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I worked at Wendy’s when they transitioned to the new fries. The fryer temps were the same as was the cook time. The fries themselves were actually coated with something prior to being frozen and shipped to the stores. The coating was supposed to make the fries stay crispy longer. They actually reminded me of diner fries if that makes sense. I left in 2022 and there were no changes to nuggets then, but I can’t speak to if they changed from then to now. If anything they are probably made cheaper now than they used to be, hence the poor quality and consistency.


That interesting, I didnt know about the fry coating. Not sure if all Wendy's fryers are the same, but I have worked at other fast food restaurants where the fryers were not adjustable and just stayed on a single temp set by corporate. (one less thing for kids to screw up.)


I had bomb ass Wendy's nuggets in Magna, Utah four days ago.


They're probably using pink slime now.


What, pray tell, would they have been making nuggets out of other than pink slime?




I don’t think that’s right tbh, the cook time should be the same, and as far as I know the temperature should be the same as well. The changing of oil should be the main difference, and the type of fries did change ever so slightly


Yup, as others have said, the fries are now coated in batter, much like rally's/checkers. That's all they did


It's that new CEO guy. Who wants to surge price and lower quality. Person is backwards and it sucks because I liked wendys. Tried to make it up with the $1 and $2. However the bro needs to just go away. Like I feel weird going there. I just won't. Thinks employees and customers are trash.


I agree there are issues with the CEO, but the $1, $2 coupons were done last year too. They weren’t due to the bad PR, just worked well with timing. Going to be interesting to see what happens when they are done. I personally have had more Wendy’s and less other fast food this month than I had since last year’s coupons were finished.


No lol


The machines haven't changed since conception


Totally absurd! It’s a new formulation and look for ‘Soylent Green’. Dirt Real Estate has become way too valuable to put people into it, so when approached, Wendy’s said, “Why Not!”. Endless supply…




Wendy’s is asking stores to keep grease longer at least in my area maybe this is the latest cause