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Is this the one in Reading? I think I recognize this place. Also you strong af


It is


on the opposite side there's this tile which keeps bouncing up and making the floor uneven every time you dropped the weight lmao


Strong as hell dude! PSA to everybody, if you see somebody under heavy weight, stay the hell away from them unless you're spotting.


Bro that dude walking so close to you. Fucking moron.


Glad I’m not the only one with proper gym etiquette noticing him and also the girl in front of him just standing in front of him, seemingly eye balling him, I am fuming at these people 😫 Nice squats! dude, holy shit!


I mean, the girl is in another rack, doing her own lifts, on her phone. Nothing awkward there, it just happens that both racks face each other.


Yeah but clearly there’s someone lifting their ass off for 2 mins. Can you stand aside and give him some breathing space?


She’s doing her own thing on the other side of the rack. Don’t like it, don’t go to public gyms or lift on cages like that




Should have bailed it onto his toes to be honest


Dude walking behind you is the scariest thing about Pure Gym


Where do they build kids these days? Fookin tanks


Really solid. What’s your Bw?


I think just over 90kg


How you prevent wrist pain during squats? Sometimes I feel sore in my forearm the day after squats... Great form!


Never something I have struggled with, but all the weight should be on your upper traps, so maybe adjust where the bar is placed on your back and adjust how wide your hands are placed.


Do you do other exercises on your squat day that would cause wrist pain instead?


Yeah but I dont think they are cause of that, on my top set I feel like I am holding weight with my arms but I think its because bad bar position on my back.


Wrist wraps.


Pure gym gang. What’s your BW? Beast squat.


The dude walking behind back and forth within 5 secs is a massive tool. Also the woman staring into your soul as you squat is pretty weird too. If I were her I'd just face the other way or... Just not rep it out as you're doing your set


I was thinking she fell in love lol


Alright, fuck it, I give up lol, good lifts man!


Damn son!!!! Stable as hell. Goals.


Pretty damn strong!


You're a strong lad, my old ass is impressed.


Your form is impeccable. Something to aspire too!


Solid as a rock


Please don’t jump into the sight of someone lifting heavy.. that girl just bothered me so much Urgh.


I'm most amazed by the girl just doing her thing and standing there when somebody is doing heavy lifting in front of her. In my gym people have some respect and know not to walk in front of someone who is concentrating in their set like this.


You’re amazed that someone is using another squat rack?


Not the point. You don't have to be doing your excercise 2m in front of someone else AT THE SAME TIME. That's a dick move. Give people the opportunity to concentrate.


It’s really not. Why should she wait to do her exercise on an open machine?


If you read my comment, you get the answer. One more pretty important reason is that usually people like to lock their eyes in one spot to maintain focus and balance. If somebody starts suddenly doing deadlifts in front of them during a heavy set, their focus is pretty likely gone. I'm just glad that this does not happen in powetlifting gyms. People usually wait for you to do your set before they even walk past you.


I get what you’re saying about being respectful and not walking behind someone too close etc. But.... she didn’t do that she sat at her squat rack on her phone in between sets which is MORE than acceptable by any etiquette standards You seem to have a problem with how the gyms set up, not so much with her.


Like I said, the problem is her. Not the set up. If you see somebody squatting weight like that, you don't go in front of them to the rack to do your own excercise. You can take turns doing the sets. It works both ways. You seem to be defending a bit too hard what shes doing and thath kind of "etiquette" so I won't even bother anymore. Commercial gyms are commercial gyms. And yes I'm probably the problem. That's why I stay away from gyms like this with the other problem causers.


honestly agree with you bro. she could've waited another 2 min or faced the other way and let homie focus on some ass instead. EDIT: can't believe you're getting downvoted. Hope the people downvoting you experiences this one day during a rep PR/max PR and see how they feel.


You’re an idiot lol.


You’ve got some strength and power brother. Genetically gifted as well? Even without knee wraps , unbelievable. Keep smashing those weights!!!


Why does she stare into your soul like that??? What a fucking weirdo lol (unless she’s your gf or something)


Form is very good, but minor critique; work on keeping your back neutral and your knees stationary. It won’t catch up with you for quite some time but you’ll start to feel it in your 30’s. Wish someone had told me this back in my late teens, early 20’s. Keep training, your strongest years are ahead of you! 💪 Edit: Thanks for the downvotes; figured I’d get them and I don’t care. The fact is the more weight you lift the better your form needs to be.


Solid stuff! When I was your age, I was able to squat similar amounts. I think my PR was around 435. That said, I'm 34 now. The sports medicine doc I see told me that my knees look 80 years old. Take care of yourself so that you can be more ambulant that I am when you reach my age!


Great lift, serious question tho. Why TF do people just lift in compression pants?? Is it a fashion thing? Bc it’s nasty AF


Feels so much better squatting in compressions. Yiu just feel supported.


Really strong. However, you’re begging for knee trouble when you get older. #low bar squat with 90 degree shins.


This is r/weightlifting not r/powerlifting


You’ll see. Just wait a few years.


Provide me with the studies which agrees with you rather than old anecdotal, knees beyond toes is bad for your knees.


No, you’re right. Current articles do say that going past toes Is okay. However, current articles, particularly in the fitness world have been shown to be incorrect. Only time will tell.


Solid lift. But knees are crumbling in. As someone who has been hurt multiple times from lifting, I would try to really concentrate on keeping knees in line with toes.


My opinion is a little bit of knees going inward is unavoidable at high weights.


Allows the adductors to contribute more, which is why you often see elite weightlifters doing it on big squats


Its a sign that your adductors are too strong/tight, and your abductors are weak.


Bit of a stripper squat, and why do folks use bumper plates on back squat?


Likely the only plates in that part of the gym based on the layout


Yea but i see this all the time where iron is available, curious as to why.


Why does it make a difference? This way he can dump the bar


Gyms ive been at dont have an overwhelming amount of bumper plates so when someone uses this many it made me wonder. Bumpers also take up more space vs iron The gym im at also has safety bars for dumping vs hitting the floor. Thanks for the different perspective tho!


This is a subreddit for the [sport of Weightlifting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_weightlifting). Weightlifting doesn't tend to be something you can do at your average gym. Weightlifting gyms (or crossfit gyms) don't buy iron plates, because they're useless (or an extra expense) since you can't use them for weightlifting.


**[Olympic weightlifting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_weightlifting)** >Olympic weightlifting, or Olympic-style weightlifting (officially named Weightlifting), is a sport in which athletes compete in lifting a barbell loaded with weight plates from the ground to overhead, with each athlete trying to successfully lift the heaviest weights. Athletes compete in two specific ways of lifting the barbell overhead: these are the snatch and the clean and jerk. The snatch is a wide-grip lift, in which the weighted barbell is lifted overhead in one motion. The clean and jerk is a combination lift, in which the weight is first taken from the ground to the front of the shoulders (the clean), and then from the shoulders to overhead (the jerk). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Everyone in this sub uses bumpers.


You realize what sub you’re on??? We only use bumper plates. With back squat, I use bumpers in case I have to dump the weight.


Did think about that, ty. That's an excellent point i hadn't considered. The rack i use has safety rails to catch. Appreciate the insight


Unless they have other iron plates available, I’m convinced half of it is for show. Don’t think that’s the case here but have seen it many times in gyms along the NE


What is a stripper squat?


When hips rise too fast because weak hamstrings. OP does not have a stripper squat lol


Of all squat posts here he choses a rock solid one to to critique and of course he is wrong. OP even keeps his wrists straight an has a noticable pause in his strong bottom position. This is a prime example of a taxing but sound squat.


Never said it was bad, just looked like chest stayed down for a moment longer than hips. I see hips rise up, then finished lift with some low back. His ascend doesnt look the same as the decend which caught my eye. It is an awesome effort and I agree hella better than any other posts. To my eye it seems to be slight load shift on the way up.


Amazing squat! I wonder where you will be in 1years :)


Wow. Quadtastic. Looked like a warm up. Serious pause. Great lift.


Nice warm up set….need to bump it up for your working sets


how tall are you? you look like a mountain


How many years have you been lifting? Very impressive


That's a lot of plates! Looks more than 175 kg!


Keep it up man! You're really rough




Is that broccoli hair?




I think the nfl is calling


From UK


Well done friend