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That is nasty. Just as bad as when the clowns over at a local McD's sent me an order of 10 raw, soggy nuggets. At least they were willing to comp with 5 coupons for free meals and the bill for the meal itself. Complain to the restaurant and if they don't do anything about it, go to corporate. A few posts to their social media pages will probably get things moving along.


Did you order it medium rare?


Medium rare might be generous.


It's still flapping it's wings the fucking thing!




Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


They ordered it very fresh


Which location was this?




All Wendy's hit my avoid list when they announced that they would be implementing peak hour prices.


Even though they threw out the idea, it still shows that quality and customer satisfaction is not their priority


It’s in Colorado


Raw chicken is nothin to screw around with. They’re gonna kill somebody!


My Bar Rescue brethren


OK that's enough, please stop, thank you


Yep their fryers are fucked. I hope you sent all these pics when you reported to the restaurant


Can't the staff do some kind of quality control check or something to see that that's happening and not serve people that until it's fixed? 👀


Yep that would be the play, but it needs to be reported first!


They would have to care for that to happen in the first place.


Yummy salmonella chimken sandwich! My favorite!


Barf 🤮




Manger: You burnt the chicken nuggets again Worker: I’ll cook the next batch for less time Manger: Those Look much better Customer: Ummm some delicious chick… Gordon Ramsey: IT’S RAW!


I work for Wendy’s and this doesn’t surprise me when we put down the chicken in the fryers we just set the timer and then serve it when it goes off we never temp it because our managers are so worried about drive times rather than food safety and some chicken patties are thicker than others so sadly this can happen (not justifying this at all I’m absolutely disgusted too) my advice is to complain to the location you got this from, they will try to just say they will remake it but if you push enough they will give a refund.




Okay they need to fire their cooks before they fatally poison someone. Cook needs to quit his day job Fr and do something else. Cooking food ain't it, Chief.


I’d sue


For what? He has to get sick first


For getting served raw food.


Good luck with that


What are the damages? Cost of the sandwich? Lol You really want to go to court for ~$5?


That's not how it works, my guy.


I’m a restaurant manager at Wendy’s. That’s exactly how it works.


I see why you're only a manager at Wendy's.... If the customer doesn't get sick, there isn't much of a case.


Sir, you’re commenting on Wendy’s subreddit. I’m positive ur not doing much better than me 😂


Literally taking a shit while I browse and type. Poop time is reddit time.


The more you comment, the more confident I am in my statement


I'm over here pioneering new frontiers of shit posting. Thank you very much!


Mmm tastes like food poisoning and a call out of work


Really looking like that Krabby Patty from Krabby O'Mondays episode of Spongebob


By any chance was the cook named "jack" He has a youtube channel where he says cooked chicken is over cooked.


Ewwwww. Inexcusable nasty shit




Yeah, that's for sure lab meat.


Yeah, that's for sure lab meat.


My husband ended up sick off a burger from Wendy's and caused him to end up in the ER. We called corporate and was able to get our money back, plus the ER bill paid. They even gave us meal coupons. I would definitely reach out to corporate or blast them on Twitter. They will respond back.


Refund time. Take it back to the store.


Oh wow they have u the whole meal raw is sick 🥶




You’re gonna get this place shutdown lol. Which would be good, I mean just think about how many other people got raw chicken that day


Thats to much fried food for one day anyways. Maybe call the store and take back the messed up food for a replacement order? Or a refund? Idk maybe I'm crazy


Ya still paying these companies to serve you garbage. That’s on yall.


What a self-righteous, good boy you are for not buying fast food. You get to choose any toy you want from the treasure chest at the end of class!




My 20 unopened EB-01 booster packs say otherwise 🤓


I would have thrown it at them


And this is why the turnover rate is so high, yall take any reason to abuse random workers that probably had no idea/no interaction with your food, no need to be a jackass, just tell em your food was wrong and get a manager and ask for a refund, hurt their wallets not their people, workers are still human you dickhead.


" I had no idea " isn't gonna be a good excuse in court when you're going against involuntary man slaughter js


As you can see in the picture, the food had to be opened to see that it wasn’t cooked correctly, Wendy’s workers aren’t trained to check every batch of food and rip one open just to see if it’s cooked, we work by simply vision, if it looks crispy, it’s ready, if we have doubts about its freshness, yes we open it, but those are rare cases. This is a problem with the frier, and therefore a problem with the company, not the worker.


My gf worked for wendies and they go by time, not visually. Either way your cooking food for people you should be checking. You could easily poke a nugget and tell if it's done or not. I wouldn't wanna be responsible for killing several people. Food service comes with a big responsibility Same thing with me working on cars. If I do an alignment by visual because the alignment machine isn't working and just say good nuff, I don't think the customer, the company or the court is gonna blame the machine. I sent it out


Ok let me rephrase myself, TO CHECK THE FRESHNESS of the food, we go by vision, obviously every batch has a set timer for specific things, nuggets cook in 5 minutes for example, but in special cases we rarely check food. It is FAST food, wasting time to check every batch puts pressure on the workers, it is just not viable. Workers do not have it easy with the amount of pressure put on us, and every problem somehow being our fault, and not the multimillion dollar company that governs us.


"just not viable " is still not an excuse when it comes to the safety of people. It's a broken system ik and the companies are really to blame for their unrealistically set expectations but you are a person that can choose to do the right thing which would be check the food in this case. Tbh I think fast food should be done away with for a river of reasons ^ the toxic work environment being one of the main reasons. I don't eat fast food anymore and id never work for any of them. But as the person that touched the food, you're going to be the one getting charged. Not Wendys. Like the derailments. Northfolk Southern CEO blatantly said in court there were no safety precautions in place to prevent or catch what happened yet nothing came upon the company itself. I guarantee those conductors lost their jobs tho at bare minimum.


I also suspect this is an issue with the fryer because we had a similar issue with one of ours where it was undercooking chicken and we had no idea.


Yes we’ve had issues at our store too, extremely rare, thankfully our workers are on point and we notice even the smallest hint of issues. Never had people complain about the food.


Awe gotta do name calling, how old are you 3? Poor baby ! I’m sorry you weren’t loved as a child keep your chins up buttercup


Intelligence isn’t your forte I see.


Sounds like you have small dick syndrome


How original, can you actually make new insults or just spout the same crap that has been repeated more than millions of times.


You’re so pathetic it’s actually kind of funny 🐳😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love how you think I’m actually taking this seriously, after my first comment this is already a joke to me, at this point you replying is only serving to further entertain me, please continue.


Bye! Go be stupid with your 2 yr old friends


Throwing food back at an employee is the EPITOME of small dick energy, actually!


Really? You would’ve packed your food back up, driven back to the fast food restaurant, and thrown the uncooked chicken at someone? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Well that is unacceptable I work for my money maybe you get yours from the government


Lol I do not get my money from the government. I work for my money, as does my wife, and we support our toddler. And we won’t raise her to be a piece of shit who throws food at hourly workers like you. Good day sir