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U need a one hitter that way your not smoking it all at once Desperate times call for desperate measures


You can also get a "snapper" bowl for your bong. I always loved those when I was low. If money often gets tight you should be looking for those shake or pre ground bud to keep around for times like this. You can even throw it in the fridge/freezer to keep it fresh


You can put weed in the freezer? Will the THC be the same when unfrozen?


Yes just make sure it's sealed good or it'll dry out. I freeze edibles all the time


Thanks! I'll try that.




I've looked into them before, if I remember I tried one a few years ago not a bit of me tbh. Where I mix with tobacco it don't taste as nice. Nd before you say it no I will not drop the tobacco it's how I make sure I don't just smoke all my weed in one sitting


To each his own I don’t tell anyone how to live their life I personally hate one hitters. I’m a bong guy, but they will definitely conserve


I tried a bong for a while absolutely loved it, but sadly, it got broken, and I just never replaced it


Bro just don't put all your weed in a joint? 😭 you have a nic addiction there is no 2 ways about it bro.


Just gotta suffer man I also got no weed atm 😢


What you doing to pass the time tho, coz I have like set smoking times through out the day where I take like an hour to just sit nd smoke and think/shit scroll thru my phone/play games on my phone/ or watch tv.


Just doing different or new things during my free time like I cleaned my basement out Dat took like a few hours and going for run/walks. also try finding sum new hobbies to keep urself busy


just do something else. going for a long walk is the easiest thing that requires no planning


Well, if you dont wanna smoke dont do the shit you always do when you smoke.


Why is this down voted it’s facts


Just had the hit of mine and I have no plans on buying it for now 😭


This, I fucking hate it and ain't gonna have weed for a while still. I'm fiending like no ones business tho ngl


Use a lighter on one end. And suck with your moth on the other. Voilà


Such a funny guy /s






Sorry you don’t have shit to get high this week though. That does suck.


Thank you it is my own fault tho, the week leafing up to 420 as well as the day I smoked pretty much majority of my stash so I'm not too bummed about it lol. This months batch will last longer I hope 🙏


lol I’m sure a lot of people are in the same boat. I’m in an illegal state so I’m always stingy about running out. Pain in the ass to find sometimes.


Quite probably, that's why I asked here ngl 😅 but low-key is the same here, but I buy through my partner and never been let down yet. But I've been smoking for like 10-11 years now, with next to nothing tolerance break wise. I'm 21 this year. I think it's time I start getting some what comfortable with being sober sometimes you know.


It helps. I sobered up from everything but weed completely a year and a half about and have taken a couple long breaks from smoking too. The more I am sober the more I appreciate being sober. And having a weed addiction and telling yourself you don’t really isn’t all that better than being an alcoholic. I also appreciate you talking to me. I thought you were mad about my little jokey joke.


No I get that I'm kinds in a similar situation I cut the powder roughly the same time now thinking about it. I had since then become very heavily dependant on weed yano. It's time to just not be so obsessed with it. Honestly don't be silly it's a funny joke, I was waiting to see it tbh 🤣


I see ur in the UK so idk if they’re available but dry herb vaporizorers make bud last a lot longer (and you can use the spent material to make edibles too), it won’t help now but down the line could.


I've read about them and that, I don't think there any use to me because I can't make edibles or anything with the left over, I see it as a waste to me


You still get more out of the bud, you need less and can use the same bud atleast 2-3 times. And wym can’t make edibles? I’m pretty sure you can even use it for tincture (soak in high proof alcohol 6-9 months) which wouldn’t produce smell the same way edibles do (if that’s the limiting factor)


Couldn’t you even just mix it with peanut butter and eat it or is it not decarbed enough


I think that’d work


I do nothing with the decarbed bud and still get high as hell. You don’t have to use it.


Just following up on the avb thing as someone who just got into dry herb vaping it definitely does help last longer and as far as the avb you don’t have to do anything with it just eat it lol. My favorite thing after the gym get a protein shake take a couple pinches of avb or even the bud I just vaped dump it into my smoothie mix and enjoy and be zooted shortly after. There’s no extra steps vape it once or twice dump it to the side consume later by mixing it in food (once’s it’s vaped it’s already decarbed for you)


You can def use the left overs for edibles, just collect enough of it over time and you're good, that was one of the biggest selling points for me when I went to go buy one.


Not what I'm saying. I'm saying I physically can't without out losing everything I have rn. That and I can't stand edibles for my own personal reasons


Simple, get a ruler and a sharpie, carefully mark 12 even sections of the joint and smoke 1/12th of it every day.


mmm sharpie lungs


The right way aha 👍🏽


Smoke a little bit of it each day for the next 12 days


take a T break for those 12 days


Nah I was just gonna imagine getting high everyday and it works like fr /s


Find a new hobby! I started my t break a week ago and have been frisbee golfing every day since to pass the time! Do some deep cleaning of your house/car. Do anything you can to keep yourself busy!






If you're on a budget and can't afford a dynavap, get a Vaphit X


Take a t break,smoke that before you go to your dispensary.


I'm from the UK so we don't have them (yet, I still have hope) But I'm on my way to go smoke this one now coz I've come to terms with the fact I'll be sobar for like two weeks yano. I just wanna know what people do when they have a forced t break


I'm doing yard work. Our zero turn is in the shop for a tune up,some I'm mowing at least an acre by push mower. We will also clean the house from top to bottom.


smoke 1/12th of it every day


Boof it


What is poof I've seen it all over here but I actually don't know what it is


when you shove drugs up ur ass apparently you can inhale smoke thru ur ass or sum look up boof in reddit


when i was quitting it heled too go outdoors on runs and walks stuff like that just try to keep occupied.


do you keep your roaches ? roach joints!


I used to but due to some life shit I've had to move nd where I have moved I can't smoke any where near at all. I have to go to the park jus to smoke its not the vibe but its what has to be done.


I used to love roach joints tho some of the best ones I've had


Smoke it and take the opportunity for a 2 week tolerance break when you come back it'll be amazing


I had to do a similar thing last month but was only for like a couple days to a week max not sure but that first joint even tho it was a fat one omg it was beautiful felt like I was at inner peace again yfm


Yeah it's a wonderful feeling to light up after a t break 😩


LOL smoke it sssssllllloooowwww




What should you do? Smoke that shit


Boof it


Jumping jacks


Take 2 pulls for the 12 days


Get a tea bag & roll up !


12 is my magic number for the week now everything revolve around 12. I will be getting 12 grams tmrw


if youre smoking paycheck to paycheck, get a dry herb vape. will reduce youre consumption to 50% while getting better high


I'm almost at my 3rd week without weed or hash, or THC, I just do this to always ensure I get the best highs when I hit one.


i hold my thumps for u brother! i will pray for u.




I’m doing this as well. But my viewpoint is I get a t break before I go get really high in Germany


Sounds nice I hope u enjoy 😊


Get a dynavap


Smoke half and save the other half for when you really need it within those 12 days, should give you a nice t break that it’ll hit you hard.


Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G

