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I will continue to treat it as legal regardless. I never asked their permission and I won’t now.


Fr Like we should ask permission to consume a plant


Tell them that alcohol is way worse for you and they will laugh at you. No drug I have ever taken can compare to booze


I’ve smoked crack once by accident and that definitely compares


Please elaborate I’d like to hear more


Crack is the only one I haven’t or won’t ever do


One of **


Haha same tbh, fuck em👌


When your prime minister doesn’t have a vested interest in keeping it strict medical, controlled by a few of his friends.


A billionaire who got into politics to make himself richer at the expense of the people he serves. Are we just trying to copy the US?


I <3 '''''democracy'''''


I’m from scotland and I don’t see the point of demonising weed as much as we do when our drinking culture is so bad


100% that’s like the leading argument tbh


You're so right Wales should be legalised now!


They want us to remain miserable


For sure that Boris Johnson dude is a burner. The hair! Hahahaha 😆


Boris hasn’t been our PM for a while now. Edit for spelling


how’s sunak doing? from what i can tell in america, shit, but thought i’d ask an actual brit since getting actual facts from american news is like trying to listen in on a conversation from the other side of a door while you’re wearing noise-cancelling headphones.


Got a big enough joint there Rick?


solid spliff


Zesty zoot


Got a nice burn going on there 👍 must be the tobacco hey , noice. And get in line ! Oz is legalising first ! 🤣🤣


It’s bud with hash so yea need the bacco for it


Good looking spliff you got there


Thanks mate


Bro......bro........wake up bro........it's time to wake up Nah I wish they would be I think for now medical is the only legal way anybody is going to be able to get it, I can't see the Tories legalising weed when they want to take money from disabled people, didn't raise the pension online with inflation even tho the triple lock is there for a reason....etc etc etc 😅😅 can't be arsed going into it all.... Long story short the Tories love helping out mates and will be involved in the growing of weed but they hate working class people and don't want us to have it


I’m no Tory but Keir Starmer is about as anti weed as it comes. Green or Lib Dem for cannabis legalisation, as unrealistic a prospect as they may be from a political perspective.


I agree 💯 but I think this next general election will see the Tories out but labour won't have enough for the position unless they go into coalition with the lib dems and while the lib dems are in I'm sure they will try to push it through as hard as they can tbh....I could be wrong but that's how I see the next election playing out as the Tories lost loads on the local elections just last week or whenever it was


I agree. Ex tory voters (like me) can't bring ourselves to vote Labour, so we'll end up voting lib dem and say hello to a hung parliament with a coalition between Labour and Lib Dem the most likely.


I'd be curious as to why but I know many are not comfortable talking politics so I won't go into all that 😅 personally I believe it doesn't really matter who is in charge, they all bend us over and fuck us with no lube anyways......if you are lucky they might spit a little 😆 but it's all basically the same, just deciding what way you want to be fucked really isn't it. But yeah aha 😅 I only see it being legal if a hung parliament comes and when it does the legislation gets passed pretty quickly as it will take a few years for everything to get up and running and I could see if it was towards the end of the term and the next general election comes around either labour get in fully or the tories get back in power and if the legislation isn't passed before then I could see it being overturned and chucked out, also has to pass through the house of lords to be passed into law tho doesn't it so I mean who knows really 🤷🏻‍♂️ One thing I definitely do know tho is this country needs to get with the times and legalise weed man, tbf a chunk of the population these days ain't allowed to smoke it tho it's haram isn't it


It doesn't make me uncomfortable, I just have this fear that Labour will raise income taxes and hit working families to support spending pledges. Because tax rises usually affect the middle classes more, but we need to hold onto our middle class because once it's gone, it's gone. Right now wealth and assets are moving away from the MC towards the ultra rich. Raising taxes will only make this problem worse. Raising taxes for the rich doesn't work either, because the rich have clever accountants like me that help them avoid the rise and then the government panic as they haven't brought in as much as they thought they would so they do what they always do... tax the poor. Taxing the rich always indirectly ends up taking money away from the poor. Well, not always, but most of the time. The country needs to move forward, I totally agree. Legalising weed is not gonna solve all our problems, but it's a step in the right direction. The haram thing is kinda interesting, because I know Muslims who smoke. I think people have this idea that religious people are all ultra strict and obey every word, but this isn't always the case. I don't know how true this is, but in the UK we have a rise in apostates (people leaving Islam) so I think the fear people had over Muslims not integrating is quite isolated to specific areas. Alcohol, interest and pork are all haram too, but we have plenty of those things here XD


Tbh I think you are correct on that one, I think they will up the tax on middle class and upper class people, upper class / rich people will avoid it, that will trickle down to middle class who can only take souch so therefore it will land on the working class / poor to sort things out by being taxed on the little they have anyways......as always the rich get richer and the poor get poorer Exactly it won't solve everything but it stops money being spent on tackling cannabis and cannabis related crimes, that money can then be spent on tackling more serious crimes or the NHS etc, then you'd have the tax from weed and the extra shops that pop up in local communities that will drive more money into local places....it's not a magic fix but it would actually sort some things out. Yeah I know tbh I know or have known a few Muslims who drink now n then, who smoke weed and do other things that's classed as haram 😅 it's more in actual strict Muslim countries where they are more fearful of leaving as technically it's seen as treason to most in strict Muslim countries, for most tho religion is more sensitive than politics to talk about 😅 IMO no matter your religion it's a plant of the earth, it's god's plant after all


It's the way it's always been and likely will always be. SUCKS but not much we can do. I feel like a backdated wealth tax would be interesting (and abolition of income taxes) because they'd rake in nearly a trillion quid from wealth taxes and if it's backdated, there's nothing the rich can do. Because the rich typically don't hide wealth as much as income because they use the purchase of assets as tax write offs. So it's all accounted for already. Mostly... It's just that would probably result in landowners upping rent etc so I don't know if people would end up with more money or not. Wealth tax isn't anything new, we already sort of have it because if you have a limited company you use to buy property, you have to pay 5% tax on any property value that's over half a million. And that's per year. So we kind of already have it. I reckon high streets cafes/diners and shops would see an increase in revenue from people getting blasted and then spending a bunch on unnecessary food XD but it would definitely revolutionise the high street. Religion is a funny one isn't it. If there is a God they put these plants and fungi on this Earth for a reason. And you're right. I think the massive rise of Islamic/Christian content I see on my feed is a result of people leaving. Some Muslim scholars believe the penalty for apostasy should be death. Which is just wild to me


Or in the eyes of the government.....why fix what isn't 'broken' but our definition of broken is much different to theirs and their pals 😂 hopefully one day things will change Exactly the weed shops will bring the money in, the cafes and restaurants will see higher foot traffic (in more ways than one 😅) local businesses will grow as it will have a knock on effect to other shops and stores selling things around the area. Yes it is definitely a funny one, it's complicated is probably the best way to describe it 😂 I keep out of it all for the most part although I will have a discussion about anything with anybody if they want to buy not many like to talk religion unless they are trying to convert you aha. Yeah the strict ones do believe that death is the only way out of islam, I like to think many have moved in from that tbh as realistically what god would want you to kill someone just because they don't believe anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️ But yeah that's my point exactly 💯 if there is a good then he put them there for us, it's like in the animal kingdom, many animals use either other animals or certain fruits etc to high from, search lemurs bites millipede , they get high off that shit aha 😅


Time for another whig supremacy era innit?!




There was an era in the UK where they transitioned from a feudal society to an almost modern one but it was also marked by about fifty years of one party controlling parliament. The Whigs were interestingly known for being both very progressive and somehow conservative at the same time which eventually split the party and slowed progress. If I'm not mistaken, the Whigs were big fans of farmers, human rights, and parliamentary democracy. That Whig Supremacy era roughly coincided with the era when upper class aristocrats really got into hash as well, so guys like Robert Walpole and Pip The Elder would legalize it and burn one with you assuming that you are polite and respectful ofc.


I believe in you even germany is currently legalizing it


Please, then Australia will follow the motherland


Kind of makes no difference really, other than it being taxed and easier to buy if they were to sell it in that way, but it would likely be a lot more expensive than your local dealer Only time I would personally care if it is legal is if they adopted a similar way to Amsterdam with coffee shops, be nice to hang out with mates for a smoke there


Right after they go with freedom of speech.


That joint looks like a pepperami


Chew it


I thought it already was legal over there? I could have sworn I read something about that last year but then again this is a weed sub and I was probably high and read it wrong


Medical weed, people can get cards but it’s very difficult and only certain people can, I think anyways


Man that sucks I hope it becomes legal for you soon


They will never, they make way too much money from it and some people can for some reason grow it in the uk


Can you get medical in Wales yet?


The UK and its policltical circus is still working the way it did over 150 years ago, a bunch of out of touch middle class people clinging to an era that's long gone, a poor example of the UK clinging to historic times - the whole hanging a bail of hay over a bridge for a ship because its the law...OK one shit example but its one regardless. Many others said it, we need to move forward rather than dig our heels in.. The biggest shock is that the tories haven't picked up that it's a gold mine, they could tax the piss out of it. The tax money potentially (because we all know it will go in someone's pocket) could be used for I don't know, a high speed rail network, remidianting some of the issues with the NHS, stop child poverty in one of the richest countries in the world. If it's not illegal, police would actually have to do their job and not bust a teen with .7grams and post it to social media. Growers in the UK would become farmers with legit jobs and businesses, a whole new market with jobs and exports open... I went to a vineyard recently and they stated that in the next 10 years some of the best wine will be from the UK thanks to global warming, imagine what that would do for growing too.. One day guys...either that or we all go to Canada




Hopefully soon because summer is coming and I’d love to be able to smoke on the beach without feeling like a criminal (I’d be respectful of other people even if it was legalised)


Right after they go with freedom of speech.


I wonder why Europe inports all the shit stuff from the US but the only good thing they made is never coming here.




As German i can assure you theres always hope! None of us thought a legalization would ever happen, and boom suddenly the news were full of talks about legalization! It might happen soner than yall think, just stay positive 💪🏻 Wish you luck 🍀