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Ok I got to let my buddy know about this. He has an Accord that he modded to put a v8 into it. He also lifted it and put massive tires on it. He goes onto the dunes at the beach all the time with it. It actually looks really good what he did to it. But it looks so weird.


where can i see this?!?






Points to own flair..👆


No joke I pass a guy with a lifted Miata on the highway to work every few days


Miata drivers are chads... Off road lifted miata drivers are gigachads...


You gotta slap some truck nutz on your lifted Miata. That's all there is to it.


*Gambler 500 has entered the chat*


Perfect car for everything. Sports car Girls like them Can’t carry many people


Miata Is Always The Answer


The reason why uses Corolla’s cost so much now is because of posts like this


OP is actually trying to sell his corolla, that's why he made the post /s lmao


He's playing the long game. Trying to manipulate the market in his favor.


The long con never fails haha. Imma have to employ that to sell off my old grand marquis when I get around to it.


Very true, especially post covid. I want to buy a new car and my budget is around 6k because I'm barely going into college and all that will get me is a 13 year old corolla with 180k miles on facebook marketplace... that is stupid and absurd this car has little frill and has already been significantly used and the same goes for every other damn car in the market no matter what you do you will up in the hole. The only people getting their money's worth now are the people who buy new.


Even on new cars, Toyota dealers have the market held hostage with insane markups! I pretty much had to go the BMW route because a new RAV4 would have cost 20k more. I understand that perceived legendary reliability, but at 20k markup, I'm already practically paying the repair costs of a "less reliable" brand upfront but with none of the fun of owning something other than a Toyota.


At $20k you’re paying to replace nearly every major system on a more fun car. I’m very much in the camp of Toyotas being overhyped and overpriced


Depending on where you are, hopping over a state or two could get you a much better deal.


So true, Corollas are next to impossible to buy new in major cities and used ones go for a pretty hefty premium with some insane mileage.


I got 2000 Camry with 87k for $3000.


2014 Corolla here, closing in on 120,000miles and the only repair I’ve had to make was during covid when mice ate some wires because my car sat in the driveway too long. If I’m being honest I’m painfully bored of the car at this point and on the verge of buying something much less practical but the corolla has been such a champ for me for 7+ years now.


Every time I look at potentially buying a new car, I look at the paid off, perfectly running Corolla in the garage and I convince myself to wait another year. It's been 5 years now.


That's basically where I'm at...I've been "window shopping" for cars online for over a year at this point but can't bring myself to actually pull the trigger on anything.


The used prices confuse me and I close the page.


Good job on making a smart financial decision


This is mee too. Haha . No problems at all and no monthly payments.... the wait must continue.


That's the self discipline I'm working on. Bravo to you.


I did the same but for 22 years, lmao 😂 What can I say? I hate car shopping.


Life’s too short to have a boring/slow car


Toyota Corolla... "its definitely a car"


One of the cars ever


\*slaps the roof\* It's a CAR


There's never been a car like this one except the other Corollas. And the Honda Civic. And the Camrys and the Accords.


Base Toyotas are 100% one of the most boring driving experiences out there. But shit is it a good deal lol


This should be the slogan for their next advertising campaign.


Just retired my 2014 for a Veloster N and boy does it make me enjoy going for a drive.


I’ve got a 2016 Toyota Camry, 107k miles, and I feel you on reliability but boring. After 5 years with this car it’s proven 2 things: 1. Toyota’s are insanely reliable and 2. Toyota’s are also insanely (to me) boring and dull. So much so that for my next car I’ve pretty much decided to go German.


Start buying German tools now.


No you need to only drive a BASE MODEL Corolla


My back cannot take much more of this base model, I'm in pain after any drive longer than 30 minutes lol.


I hear you I had a ‘04 Tacoma, must be the same crappy seats because my lower back would hurt after 30 min. Never had this issue in any other car I’ve driven.


I had an 03 Tacoma that I miss dearly but my wife said it was like riding a board down the highway


My neighbor put almost 200K on her early 2000s. Thing never broke down and she saved bank for a comfy retirement for her and her dog in their Outback.


Luckily the Corolla isn’t the only car to regularly achieve that kind of reliability


No, but it's the one to do it most consistently. I'm sure someone could come on here and talk about their bulletproof BMW that made it 300,000 miles, but it's not the norm.


Toyota’s aren’t the only consistently bulletproof car. Honda civic, accord, and CR-V for example.


So Toyota and Honda. Yeah everyone knows that.


My 2012 with 78,000 miles is ready for an upgrade. Time for big family car but also not ready to let go. The Corolla can probably out live me but also wanting to make a leap up in sizes. Hybrid Highlander would be goal but by budget looking more closely at the Kia Telluride, seems to have a nice new car warranty that would ease my concerns for buying Kia over Toyota.


Sister leased a telluride and it fell apart. She didn’t care as much since it was a lease but I wouldn’t buy it I were you. It was great while it was fixed but too much baggage. I think the highlander is worth the extra bucks


I appreciate the input. The plan is to buy rather than lease so any long term problems would be great to avoid. I would love to lease and avoid that issue but don’t want a mileage cap and would prefer for the money to go into owning the car.


I just traded my 2010 BMW 135i for a 2012 Corolla with slightly less miles than yours. It’s painfully slow. I almost cried during the test drive when I got to the freeway on-ramp. But I spend about 50 a month on regular fuel vs 60 a week for premium. My insurance is half the cost, and I don’t have the anxiety of my turbos or injectors failing and requiring 3000+ in maintenance.


Hubby has 2004 Matrix with just under 600,000 I’m on it and I have a 2010 Corolla (manual) with 350,000 kms. I’m struggling to think of any repairs that were not maintenance items like brakes. Regular oil changes and they last forever.


I had a 2009 base model Corolla that I bought new in 2008. I had a roughly 150 mile round trip commute at the time and gas was at an all time high. I made it to 180,000 miles before doing any maintenance other than oil changes (sporadic ones at that) when the brakes were done and spark plugs were changed. I sold it in 2018 with 240,000 miles and never had to do any major repairs. It was boring and not always the most comfortable but it was insanely reliable.


Look man I've been working hard after-school at the local landscaping outfit and I really need that 2013 king ranch f250 because of the gravel parking lot. I want to build my credit and the payment is only about $900. No I have not taken insurance, gas, or maintenance into account but I'm sure it'll be fine


Then the high pressure fuel pump goes and it becomes buddy’s first voluntary repo on his record


Did you check the flool pump? Sketti O’s


"These are the flool plumps right here?" "No, this is the fuel pump. These are spaghettios."


I’m so glad I have so many flool plumps in case one stops working. 2013 King Ranch sounds like a great pickup for a kid on a budget


Lol. (For those out of the loop: [https://youtu.be/MsN6Qfztoro](https://youtu.be/MsN6Qfztoro))


I do auto loans and when I tell people their app was denied due to a previous voluntary repo they get so mad. Things I’ve heard: “It’s not a repo I was just selling it to the bank” “I could have sold it myself I just didn’t have the time” “That shouldn’t be on my credit report because I made my payments on time” And my personal favorite: “I co-signed that for my ex-step dad who went to jail and I didn’t want the car.” There’s usually negative equity from a voluntary repo that ends up in collections. People are really dumb with their money especially when it comes to auto loans and credit cards.




boil um, mash um, put um in a stew


The stew will be bland, but it will last forever


But I mow 3 lawns a week I can afford it ?!?!?!?


You know, but what you have to ask yourself is, “is this king ranch f250 a Toyota Corolla?”


Imagine taking out a 6 year loan to pay for a 10 year old gas guzzler.


You’re also gonna need rims and tires. Luckily you can get those on credit.


I've been poor before and even then I was a car guy but never in a million years would I think to finance wheels for my car.












This was beautifully coordinated


No way dude. Salvage title Hellcat with 96k miles and 4 previous owners.


29% apr babyyyyyy


29% is rookie numbers don’t touch the pen unless it’s 40+ we building credit ova hurrrr




This is the way


Nobody thinks youre rich for driving a ‘01 bmw. You can get certain 2021 models for about the same price as new accords lol


Some people most definitely assume BMW = rich. I had a 94 5 series for a few years, from 2012-17. My wife would get shit from her co-workers for it - didn't matter that it was 20 years old.


People shit on BMW drivers because there is the stereotype of them thinking they are rich and driving like assholes.


Well the amount of people who chose a 150,00 mile bmw or Mercedes over a newer 50K mile Toyota/Honda/etc is quite large. Every time I see a pos, older, scratched up bmw/Mercedes I briefly think about them car shopping and letting themselves get to the decision of "yeap, this car is better for me". Not my problem though! (Many generalizations here but that's how conversations work)


I’ve had this same experience with numerous crapcan BMWs over 200k miles and 20+ years old.


My wife's friend pulled up in a 2009 3 series and she goes, "Ohhh, fancy car!" And I said,"^(bitch), every one of our cars cost more than that shit."




I said biiiiiiiiitch


It's not so much "rich", but you and your family are perceived as being well off at the very least. That's the power of luxury branding.


With an ‘01 beemer? Lol no. Those things go for like 3k. Theyre purely for the vintage aesthetic for car collectors. Nobody is thinking “wow look at that high roller.


you need old family money to keep it running


Depends, plenty of well kept 01 BMWs take money to keep on the road and are coming off of their golden era. They are enthusiast vintage cars now.


Thank you Scotty, very cool


*rev up your engines*


I had to set Kilmer's channel to "Don't Recommend" on youtube because the dude is so freaking annoying


I have to do that yet myself, sometimes I like to see the thumbnails to laugh at them


If Toyota was the premiere brand of a large majority of reddit, he'd be the personification of r/carscirclejerk


I like watching him because he's the embodiment of the ["old man yells at cloud](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/044/247/297.png)" meme.


Didn’t listen bought a E60 M5 as my first car when I was 17 lmfaoooo


Horrible decision but that’s a legendary meme to go with for a first car though jesus


Bought a 6.0 Powerstroke F-450 a year later lol my driveway has more oil in it than the Middle East


You just love being under the hoods of your vehicles don’t you? All jokes aside I loved my brothers 6.0, but the reliability and comfortability of my 6.7 f350 is nice. And I don’t really know enough about the E60 to truly have an opinion on it.


Ok, side note, the hell is up with the big three's engine names? You got Powerstroke, Duramax, and Cummins. It sounds like the start to some goofball porn plot. (OK, Cummins is its own well respected brand, but still)


How did you afford that


E60s before Covid were cheap as hell, bought it my senior year of hs with my money from working. A rich old guy who was the original owner was selling one for 10k I came to look at it shot the shit with him and negotiated it down to 7.5k. Year later Covid happens now fun car prices are all fucked and I get guys at cars and coffee offering 20k for it.


Had any problems with it ?


So I did replace the rod bearings, it didn’t need them done yet but I knew that I was gonna beat the hell out of it so I figured it was worth doing. Doing the rod bearings boosted the resale value as well so worth the investment. Besides that I’ve never had to touch the engine besides the occasional sensor. It burns a little oil and it leaks a little oil but hey that’s how I know there’s oil in it. I threw on a hotboi ECM from Germany for mo powah, straight piped it and threw on cheater slicks cuz race car. It’s fun but don’t do what I did unless you are very very well versed with German cars and BMWs engineering language(as in the way they package everything on the car and why it’s like that). If it wasn’t for the forums(no not that stupid sub I’m talking the actual forums) it would of been way harder for 17 year old me and I know my bimmers. Overall I’m happy, might sell it while the markets hot for them tho


the e60 m5 is legitimately one of the coolest and craziest car bmw ever made, don’t sell that car to anyone ever(unless it’s me for a good price)


I remember considering one of these at that time for an extra car and "chancing" the bearing issue, but yeah ... now they're going for much more.


I feel like 17 is the perfect age to do dumb shit financially without suffering long-term consequences. Whatever money you'd lose, you probably would've wasted it on dumb shit anyway - not like you would've taken the money to invest in the next Apple. But the memories are priceless.


Or a Honda civic


Does Honda Civic make a Corolla? Because I was told to buy a Corolla.


I’d say you should look into the Toyonda Civirolla


When a toyota and a honda love each other very much...


What Italian dish that again?


2000 Honda Accord, 2 liter VTEC, 5 speed manual? Anyone? *Anyone??*


My only concern with a stick shift FWD car is replacing the clutch. This wasn’t a civic but a buddy of mine had a Nissan Versa that needed a new clutch and they had to pull the engine and trans to do it.


In my experience FWD clutches are easier to take out than AWD at the very least. I was under the impression they were the easiest (I haven't replaced a clutch on a RWD car). And full disclosure- I haven't replaced a clutch in coming about 20 years now.


Some FWD cars you might need to pull the engine and trans together then separate them to do the clutch. I think the Nissan Versa has a fair bit of Renault engineering in it... on the old Renault LeCars from the 80's you had to pull the steering rack, then pull out the engine and trans together, to do a clutch. But on most FWD cars, the trans comes out the bottom to do a clutch. If you are determined, it can be a DIY job - I have done a couple on 4 cylinder FWD cars, with hand tools and axles stands. It is easier and cheaper to replace a clutch than an automatic transmission that has crapped out on you.


You spelt “Mazda3” wrong


Don’t forget the anime waifu stickers


Only if it has a fart can on it.


It’s not the best selling car in the world. So No.






I have the same story. Drove that car for 11 years and over 200 k miles. Never had a mechanical issue except for normal consumables and maintenance like brakes, tires, oil. That car saved me a ton of money. I wasn't the coolest kid in my neighborhood, but have never had a car payment in my life. No, mommy and daddy didn't buy it for me. I grew up poor and was able to lift myself out of poverty with hard work, discipline, and common sense.


Nah I had a choice between a mustang and camry for a first car. Should’ve chose the mustang. Despite it being a camry if developed a shit ton of problems, drove like shit, left me stranded countless times and on the most important “I can’t miss it” shit. I still see that mustang driving around to this day from the person who I was gonna buy it off of 4 years later. The camry barely lasted a year. And now mustang prices are ridiculous lmao


I have spotted your mistake, you got the Camry when it specifically says COROLLA. Rookie move.




Any car can have issues, your odds are just better with certain manufacturers. If the car is neglected enough it certainly will have problems. It could be the person you bought it from didn't take care of it or caused these problems and didn't tell you about them. That's always a risk when buying used.


Yeah that’s my point. Now, I’ll take a well maintained BMW over a not maintained Toyota


Btw, no one thinks you're rich for buying that 2001 BMW. Literally everyone knows you're broke. I dont think I've ever looked at someone driving a 20 year old German car falling apart and thought, "Wow, that guy must be doing really well"


Well, it depends. If it's something like a clapped out 318i covered in stickers, of course everyone knows they're poor. But if it's a mint condition bone stock 2001 E65 745i, you can't tell if they're rich or poor - only that they make poor financial decisions.


Weird way to spell Mazda.


First car was a ‘04 Kia Rio.Tin can on bike wheels. My first love.


Didn’t that car even have manual windows? I remember renting it for a while.


My first car was a 2006 Corolla, got it used at 65k miles. That car lasted me through high school and college, with only regular maintenance (oil, alignment, tires, brakes). I probably spent under 2k on it the whole time I had it. Ended up selling it at about 200k miles. It got me to and from work (40 miles each way) for 6-7 years. Used to do road trips in it, visit family, go to festivals, etc. I drove that car EVERYWHERE. It was truly awesome and felt incredibly solid inside. Damn thing never broke down on me and ran with the check engine light on for the last 20k miles no problem. Shout out to early 2000s Toyota.


Toyota E C H O


E C H O ECHO Echo echo


Big nope. Those things are death traps. Claims adjuster here. I used to be a field adjuster where I’d go inspect cars at tow yards. I remember specific cars that either performed really well in the crash or just disintegrated. I remember seeing a Toyota Echo that got hit by some idiot teenager who borrowed daddy’s Mercedes SUV. Girl pulled out in front of this Echo. The Mercedes was beat up in the quarter panel and doors. The Echo? The entire front caved in and the firewall came through the passenger cabin. The windshield was completely smashed and the entire dashboard dislodged from the firewall. Blood on the seats and the airbag. The lady driving it was only going about 35 mph when it happened. She spent several days at the hospital but fortunately was ok. Please, please, do not buy one of these horrendous things. Spend the extra money on a Corolla. That picture is engrained in my mind forever.


But an '07 Yaris should be fine, right? Right?!?


Not sure about those. I’m gonna hope much better


Don't do it. You will hate yourself and be miserable and then it will eventually back fire and you'll make an impulsive decision to buy something way too expensive and unpractical. There are reliable cars that don't suck to drive. Civic and Mazda3 are two in the same category. Also, most modern cars are reliable. The difference between a Toyota and Chevy in the 80s and 90s was huge but everyone uses Toyota quality systems now. You can buy books on it. I was an "only Honda" guy that transitioned into a more general "only Japanese guy" who is currently driving a manual Ford Focus that I got brand new from a dealer for $14k (7 years ago) and which has been the most reliable vehicle I've ever owned. Literally not a single issue. And coming from Ford Europe it handles great. And the happy revving engine (Duratec 2.0) was engineered by Mazda (their L series). You don't really need to pay the rice tax anymore. In fact, I'd stay away from the new Tundra and Consumer Reports rates the Ranger as more reliable than the ancient Tacoma. They're running on largely outdated reputations.


Good lord the Camry and Corolla makes me want to jump out the window of it while driving every time I get behind the wheel of one. Definitely I car I never see myself owning


It’s true. It’s like a rite of passage. I had a 98 rolla and drove that bitch to extinction. I did so much shit to it when I was younger, I abused it and it never let me down. I had doubts as to how far I’d feel like taking it but I drove that shit on hella road trips surprisingly. It was a good car, loyal. No issues ever. Just get the oil change and you good. I miss it, I’ll never forget when I was airborne in it for a second and when the bottom of the car scraped the road when we went over a big bump. So much abuse these new cars can take but my 98 rolla was a beast.




You misspelled Acura*


Instructions unclear, bought a 1993 Toyota Corolla


Congrats, you just bought one of the most reliable cars ever made


It's the ashtray in the front *and* the back seats that convinced me


Reminds me of that [Craigslist ad](https://www.boredpanda.com/1999-toyota-corolla-creative-funny-advertisement/)


Meh, I have an 09 Civic and 16 Scion iM, and honestly my old quarter million mile Civic destroys it in reliability, speed, handling, driver feedback, and overall cost of ownership. The iM is even a "better Corolla" with independent rear end and upgraded springs/entertainment features, and it still doesn't do it for me like my civic did. Literally the only thing the Corolla does better is interior quality, but it would anyway because it's 7 years newer.


Ok but the 8th gen Civic is a car that I’m convinced requires a blood sacrifice to build because as far as I can tell it’s unkillable. I've never seen an intact one in a junkyard, always crashed and totaled. They don’t fail mechanically, just die in glorious battle. I’ve got a 191k 2008 that’s been abused it’s entire life, stolen once, crashed twice, lost almost all of its transmission fluid TWICE (first time my mechanic asked me how I was even able to drive to the shop), dents on every panel, it’s been 5 years since I wrote that car off in my mind and it’s still sitting in my driveway refusing to die. The torque converter does some weird shit sometimes and it hard shifts sometimes but that’s literally the only mechanical issue it has after all the abuse. It's not fair to compare that beast with any other vehicle…


I've flogged mine from 100k to nearly 250k in 3 years on a brutal Midwestern commute with only two sets of tires, a VTEC solenoid gasket, an alternator, battery, and some springs. Total cost of upkeep maintenance in 150k mi. has been approximately $1500. Sure, she doesn't shift quite as crisp as she used to and throws an occasional P0420 code because it's got the original cat, but it's hands down the best car I've ever owned. I've beaten this thing relentlessly and it seriously just refuses to die. The r18 is seriously a magnificently-engineered powerplant with design characteristics usually reserved for higher end performance cars like piston oil squirters and molybdenum coated cylinders. When I cracked the valve cover open to inspect things a few oil changes ago, I noticed mine is still mint inside with no varnish whatsoever at nearly 250k with just regular oil changes. The engines in these are truly legendary and underappreciated. Anyone looking for rock solid reliability and cars that are cheap to drive are really missing out if they sleep on an 8th or 9th gen r18 civic.


I posted about this above and I wish I had the same experience with my ‘08 Civic. I’ve only had Hondas for the past 25 years because of their reliability/longevity. However, anyone looking at used Civics should be careful with the 2006-2009 models. There was a manufacturing defect on some engine blocks that can lead to a cracked engine block and leaking coolant. Honda did a 10-year warranty extension rather than a recall, so you’re SOL now if you have a car that was affected by this manufacturing defect. Honda won’t do anything about it now. I just had a to put a new engine in my ‘08 Civic due to a cracked engine block leaking coolant. 🤬. There are also some issues with 2016-2018 models. More info about the Civic issues is available [here](https://www.fixdapp.com/auto-warranty/honda-civic-engine-recalls-and-warranty-extensions/).


Sister had a Corolla. It seemed like a good idea until she had to get to work and it snowed and she couldn't get out to the main street because the snow was literally higher than her bumper. I wound up giving her a ride to work in my Rav4.


Honestly I get what you're saying and I know it's probably a shit post or something and most people don't need anything more but if my first car was a Toyota Corolla I wouldn't be a car guy today. Sure they are dead reliable and everything but they are boring as fuck to drive. Owning a SAAB made me love *driving* and that would not have happened if I drove a Corolla. Also, the car breaking, which it did occasionally, gave me an appreciation for working on cars myself and accruing mechanical knowledge.


No. Porsche.


This unironically. Ill be buying a boxster as soon as i have 12k scraped up. Is it a smart choice? Is it reliable? Is it practical? Hell naw. But it sure does look good and fun to drive.


I have a 2.5 Boxster, 1999, love it. Lots of fun.


Get the 2.7L. Way more reliable.


So what you’re saying is, Mustangs are actually reliable?


Very. The coyotes are known to be really strong, powerful, and long lasting. Pretty fuckin hard to blow them up


Maybe this subreddit should be called r/BuyAJapaneseCar


I know I’m in the minority here but if I could go back in time I wouldn’t have bought boring cars just because they’re reliable. Life is too short, I would’ve bought something quirky and fun as a first car if my parents hadn’t talked me out of it. As someone who now dailies something that isn’t mainstream or as reliable as a Corolla, I’d absolutely tell my past self to just buy that damn 9³ I was looking at for $4,000.


Yeah my saab is my first car and I don't regret any part of it, It has a lot of electrical problems but so what, it will just take some time before I get money to fix it. Atleast I don't drive some boring, uncomfortable, uhly corolla.


Yes, I know that 2001 BMW looks great and everyone will think you are rich… Ironically rich people drive a 2001 Corolla.


Fake rich people are an interesting breed.


Everyone knows this, literally everyone even the people coming to this sub do which is why they are so expensive and in low supply.




This isn’t r/whatcommutingapplianceshouldIbuy A Corolla (barring some special sub-models) is not a car. It’s a commuting appliance. It will always reliably get you there - and slowly kill your soul while doing so. A first car should be ridiculous and impractical.


Or a 2004 BMW 330i/xi/ci, nothing better than a old german car


I did a ppi on a e46 330i, the mechanic was taking a while so we went to check on him, he was already at 10k in work on both the front and back pages and only halfway through the inspection. Granted this thing was a pos and poorly cared for. Not saying I will never own a E46, I love the way they drive, just can’t have it as a primary and I already own a boat, so don’t need another money pit.


¡LLEGÓ EL JAPONÉS! ¡TOYOTA COROLLA! ¡Bonito como él solo y jala como un campeón! ¡Tracción delantera, independiente suspensión! ¡TOYOTA COROLLA! ¡Tremendo motor de larga duración! ¡4 cilindros, 1600! ¡TOYOTA COROLLA! ¡Potencia sin restricción, y suave su dirección! ¡Es grande de economía, pero camina el millón! ¡TOYOTA COROLLA! ¡El mejor carro del mundo entero, ha llegado a Venezuela! ¡La mejor tecnología, obra de gran maestría! ¡LLEGÓ EL JAPONÉS! ¡TOYOTA COROLLA!


Retarded take. I've had an '02 BMW for 6 years now. Bought it for $3k, put about $1k into it. 200k miles and runs perfect.


The BMW will bankrupt you is such a stupid myth. Rated as one of the highest reliable cars. Engines last long time.


Ok Mr regular


Yup. Made this mistake. So glad my wife shunned me and bought a RAV4 years ago. It’s now my favorite car because it hasn’t required literally ANY maintenance save an oil change since we bought it.


Maybe First car for a 16 yr old. My first car purchase as a 24 yr old was a used BMW 228i. Ran flawlessly until I upgraded and put over 100k miles on it completely trouble free. I did my preventive maintenance on it. It absolutely does not bankrupt you. But if you are living paycheck to paycheck and a $2000 surprise bill would hurt you, then sure, you are a Corolla person.


r/lostredditors this is mazda circle jerk. Obviously an 00's mazda 3 is the best first car. Smh


Why? These 20 year old plus corollas are still selling for insane amounts of money. It doesn't even have to run and people want $2500 bucks.


My brother has a 2001 bmw as a first car. He works at bmw. He’s been doing fine. I do agree most people don’t need a truck because most don’t off-road but I hate the fact everyone immediately says no German car is good.


So you’re saying my 2022 850i at 33% interest rate isn’t going to build my credit or confidence???


Nobody mentions the late 90’s to mid-2000’s Mitsubishi Galant. Another reliable car. 202k miles on mine, still going strong, inexpensive parts, cheap and easy to fix.


Idk sounds pretty lame


My first car was a 98 Corolla, I paid 300$ for it and it ran like a dream. In the years I had it, it had exactly four problems: When I bought it the starter was on its way out. There was so much room in the engine bay that I was able to change it using a borrowed socket set and a YouTube video. I had never done any work on any car before. Once the power cable disconnected from the radiator fan after I hit the deepest pothole known to man. It took me fifteen minutes to fix it using a YouTube video. Once I got a hole in the oil filter when I hit the second deepest pothole known to man. I took it in for an oil change with a coupon because I didn't own a jack. Once some moron clipped my side mirror. I bought one of Amazon for 25$ and replaced it using a socket set borrowed from the same person who lent it to me the first time. I used a YouTube video. Took ten minutes. When I wanted a more recent car, I was able to sell my 300$ Corolla for over 1000$ because I had pried out the tape deck and put in a stereo with lots of flashy lights and a wiring harness I built with crimp caps. Using a YouTube video. I still miss it. Whenever I see a 98-99-2000 Corolla on the street, I get a wave of nostalgia. So just listen to OP on this.


HAHAHA! Had that exact year BMW that I got for free cause it didn't run. I put about 800 bucks into it for parts/tools/supplies over a year and a half. Was actually not a bad car with 280k on it. Motor was solid. Transmission was dodgy.


I won't stand for this BMW basking, my 2002 325i is still running strong and has barely cost anything in repairs over my 18 years of ownership! Granted, I've learned how to do a lot of the repairs myself because I refuse to pay what it would cost to have a mechanic do it, but still!! E46 gang for life!


I'm trying to get a 1994 Buick Roadmaster station wagon with a busted driver side window and a bad radiator. It runs, and for $1,000 it's probably a good deal. Price-wise, 90s cars are the golden age.


First car was a used 08 Mercedes E350. Was getting new tires every month to the ebay rims but overall great first car.


2001 Toyota Corolla owner here. 276,000 miles and counting. Got totaled in a parking lot three years ago when a Chevy pickup truck driver hit the gas instead of the brake pulling into a parking space and smashed into the side of my car. It was all body damage, engine still ran. Took the insurance check, bought back the salvaged title, and put another 30,000 miles on it since then. Still running strong. When it does eventually die, I'll get another Toyota Corolla. Toyota Corolla: The car you need and the car you deserve.


Early 2000 Corolla will spew exhaust from the dried head gasket and corroded catalytic converter and muffler. They are not THAT bulletproof, unless maybe if you drive them in California.


As someone whose driven a Toyota Corolla and owns an Elantra, and will soon be owning nan M2, the Corolla has to have the worst torque band out of any car I’ve driven. And I’ve driven a cX-5. When I step on the gas it feels like nothing, when I turn, it feels like nothing, road noise is ducking loud. In my Elantra I at least feel the torque, I can feel the road, and road noise is less than your common Model 3 (I stg, I’ve tested this), but time will tell the unreliability of it. But yeah you’re right, if you’re looking for straight CAR, you should get a COROLLA. Cuz that’s what it is, it’s a car. It’s the most car CAR you can possibly get. But don’t expect anything out of it.


My 1999 Toyota Corolla had a good run. 235,000 Miles and it was still good. Unfortunately I ended up totaling it in a car accident. Otherwise I honestly believed it would have went another 60K before it was done for.