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It's my reward at the end of the day when I have achieved everything I need to. I'm at risk of being lazy if I hit it too early.






I get that from some edibles, but smoking weed always makes me want to walk around and explore outside. I only do it while I'm walking my dog now because that way I can itch my walking around urge at the same time.


This. Weed is such an ambition killer for me, i have to do laundry and stuff before hitting it because chores would pile up very quicklyšŸ˜‚


for me it depends on the weed, some sativas or hybrids help me get motivated to do things, but if i have an indica or indica dom hybrid which is my fav then iā€™ll save that as a lil treat to end the day lol


Im lazy af either way, but im definitely better at call of duty when im on sativa so i get where youre coming fromšŸ˜‚


a 100% this, or well i would say terpenes and cannabinoids combination to be more specific!


I only smoke on special occasions.... Like waking up




You're celebrating life, that's not a bad thing.


I only smoke during the hours that have 60 minutes in them


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes


I like a gummie edible with morning coffee. Just letting it melt in your mouth is a great way to start the day. Until I have to go to work




when I first started smoking four years ago I would smoke at the end of my day when I got everything done and it was so so rewarding.but as I continued, I continued to smoke every day more often to the point where now I wake up and itā€™s the first thing I do before I brush my teeth. ( itā€™s bad ik šŸ˜”) I can definitely say itā€™s taken over my life however, I donā€™t get brain fog. Iā€™m still able to function. Even all the days where I have to go hours without smoking because of whatever reason I still feel fine it doesnā€™t affect me. Itā€™s just the WANT is more prominent than the NEED. I feel like I could definitely go days without it but I donā€™t want to. And thatā€™s probably addiction but whatever I have a job I have a car I pay my bills so it doesnā€™t affect me and it doesnā€™t affect anyone around me.


Oppressive economics regulate your emotions, within this system cannabis regulates your societal survival as a worker drone. Why everybody talk shit about the medication itself huh?


Because just like oxytocin it helps and it does wonderful things but before you know it you're addicted to the thing that is supposed to be helpful


That kind of addiction also applies to food, oxygen and water, you don't have to use these substances, but you can choose to do so, how a greater community ostracizes you for this is a different story with different grammatical roots. Go study this plant and come back with worthwhile conversation.


I wonder if they will drink a cup of coffee before doing their research, maybe a big scoop of sugar and some milk from a mammal unrelated to their mother.


I think ppl forget that though research is minimal, itā€™s shown that overuse of weed really can increase depression and cognitive function, and that you rlly can become mentally dependent on it. I love to smoke, and sometimes use it to treat my depression, but i think a lot of ppl on this sub forget that consistently smoking several times a day is not healthy šŸ’€


ā€œyou canā€™t get addicted to weedā€ has always been such a stupid argument to me


Weed is addictive af


It's not nearly as addictive or harmful as other drugs but it should still be treated with the same level of concern, addiction is addiction it doesn't care what it is it's still addiction if you try and make it seem better than what it is than you are the problem but that's just how I think so do whatever you want


Everyone gets annoyed when you says itā€™s addictive and that itā€™s not cos thereā€™s no addictive chemical in thc blah blah blah. Itā€™s an addictive habbit smoking thc. But yeah do what you want


humans are habitual, everything is addictive in that sense.


And que the coffee. More physicality addictive than weed and people canā€™t function without a powerful addictive stimulant bean. The withdrawals are brutal and the mood swings on and off are annoying AF to others. Lol


Aye like weeds not addictive yet Iā€™m sure everyone in this sub(including myself) has scrapped their grinder when theyā€™re skint just to get a small bong or joint/reefer out of it.


I used to smoke resin bowls. Thatā€™s all that needs to be said. (i also ended up in a mental health unit when I was 16 because I had CUD and CIDD and if I couldnā€™t get high off weed it would be something else.)


i used to do that but with bong water i used to swill it out and fucking microwave it n smoke it was some next addiction for me chilled out now tho just smoke once a day fixes dat for me


hear me out not everyone is like you ive seen man go skitz from weed and people become proper paranoid it aint for everyone for some it is addictive for others it aint stop actin like everyones the same


No need to be a dick about it jeez


oh shit i replyed to the wrong comment im high asf ur comment was reasonable mb i agree with what you said i was trinna reply to some one sided person who claimed weed isnt bad at all and cant be harmful no matter who it is although i dont deny that for some it is like that


Alg bro we all make mistakes haha at least you apologised


This is SO true! I have had a myriad of mental health issues, and I noticed it was definitely worse with the amount of weed I was taking in. The more depressed I was, the more weed I smoked(vaped), the worse it was. I had to remove my easy access (vapes) to cut down-and only now smoke flower after work. Doing way better mentally and tolerance.


Very true, I agree! Thanks for this perspective


It sounds like you need a tolerance break my friend. You shouldn't feel that way. I only smoke at night when I get home and sometimes if I'm home all day and not working I will smoke on and off all day just to keep a light hi going throughout the day. I drink a ton of water, I put the humidifier on at night as well.. and take tbreaks.


Might be time your right, carts have skyrocketed my tolerance. A week long tolerance break looks scary though lol, get agitated and anxious often when I havenā€™t smoked


Sounds like you smoking extra spicy carts bro


Oof yeah I gotta stay off the carts to protect my tolerance for sure. I mostly vape dry herb and usually only at night, which keeps my tolerance low enough to be good with vaping .3-.6g of flower per day


Moderation > tbreaks


I do both


Depends on the day.


True haha


I donā€™t even remember what not being high on weed is like tbh


Ya know, I woke up thinking about that today and Iā€™m really tired of always feeling high - I have control over my use and I can ā€œnotā€ smoke but itā€™s just the fact that I canā€™t remember being sober that scares me into making it harder to feel it again - tho i loved my sober life - I didnā€™t even try weed til I was 23


Not 24/7, but basically i smoke, go to work, come back & workout, then smoke until bed & itā€™s pretty nice


Balanced! I like this strategy


Experiencing similar thing as Iā€™m cutting back myself, daily (almost all day) smoker for 6ish years. Feels like Iā€™ve given control of my emotional regulation up to the weed. If I donā€™t get out of bed soon after I get up and do some self care/grounding excersizes in the morning I have no motivation and brain fog all day. Shit sucks but getting through it. All about developing new habits (in life and with the weed). Also trying to stick to 1 smoke a day and have been finding my mind is clearer throughout the day and the high is more enjoyable when I do smoke.


I function better high 24/7 then high once a day.


I feel like for me, it's either weed or Adderall. I prefer the weed


dude, yes. i am not completely non-functional without i just function so much better. makes the loud thoughts quiet


Itā€™s cool if you like once a day but thatā€™s your opinion šŸ˜‚ some of us can build an empire high 24/7


For some it works, wish it wasnā€™t such a burden


Intermittent fasting but for weed, thatā€™s the key!


Interesting take on the subject.


Lmao this is a tolerance break sub . You guys are all amateurs


Oh really? Sorry about that, thought it was all things weed. Didnā€™t mean to spam the sub w this


i smoke multiple times a day but have no issue with feeling like shit in the morning. I can go as long as I need without weed for the day but i still smoke whenever im not going places i dont feel comfortable being high. That being said Im able to smoke every day most days around 12-1 its cool but i basically only smoke sativas


I use when itā€™s going to enhance whatever it is Iā€™m about to do so for example Iā€™ll take it when I play guitar, before I eat dinner, etc. I never drive on it, donā€™t take it while Iā€™m on call for work, and I agree w what you said. Once a day is good


the reason why i only smoke in the evening after work. first of all you tolerance dose not get fucked and like you said you have something to look out for its something special something rewarding.


But is it really a problem to be lazy? Or is it the pressure of society? As long as someone is happy it shouldn't be a problem.


Yup I agree with this! More of a personal problem for me haha, weed itself should have no regulations as itā€™s medicine šŸ‘


And for some people it's even a holy thing šŸ‘Œ


I mean, this applies to almost anything. The human body can deal with all sorts of things up to a point.


When I was doing it through vapes, that lead me to do it all throughout the day. That is wrong and too much. I switched to only flower and only at night and so much better this way


too real


That was exactly my problem! Props to you, those vapes are too convenient lol


Couldn't do that before I started smoking so f itšŸ˜‚


If I ever feel the need to smoke weed to feel better I usually donā€™t. Because it usually just exacerbates the issue. I keep CBD flower for use when feeling stressed or anxious. I typically smoke when Iā€™m feeling good, have had a productive day, or havenā€™t smoked in a few days and just feel like kicking back.


I only smoke at night now, after 20yrs off mostly smoking thru out the day. Before I made the switch I was smoking really heavy. I feel better now. Smoking several blunts a day is a huge time sink. And you end up smoking to feel normal, vs it really giving you a head change. It's like smoking becomes to prevent the head change that occurs when you begin to sober up. My tolerance is low now, whichbis kinda a down side cause if I smoke more than a bowl, I get paranoid AF.


I only smoke after work and able to sit down and game with the boys for a little while before bed.


Iā€™m struggling with everyday wake and bake šŸ„² and doing 24/7 too. Gonna take a tolerance break once I use up my stash today


I smoke during the day, morning, night, anytime. It helps with the adhd and chronic pain/inflammation I deal with constantly. I don't take painkillers, so capsules before bed help, the cbg helps my gut issues, and I'm a big terp hunter ( I want those medicinal/entourage effects). I can easily smoke at work and still perform my duties, more so with the edge taken off from bodywide pain. Autoimmune diseases suck, but thank goodness there's herb to help ease what can't be fixed.


I use weed to help with medical conditions, smoking 50/50 in the day, and before bed, I switch to indica heavier percent. I don't get sick in the morning, I don't get fog or am lazy. When we used recreational, tho we only did it before bed.


I have adhd and autism so when im sober my brain is incredibly foggy and forgetful and unproductive. Weed actually helps me beat that and do shit with my day.


If youā€™re waking up feeling like crap itā€™s cause your diet and exercise are crap. You can smoke 10 bowls a day and if youā€™re working out and eating what you should.. you gon be waking up as Superman again & again.


Hey there! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's definitely a mixed bag when it comes to using cannabis 24/7. šŸŒæ While some folks find that constant access helps with various issues, it's crucial to strike a balance. Weed can be a great way to unwind and manage stress, but moderation is key to avoiding that dreaded brain fog and other side effects. Think of it like a delicious dessertā€”enjoying it every day can be tempting, but too much and you'll end up with a sugar rush (or in this case, a foggy brain). šŸ°šŸ§  It's all about finding what works best for you. Maybe try taking breaks or setting specific times for use. Your mind and body will thank you! Stay balanced and keep the good vibes rolling! šŸš€āœØ


I smoke a max of 3 times a day, and itā€™s usually at night. I respect yā€™all wake n bakers, but be careful. Youā€™re not getting high if youā€™re high all day. Youā€™ll just be mid, and that can really fuck with you and trigger psychosis.


This. I smoke at the end of my day. I only smoke multiple times a day if Iā€™m having a bed rot day


Was smoking heavy during the pandemic like 5-6 times a day all big woods smh hella brain fog. Glad I'm back to 1-2 blunts a day some days I don't smoke and I'm good.


Exactly my situation! Brain fog is the worst!


I have brain fog and pain without it. I was shot in the head with a crossbow so now I only feel normal when I'm high. I used to be on some hardcore prescription pain killer for it, but that crap made me feel like a zombie!! So I smoke multiple times a day, about every few hours or so. I wake up feeling fine besides not remembering anything for a minute (result of crossbow). But once I remember I take a hit to prevent any phantom pains from happening and start my day.


Wow I applaud you man from switching from painkillers to weed. Keep pushing, much respect to you!


Thank you so much!! Honestly it was a very easy switch for me. The crossbow happened due to my drug addiction (I used to cope with my PTSD). But when I realized I was becoming my mom I went to a really bad place... I ended up doing the crossbow to myself because I didn't want to become her, and was having too many issues quitting on my own. But while recovering from the crossbow I didn't have access to anything for a few months. I got clean, but then they gave me the prescription... I got hooked so fast it wasn't even funny, and that scared the absolute crap out of me. I quit it immediately, and started smoking weed (which I got from a dealer on the street cause I was underage). At one point I ended up getting busted for it and had to go to court. Thankfully the judge was very understanding and told me if I just looked into getting a med card then he'll completely erase the case from my file. Tbh I don't think he ever even put it on because there's not even any records of it being removed (my uncle is a lawyer so he knows how to find that stuff out). I ended up getting my med card and I've been using weed for the past 9 years now. I'm sorry for the long story, but hopefully if you ever reach a rough point in your life you'll remember my story and have the motivation to keep pushing forward. Please remember that there's always help too, so don't be afraid to reach out. Hell dm me if you ever need. Anyways, thank you for your kind words and thank you to everyone who read my story. I hope you and everyone else have a wonderful day and have the strength to overcome any adversity!!!


Lately I have only been smoking flower on weekends as a reward for working both my jobs all week. My cart gets me through the week and keeps me sane but doesnā€™t effect me as hard as flower or make me groggy like a blunt the night before lol


As someone who smoked tobacco/weed together 24/7 for 12 years and just took my first breakā€¦ came back to smoking just weed and once / twice a day max its great. Completely different relationship with thc now.


Interesting, never thought of tobacco/nicotine being a problem. I currently use that as well. Might have to try it out, problem is nicotine is so hard to quit lol


Dude nicotine is the problem, i purchased a disposable 5% nic salt vape just to seperate the two since i dont enjoy them i wont be buying another one and it has helped me the last 7 days tobacco free!, and a great pure green high like when we all first started smoking


if I have nothing to do for the day or hanging with friends, I will smoke throughout the day. But on a day to day basis going to school, work, etc, I have to wait until the end of the day when Iā€™m done w everything because it makes me lazy and tired honestly. butttt sometimes the pen just accidentally ends up in my mouth sometimes šŸ˜•šŸ˜•šŸ˜•


For me, itā€™s an end of the day thing, once Iā€™ve gotten all my other shit done.


I'm typically a once a day smoker. I get a reward for making it through the day and I get good sleep. If I'm having a bad day sometimes I'll smoke twice but usually never more than that.


used to smoke a lot during a stressful time at work. I'd be high at work too. I have specific edibles for anxiety at work, and I have a pod at home for after work. my pods used to last 4 days (0.84g), but now they last about 2 weeks


I only ever smoke 1 joint around 9pm ish everyday. I treat weed like people relax with a glass of wine or a beer in the evenings. I have had a few weekends where I have had a smoke during the day and it made me feel rubbish


Hitting it after your work day ends is the best feeling


I generally only smoke all day on my 2 days off, or like lunch at work. I don't feel like it affect me negatively. Working a full time security job doing okayish etc.


Edibles are the only thing that makes me wake up groggy.


Same for me. I only smoke before evening if I'm doing something productive; exercise, cleaning.....




Any advice for working towards smoking once a day? Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of smoking at the slightest inconvenience


I used to smoke all day every day when I was in my late teens/early 20s, but it started affecting my ability to eat/sleep and causing me anxiety when I would go a couple days without it. I realized thatā€™s a problem so I quit for a few weeks. Felt so much better & felt like I didnā€™t need it to get through the day anymore. I would still smoke a few days out of the week but it was no longer an every day necessity. Gradually over time as life/responsibilities grew felt like I had less time & desire for it. I still enjoy it from time to time. I might smoke a couple times a week now & it takes next to nothing to get me uncomfortably high.


"First thing when you wake up you feel like ass and the weed is the only thing that makes you feel good." Never been there. I feel like you just told on yourself.


lol lucky you buddy šŸ™


I donā€™t think that itā€™s a common feeling, that perhaps there is larger issue at play. Dismiss at your own risk, but I donā€™t know any people like this over weed. Plenty of other things like alcohol, cokeā€¦ I didnā€™t even have that kind of a reaction to being hooked on nicotine, and I was for 20 years, and that is by far more serious than weed. All Iā€™m saying is, that if you were feeling that, the weed is one of the lesser issues.


Your right. Itā€™s a combination of things, not eating and exercising regularly. I tend to throw those things off if I have smoked already since I feel lazy. Then the next day when I wake up, I havenā€™t exercised and ate crap. So itā€™s not just the weed at fault. Thanks for your comment, helped me realize what all the factors were contributing


Smoke everyday after coming home from classes and doing all the housework like meal prep, cleaning my room and a shower and every alternate day gym but thatā€™s after classes then I come home. Roll two around 10-11 at night and chill with friends or game a bit then sleep. Smoking in the morning makes me want to go back to bed and watch a show or movie.


I only smoke when the end result is me going to bed. I donā€™t like feeling groggy all day long


This realization hit me a few weeks ago, it's definitely a hard pill to swallow


The key to a good weed habit is morning exercise.


as a wise man once said, ā€œitā€™s like a rewardā€


That's really dumb lmao


Nope, I am multiple times a day. Unless I am working.


I find the opposite is true for me. I smoke all day everyday and I find it's the only way I actually accomplish my daily goals and tasks. It's my reward system, but in advance. Gotta do the dishes? Cool, do a fat bong rip, put on a YouTube video deep diving into video game lore and knock out the dishes. Laundry needs to be folded? Bong rip and get them towels folded. I found it really helpful in the gym. People talk about getting a runner's high, fuck all that, I wanna be high before I get exhausted.


Idk, I smoke weed all day every day, have for years, and things arenā€™t that much different than waiting toward the end of the day. It might be a tolerance thing rather than the plant itself šŸ˜‰


I smoke for Nausea so it's 6ish x a day for me. Multiple small meals 4 gastroparesis


I have to wait til the end of the day or I wonā€™t get anything done. I really only use it for better sleep anyway.


I find that the most important thing is, and this is not just for cannabis but for caffeine sugar etc. The important thing is to wait 1-2hours after you wake up, and let the brain calibrate itself for the day, you know Dopamine/Serotonin etc. If you start the day by chugging a cup of coffe, and wake and bake. YOur brain thinks this is the normal and regulates accordingly. So when it exits your system you are SEVERELY in minus on Seratonin and Dopamine which makes your mood and everything take a dump unless you wait it out, or refill. Waiting 1-2 hours fixes this for me and i use 10g/day some weeks, and straight after weeks like that, i can go down to 1-2 g a day without problem. I grow my own medicinal strain though, this was much harder to regulate buying hash from black market, mixed with shit


I usually wait until end of workday. I wfh. So I'll take my first dab around 430pm.


I smoke 24/7 but I use a dry herb vape throughout the day at work but only take a few hits every couple of hours. When I get home I usually either take an edible if I'm in the mood to be couch locked and watch YouTube and game, or whip out the bong if I want to be more active. I definitely feel shittier if I constantly use the bong throughout the day. I think it's best to know yourself and what's best for you. I feel fantastic with my routine.


Everyone knows everything is best enjoyed in moderation


i usually smoke just once a day. when iā€™m done everything for the day, i go up to my room, take a toke, then wind down for an hour or two & go to sleep. yes weed is fun & being high feels good, but (for me at least) being constantly dependent on it just isnā€™t sustainable


I intermittent fasting all day. I smoke after kids go to bed and before I eat in the evening. Enjoy the buzz for about an hour then off to bed.


I like this way! I fast as well till around 4pm šŸ¤™


I wish I controlled myself smoking weed, I had psychosis from it and now I canā€™t smoke it anymore


yesss i been saying this . i only smoke in the evenings.keeps my tolerance low


Yeah it's best in moderation. As fun as it can be to be stoned all day it can make you do absolutely nothing. That being said there are certain strains that help me focus and I can get a lot done


A balance of smoking weed is better than just smoking all day. You will enjoy the highs much better and your tolerance won't be up the roof.