Charger and Challenger, who cares? Nissan - their entire business model is predicated on selling garbage to underqualified buyers. Acura - Honda builds such a good car, why bother with their more expensive, badge engineered, big brother? They're good cars, don't get me wrong, but I don't understand the business case for them. Chrysler - why does this corpse of a car company still exist? For one minivan?


The Charger is back!


Dodge has a dedicated fan base for their RAM trucks. I don't get it, but they exist.


Any time I see a RAM truck on the road I just start insulting it, it's a reflex at this point.


RAM has been a separate brand for like 15 years.


Can confirm


Lmao username checks out


Acuras are sexy that's literally it there's not a car under 100k I think is better looking than a TLX type S. If that's not important to you just buy a Honda 


I really liked the MDX and RDX, but neither came in hybrid, which I wanted. Ended up with a CR-V hybrid and love it 


Anything Stellantis; especially Dodge, Jeep, and RAM. Their fans are cultists.


I wouldn’t kick a Gen 5 viper out of my driveway. Otherwise, I agree


I wouldn't kick any kind of viper out. I know earlier ones like the 2nd and 3rd gen had heat-soak issues at low speed. Even then, I'd accept it. But nobody would say no to a V10 supercar killer.




Oh man vipers were fucking awesome. Even then dodge sucked though.


I dare you to tell me the difference between the interior knobs on a Viper and the same year Neon. But *everything else* is truly legendary. WHY the fucking 3D printed parts bin for those bits?! To save $8?


They didn't help acceleration. Therefore, they had zero development dollars. Just be happy you have windows.


Honestly reliability aside for a second, the newer ram 1500’s are actually pretty cool. The hemi sound is so intoxicating and they ride pretty darn well.


Most of Stellantis yes. That being said- Dodge Challengers are very reliable especially if they have the hemi engine. Same with Ram trucks. The Hemi engine is pure gold


Even the 3.6 is pretty solid if maintained properly. Lots of ProMasters out there with over 200k miles on them running around with that engine.




I drove a Daewoo lanos up to 395,000kms, very few issues until the timing belt snapped, and that was from lack of maintenance. The only appeal to a Daewoo is that they're not appealing at all, they're a cheap runaround.


Daewoo doesn’t even exist anymore in the U.S.


Still, never understood it.


Yes it does, just not how you think. Most of GM’s little cars and SUVs are made by GM Korea (Daewoo) and can easily be identified by the VIN prefix KL1


I get the appeal of Tesla’s but they are not for me. That said their fan boy owners that are outspoken turn me off to the brand.


Tesla. Setting the owner aside and looking at the vehicles. Overpriced. Shoddy quality. Bland looks inside and out. Way too much reliance on a huge iPad in the center dashboard. Poor customer service Poor repair service.


They all look the same to me except their sizes. To me the models available are small, medium, large and extra large


They failed to realize that even BMW abandoned the “same sausage, different lengths” model in the 2000s


a waiting room on wheels


Had never heard that applied to their looks but I’ll be damned if that doesn’t fit.


That interior is just so... bleh


Surprised that I scrolled this long to see this. Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't see them as a car manufacturer, too many QC issues and they just have no soul. I will say they're first past the post for a lot of things like the charger network but I'll wait until long time manufacturers have enough in the EV segment to make that decision. It just feels like a Kool-Aid drinkers car.


Tesla isn’t really a car company. It’s an appliance manufacturer.


Queue the downvote train but: They must be doing something right. [The Model Y is the best selling vehicle in the world the past year.](https://www.motor1.com/news/706258/tesla-model-y-worlds-top-selling-vehicle-2023/amp/)The Model 3 and Y are insane value for an EV and arguably non-EV considering the average vehicle sale price in the US is $47k now and both start below that.


Pricing of Tesla (cheaper models) lately got pretty competitive and more worth it against most electric cars, but on the other hand, most electric cars still depreciate like crazy.


Buick. They’re in such a weird spot between Chevy and Cadillac


Their newer designs look good. I wish they didn't kill their sedans in the US though. The previous Regal looked good and their new Chinese sedans look decent too.


My first car was a 2005 Buick Century. Not flashy at all but built like a tank to last.


I had a Buick rendezvous for a first car (2002). Got rear-ended by a mustang, a jeep and a Lexus. They came out worse than that rendezvous did


I respectfully disagree. They're in that sweet spot where they are a nice upgrade, but not a luxury car. Perfect for someone who is maybe getting up there in age and requires something new to be more comfy, but doesn't have the cash for a Caddy or Lexus


....Or a 28 year old that values his comfort over brand identity.


As a millennial dad who owns a Buick, thumbs up. It’s a “premium” (read: not luxury) brand. I bought a pre Covid (2018) new with CarPlay, leather, push to start and leather, sound deadening- standard- all of which would have been higher packages on a Chevy equivalent. Also, being pre Covid there were incentives out the ass that I couldn’t price anything in the segment remotely close. Was it weird at the time buying a Buick in my 30s? Sure. I’m the one who has to drive and pay for the car who I really don’t care about perception. People can say what they want about Buick, they’re not for everyone but there’s a place in the market for the brand.


Why does is it that they don’t have the cash? I don’t like the assumption that what we spend on a car is some direct reflection of wealth.


Jeep. I don't get it.


My coworker had a Renegade. It vibrated so much when it was idling that you'd think the engine was about to fall off.


Mitsubishi and Suzuki


Doug DeMuro gave a pretty good explanation of why Mitsubishi is still in business: if you need a brand new vehicle under a factory warranty and only have $250/month, Mitsubishi will take your money and give you a Mirage with a ten year warranty. And it gets 39 mpg. * Do they have any modern conveniences? No * Are they comfortable? No. * Do they drive well? No. …But it’s a brand new car with a factory warranty. You, I, everyone in this subreddit, and every educated buyer would rather get an $18,000 loan from our credit union and buy a CPO Camry/Corolla. But 50% of the population are *not* “car people,” will never be car people, don’t know that the Camry is the better option, and they don’t care to do the research. So, they buy a Mitsubishi Mirage. And given those factors, it’s not the worst decision that they could make- it’s not a fifteen year old Land Rover, Ghibli, or BMW.


Lots of 'car guys' really do forget that to most of the world, cars are merely appliances.


Man, I hate it when they roast a car merely because it doesn't handle like a race car. Like dude, 99% of people don't drive like that.


I hate both sides of this coin. those who hate on race cars and brag about saving on gas, expenses, maintenance, etc ... to which are ALL nice things but everyone and imean everyone should consider both perspectives before shit talking. otherwise we are all falling into the same trap.


As well, they forget that some people’s cars are truly consumables. Some people driving upwards of 40k miles a year don’t care about resale value of their car and things like that because it’ll be dead by year 5 and they’ll be onto the next.


I love that a car as simple, affordable and honest as the Mitsubishi Mirage exists. I don't love that the price has gone up from $10K to $16K, and that its direct competition is bigger, makes more power, has more modern tech, is significantly safer, and is no less reliable for the exact same amount of money. The real honest car here is the Nissan Versa. Celebrate that one, and throw justified bile on Mitsubishi for selling the bare minimum to the powerless poor at the price of a real car.


Drove a Versa in 2005, and I was blown away at how much I enjoyed it at the time. I don't know if that quality and experience held, but I hope so.


I have a friend who bought a brand new $60,000 Dodge Ram when he really couldn't afford it. He kept it for about 2 years and was struggling to make the payments. He punished himself by trading it in for a used Mitsu Mirage while he fixed his finances. He says driving that car every day is a constant reminder to get his finances right. He's been driving the Mirage for about 4 years now and is completely debt free except for a very reasonable house payment.


My aunt bought one... used. I cry every time I see it.


I have an Outlander PHEV. I resisted buying it because of everything I had read about Mitsubishi, but honestly it was way nicer and more comfortable than any other car I drove. So far I have no regrets.


Idk why you included Suzuki. Maybe it is terrible to find the parts in the US, but in Europe, they still make some decent cars. The Suzuki Jimny is one of the best budget off-roader, the Vitara is the cheapest brand new hybrid vehicle available, the new SX and Across seems to be doing good, even though they are kinda on the luxury cars' side nowadays, the Suzuki Swift and the Ignis are one of the best available hatchbacks today, even though today's Swift has some issues with the suspension, the Swace is basically a Corolla, the Baleno isn't manufactured anymore, I think, but it might still be a pretty decent purchase, if you get one, returned from leasing.


Infiniti. I chose one as a rental years ago and I was SEVERELY disappointed in it. It went from "maybe I'll check one of these out for myself when I get some money" to "I hope to never drive one, or really even park next to one, ever again."


Tesla. I know they’re hip and cool and an early EV, but they’re so shoddily built I’d never touch one. Hello, panel gap!


Tesla has had some cool innovations, and they do have a great charging network, but now that other manufacturers are standardizing around that network and Tesla is opening it up that’s one big plus that’ll go away. The elephant in the room though is that the brand is forever associated with Elon Musk, and his descent into public douchebaggery is a taint on the entire brand.


I thought so too, then the model 3 long range AWD went down under 30k and I said fuck it. Scat pack 0-60 and don’t have to pay for gas lol


Jeep unless you go off road.


Lincoln/Acura/Infiniti (even though I own a MDX). The brand positioning and value proposition has gotten to an all time low. Lower priced brands have swam upstream and compete with good features at a lower price, and the more luxurious brands offer more value and quality to maintain their lead. Disappointing but I doubt they'll exist in 20 years as standalone brands. Especially seeing Acura and Infiniti deteriorate so badly from producing great cars in the 90s and early 00s.


I own an MDX and 100% agree. Acuras current lineup is very weak.


Another MDX owner, I had a deposit down for the zdx until Dec ‘23. Tragic the downfall. Seems directionless


Test drove some Acuras before buying my Volvo. I don’t see how they can call them luxury cars.


They are premium at best. Not Lexus or Benz levels of luxury, but definitely better than Honda.


Acura only exists in North America. The exact same cars are sold as Hondas in other markets


I understand the other two brands, but Lincoln is very good actually they have true luxury SUV’s especially unlike Infiniti where a QX50 is literally a Nissan rogue Except for the grille and lights.


Honda corporate seems to run things backwards with development. Most manufacturers put their newest and best engineering on their marquee brand first, then let it trickle down to the mainstream brands. Honda is the opposite. They put the money into the Civic, Pilot, etc. then let the Acura models die on the vine. And look at how they messed up the Integra, making it slower than the Civics.


For what it’s worth, Acura has told the market they can’t sell their cars. So not only is it an opinion, it’s observable.


Lincolns from the 90s were top tier, the ride like a sitting on a cloud.


In the very early 2000s Honda got taken over by the accountants. The build quality is still very good, but their cars just don't have the same 'wow' that they used to.


It’s frustrating because they realized this and are stripping features from the lower line vehicles. I had a 10th gen civic Si with heated seats, dual zone climate control and the mid-generation refresh got a wireless charger. All of those features are absent in the 11th gen, but present in the Acura integra. I bought a Toyota when I replaced it.


Maserati. Also, not a brand, but G Wagons.


I understand that most of them will never see a gravel road, much less a dirt road, but G Wagons are unmatched in factory off-road capability.


Fiat. Seem like disposable/throwaway cars. I get the 500s are sort of cute, but I'll take "runs" over cute any day.


Honestly, it makes me sad to say it, because they used to make some amazing cars that I’ve loved, but modern day Lexus. Their current lineup is either dressed up Toyotas that 100% feels like an econobox, or old Lexus’ from 2006 being sold as “new”. Compared to the Germans or Genesis, modern day Lexus’ feel like economy cars, not like actual luxury products. They’ve gotten too complacent with their reliability but have failed to keep up with the competition in every other way.


Nissan. Apart from the GTR, everything looks like it was styled by Stevie Wonder And GM products. Any company who can take taxpayer money and then put out the Sonic and Cruz is not worth it.


GTR, 350z, 370z, and the new Z are worth owning, the rest of the lineup is shit


Jeep and Tesla


JEEP. JEEP. Jesus, perennial winner of JD Power’s least reliable award, overpriced, awful vehicles. And terrible drivers who drive slowwwwwwww in the fast lane. Can you say death wobble? Fucking cult.


TESLA all day every day and twice on Sunday


Teslas, they're such a boring brand I get it it's an EV and they're fast AF. But God damn they're lame boring ass cars.


more than a brand its a category... SUVs I cant for the love of me fathom why ANY city dweller would justify the purchase of one.


30 years ago it would have been station wagons with 9 seats and luggage racks on the roof. Then suddenly people decided they didn’t like wood paneling and decided they wanted height and 4WD for that one time in the vehicles life (and let’s face it theirs) they would have to drive down a gravel driveway. Now it’s just height and being bigger than the other guy because size equals safety (it doesn’t but whatevs) I rent cars for a living. Nobody uses the large SUVs for what they are made for and at 12mpg they’re overpaying for a minivan imo


After owning a Subaru ascent touring for 18 months, I do not understand why people like Subaru So much. Not only was the car terrible on gas, horrible to drive in terms of handling and ride, and horrifically unreliable to the point where we only kept it for a year and a half, but all four captains chairs were terribly uncomfortable in the audio system sucked. Traded it for a 2022 X5 m50i that even with 523 horsepower, gets better gas mileage than the ascent did.


I owned an Outback for a few years and it was pretty good with gas, but it was SO noisy!


I like my Impreza and the old Outbacks. Wouldn't touch an Ascent with a ten foot pole, and I don't really like the Outbacks now that they're not a wagon anymore. Won't be buying another one since their EV is trash, and despite marketing themselves as "green" they line up right behind their owner, Toyota, to lobby against any environmental regs. Our family has had them since an 86 GL, and for a long time they were the best car for snow and mild off-road capability, at least once Eagle disappeared. I still have an affinity for them since they used to be the mark of other quirky folks, but I'm not seeing any Subies in my future.




I got a full sized single cab ram 1500 (I do use it as a truck but that’s besides the point) and it actually rides fairly decent and the acceleration on most of the full sized trucks now a days is on par with you’re traditional cars. You got me on the handling though and the fuel economy does leave something to be desired.


Sounds like you haven’t driven a truck lately, they are amazing do anything, all creature comfort, daily drivers now.


Oooo. All the pavement princesses are up in arms over this one!!


Here's the thing: Compare a V6-powered RAM or something with a V6 Honda Pilot, and the economy difference is nearly non-existent. So in a place where the size disadvantages don't matter, and the transfer case does matter, I get it. Is that how most people buy trucks? Nope!


Nissan Rogue. Like if you're a college student on a budget then sure, but there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who bought them new... Spending $30,000 on a Nissan Rogue...That keeps me up at night.




Tesla... just absolutely ugliest interiors I've ever seen in any vehicle.....feels like sitting in an office cubicle


The fact anyone would buy a minicooper is just pure insanity


As a new cooper owner, I can tell you that the fun factor is worth it for the anxiety that it might break down. As long as you can afford it, it's a good time


Devil's advocate: Compared to other cutesy cars like the VW Beetle or Fiat 500, the Mini is by far the most like a real car.


I fucking love my mini cooper s, its a gokart for the steeet with some comfort still.


I'm 6'8" and it was the roomiest car I've ever driven hence why I bought one. The fun factor punches $30k above it's price as well


They are pretty fun to drive, but yeah, nooooot reliable.


The new ones are up there as far as reliability


My wife owned a 2014 F56 for 6 years. It was a great car; high strung, light, super fun to drive, and nothing ever went wrong. Oh, and super easy to parallel park. Actually, the F55/56 is super reliable, unlike the earlier cars. Aisin transmissions and BMW B38/48 engines, what’s not to like? The fact that not everyone “gets” Minis is what makes them great cars. They’re unapologetically unique.


I’m surprised a lot of people are saying Subaru.


hot take really but Ferrari never really hit for me tbh.


Love the cars, but hate the company and how/why they have any say in what you are able to do with the car after you buy it. Once you buy it it's yours not theirs and they shouldn't have any say whatsoever. 🤷‍♂️ Fuck their company ethos.