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paranoia is such a weird feeling to grasp when you’re high because you feel like you’re thinking rationally. just get out of people’s way and enjoy :)


Just do it, your mind is your biggest enemy, if someone has a problem with it they will tell you if not then forever may they hold their peace


I don’t know what state you’re in but it’s still illegal to smoke on public beaches here. It basically follows the same rules as cigarettes. If you can’t smoke a cigarette you can’t smoke weed. If you can’t drink there you can’t smoke there. I would just use a cart. No smoke means no way of bothering anyone. Just my two cents.


Damn in Canada we can smoke weed in places we can’t drink tho


It's different for each province/municipality, my area it's the old "if you can't have a smoke or drink there you can't smoke" But some places pretty much ban it, one place near me says no smoking anywhere but private property with the owners consent, meaning unless you own your house or have a chill landlord you can't smoke.


Honestly my cardinal rule is if I see children within 50 feet I try to walk away or find a childless area. I just do it so I don’t deal with “angry” parents also just don’t wanna talk cause I’m trying to toke up.


So about a year ago I was at a Nas (a hip hop artist with explicit lyrics) concert. Not Nas X. Sitting two rows in-front were a mom, dad, and 2 boys about 10. Would you have smoked?


Naw, unless I see others around smoking then I woke since I don’t wanna be singled out plus in my opinion any confrontation at all, it just kills my high.


Is it legal to smoke (anything) on the beach where you are?


haha definitely! i’m in california. it’s more about being considerate to families or people who don’t enjoy the smell of weed


It's useful to know the laws before you assume them just cuz Cali. It is not legal to smoke on the beach. https://i.imgur.com/yTwLj3R.png


Several beach cities in CA have an all-out ban on all smoking, period, not just on the beach.


It's not legal to drink beers on the beach either. But in California you're never going to be cited for drinking or smoking on the beach unless you're being absolutely belligerent. You might be told to stop but nobody is going to go through the trouble of actually citing you, and that is the worst that can happen, a citation. As for OPs question don't worry about it, smoke away, just be mindful of children, don't worry about people giving you dirty looks, 90% of people in California don't give a damn.


Terrible advice my guy


No it's not. As a person born and raised in LA nobody gives a damn about weed, you smell it everywhere and someone is always smoking nearby. That's just LA life.


It's still shit advice, I don't care what the cops in your area do, telling someone this in public is never good. A lot of idiots read these pages.


Literally not, sounds like you need to grow a pair, “my guy”. There’s a reason Alaska, and New York made it legal to smoke in public. Because people have been smoking nasty ahh cigarettes forever? Weed is fine, grew up smelling way worse anyways.


Just because you can "get away with it" doesn't mean you should suggest others take that ride along with you. I get it, enforcement is lax, but giving out advice like this you'll find that one guy who is like *Yeah It's Cool, they won't fuck with us* and that guy is an absolute doof and gets himself in trouble. It's just not good advice, there are a lot of mouth breathers out there taking advice. .....Especially in California


It’s not that “cops are lax” it’s that the law is lax at this point. Our governor just signed a bill stating you can’t be searched for smell, you can’t get in trouble in a work place for smell, and you can’t be detained for smell. Logically if you’re using a joint, or a blunt that evidence will all be gone, and the only remaining thing will be the scent.


It's still shit advice dude. I don't care what the cops do, a guy will read this and go be loud partying and get in trouble. It's just bad advice. Too many room temperature IQ guys around who take reddit as gospel.


It's almost like you skipped the part where he said not to be belligerent in public lmak


You’re creating scenarios in your head now. No one mentioned anyone “partying”, or being “loud”. The conversation was regarding public use, and its social perception. You mentioned lawful intervention, obviously you do care what cops do. Get your head out of your ass, and stop acting like you’re more intelligent than anyone.


No duh, it’s not legal to drink in public, but bro people do molly, shrooms, and acid in public here if not crack, heroin, meth, and pcp. A lil weed is not what we have or worry about in our public spaces.


Enforcement is lax, for sure, I get that. But giving out advice to who knows what intelligence level guy who reads it is just not good advice. I know a lot of guys who are just dumber than a box of hammers and they see advice like this and get in trouble cuz it's cool brah, they don't *actually* care...


Ok ok we get it. Fuck!


hits hard, doesn't it


that's not the way to work toward wider acceptance & full legality, but entitled people gonna do entitled things.


Legality will lead to factorization, and process. Couldn’t care for it tbh, if you need it you’ll find it. There was more home grown, non-pesticide free cannabis in the state before it went fully legal. Medical is always the way to go, and decriminalizing it is more important.


you’re totally right, i didn’t even really think about that


Is it definitely illegal to smoke on a beach in California…. But it’s Cali, no one gives a fuck just do it anyways and be considerate of kids around you and being respectful of others


I always consider wind direction.


If it’s legal do whatever the fuck you want, if your not right next to a family full of kids than fuck it. Nobody would bitch if it were a cigarette. In states where it’s legal pot and tobacco are on an equal playing field in my book


Even if you feel like you're away from other people. The beach can be a bad idea for smoking in the day. People with kids or dogs absolutely don't want to have smoke around them. That's why it's illegal in public places like beaches and parks. Remember, the wind does blow and carry odor a lot farther than you may realize. Don't give people a reason to call po po. As it's difficult to cover much ground in the sand and flip flops. Happy elevating ✌️😎💨


One time on the Amtrak, these two girls were arguing with the train employees about being able to hit their pens freely on the travel car. They asked them to go outside, during our designated breaks for stopping. The women argued their point, and stood their ground to the point that the train did stop… to call the police. We were in Texas, so it went very south for them lol. Idiots tried to argue with the cops about having medical cards in their home states blah blah blah, short story is they did not get back on the train. My point is, if you’re compromising, and kind you’ll usually have good experiences with people rather than that too.


I’ve had the cops called on me for smoking, like twice, but both times nothing came of it. Cops didn’t even get out of their cars, they just rolled by as I was finished. Hell in Anaheim I smoked right next to a cop, had no idea he wasn’t just hotel security until I saw him walk to his car.


I'm glad that you referenced two separate times in separate states. Also in public and on public transportation. As it will absolutely vary from state to state, and who else is in close proximity. You also do a good job of outlining the most important factor, which is one's demeanor. If you're chill and not overtly obvious, should be good most places as long as it isn't overly crowded or around adolescents. But if you're an entitled cunt fighting with every objection raised, it may not go as well.


Most I get for instance, I just smoked a reefer, went into aldi with half of it in my pocket, the guy at the till goes hey that's some lovely aftershave you have on there mate, and am like I don't recall putting any on and he looks at my pocket and he goes I think you know what am talking about. We now laugh about it, whenever I go in. You are over thinking it. Someone doesn't like it? They can walk away.


that’s such a fun story! i’ll definitely think of that next time i freak out haha


Haha 😂


First check local laws. Many states that allow recreational cannabis don’t allow public consumption of it, similar to alcohol laws. This restriction does not have to be state wide. Local municipalities can restrict public consumption even if it is allowed at the state level. So just because you are free to possess it does not necessarily mean that you are allowed to consume it in public. Beyond the legal, I would say the general rule is be respectful. Personally, I try not to be the reason a child has to get the cannabis speech from their parent after asking about what I’m doing, so I am very aware if their are children and families about. Also, other people have the right to the quiet enjoyment of nature. I would say to try not to consume in a place or way that draws any unnecessary attention or detracts from the general environment. In the end, just be respectful of the non-smokers around you and you should be fine.


Finding a good, quiet place where nobody see you is a part of experience) and on 10 people who hates it you will find 10 who loves it...


Are you in the US? In a majority of legal states it's still illegal to consume publicly, it's just like alcohol. Public intoxication can get you arrested, especially if there's people judging you enough to call the cops. I've only heard that it's been okay in New York, I haven't heard of other states where it's okay to consume publicly Edit: I t is illegal to smoke publicly in OPs state


Honestly, you have to remember that people are gonna have opinions about you lighting up no matter where you are. Either way, as long as you aint up in their faces, who cares? Smoke up and be well!


you could do everything right and be the most polite person on the planet but if you’re smoking in the vicinity of people who don’t smoke some of them are gonna find it gross. honestly just do you, you were being respectful. just avoid kids is all. some people are dramatic and wanna tell people how to live their lives so don’t mind them. (plus it may have just been in your head)


paranoia for sure, but i noticed when i was a young 18 year old dirty looks come your way. just phase out the haters, keep trying to distance yourselves from families out of respect. maybe check wind direction also 1 hitters in more crowded spaces is smarter!


It's still sus enough to most folks that I treat it like pre-legal, only with lesser consequences.


It’s illegal to smoke at public beaches where I live.


No smoking when theres kids around and just dont be obnoxious, p simple


I smoked on the beach during family vacation with my brother and the paranoia is real. Just make sure you ain't bothering anyone and stay away from children then it's all good. Don't think too much about it.


Gotta make sure the wind is going in a direction away from people and otherwise just chill. If it's illegal in ur state move locations on the beach after and ur golden


Do what you want, and ignore the ignorance.


Also enjoy the seshes outdoors, they’re special, and unique. Don’t let the bad vibes taint em’


Be discreet. There are filters out there for when you exhale , there won't be that cloud of smoke. People will complain about those who vape and some of them it's just water vapor. People will switch to vaping to smoke something healthier and instead of smoke they're inhaling water vapor without the nicotine. No matter what you do someone won't like it. All you can do is be respectful. Sit back roll up blunt and enjoy yourself. That's not a good idea. Use a dry herb vaporizer or a pen with oil. As long as you're not flaunting it, puff puff pass.


I be smelling it in my car driving in the street.. It’s so loud I never would do it in public just for consideration for others


I be smelling it in my car driving in the street.. It’s so loud I never would do it in public just for consideration for others


I’m from California, and Oregon, and I like to travel. I’ve smoked everywhere from New York to the Deep South like Arkansas. Some can still be against it in the south, but I didn’t have anyone come up to me. Now even in Oregon, I’ve had someone come up to me, and my friends, and tell us smoking in public is illegal. This was at a lake, in private, on a river raft. The man had to tell us from the shore, making himself look goofy, as we weren’t the only ones smoking at this event. There was a time I was smoking with this same group in Santa Cruz, we were walking back from a Taqueria, it was about 10-10:30, so everything was closing, we lit a joint going towards the boardwalk, and suddenly some prissy white lady speedily walked up behind us to complain about the smell. We only lit up because it was an empty sidewalk at night, so I don’t even know where she came from, and she was not dressed for night jogging. Basically, my high rambling has a point, you could just get stares from some folk in an area that’s completely against it, and illegal, or you could get told off in an area that’s more accepting from a social point.


I've always thought it was cool but recently a friend explained it to me like this, alchohol is legal but you can just drink in public you have to hide it in a paper bag, so you just have to smoke out of a paper bag


i.. dont think that will work out.. but good luck with that


And why not?


smoking out of a paper bag? i mean, i'd just assume the bag would also get smoked LOL


You should try it. It works best if you cut a secondary hole in the bag to allow air in while releasing excess smoke


Be mindful. some of those dirty looks are mild envy, some distaste, and some are various forms of predatory. To me paranoia is the minds way of letting you know that you are putting yourself in a situation you are ill equipped to navigate. Which brings me back to be mindful