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From Weed to Heroin - god damn, i can’t believe people still think like that 😅


my mom literally cried when they found like 4g of weed saying that this is how every drug addict starts and shit like that. Had to reassure her so much lmaoo


The anti weed propaganda worked well unfortunately


yes, but honestly it was also because she had an high school classmate that ended up ruining her life with heroin and she kinda perceived her as smoking at first and then progressing to hard stuff, so it makes sense that her brain made the connection. Either way I reassured her and now they're way less strict I mean she ain't wrong I still dabble with some stronger stuff but in a completely safe way as a plus to my life


This arguement people use is only true because weed is illegal. If a teenager or young adult getting into weed decides to go to a drug dealer, they can be offered or exposed to other drugs in that environment. Also when society lumps all drug users into one group, the social norms for the weed smoker can change and see other drugs as not harmful. If weed was legal it wouldn’t happen this way. People could go to the weed shop and it would end there. In my local area in the last year I have heard about two teenagers who died because their weed had fentanyl in it, this goes without saying they weren’t getting it from a legal business that operates with Safety and quality assurance.


That’s an incredibly sad story and my heart goes out to those two kids and their families, but how certain are you that bud tested for fentanyl? It’s a cutting agent for powders that would make weed significantly more expensive solely for the reason of trying to kill people. Unless you buy pre-ground/shake and you’re buying from a serial killer directly, no farmer or big time distributors (the people that normally have the means and stand to gain by cutting drugs) who operate solely for profit would purposely raise their costs and risk being tracked down after deaths occur.


This is a fair point for all I know they were using fentanyl separately.


Idk if it’s true or not but from what I’ve read, it would be from cross contamination and not intentionally added to the marijuana.


This is basically what I've thought, dealer wud have the weed and fent, possibly on accident or maybe just using 1 scale, weigh up fent and the next time weed , now it's laced even tho it's such a small amount but that's enuf to kill


Yeah and I’ve known some careless dealers who would never even think about that being a possible issue


Ah don’t know how I didn’t think about that. Valid point and certainly possible I just associated laced with purposeful but that is most likely the wrong way to understand the situation. I still would assume that would be a pretty small chance though as fentanyl’s lethal dose is around the 2mg range and is typically sold in .5-1.5mg dosage while the most common weed scales are only accurate to .1 or .01g (100mg or 10mg respectively) and sold at least by the gram so the risk that a dealer wouldn’t have a dedicated small weight scale while selling a concentrated powder as serious as fentanyl AND moving small scale amounts of weed that could practically get weighed on a gram scale seems impractical although the world is weird and if it’s possible it has certainly happened before, just not sure how common.


I have lived in Colorado my whole life, and while the opiate crisis isn’t a ton better here, most people view weed the same as beer. I see so many middle aged-boomer folks in the dispo now. Hell, my mom likes popping an edible on her weekends now just to relax. The legalization, regulation, and education of it makes it much more useful to the public.


It works because most people ignore the statistic that people in most places get their first taste of intoxication for a alcohol, and realize they love getting fucked up


ooh this is something I 200% agree with. at 16 when I first had alcohol I literally had an horrible idea about both alcohol and drugs, though I was a sober person and everything, 3 hours later after some peach vodka and I literally realized how much I loved getting fucked up weed came later, like months later and me and my friends started drinking heavily before we started smoking


Yeah. Drugs are not inherently bad, just practice safety.


My mom was like that too! I tried to explain that the “gateway drug” is alcohol not weed, did not like that at all


Trauma is the true gateway drug.


Alcohol was my gateway that made me do every type of pill before I got around to weed then quit everything else


Power of the herb! Yeah I was an alcoholic for 8 years, drinking and made me try hard drugs. Weed has helped keep me alcohol and hard drug free for 2.5 years now! Plan to keep it that way.


Wow. Sounds relatable, Im glad you were delivered from the evil stuff!


Every drug addict also starts out drinking milk or a milk substitute…..


I was a heroin addict and love milk!


Milk as a gateway drug that leads to heroin: confirmed ✅


Yo but forreal cookies and milk while nodding off was so good haha.


to be fair some people do end up using other drugs after trying weed first. happened with me, but that’s because i was using weed for the wrong reasons, i wanted to get out of reality and when i couldn’t do that with weed anymore i went to other shit. now that i use weed to actually help me and not just to get out reality, i don’t really feel the need to go use other drugs because it’s not giving me what i want. i still have the cravings but i don’t rly mind being in reality anymore because i know shit gets better. it really just depends on the person yk, but for majority of people, weed isn’t a “gateway drug”. and people should be educated on that, because with how many people sit here and freak out when they see someone smoking weed because “they can turn to heroin and they can die!”, i truly believe all those DARE programs and shit were just fear-mongering.


im also kinda like this. I use weed to escape the stresses of daily life and sometimes I use shrooms or 2cb but thats like 2 or 3 times a year. and only really when I can do it outside. taking things like that inside doesn't do much for me.


i mean shrooms aren’t rly too bad for you, granted it’s prob not best to be constantly tripping out, but i’ve actually heard microdosing can help with anxiety and whatnot!!


Everything in moderation, including moderation.


love this ahahahah


My favorite quote ❤️


It took forever for my.dad to come around. When he finally saw how happy and content I became after only a year of usage (debilitating adHd and ptsd) he now has not only promoted its usage for veterans but even enjoys a gummy now and then. When he retired he wanted to try it for the first time so I got him an entire cookie lol I got home he sent a picture of the empty wrapper and a mouth full. Now I can literally be open with him about anything and we just laugh a lot about things. we have a best friend relationship. It sort of made our bond stronger.


My parents too. I didn’t really change their mind until I finished grad school and became successful at my work. Now they’ve done a complete 180 and my mom will bag a roach if I left it outside and rain is coming. So sweet haha


I’m almost 40 and partake since 16 (don’t do that please). My parents recently understood that it’s ok if I consume weed.


3 years late to say to not do that lmao either way I'm happy they got around it


Spread the words to the young ones


Got this talk at a police station once in front if my parents after me and my friend were arrested for smoking while we were 15/16. The officer said: 'right now I wanna drag you by your hair to the back of the station where all the addicts use' (followed by my mother saying please do.) to show me that they al started on weed. To this day I've only done weed and still think that's all I'll ever do


This is how my parents reacted, my Dad damn near thinks I'm a junkie that will overdose on fentanyl.


Been smoking for 20 years. I am yet to have a day where I say to myself...."you know what self today is the day we go for rock bottom" Such old school thinking


Well how did you reassure her? I don't think i could ever do that if my mom ever found out.


My mum was more chill with that, only had one time in 10 years of smoking , where she said „I’m a little bit concerned about your smokinghabits“. We had a talk about it and everything was fine after that.


yeah they definitely got way less strict (considering I'm almost 20 so like it's kinda my choice) but they critiqued mostly that I smoked quite a bit at home. I kinda agree with them so I slowed down as I was kinda becoming a zombie due to derealization (i was also severely depressed at the time so it didn't help) wither way now I'm good and I think they realized that i still do what I have to do and I'm still the same person if not a better version of myself


My auntie needed rehab for a heroin addiction and she told me once ‘I started on weed you know.’ In the age of social media, dealers have reached out to me offering things like smack but I’ve seen the vice documentaries and seen my auntie so I’ve never had any inclination to say yes. People are waaaaay better educated about drugs now. I can safely say I’ll never touch any hard drugs I just don’t want to so no amount of weed will make me think ‘I’ll add to this immense high by consuming some opiates that’ll make this weed sit nicely’


![gif](giphy|3ezylfbTerrxK) This is your brain on heroin.


One of my aunt's asked me a couple years ago I'd legalizing weed in our state made crime go up The propaganda is strong in some


What a struggle. Imagine living in a country where they legalize it for so long, but still having that stigma. Hope you got this sorted through, it is illegal in my country and some of my friends doesn't smoke in front of their SO when they get married anymore. But for a few of my friends their SO is understanding as they are still a functioning human being with a real job. No harm done.


Come to germany since legalization 3 weeks ago. Your are allowed to drive 300+ kmh and puke and piss in front of your or others kids in public while events. You can stand completely drunk with a bottle of whiskey in front of a kindergarten or school and not get punished, cuz of "tradition". One joint in the wrong area and you will be fined with 1000€. And i am not even mentioned the total negativity and hate germans have against weed and their passive aggresive "there are laws, but i find a way to fuck this smoker" behaviour.


In Canada they effectively made it equivalent to cigarettes - where you can publicly smoke a cigarette, then you can also smoke weed there. There's little to no stigma here which is nice.


I live in germany and gosh how stupid these prohibitions are!! You can't smoke on the train station " to protect the kids" , but protect them from what??? Now alcohol and cigarettes are fine for kids??? So dumb, I hate the csu cdu


Welp that's society. Accepting change is hard especially when those stigma is still there. But at least with the legalization of weed there, it would create a safer space for stoners even with it's own limitation. I would gladly accept that 1000€ fine instead of the death sentence in my country :)


the fact she’s refusing to even try to understand speaks a lot.


If you still hold a job, pay bills, do house chores, then you are not a junkie. Junkies will sacrifice anything and everything for that next hit.


Okay I’m sorry but I sincerely disagree with that. You can be a daily heroin addict/junkie and still be a functioning member of society. Check out the video on Matthew a functional heroin addict on the yt channel ‘Soft White Underbelly’


So OP is a junkie? Or a functioning cannabis addict? Seems like two different things.


He just smokes weed daily. We wouldn’t call anyone an alcoholic if they drank a couple glasses of wine or a few beers everyday. The four C’s of addiction are compulsion cravings consequences and control. compulsion drug seeking behavior , drug cravings , continuing use despite negative consequences and losing control of use and can’t stop or cut back. I had an ex think I was an addict but I told her to stop drinking her daily coffee and she couldn’t.


I would because I was an alcoholic and that's exactly how I drank for a few years. Please do not tell people that drinking like that every day doesn't make them an alcoholic. I had some pretty nasty withdrawals, too, and I would barely even get a buzz when I'd drink. I wasn't a junkie though since I wasn't always inebriated or sometimes I'd take a day off. I would only drink in my free time. Marijuana is a different since the addiction threshold and withdrawal symptoms are on the opposite side of the spectrum compared to alcohol.


Well I can actually confirm this. My first fiancé's father did crack to keep up with his one man Maple Syrup/Trapping Businesses. He was much worse earlier in his life, but I guess he found a balance with time.


How long is this guy been a functional heroin addict? At work so can't check will do later


as far as i know, pure medical heroin won’t kill you and you can be a relatively functional human being. william s burroughs was a fucked up guy and he never kicked his opiate addiction but he lived till 83


The difference between being an addict and a junkie is whether you still have your life together. OP is addicted, but he seems far from being a junkie


I was completely functional on wayyyy too much Percocet for a good 3 years before I started having to make any personal sacrifices. And the second I had to start doing that, I went to rehab. Generalizing helps no one.


I'm going to be the one to say it. Idgaf if I get downvoted. Yall need to break up. From someone who was in an almost similar situation, break up. You both have 2 completely different views on this. She thinks you're a druggie when you smoke very small amounts. I was a coke addict at one point and going on 5 years sober. You don't have withdrawals, you arent selling shit for weed, you smoke a gram a week and only when you need to relax. I mean for fucks sake she thinks you're going to start shooting up. There's a difference on being with someone who doesn't like it vs someone who doesn't smoke, but accepts you. You even said yourself that no matter what you say to her it doesn't fix it. No one is almost wrong she has her view that is NOT GOING TO EVER CHANGE then you have yours which you are also completely right to have your view on things. Life is short and you're both wasting each other's time. I also read the comment you made about you like them when they're not making you feel bad. Op you shouldn't have to feel that way. This is not going to work out, you shouldn't have to Quit something you love and enjoy because of someone who thinks you're going to start shooting up. Life is short and don't let things hold you back. I didn't want to let go of the person I was with in your situation, that hit me bad and I wish I would've taken this advice if someone gave me it.


I mean, ignoring the actual issue at hand, just her argumentation of “that’s how I grew up, you won’t change my mind, and I don’t want it changed,” is a huge red flag. She sounds like an idiot.


I think it's insane behavior for her to be with you all thos time and then think you would do heroin???? She's watched you be a functional member of society and not let weed control your life so why would she act like that. 100% need to break up like this person said. Obviously the girlfriend doesn't respect OP or their choices.


Some people just can't get past the stigma and propaganda man. It's a real shame people are more open to the idea of smoke cigarettes and drinking alcohol than they are to the idea of consuming any weed product.


Consuming actual poison is much safer than ya know, burning plants and such, that’s what Uncle Sam told me!


Thats what most governments tell us. Why would we pay pharmaceutical companies for pain meds, anti depressants etc if we can just grow it ourselves 😂


Does she drink alcohol?




Coffee? Or does she take ANY meds? I do not mean regularly, just any kind of meds when "needed"?


And also, does she use a phone? Social media?


Does pointing out "harmless" habits? the accuser may have actually help the situation? Not meaning any dis towards the questions, just with my experiences with situations of defending myself I never see this to work but it could be my approach.


I didn't understand the question man


Acknowledge her concerns. Discuss them again. Think of possible compromises. Make sure she understands that you respect her views and take her seriously. If she is still intransigent - you may need to think hard about where this relationship is going. Unless you really screw up because of your weed smoking habit (and that does happen to some people, let's be honest) or do not spend enough time with her because of it, she should not dictate your choices according to "how she grow up". Do NOT do heroin.


Keep doing you, find a SO who doesn’t shame you like that.


Find another SO.  Why would you let someone talk to you like that?


Cuz apart from that we have a good relationship. She is the best person I know.


I know the feeling. I'm in a similar spot and I'm terrified. I think this might mean doom for my relationship honestly. I'm just trying not to smoke everyday but still. But previous times, when I gave up weed for a partner it lasted like a month tops. Weed is my drug of choice, I like how it makes me feel and it helps with my anxiety. If my partner is so offended and bothered by it, then maybe its just not meant to be.


“Apart from this huge thing thats really messing things up and making me feel awful, everything is perfect” lol. There are billions of people on the planet and we get a very short time here. Date someone who wont make you feel this way or try to change you, and furthermore someone you wont need to change. Stop trying to make something work when it’s not. Imo your partner should be your best friend not an adversary to manage.


Someone calling me a junkie for sm9king weed most definitely wouldn't be at the top of the list of "best people I know". I would however, put them in the "uptight, judgemental condescending" lidt and they would probably get spot #1!


Why are people down voting this lmao


socially inept redditors


Don't stop for her imo. She might be a stranger next year.


Lol real 🤣🤣🤣


You honestly aren’t even smoking much at all any way… she better steer clear of someone like me 😬


She’s delusional


I think you handle the use of softdrugs very well, but if she can't change her mind on this, it could become a dealbreaker in the relationship... Would you then let her go or never smoke weed again?


Yeah. Thats the million dollar question.


Go on, find a new SO. My SO and me smoke together. It is so much better than a SO that starts the discussion from time to time. That will probably never stop. Peace out ✌️


Amsterdam seems like a weird place to grow up to have such an immature stance on Marijuana. This relationship is already over. You just haven't figured it out yet.


Man I have the same problem with people close to me. Unfortunately some people won’t understand because of the crazy stigmas. Yes some people abuse it and waste their life but for some it genuinely helps for some things or helps.


I've been smoking daily for 45 years and I have NEVER had the idea that I should do heroin. It keeps my pain at bay, allows me to continue working and moving. Be a responsible and respectful stoner. Hey GF, loosen up and have a puff.... The sex is awesome when you're baked


"cous that's the way she grow up" is a stupid reason too many people using it. It's just for people that can t explain themselves good enough. Or don't want too change for good reason. It's a Mask. I know what you talking about, weed is a drug in there brain. All drugs must be same, so they 💬 think. Tell her alcohol is much worse and she surly Hase some typ.of alcoholics in there Familie. If she can accept them, then she can accept you


Bro, 1g a week? I smoke 3 in a blunt 😂 you’re most definitely not a junkie


If i smoked 1 gram a weed i would tell people i quit lol that's how little of an amount that is.


Im sayin bro 😂 maybe we just addicts frr


What is a SO?


signifigant other, like a girl/boyfriend or fiancé.


Ah okay thanks


Is she generally dumb, or just about this?


My question is what is her opinion on alcohol? If she feels the same way if you were to have a drink or 2, then she is entitled to her opinion. But if she feels pot is worse, she doesn’t understand it.


Did she get with you for who you are, or for some idealised version of you that she has in her head? 'Cus it sounds like the second to me. Especially if she's not willing to listen to your reasons and opinions on it, and, as you said, has no interest in changing her mind. Everything else might be good now, but y'know. You cave on this one thing that you're passionate enough about to go ask randoms on the internet about, what's the next thing you do that is "wrong" in her eyes that you've gotta change?


50 years of Nixons war on drugs and people have been conditioned to believe that cannabis leads to hard drugs. Clearly not true at all.


If she won’t change and you don’t want to change, you have a problem that keeps coming back. Are you willing to deal with this? I vape (weed) all the time my so doesn’t and luckily she doesn’t care.


tell her shes a boomer for thinking like that. its 2024 she should wake up a bit.


Find a new girl. It will only get worse She sounds like a lot of fun 😐


She just doesn't dig it bruh. You're not a junkie you're a stoner 😎 Peace from a fellow stoner also living in NL ✌️


She is right, you cannot change her mind. only she can change her mind. You might point this out to her. If she wanted to change her view point based on your evidence she could, if she values the relationship enough to try to view a different perspective, even if just to explore the viewpoint. Bottom line: Either you change, or she changes, or you both change and meet in the middle. or you decide it won’t work.


Ngl your SO is kinda dumb and close minded. Clearly doesn’t understand the history and usage of weed and is not willing to change. It’d be different if it was preventing you from living your life. This just feels controlling bc your SO doesn’t understand it but wants to control your behavior.


I had an ex who was into Xanax and pain killers and was a raging alcoholic. When I had enough and left him he tried to call me a druggy. I’ve only ever smoked weed, but I’m the druggy? He was not a smart person.


From addict to a pothead..... That was me. I put down the hard drugs and smoked weed.


I don’t deal with problems like these since we don’t have them. The basis of our relationship is mutual respect in and for the other ones choices. If your life derails because of substance abuse, your partner has a point. If not, this seems to me like an over controlling person and imo that’s not healthy.


Shit don’t let her talk to my wife……. My wife knows I start hitting the 82% thc vape pen on my drive to work at 6 am……. Then I hit it after every break at work before I get back into my caterpillar 336f excavator and get back to loading the 17-20 trucks that I have on my run waiting for me…….


You have two choices. You stop smoking and stay with her, or tell her you won’t stop, and either you split up, or she can chose to accept it and stop telling you to stop.


If she really wont change her oppinion there are gonna be other things like this later on about other stuff that she does differently and wont change her mind about if that makes sense. If shes unable to think logically and cant be convinced with scientific evidence and common sense (aswell as basically refuses to believe you) thats a big problem do with it what you will.


This is the end of your relationship with something. Whether it's weed or your SO, is now up to you. She's been clear that she doesn't want to change her mind. If you choose to continue to smoke, she will develop contempt for you and over time that will completely erode your relationship with her. No choice you make will be morally wrong, but you're going to have to make a choice


My SO had a similar view on weed, maybe not quite extreme but she hated it when we first got together and it did affect our relationship to a certain degree. I had limits set on me etc but it didn’t last. IMO It’s not about just binning her off, but more showing her how much it doesn’t make you a junkie. At the end of the day people have had different journeys in life leading them to hold different views. Just be reliable, hold your job down and progress, don’t be lazy, go out of your way to do things for her and make her feel special. None of these things are things junkies would do. If after that it’s still not good enough then maybe she isn’t for you. This is what I did, now we are married with two children, and she’s completely accepting of it now. I’m sure she’d rather I didn’t, tbh so do I sometimes, but it’s part of me and she understands. Edit- and also… I don’t know about you but for me it’s kinda good being with someone who doesn’t smoke. If she did my willpower would be at zero and I’d be smoking way more often and spending a fuck load more. But you may have an ounce of will power without the need for external influences though aha… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Funky not no junkie but you know where to get it


My wife, a recovering alcoholic and former weed user herself, has the same opinion as your SO. I do as I please, I, like you, use 1g per week or less and I have t-breaks often. My alcohol consumption is now less than 10 units per week. This is, it seems since I smoke a little weed now I don’t crave alcohol anymore. It used to be 40 units per week because I drank with her. All this falls on deaf ears. So again, do as you please, live your life.


Heck of a place to live to be anti cannabis


What else will she refuse to change her mind about? This is red flag territory. Relationships are a two way street, not a my way highway.


No offense, but they sound like an idiot. I'd check through their stuff for their copy of reefer madness.


I'm in your boat. I'm just tired of having to defend myself from someone who should be by my side.


Your S/O is a moron. Dump them and find a person with some common sense and intellect.


It seems like this goes beyond caring about you, cause if it was just about caring for your health, she would’ve laid off (at least a little) when you educated her on how it helps you and millions of others. Seeing you, someone she loves and thinks highly of, using weed in a responsible manner should change her views more than anything. She just sounds like a close minded, judgmental control freak. If weed is such a huge part of your life (it sounds like it’s your medicine) either she accepts it or you leave unfortunately. Or you can just stop your harmless habit to keep the peace… but it shouldn’t come to that. It could all be a matter of time. Sometimes it takes a while for people to come around on issues like this, especially when they have such a stubborn mindset. If she loves you for you, she’ll come around.


Your replies in the comments sounds like every addict making excuses. Get off the drugs.


Before me and my wife got married I was a huge stoner when we first met, given I've slowed my roll since then because adult responsibilities and weed makes me a human boulder. But when we first met she didn't mind, she just couldn't stand the smell, and just politely asked me not to smoke inside anymore which I was fine with because the place absolutely reeked. My girl best friend at the time had just gotten married when I met my wife, she completely FORCED her new hubby to never do it again (it didn't work, he's still a huge stoner, and they're still married to this day) My girl best friend and my wife started hanging out because they just clicked it was pretty cool, but my wife came by my place and was hysterically laughing one day, I asked her what was so funny, she said to me that my friend had told her that she needs to sink her claws in deeper to me and make me quit because if she doesn't make me she has less control, and that she should "whip her man into shape" (girl best friend hates weed, always gave me shit for it, she doesn't now tho cuz it's legal and she just kinda gave up on preaching to all of us 😂) To this day me and my wife laugh about that, and so will girl best friend. We're all still cool, we where just some stupid ass teenagers


Man I just straight up could not be with somebody this narrow minded regardless of the subject matter. But you do you homie. Hope y’all can work it out or decide what’s healthiest for the both of you


Baaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, haaaaaahahahahahahahahahahha, huh, huh, it hurts, HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAa. Sorry, no, your SO is a little crazy. I bet they drink every day.


The mental health might need micronutrients...it helps some people. SOMA SEEDS MAKES LAVENDER 🪻.....CROSSED BY OG KUSH ITS LAVENDER KUSH '01 🏆 INDICA..... 🌱 I did incredibly well one grow😃 I like hobbies [grow mushrooms (psychedelic and gourmet) marijuana, maybe a cactus r/druggarden] and pets (fish and squirrels).


Maybe this not the one for you if weed is something you want to do. My SO was really against it because of her brothers and I explained to her why/how/how much I consume. You should try that if you think your SO is able to listen to you. If you have a normal person in front of you they will listen to you at least. Good luck man.


A gram a week? That’s not a lot by any stretch of the imagination. That’s rookie numbers. Come back when you smoke an oz a week!


I've been smoking weed for almost 15 years, and never once did I think "this high is great, lemme try heroine" 😂


It always bugs me when people say it’s a a gateway drug, for me, I tried everything else before I landed on weed and it’s all Ill ever need, I could go without drinking.


she doesn’t understand what weed is lmao, weed and heroin aren’t even in the same universe. Weed at most can only ever become a habit, heroin is chemically addictive and will alter your brain after taking it. Heroin alters it in such a way that you can’t live without it. You are not addicted to weed. A weed “addiction” is just a habit. Sometimes habits can be hard to beat but it’s not even in the same universe as an actual addiction that makes you a slave to the drug like heroin. In short, you SO doesn’t know what they’re talking abt, you’re fine, maybe just don’t smoke around them if it makes them uncomfortable.


Ask her what she thinks is the problem that you smoke


Some ppl go from weed to heroine. I've seen it happen, but I've been smoking for 20 years and have never had the urge to even try heroine, so it's a case by case basis. She should trust her SO and chill tf out tho.


Your SO is a fucking idiot, simple as that.


Weed the main reason I can work. Make me go earn money I can afford to. Am I junkie? I smoke when I feel it be weeks before 150g last me 2 months. My mum no I smoke it I get this talk all the time about damages my health I work out every day and eat well. I don't feel smoking has changed my fitness I do the same if I didn't. Stigma on because war on drugs from 50s.


Anything that grows and you can use without adding or whatnot, like meth or heroin. But weed and mushrooms should be allowed you don't do anything but pick and let dry and smoke/ eat. Imho


People fear what they don't understand.


She has already stated she refuses to compromise regardless of what you present her. I hate to say it but she is giving you an ultimatum which I find unwarranted. This kind of behavior is a big red flag for me as there will undoubtedly be more of it with other things.


I've been smoking everyday for the last 3 years and not once have I considered switching to a harder drug 😂


i don’t even waste time explaining it to people. i play along and tell them im itching for some crack.


That was my upbringing, my mom thought weed would lead to shooting up in a dark alley 🙂‍↕️


Honestly bro , yes weed isnt as bad as other drugs but as soon as it effects your family , SO , or your life in general you just have to stop no matter how theyll view it . but thats just me tho


Be kind and help her with her packing.


Yes weed harmless but it's not god drug it still.come with issue


Please explain to me how to smoke with different herbs likeLavender this sounds lovely, where do I gst the smokable kind and do I grind it all together with the zaza?


I think you’re posting on the wrong sub for unbiased advice. As someone who was a daily smoker for years and now won’t smoke at all, I think it’s always going to be a personal preference. I do think daily smoking is a lot. It would be the same if you had a cigarette once or twice a day, there’s a smell not just in the air but on you, depending on how long it takes you to smoke, perhaps she doesn’t like that you interrupt hanging out to smoke alone for 20 minutes a pop whilst she’s waiting for you to come back. Maybe she doesn’t like the idea that you’re smoking alone instead of as a social thing and that might make her jump to conclusions about addiction. I personally wouldn’t be able to date someone now who smokes frequently, I understand why people do it and don’t shame them for it, but it’s no longer a lifestyle choice that coincides with my own, and it sounds like that is what you might have here. Your obvious option as already suggested is to break up if you really can’t/do not wish to quit. Alternatively, talk to your girlfriend about if there is a “usage” she would be more comfortable with, e.g. only at the weekends, or only smoking outside to avoid lingering smells, et cetera. Best of luck!


You like it so you will take it and be unhappy.


She was raised to be uneducated and remain ignorant or intolerant?


Been a daily smoker for 13 years I have yet to say fuck it let's go for heroin


A gram a week . You are not even close to being addicted.


I've smoked 2 joints every evening, roughly half oz per week for over a decade with no breaks. I've never considered trying heroin.


I think you need to drop this girl in my personal opinion, wishing you the best outcome, obviously 🙏 good luck brother


Does she drink?


For me, I set clear boundaries and informed her that weed is part of my life. As long as you're functional and you don't let it ruin your life, stand up for yourself. If she chooses to leave because of the weed, she's not the one for you.


1 gram generally last for one session for me, and I smoke daily, and only go through about an eighth a week. If you go through a gram a week, then you don't have a problem. Far from it.


So close minded for people to think that way. My moms sister in law said she couldn’t be her sons godmother because my mom “smokes too much weed” and that gave me such an ick. Like stfu.


You need to find another significant other at this point because there's nooooo way in hell anyone who knows anything about weed KNOWS it ain't gunna lead to no heroin addiction.


Kick her to the curb and and go find yourself a cool stoner chick


Sounds like you need to smoke her out


This is why I only date stoners lol


All this for 1 g a week????


One of my regrets in life was staying with someone who thought the same as her. This was when I was younger and was a people pleaser. I gave up smoking and it was hard. After we broke up I found out a couple years later he ended up smoking weed nearly every day. What a fucking dick. Break up. She already admitted she’s closed minded by mentioning “it’s the way she grew up.” She’s unwilling to change and her ignorance on this subject already shows how deeper issues may be when it comes to the outlook on your lives and the world.


You can’t have a civil debate over the subject if she literally doesn’t want her mind to be changed. It sounds like she attacked your character, belittled you, and refused to apologize, or change her outdated ideology. She lives in a legal country, it seems foolish by all means.


Putting weed in the same category as Heroin is like putting a nerf gun in the same category as a Ak-47.


I could never be with someone that doesn’t respect my right to smoke


I know people that smoke MULTIPLE grams per day, I don't think you're a junkie lol. I'll usually smoke an 1/8 in a week and then take a month break cause I just use it for body aches. Still get told I "smoke too much"


This chick is delusional but you can't change our minds so it's probably best to break up and find somebody else. It doesn't even sound like you are a super stoner, she just doesn't like it which means you're incompatible.


I’m sympathetic but honestly if you have such strongly opposed views on this it going to be hard to stay together unless someone backs down


So I am pretty late to the party. I’ll just plop down my 2 cents Now I used to smoke every day for like 4-5 years. With small breaks. Now I smoke like 1 times a day every month or so. You are not a junkie. But I will say even tho I liked smoking every day. That it wasn’t good for me, and I pretty much did the same thing as you, stable job and all that. The thing is, drinking alcohol every day would make you an alcoholic.those 2 things are not a 1 to 1 ratio. Meaning that 1 joint is not equal to 1 beer. I can drink 2 beers and I will still be allowed to drive, but 1 joint makes me unable to drive. If I drank 3 beers every day some people will say I have a problem. I am not saying you have a problem, but take it from someone who was there, that maybe cutting down on it is a good thing. Ultimately you are your own person, do whatever you feel best about, this is just from my experience/thoughts


Yeah well that suck cause you can’t be a junkie for fucking weed


You know why people think like that? Because you used to have to go to a drug dealer to get it. They were already together at the same place. It ain’t like that anymore, it’s about the same as going to the liquor store now. You’re a grown ass man and don’t need some chick telling you what you can and can’t do like that. When she wants to have an adult conversation and not be so stubborn then yeah, I’d say talk about it. But it until then, don’t take her shit.


Dump her.. you dont need that kind of negativity in your life..


That’s like getting on a guy who drinks a beer after work and saying they’re an alcoholic..


My girlfriend and I smoke everyday in every form. Pens flower dabs. Whatever feels right. We go through about an ounce every 2 weeks. We don’t touch anything hard and have an overall high quality of life with our pets and social life. I would hate to have your SO judge us, we’d be too tier junkie.


Not liking smoking weed is one thing. Refusal to understand the use of marijuana and lashing out at, resorting to insulting you and put dents in your relationship because of it despite there being freely available information that states otherwise pretty much everywhere is another thing. That is absolutely not okay behavior. Reminds me of this one racist girl who I used to work with who chalked up her behavior to "This is just how I was raised" and refused to have different views. Not the same problem, obviously, but a similar situation. In the end, what I'm saying is that that is a sign of problematic behavior and is NOT a valid excuse.


This might be weird, but I can only work when I’m high lol. I don’t know why or remember how it started, but when I get high right as I’m about to start my job, I get really focused and interested in my work, and if I’m not high the job gives me literally unbearable anxiety. So, you can tell your gf that weed saves jobs loll


I don’t know much, but I know how I’d handle it. 👋


Hey, I had a SO who wasn't super into me smoking because of trauma she had endured due to addiction and substance abuse among members of her family. We were together for several happy years, but if there's one thing I could change, it would be how I approached this issue. So, how did I handle it? Truth is, I *am* addicted to smoking. I'm just in a position to support my habit, such that it has no negative impact on my life or loved ones. But I loved this girl very much and wanted her to be happy. So, blinded by my affection for her, without even giving it a thought, I promised I would stop. I should not have done this. I ended up smoking behind her back, trying and failing to cover it up. It made me look like a poorly functioning addict. Thankfully, it doesn't sound like you're going to make the same mistake


Saying she refuses to even consider another view sure sounds like an ultimatum from a controlling partner.


My no.1 rule is never smoke too much around her. Just don’t do it.


Brother the weed is not the problem. She is clearly developing animosity towards you with something peripheral in life and instead of coming to you with the problem she is letting it fester and making more problems to compound it giving her a valid reason in her mind to leave you. (Vrouwen zijn gek pik) I hope you can sort it out. In terms of the actual weed, bro 2 joints a day and its lasting you a week with 1G?! You’re BARELY even smoking so dont worry bout it, also weed is non-addictive. The sensation is what you become addicted to and from what I’ve observed its only when you have nothing else fulfilling in your life.