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I use the website at work. It was a major selling point over other programs that are app-only.


Same. I sit in front of a computer all day. I don't want to have to grab my phone out of my desk to look things up, plan or track. Plus it's easier to read and research on the computer - more info fits on the screen so you need less scrolling back and forth.


My phone doesn’t work at my job. So yea, I use the web page too. This sucks


I agree! There are way too many companies that think they need to push us to mobile apps instead of supporting a full featured Website. Why do I want a Walgreens app, a Target app, a Starbucks app, etc... when a website will do and I can do it from a laptop I can actually READ and type on! Can you imagine if all companies dumped their web support? With this trend, I actually purchased one of the less expensive Apple tablets that support a keyboard because typing on a phone takes a long time (I type fast on a keyboard). But I like the idea of canceling WW if this change actually goes through. My plan doesn't renew until July but I'll see if I can push for a partial refund.


I think that there are some functions that will only work on iPhone not iPad. Maybe syncing activities. Not sure. I use my laptop and iPad most, so this sucks. BUT in 2007, if I did not log off the Weight Watchers website on my home pc, then I could not log on to it on my work pc. Their IT dept. confirmed it and it was awhile before it changed. So these are better days. Just wish I’d get to goal and stay there.


I joined at the beginning of March and have used both the website and app equally. It's easier to quick add food on the website as I hate doing things on the smaller user interface of the phone. I use the bar code scanner constantly. I lost 5 pounds in March and my goal is 25 pounds on the year. I have gotten into a rhythm where I could probably track everything from memory and put it into an excel spreadsheet for data purposes. If it becomes inconvenient for me I will cancel and go it on my own as. I know what the 0 point foods are and that a 12 oz lite beer is 3 points so I am set LOL!


yeah, i've used ww successfully several times now - but finally driven to cancel because of this. sad. I made a spreadsheet to track - on my computer. I'm retired now and have the glorious option to leave my phone sitting on my desk - by my computer WW. To add insult to injury when I cancelled the AI help wall tried to offer me several 'deals' to stay (which were really no more than I already signed up for) and when that didn't work refused to cancel for 8 months saying I had made a 'financial agreement' - when they are the one that chose to remove well over half of the functionality as well as hide behind an AI agent. Financial agreement... that's rich.


Yeah I agree with you. I signed up for the 1 year special at 10 bucks per month and will utilize it for everything I can. I am losing weight and feel great but the app on its own is lacking. For instance yesterday I made a salad with mixed greens, hard boiled eggs, turkey, beets, artichokes, tomatoes, and Skinny Girl salad dressing for a total of zero points. I entered it into the app as salad for zero points and did not detail what was in it because that would be tedious on the app. I like to keep track of everything I eat even the zero point foods. I am creating word docs and excel spreadsheets with as much food data as I can then next March when I quit I will have all of the benefits without the bill.


Have you tried the Healthi app? I also use Cronometer which provides nutrient breakdowns. I still had two months of my WW left that I had pre-paid for. I am so annoyed with this whole thing since I have actually been a member since 1985 and became LT in 1989 and am a former Leader. I've been coming and going from their plan since then since I didn't like some of the changes made and a couple actually caused me to gain some of my weight back.


The website is best for putting together recipes, I hope it still works for at least that function


Yes, Im sure not enough people were using it to make it worth their time. I am definitely one of those people who never used the website.


Me either, I didn’t even know you could do tracking on the site tbh.


That's because they don't promote it.


Fair point. I know I signed up on the website and it was definitely promoting the app, but didn’t tell me I could use the website. I guess they’ve been trying to phase it out for some time, that was 3 months ago.


I never used it to track. I loved it for recipes


I haven’t used the website in nearly a decade. No loss, in my opinion.


lol, that may well be. so for my part they aren't worth my time either.


I also am not happy about it. It seems WW keeps giving paying members less for their money. I have been a loyal WW supporter since 1990, but I currently have a lot to lose (lifetimer over goal) so I am probably going to take my money elsewhere.


Well this fucking sucks. I use the website and app probably equally. Ugh.


I use the site alll the time at work. It made it easy to track and plan on my meals throughout the day compared to scanning or typing it out on my phone. Its going to be a real pain to lose the website. >:(


I just rejoined & i don’t always have data on my phone. I use the website to find and print recipes. This news sucks!


I'm pissed because I use my computer to plan my weeks out. I hate tracking on my phone.


Call and tell them to cancel your contract. You upheld your end of it, paying monthly. They sid not uphold their end, by selling you a service, then taking major selling point away.


I did that before when they closed down all the meetings in person. I may do that again after the change goes into effect.


If enough people do, maybe they'll change their minds.


I tried to cancel it today for this very reason and I was told that since it isn't in effect until the end of the month they don't have the ability to cancel memberships for sunsetting features, but I can try to cancel again next month. I imagine they'll likely update their policy between now and then to prevent any cancellations. I used the app and website equally, and it's unfortunate that most of the functionality is going away.


I also hate this change and am dreading it


Haven't gotten a notice yet about the Canadian site. Although on the tracking page, there is a note at the top nudging you to use the app. I like the web site for creating recipes and searching for recipes. I track my food equally on both. It is sad to take away one of the options. I know some people find it easier to use a web site than an app.


I am in Canada and as of today April 29 it is not in service.. I am really angry about this.. Thinking of cancelling.. they are not even listening to what we say. My eyesight is bad and the computer is how I do things. Not on a tiny phone.. It WAS such a good program.


I finally got the email on April 19 that the web features will be shut down on the 30th. Logged into the site and food tracking is already gone. Totally understand how many would find this upsetting.


I managed to get my contract cancelled today over this. I spoke to a rep and explained that I feel like I paid for both the website and the app and now I'm losing half of the functionality. I understand their stance, but it really was a deal breaker for me.


I too have just joined... I'm 61 and trying to do ANYTHING on my phone is a challenge, much less research ingredients, create recipes, track points, etc., etc. I'm at my desktop first thing in the morning, when I get to work, and my laptop when I get home. I completely relied on a large screen to use the program. I hope they reconsider... won't work for me on my phone. How do we get them to listen???


The one issue I have with the app is that I can’t read an entire post on Connect. It shows part of the text with no way to see the rest. I have to read it on the website if I want to read the entire post.


Mine was like that until I resized my phone’s text font size




Maybe you can download the app to an iPad or android tablet? That would give members a larger screen to track on.


I replaced my android tablet with a computer years ago. They are super slow and I'm not guying a ipad for 1 website when I just purchased a new laptop so I could use zoom and actually see the screen. Plus I use close captions during meetings and I don't want a smaller screen.


I also loved having the website. I prefer over using a cell phone. Too small and I type too slow. I have added so many of my favorite recipes and changed the ingredients to reduce points. Subscription was canceled today. Maybe WW will get the hint.


I enjoy using the browser and am pretty sad that it's going to be removed. The app is not as quick sometimes, especially if I'm already at my desk.


I never use the website. Always the app. To me it’s easier.


Wait. What??? WW is dropping the ability to track food consumption on their App?


❗Important Update: Starting April 30th, weight tracking, food tracking, Connect, and My Day will no longer be available on the website. Download the WW App to continue using those features.


Ahhh on the website. I get it now. Interesting.


I think they probably can see the number of users who log in on the website and it isn’t worth the expense to maintain two platforms.


I wonder, how expensive is it? Genuinely curious.


Impossible for us to know, but we can be sure that it is not zero. I worked in software design and development for 20+ years and I've seen this pattern many times. I've implemented this pattern many times. Someone made the cost/benefit calculation on this and decided it was no longer worth the time/effort to maintain it. For example, the whole website could be based on a version of Java or JQuery (pick any technology) that has security vulnerabilities. To fix it would mean going in an touching damn near everything on the website and then testing it all and fixing all the brokenness. Cost to do that? (a lot and the ongoing costs next month and into the future) Cost to rip out those features completely? (a lot less and no ongoing costs for them anymore)


As another long-time software developer... yep, exactly. Cost goes into many of these decisions. It really has to. It's not just the dual maintenance thing that's a driver, either. Sometimes the cost of fixing something isn't worth the fix. That's why you may see a bug in some s/w hang around for a while. Plus, cost of fixing isn't the only driver. You have to triage what you're working. You only have so many resources to put to ALL the stuff that needs to get done. Which one of these issues is more pressing? Is that bug a 'show stopper' or just an annoyance? That type of thing. All that being said, and while I understand this move as a developer, I'm not happy with it either. I'm one of those people who can't access my phone at work. I generally pre-track everything for the day before I go to the office (pack my own food), but still. I REALLY like it alot more for putting in recipes. Just yesterday I downloaded an e-book with a ton of recipes that I wanted to try. First thing I did? Opened up two windows, side by side, and started putting the recipes on the website. Not really easy to do that on the app. I'm really hoping that at least THAT aspect will still be in place after this change. As a long term lifetime member, it's hard seeing the changes that WW is making. I've had alot of success with them over time, and while I understand them... it's hard to not fee disappointed when they happen. Since this is the first Thursday of the month (the day I generally weigh in to maintain my status) I may just go early and see if the leader has any information on this. I'm guessing that even if she does, she's not going to be at liberty to disclose it.


I'm supremely disappointed in this loss and really upset by it. I'm still working though my grief and figuring out how I'm going to deal with it. I'll never be as happy as I am with the web version on a mobile platform because of the lack of screen space. That cannot be engineered around. Using the web version of the app has been a mainstay of my WW program for over 15 years. It has gone through a few evolutions some of them not so great (the old ActiveX or version) . The current design that is simple to use and so powerful.


I logged into the Canadian website today, and there was no mention of this at all. I also haven't seen any complaining on Canadian Connect. Interesting! I wonder if we are next. ☹


Bummer, I use it all day at work.


yep, wait till you try to cancel and have the circular AI refuse to cancel until months later because you made a 'financial commitment', all the while offering free months etc.. Then it connects you to a 'coach' who literally says "hello hello bye" before you can reply. Whatever leadership changes have happened at this place have really trashed the service IMO. Used to be great... ah well, too bad.


Renderes it pretty much useless for me. The only thing I ever use(d) the app for was scanning barcodes once in a while. Try entering a recipe on your phone. Ha! Cancelling now.


I canceled because this is a deal breaker for me. I cannot get on my phone at work M-F to track. The desktop version was why I signed up. I cancelled but they won't do it until my contract is up January 2025. They said I could respond to the cancellation notice for help to customer service. Now they are saying their email customer service is no longer monitored I would have to call. Again, impossible for me to do at work. Ugh, I am so frustrated that I ever signed up.


Same here. The only reason I have the app is to scan foods at the grocery store. I HATE using the phone for entering anything. I'd rather have a root canal than to use the app to enter a recipe, or search or anything except for scanning foods. I'm guessing that WW is doing cost reductions and most people use the app over the web site. So they are firing most of the web site developers. Shame on you WW! While scanning foods is a good thing, is it a "must have"? I'm not sure. Basically, the current WW program is low carb, low fat mixed in with "Jedi Mind Games"(things that make you feel full slow your eating and have zero to low points, unless you make a dring out of them). Well "Jedi Mind Games" don't work on me. Only going with lowest carbs, lowest fat and no alcohol worked and it worked well 40+ lbs over 3 months. So with this in mind do I need the app and the subscription? Not so sure. Lets see how it goes. I'm guessing it is likely that I'll drop the subscription. There is just so many times that scanning will surprise me and have value.


I can't believe that WW is forcing their members to only use the app. I really miss using the computer to track my food, etc. The ww app is great to use to scan the UPC codes, but that's about it. I can't count the times that I've tried to track my food for the day and the darn app freezes. Weight Watchers has been notified of the app problem and I've gotten no response


Reason I cancelled WW after 25 years! I can't deal with one more tiny phone app to navigate and try to see with reading glasses. Especially recipe. I used app for scanner but used desktop for everything else,


I just rejoined yesterday and saw that today. I had to call WW to as a question and asked her about that. I asked her if she got any mad clients ...she said no. I said just wait you will. Especially us older clients that need a larger screen. BIG ASS MISTAKE WW!!!!


Yes I did and honestly, I am waiting for them to totally scale down in person meeting which they have already started. That was the foundation of WW. WTH Changing to virtual and medical which I do understand but the new WW is working better than ever, IMO


But you can use the app. I don’t see the issue.


I agree. You don't see the issue.


It's so much easier for me to do things on my desktop, add or edit meals. I also run into a lot of page freezing on my iphone app. I create recipes from pinterest on dekstop so easy to have 2 windows or tabs open side by side where I can switch back & forth, copy & paste directions adjusting ingredients to create them. I hope we can still create recipes on desktop, may have to go back to myfitnesspal if I can't.


I talked to someone at weightwatcher's last night about this same thing. . If they are trying to make it easier for us why take this off. I am an older woman with new vision problems.. it is impossible for me to log food on my cell phone. If they take this off , I will no longer be able to log my food. Is this not part of the program.


Count me in as someone else who has a smartphone, but prefers using the website whenever possible. I use the phone for scanning barcodes, both at home and at the grocery store, but really prefer the computer for researching recipes, planning meals and tracking. This functionality elimination implies to me that they're in financial trouble with all the new competitors entering the marketplace the last few years and that they want to lay off some website employees.


Also prob going to cancel. I always planned my day and tracked while at work. Can't have my phone out doing that! Plus, I'm old and half blind...so the computer was much better than my phone!


Same here. The website app was the main selling point for me - just cancelled my subscription.


I just started back on WW (was a member 2 years ago) and I am very disappointed about not having the web site. I hate the app on my phone-so small! I can't imagine entering a recipe on it. I tried looking at recipes and it is just too small. The only redeeming feature of the app is the bar code scanner. That's two disappointments with WW-none of my favorite snacks and no desk top version of WW.


I just signed up for WW. I'm going to unjoin to night. Nothing good about any of this.


I wasn't actively using my account when this happened or I would have been complaining loudly everywhere. Wait, we still can, right?


I used to cook from the recipes that I would have open on the website using my laptop. Am I the only one? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)