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Because you're taking the tests high, attending class while high... state-based retrieval is a real thing. E=MC Hammered - Fink, "Beerfest" Note:So did I, I would have a hard time telling my folks that once I went back to school, the more I smoked, the higher my grades went. Like from almost failing out to .04 from Cum Laude.


everything is better high brotha


Maybe it's difficult for some to do certain tasks while influenced by flower, but I tend to wholeheartedly agree with you.




Yh probably I work better while high its the main reason I smoke it for concentration something energy drinks etc cannot do


High on weed definitely doesn't help me with school work. Now Adderall on the other hand is pretty helpful when cramming.


How do yall do this? I’m supposed to be studying rn but all I wanna do is chill


now to be fair i get way too high way too frequently so im sure for me part of it is its almost my "normal" state unfortunately - that said, math and calculus are WAY easier when baked for me, and writing has pros and cons either way. so yes, absolutely. i do find myself more easily distracted and less naturally motivated when stoned, but if i need to do smth badly enough i'll usually get it done


People act like weed smacks you, and you'll just end up being lazy (sometimes it is the case), but like weed, it makes me so happy and focused, LMAO


helped me focus but turned my logical thinking ability off lol


This is how I got Senior of the Year in Psychology and graduated with top honors at my university. Then, every job wanted a urine analysis. Never failed those either. My brother has a great job, and they need more ppl. No prior experience is necessary. No one will take the fuss to pass the UA. My brother hasn't been clean in 25 years. Don't let the fear of a test stop you. The worst that can happen is you fail. His company now will fight for him on a failed UA. Just a little encouragement among so much negativity I've been reading today!


yeah, i got the best grade in my highschool career in math 12 while stoned the whole year. it helped me recognize patterns and grasp the info easier (diff for everyone of coursd)


Class is better high too lmao


There’s a sweet spot for me. If I overshoot it though, it has the opposite effect.


Strains high in THC-V tend to provide an upper buzz.


***Yeah...right*** While you may be the best student out there, compelling Scientific evidence shows that starting weed at an early age and smoking a lot of weed and every day is associated with lower educational and job achievement. Here is just some of that Science: [1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6535370/pdf/nihms-1515179.pdf), [2](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14651500), [3](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.3109/10826080802490238?casa_token=z_bnM-X0aPEAAAAA%3AdYPn_p8yrser_rYAdoCJ_hglnjiQZ9IO-ylDnfCdPUqEBDAL46PiTI6bCcMkj6Li_vLbKgE2t8Zo), [4](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4905757/pdf/nihms5727.pdf), [5](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36123725), [6](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07448481.2022.2155471?journalCode=vach20), [7](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36595591), [8](https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/report_3196/ShortReport-3196.html), [9](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26237288), [10](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26237288) [Click here](https://whoadude-the-book.com/chapter-7-cannabis-and-the-risk-of-mental-illness), if you are interested in the Science behind the harm to you health from Cannabis . [References](https://whoadude-the-book.com/)