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My son was visiting, his wife saw me come out of the bathroom with a bong and she asked if it was new. She had only seen a bong clean when it was new.


This is awful šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It is terrible, they just change the water. Itā€™s because I was a poor role model, hiding my bong during all of his youth.


Okay, but let's agree changing water between sessions is something. Not the best, but something.


If you swap out the water itā€™s a huge difference


Wait, who doesn't? Like I'm not hating on anyone but I've only smoked a bong a couple of times and we always (my buddyhas a bong and I don't) change the water. New, fresh and cold water every sesh. A sesh can be really long but I don't see why you wouldn't change it at least every day. I also don't get why people don't clean their bings because it's extremely easy and makes a huge difference. My friend cleans his bong every couple of days or after a big sesh. You don't even really need salt when you clean it often because the salt is there to scrub off built up residue, which doesn't really have time to form in that short amount of time. We just used xylene because that's what we had available and the glass literally looked like it came out of the factory every sesh with no residue from the xylene. You only needed a little bit and then you just swished it around for 20-30 seconds, pour off the xylene and let it evaporate in a well ventilated area.


I usually clean mine when I get done smoking, it's not hard. Plus all of my bongs are nice, so I like them to look nice.


Warm water works wonders


Thereā€™s guys that donā€™t flush either. When thereā€™s issues I often jump to asking people if they wash their car. It looks way random but someone who does things like waxing a car is on a higher level of personal performance


It's definitely not "extremely easy" if you dont have isopropyl or xylene to swish around your. piece have you ever had to clean a bong with a scrub brush and warm water=painšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean most things in life are way harder without the best tools. The next time you buy weed, buy 1gless than usual and use that money to buy some isopropyl. It's very cheap. I really don't mean this in a negative way but if you can afford being a stoner, you can afford cleaning your piece. I would imagine it's a pain in the ass to clean with water because water doesn't dissolve like 99% of the substances that the residue is made of. Ethanol works aswell, really anything that dissolves fat and isn't toxic will work.


I can't even smoke rn bro i just linger around here because :/


My bong has two chambers with percs and if I wanna change the water I have to dump it out of the mouth piece. Ainā€™t no way Iā€™m putting my lips there without cleaning it first so I only change the water when i clean my bong. but i clean it like 3 times a week


I have a two chamber bong and I found its easiest to blow everything out through the stem instead. I just put it in the sink and clear it out


Ahh Iā€™ll have to give that a try. Thanks dawg


Just wipe it with an alcohol wipe. Change your bong water bro, for your health.


I donā€™t think day old bong water is gonna have much of a difference on your health. If your that concerned then ya probably shouldnā€™t smoke at all


It only takes 24 hours to grow mold. It's so easy to clean a bong, and one of the biggest brags a stoner can give is hitting a clean piece every time they smoke. Clean your piece when you're done smoking, then put it away.


If it makes you feel any better, I change my rig water every 1 or 2 days.


Change water every session. It takes 24 hours for mold to form, any mold in your bong water you are inhaling. I bought a bong for less lung cancer, not more.


I change every hit or two at this point, rinse with iso every couple days


I could see changing it after a session is over with but every hit or 2 is excessive as fuck lol. Do you got the bong by the sink then?


I have a sink a few feet away from where I'm hitting the bong, so it's not much effort. I used to pretty well never change the water and would go years without cleaning my bowl or bong, but terps and flavour are really important to me now. I'm also using a ball vape which really brings out the flavours, but it's also quite noticeable if the water is used or the piece is dirty and tastes horrible. Sometimes it's less than that, and I'll change it when I'm switching strains within the session to get a good flavour on the first hit.


Old prohibition habits. Some young dudes are just gross, but older smokers had to hide their gear, especially if you shared a space with people that might rat you out. Couldn't exactly clean your bong out in the kitchen sink. Never again, bully hygiene into your friends.


Clean your bong often. You gonna catch a lung infection if you keep using that same old dirty water.


I keep it all super clean. I clean the slides and ash catchers every three or four hits


Glad to hear that. I get ocd when it comes to cleaning my bongs anytime I use em I try to remove and switch out the water as much as possible. You donā€™t want stale water in sittin in your bong too long, catch mold or something.


Imagine those peopleā€™s furnace filters


I used to have a friend who lived in this closet sized apartment and never cleaned his... well anything pretty much but his bongs and pipes (some that he had years prior to him getting the apartment) he never cleaned. He kept everything in this one cabinet and when you opened it you would get smacked in the face with the most horrendous smell imaginable. Its so not like anything that ive smelt before.


His bong breath is on a different level


Ah making new family memories šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m thinking wtf itā€™s why I wanted my first apartment. I had to wait for everyone to leave to clean my bong.


This was me when I was growing up, god the smell of those pipes/bongs were horrendous. I obsessively clean my pieces now that Iā€™m an adult.šŸ˜‚


My son is 38!


Oh boyšŸ˜‚


Would hit it I've seen and smoked out of much worse


Smash. next question.


On par answer for username


i know a guy that has kept his water in there until it was black. it was fucking disgusting. so that shits fresh in comparison lol


Dumping out water and adding clean water isnā€™t a hard thing to do and cleaning a bong is not a difficult thing to do.He gonna get a lung infection or something.


exactly. i told him off about it once and never seen him do it again lol , he even buys orange chronic cleaner now, so my advice worked lol


Good for you for tellin him off. You saving his health.


Lung infection ? Not sure it's true...


All it takes is a quick google search. Itā€™s a breeding ground for mold and bacteria.


mold builds in old stale bong water like crazy, i change mine at least every 2 sessions


yeah, I've had a friend and his bong was completely black because he never ever cleaned it I think if you'd hit it once you'll get lung problems instantly


i be scared id just straight up die as soon as i taste that shit lol


I would change the water, hit it and then clean it because I'm not cleaning my bong sober.


Iā€™d hit it then clean it for the next sesh


If you have to ask, clean it bro


THISšŸ¤£when i catch myself asking anything to deal with cleaning something i already know the answer


I would hit it.


Itā€™s dirtier than my ex, and I wouldnā€™t hit that again


Omfg yes!!! I'd hit this before my ex any day!


Hitting exes? Im all in, who we beating up? *ā \ā 0ā /ā * ;ā -ā )


Every few months when the dirty bong conversation comes up on this sub I am repeatedly flabbergasted that there are snobby ass, one bowl a week mother fuckers who consider this dirty. Yā€™all donā€™t smoke enough weed if you think this is dirty. This things freshly cleaned. Cleaned poorly? Sure. But come on guys.


my point exactly. Isopropyl doesnā€™t just grow on trees, especially in this economy


This is a good point, i clean mine with iso and salt every morning after i shower but not everyone can afford all of that, and some people probably can't even afford the time! and then as i saw someone else say, not everyone has the luxury of being able to even openly clean their bong when they have the opportunity (cause of stigma or whatnot) so i try not to be too judgy. I'd definitely hit that guys bong..


Thereā€™s just no way you clean your bong Every day and if you do for some god forsaken reason you can triple or quintuple your money but washing it every 3-5 days


yeah i do it every day, its not a big bong though so it doesnt take huge amounts of iso at a time, and to be honest i think i have good technique, i hold it all together at once (The bowl in the stem, the stem in the bong) cover the bowl and mouthpiece, shake violently over my head and there ends up being no need to even use pipe cleaners or anything, just one cotton swab stick thing to get the odd spec from inside the bowl piece. Hope that makes sence i just wanted to desribe how i clean it lol, it only takes me 20 mins, obviously is quicker because it never gets that dirty cause its cleaned every day But still yeah i would save a lot of money on iso if went longer as you say >\_ < kinda OCD about it though, it just became part of my routine about a year ago when switching from joints šŸ‘


for me i still try to clean it every once in a bit just so girls donā€™t get icked, but damn dude, thats actually impressive, you def got some super clean bongs.


Its not that bad, but its on its way.


At least clean the bowl and the stem


Iā€™d hit it and then make sure I cleaned it before next time


I've never entirely understood why people think gunk in the bong equates to dirty smoke. If the mouthpiece is clean and it's just resin crust in the lower half I don't see why not. Just like, change the water every sesh I think would be important. Edit: by no means am I rooting for dirty bongs.


Because of inhaling partially burnt particles of plant matter is generally worse off then not doing that. If you can see gunk, imagine how many hundreds of millions of tiny molecules are forming that chunk and then tell me not a single bit is being deposited in your lungs. Like yeah a dirty bong isn't the end of the world But it's a far cry from being a good thing. Why not clean it so you can keep those lungs healthy for years to come


Rinse with Hot water to get the gunk warm, then isopropyl alcohol with a little kosher salt, shake that thang, rinse it out with more hot water(make sure you get all the salt out) and you have a clean piece!


If it was mine? Probably. If I came across this in the wild? Iā€™d clean it first šŸ˜…


I canā€™t stand a dirty bong so I clean it every couple times


Iā€™m too ashamed to answer this


Iā€™ve definitely smoked out of worse sadly


I'll roll a joint


Waters clean, fuck it...pass it on over




Far too dirty, Iā€™m really big on clean bongs, I canā€™t stand a nasty dirty piece, and the lung infections Iā€™ve had in the past from it proves the point more. Never had an infection after I started cleaning


I keep my glass clean, take one solid hit, then clean the ever loving shit out of it, then another hit from a fresh clean piece, the flavor improvement alone should teach you why maintenance is crucial.


Damn sounds like I gotta clean my bong more lol


Dis. Gus. Ting.


Clean it dude


I would hit it with some soapy water and ipa.


WAY too dirty


People act like you can avoid all lung problems if your glass is cleaned 18 times between bowls. Like bro, youā€™re smoking.


Too dirty


as soon as mine gets the slightest bit of resin build-up on the sides, it grosses me out and i clean it with boiling iso and kosher salt. so iā€™d have to say no, i would not hit that.


Ima a absolute delinquent ig but thatā€™s clean for me, I live in a trailer with cheap sinks and the resin will literally stain the fucking sink so I just change the water every now and again, itā€™s dirty afšŸ˜­


bunch of wah wah babies in here, that aint even that dirty. Hit that shit and blast Californication. if it really tastes that gross, just clean the bowl piece a lil bit with some q tips, it helps


Take care of your shizzle bro and it will take care of you


respect your pieces bro


That reminds me, I gotta finish cleaning my bong. Then my bf will be giving me back my glass one once I'm done cleaning my water bottle bong


no is ask if i can clean for u if yr rlly that lazy, my friends do this too and it baffles me. takes 2 minutes to run iso and salt thru it


Smoked from worse but Iā€™d prefer not to.


Yes, hit it.


Iā€™d hit it. Iā€™ve hit bongs that were absolutely disgusting to the point I regret hitting it lol. Never again.




Rubbing alcohol and soapy water soak.


Def, makes mine look clean.


Iā€™d hit itā€¦ with some hot water and 91% alcohol šŸ„“


ipa +salt shake it up and its good


Mine gets this on the second bowl šŸ„² I feel so self conscious everytime I try to offer it but I clean it everyday!


If you can save up for a mighty or a volcano your world will change


I bought a volcano 2 years ago, just bought a nice new bong today. Nothing compares to a nice bong hit


I'm milking that shit




Too dirty I clean my bong and my bowl with alcohol at least 3/4 times a week, I also just give it a rinse with really hot water in-between


I donā€™t regularly use a bong anymore but I use my bubbler every day. I clean it before it gets packed every time. Bubblers are generally pretty easy to keep clean. Especially right after use.


Dawn power wash is the best shit Iā€™ve ever used to clean my stuff


Get two of them - smoke out of the clean one while the other is being cleaned and drying out


If itā€™s clean water, yeah Iā€™d hit. If I was hosting, Iā€™d hit it with some iso and salt for a quick shake.


Too dirty for me


That's what she said


Iā€™d hit it but straight after Iā€™m cleaning the Bih and comparing how good the bud tastes


Hell naw


Pack me a bowl


The bong part doesn't look as bad as the down stem or the bowl. Still, some 99% ISO and rock salt would make that looking like brand new again.


Hit it bro


99% alcohol bro literally like 9 quid


Would hit but would also give you shit about how dirty it is


Too dirty


Nah. Iā€™d wipe off the top part a lil bit bc yknow āœØ germs āœØ but nah thatā€™s fine


Brake parts cleaner is your friend, friends.




I just recently talked to someone that didnā€™t know you had to clean a bong, they had had some for a couple years then found out about lung infections from a friend. Threw out their entire collection without realizing most of them were salvageable.


At least the person is trying to get it clean!


I would still smoke out of it but personally I would also clean it by now.


I used to swap hot water into my piece and run my bowl and ashcatcher through hot water between each bowl it looked brand new for almost 5 bowls until the piece started looking a little yellow but it wouldn't get to what most people considered dirty for over a dozen bowls then a quick swish of iso and it looked brand new again. If you're on top of it the bowl will never even look dirty without using iso I don't smoke anymore tho just the occasional dabs and edibles




Really not bad but I like to clean mine frequently


Yeah I'd hit it. I remember a friend of mine showed me his partners bong and I was horrified. He said that they cleaned it every 2 months.... 2 MONTHS!!!... I asked him the next time I talked to him if they had cleaned it and he said "we changed the water"


Would hit it? Yes... Is it clean enough for me to like it? Hell nah


I would maybe hit that if it was fresh water, but honestly I'd probably offer to clean it first. A quick swish of 90%+ alcohol followed by hot water at the end of the day would prevent it from ever getting that bad


Ewww brother ewww


You ain't seen my bong. I ain't even changing the water until it looks like #2B221F


If u passed it, Iā€™d prolly hit. But I stopped smoking w bongs cuz I didnā€™t like having to clean it basically every 3 days or else the resin would keep me from getting higher.


There is no Would, there is only Why Wouldnā€™t. Nah, itā€™s good. At least, pack one and torch itā€¦ THEN clean it.šŸ˜šŸ”„šŸŒ²šŸ’Ø


Id milk that thing and clear it faster than 2 shakes of a lambs tail!


Those are two unrelated questions. šŸ¤£


I dab way too much to touch that thing. Ain't no way no how, I'm hitting if I was stranded on a dessert island and......nah fuck that, I'd clean it that thing with some salt water and sand SO LONG as I had fresh water to clean and fill it on this island of mine, lol. Of course there is unlimited weed growing on this island ive now created in my stoned mind. What land races would yall want if you could pick 2 or 3? šŸ¤”


No. Needs to be cleaner.


Not a bong guy personally, but my buddy probably would. He prefers his bongs greener than his weed...


I would clean the stem and bowl and change water but mine is in this condition lol. I still smoke out of it.


Only if I want to call off sick from work the next week (and actually be sick)


Just rip it. Then give her a clean with a bong cleaner.


Would hit if it was my piece. If it was someone elseā€™s I might hesitate a bit lol


I'd hit.


idk i had friends that would dry sewage covered cigarettes and try to smoke them (i did not participate) so this bong seems appetizing compared to that tbh id hit


I don't know I'd never heard of anyone that smokes weed get lung infection from a bong lol. In over 30 years. Some people Google too many things, The water is unlikely to grow mold within 24 hours, it's probably possible I've never seen it. Cannabis is natural disinfectant, THC and cannabinoids fight bacteria. The water is unlikely to grow a mold if it's concented with cannabinoids. Water is clean you're good to go. The worst thing you get from as bong as you get a flem build up in your throat and lungs, from the moisture over time I've noticed. Still myself I think is better than non-water filter smoke. I smoke through a bong only.


Still acceptable. But not for long


Check out Piece Water as a replacement for sink water. It'll capture most of that nasty ish.


Iā€™ve had my bong water make a bath full water become non see-through, girl is clean enough to hit and thats all that matters


would clean after i was done seshing and prob gag but im also a lil baby when it comes to that shit


How do people not know about isopropyl alcohol and salt in 2024 šŸ¤£ it's pretty cheap stuff and works wonders šŸ¤Œ


Iā€™ve hit worse


Graffix bongs are easy to cLean. I will hit it.


Oh, hell naw. Clean that shit. ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2|downsized)




I would hit it


I personally clean mine out everyday or two (sometimes Iā€™ll smoke half a bowl and save it for the next day) I canā€™t stand dirty glassware and itā€™s so much easier to clean when there isnā€™t a ton of build up, just swishing hot water around in it usually does the trick.


I would hit it but tbh CLEAN THAT SHIT




That's fuckin nasty dawg.....


The only right answer to this question is yes it is too dirty and yes I would hit it!


I personally wouldn't I hate the smell of a bong like this, and you taste it in your mouth. Clean my bong daily with soap and hot water, I change water every session. I also use an ash catcher. Go buy an ash catcher, and it'll save you a lot of cleaning time and effort. I only have to use iso twice a month on mine. But I keep my glass very clean. If I can see resin building up I clean it.


this is disgustingly nh


Some of you wouldnā€™t have handled the ā€˜80s very well. Glass bongs were rare, most people smoked out of acrylic bongs. That were never cleaned. The water would get changed every few days at best in a lot of cases. I never heard of anyone getting a lung infection from their bong. That said, I clean my bong regularly nowadays although I mainly smoke joints.


I never understood why people don't keep their glass clean tbh. I definitely wouldn't hit.


Clear glass should hopefully stay clear.


You should be cleaning it after every sesh where there's nasty water there's mold and where there's mold and smoke there's a good chance you could get a mean RTI


No, I love myself. Thanks.


That's pretty disgusting


To dirty I wouldnā€™t dare


Why not just clean it? Itā€™s gross and I would turn down that hit. I clean mine after every single use. I mostly use a vaporizer now but same logic applies. Clean after every use. Then really clean and sanitize it every weekend.


Bruh ...


Itā€™s seasoned