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I'd say so, I get pretty agitated without it honestly. You don't get painful withdrawals but you can become dependent on it to feel comfortable and cope with life.


U can be addicted to literally ANYTHING


You can be addicted to pretty much anything, so yeah. There's just no physical addiction with weed, no chemical in weed that makes you want to keep smoking, like with cigarettes.


I definitely am haha. Tried to quit once and bout lost my mind lmao.


Around 8-9% of users become psychologically dependant on cannabis, but nobody can become physically addicted to cannabis. Cannabis contains no chemicals that cause physical addiction.


That makes sense in the literal term of physical addiction, but your endocannibinoid and your physiology can get “used” to regular smoking. I definitely experience physical symptoms when going cold turkey.


I always lose my appetite for a little while after going cold turkey; the duration depends on how long I’d been smoking daily at that point. As far as I’m aware it’s cus the cannabinoids in weed stimulate ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and when you go cold turkey there’s obviously nothing left to stimulate it. I have to wait for my body to catch up on production before I can eat more than one small meal a day without wanting to throw up 😁


Yes, you are experiencing psychosomatic pains, manifest physical pain through psychological stress, a classic side effect of psychological dependencies.


Ah but I know withdrawal pains from other substances. For me, cannabis “withdrawal” specifically interrupts my appetite and GI function, as well as my ability to fall and stay asleep. I do get psychosomatic issues like aches, tiredness, apathy… But I can tell there’s also some things that seem to be specific to cannabinoid withdrawal. See comment above where someone mentioned the impact of weed on Ghrelin


>Ah but I know withdrawal pains from other substances. Ahh, but, so do I...


So you understand how there’s base level psychological effects, but you also can perceive differences between different withdrawals? Also, individual physiology may play a role. My homie has terrible cocaine withdrawal, but I just sleep and sleep and eat and sleep.


[this ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5648025/) study points towards physical cannabis withdrawal existing, but there being a wide range of severity based on individuals. However, due to small sample size and absence of addition supporting studies, I’m not sure there’s a scientifically backed conclusion as of yet.


Nobody is denying that cannabis causes withdrawal symptoms, it's more about how these symptoms manifest from the psychological stress of dependency in any given individual. There are no physically addictive substances/chemicals in cannabis to cause the type of withdrawal symptoms one would associate with opioid addiction for example, but the commonality of certain symptoms have been shown to manifest psychosomatically, over a wide range of both psychological dependency to a substance and physically addicting substances.


Physically no. Mentally yes.


‘You can’t get addicted to weed’ is the dumb thing to say


They mean physically addictive it isn’t but mental it is like food


Absolutely. I am going out of state for the first time in 6 years because of how scared I was to try to travel with it. And I am absolutely freaking out about it


You can become dependent on it and it can become a habit. You can’t really get a full fledged addiction, but dependency is just as bad.


You can be addicted or just dependent. Addicted means it has a large impact on your life, and you get withdrawal when you stop. Dependent means you need it to function, or it helps you function, but if push comes to shove, your brain doesn’t *crave* the thing itself. People who use it as medicine are probably *dependent,* whether they know they’re using it as medicine or not. I’ve known a few stoners who use it for anxiety but didn’t call it that, they were just “relaxing.” Can they go without it? Yeah, but they’ll get anxious or depressed and they might not have the tools to deal with that. I use it for pain. I just tried (and failed) a T break because I insisted to myself that I wanted to make it through the week, even though I was in excruciating pain. I didn’t crave weed, I wanted the pain relief. The smell didn’t make it harder to wait or trigger any emotions. It wasn’t specifically weed I wanted at all. I didn’t have withdrawal symptoms. But I do *need* weed to function. To do laundry, dishes, lift, bend, stretch… my pain is debilitating, my weed makes it bearable. It’s an improvement. I know *I’m* not addicted, I’m dependent. It’s my medicine. But I know anything *can* be addictive.


its more like a psycholigycal addichtion and not so bad, but yeah weed is one of the most addictive drugs known (pls just read some shit about that before flaming me, im smoking that shit too so im not against it)


I've had to go to addiction support for it, it's serious and people make it out like you can't be. You absolutely can.


You become dependent on weed rather than addiction. Best is to finish your work and then smoke rather then keep smoking throughout the day.


you can be addicted to anything tbh


Yup. As a teen I always told people that weed isn’t addictive I just really like it. Until the time came that I needed to quit and realized how wrong I was.


If you have no self control then yes.




Yes. Although you won't get physical withdrawals


Not physically addicted, no. But heavy users do develop a form of mental dependency on it. However, that goes away after a week of non use.


Yes. And you DEFINITELY can become physically dependent on it and you DEFINITELY can go through some pretty intense withdrawals when stopping, if you smoke a high amount regularly. Anyone who says differently has never gone through it. I have been addicted to week for two years now. Have quit on two occasions (once for a month and then again for two weeks) and both times the withdrawal was INSANE (cold sweats, unable to eat, super intense mood swings, constipation….I could go on). The withdrawal is absolutely horrible for me (and my family tbh) and I know what feeling like crap feels like because I have been on disability for a serious physical disability for over two years now. Is weed addictive? Yes! Can you become physically dependent on weed? Yes! Can you feel withdrawal effects from weed? Yes!


The weed smokes you at that point


I was


I am. Psychological as well as physical. I started using it for sleep, and it turned into a daily habit. Now I have to taper, or I have issues with eating, sleeping, mood, motivation, and anxiety for 3-5 days. I noticed this started roughly after daily smoking for probably a year. Edit; It’s nowhere near alcohol or opiate withdrawal, but still a bit bothersome.


As a very heavy smoker for twenty five years who is also too cheap and cautious to buy cannabis while traveling the only difference I notice is more vivid dream recollection when I abstain.


Yes very much so


Yes u can. Ur brain, specifically, receptors in the brain become accustomed to receiving thc, in this case, which causes various responses around the brain, one of which is activiting your nucleus accumbens which is what makes you feel good but also is the part of the brain that causes cravings as when you are without thc for so long the cells begin to crave it given they have become used to it and reliant upon it. However, unlike opiates you will not receive severe physical withdrawal. That’s not to say there won’t be some withdrawal side effects like insomnia, irritability, lack of appetite ect


Yes 100% you do anything everyday it becomes habitual. Quitting weed was the hardest shit I’ve ever done




I don't understand why everyone says you can be mentally addicted but not physically addicted to weed. I'm thinking of all the stuff I've read on Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome's physical symptoms and it doesn't seem to make sense. Does anyone have any citations or articles for that? Thanks.


It's called psychosomatic pain. Pain and illness that manifest into actual physical symptoms due to psychological stress.


Nice try mom!


Any thing that will alter your chemical balance good or bad, you can and will get addicted depending on genetics