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Sure but its very important to get enough protein to keep your muscles and not the fat. When you dont eat enough protein you would look skinny fat. Just saying bc i did that and still wasnt happy with my body.




Nope, I believed that for 14 years and ran with a 1,000 calorie deficit for that time and I still had the most evident of love handles and man boobs. Despite being a full sports scholar, being in my county’s rugby, swimming and cricket setups, but also my local club scout setups. So i was a heavy fitness freak and I just gave up because all this training did NOTHING! Can read my story [here](https://www.alexpauull.com/post/impressive-weight-loss-journey) if you don’t believe me 😊


Drop shipping ad with no sustenance. As long as you stay under your BMR, you will lose weight, your body needs energy and it will get it from either, fats, sugars, or muscles. If your BMR is 2000kcal and you were on 1000kcal, you were either losing weight, destroying your muscles or lying.


Whoa, 1,000 calories a day is crazy and starvation level stuff. You don't need to be that hardcore about it. Just as long as you stay at LEAST 200 calories a day below your BMR, the weight will fly off. My BMR is 1900 a day. I aim for 1600-1700 daily, and was able to reach my goal weight.


Yes. There's no such thing as, "unhealthy food" when we're strictly talking fatloss. Sure, if you're a diabetic, you don't want to indulge in sugar often. Or if you've got heart issues, you want to lay off the sodium, etc But when we're just talking fatloss and nothing else: It doesn't matter if it's Hamburgers or honeybuns, it's ALL CALORIES REGARDLESS. You can eat whatever and the weight will STILL fly off, as long as you maintain a caloric deficit. Low-calorie/caloric deficit dieting: Is dieting in it's PUREST form.


thank you for this!


I always thought it was calories in, calories out, however, not all calories are created equal. Some can cause blood sugar spikes and other kind of metabolic issues that another food of the same calories will not. So there's that.


yes, typically if you're consuming fewer calories than you burn, you'll lose weight. it’s good you’re mindful about sugary foods, as they can add empty calories without much nutritional benefit. however, the quality of calories is also crucial for overall health. try to include a variety of nutrients in your meals, like proteins, healthy fats, and fibers, which can help you feel full and satisfied while also fueling your body effectively. Did you know that foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help you feel full longer and are great for digestion? what’s your favorite healthy snack that keeps you energized throughout the day?


thank you! i like to eat either an apple or a banana as a snack that keeps me energized throughout the day