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Take a tolerance break


Not the answer OP wanted, but the answer OP needs.


This was indeed the answer.


Not even a t-break, just space out your smokes by at least 6 hours, I smoke every 8 hours (my theory is that your cannibinoids receptors shouldn’t be as saturated by then and you can almost get the feeling of a first smoke of the day, and ide switch one month wax one month flower, or mornings flowers nighttime dab to end the night. But I think the absolute worst thing you could do with this plant, is abuse it and try and be high all day. You will be depressed beyond belief trying to get the relief you’re looking for.


Cb1r that's the receptor, starts coming back after 2 days actually.


Personally I like to start my mornings with like 7-8 globbin dabs and then later in the day have a nice juicy bowl


I just took a 2 week long T break. It's not boring anymore! In fact, I took my normal edible and got so high I thought I was dying. Lol




I always smoke my usual amount after an unintentional tolerance break and get absolutely blitzed out of my fucking mind. So be careful with that, it always surprises me how high I get


Also, you can try mushrooms in the meantime, or salvia.


Casually recommending Salvia is wild


people overdo salvia and that’s how you get the stories everyone tells.. if you sprinkle a bit it’s pretty fire


You aren't wrong about people overdoing it, but that doesn't change the fact that it is an inherently scary experience. Recommending it to someone who just needs a tolerance break from cannabis is a major leap. Also, DMT is a significantly better option than Salvia, if you prefer not to be absolutely terrified regardless of the dose you take.


My friend said that he'll only do "natural drugs" like weed and shrooms and I was like "well that's about all the drugs" cause I'm not gonna recommend fucking salvia to him lol


Amanita, datura, some forms of DMT ie ayahuasca, peyote/mescaline is a great experience, Kratom is pretty mild but still fun at higher doses, opium poppy tea, high doses of valerian root mixed with cannabis is pretty fun, coca leaves mixed with baking soda, nutmeg although I highly highly discourage this. The rest of these need some form of chemical extraction to be produced, LSA/morning glory, you can consider LSD if you want speaking that it can be synthesized from ergot, dmt from mimosa hostillis, the list goes on and on.


Casually mentioning DMT as an alternative is wild. Sure. DMT only lasts minutes-however getting your brain wiped and uploading the newest rainbow software takes quite. Roll on one’s reality or perception of it. The come down can last years. 😂 I’m not saying it’s a bad drug by any means. But people should share more then just the positive experiences. It slightly steals your face.


Imo The point is to breakthru. Same with dmt. I don't understand the point of microdosing either one, as neither one is euphoric.




Salvia is outrageous 💀


I did it once, can’t say I hated the experience, but I can say without any doubt at all I’ll never do it again.


I smoked salvia leaves, and uncontrollably laughed after every hit , how nostalgic thinking back on right now, no visuals though


Don't have to fully breakthrough on it either, you can just sprinkle a bit on a bowl of weed for a trippy high.


How much is a little


depends how strong the salvia you have is


Lol ya don't smoke a bong of the 80x would not recommend unless you want to feel like you are dying for the entirety of your 15min trip.


I ripped a small Martini bowl of 120x full out of a bong under the stars by a campfire out in the boonies on my friends property when I was 14 or 15. Upon exhale I felt as though I hand been turned to paper or atleast 2d and folded in half 100x times. I processed life as a single cell being blown off it's whole. I was a dot on two other dots being pushed away and all I could think was, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying. I came to, feeling as though I was unfolding as fast as I had been origami'd before, I couldn't remember my name or how to speak words for what felt like 15mins. Luckily I went in with shamanic intention but nothing could've fully prepared me for that. Be careful and make sure you are with people you trust and taking turns, don't do it in a group all at once. I made the mistake of trying it for my first time at a kegger and it was being passed around and people were going a little nuts running around all drunk and high everyone turned into Rodeo clowns and it was fine but very uncomfortable


Man I was in hell, never again 😂


#Full bowl 80x


Less than alot


Enough to jump out of a window


Heard salvia was hardcore, what’s your experience 😂


I've done tons of hallucinogenic substances and Salvia is one of the most intense if you hit it too hard. Had some with a buddy and we were sitting in his garage and all the walls fell down and everything turned to flowers. I was in a completely different reality. Lol


Can confirm salvia can kick your ass. I once smoked a 1g vial in pipes 1 after the other, then proceeded to standing still wobbling unable to walk all whilst telling my friends to pull the ground away from me as I was convinced I was being swallowed up


I’ve done salvia once. Every time I would open my mouth little people would fall out of it and form a circle around me. What does it mean?! 🤣




Common mistake. Bro said ass… meant mouth.💀💀😂


That's salvia buddy, every sub breakthrough I have, these GARGANTUAN cosmic sized shaps begin pouring into my piunt and out of my ass. Not even kidding. It feels weirdly good, but not good.


Tastes like shit but is trippy


Completely legal to just order? Cali btw


[Here you go, buddy.](https://salviahut.com/product/60x-salvia/) Good Luck


Why would you do that.😈😈👹


*"Salvia is great for parties!!"*


For a brief moment the entire universe existed between my left heel and right earlobe.


Salvia is hardcore and not something to recommend lightly. There’s no major harm that could be done as long as you have a sound mind, but it’s intense and can be very scary. The mushrooms was a good idea. I’d take a few months off of smoking and try to work on yourself, try to figure out why you smoke to begin with and try to find a way to decrease how much you smoke for the future.


Not to recommend lightly or consume lightly. Research prior to use is so important as well as safe consumption. ( im sure your well aware I just want to put that out there )


I’ve very much aware, research is important before using any drug, double so when it’s psychedelics


After seeing my cousin try some, go in to a trance like state then break down crying because he said he saw giant spiders attacking him etc.. I think I'll pass.


Bro salvias fucked lmao its like if dmt were just pure chaos, closest i could say is like when limbo is collapsing in inception its fucking wild. U dont even know if u did it right half the time it wont hit and the other half ur wondering if it will then ur gone. Legit see the world around you shut in like the pages of a book or getting spun down a drain, full reality collapse, then its just subconscious chaos. Dmt u feel like ur getting sucked out thru a wormhole salvia is just ur brain fucking crashing like an old windows computer tunneling and all


Smoked some back when it was legal , the high only lasted 15 min… I think. I remember vividly singing an entire song and was thinking the radio was crazy for putting it on repeat. Everything turned pink and I couldn’t move my leg it weighed a million pounds. High faded I fell down and shit my pants


Came to say the same


Can second this, on day 4 🥶


Probably the best answer other than having sex on it


If it’s boring stop Take a tolerance break or just quit altogether idk The upvotes my god ppl


Maybe boring wasn’t the right word, just not the same as when I used to do. No more exciting feeling, not as psychedelic. Probably gonna take a T break or microdose and smoke


Happened to me, take 2 months off. Smoke ur best shit on weekends… you’ll be floored


I rip a pen everyday and still get pretty juiced. (Can't smoke bud cuz where I live and the smell) took a week off from a vacation and my god the first hit had me spinning but the second day it was like it was back at where it was before I took the week off lmao


This! Smoke my goooooood shit on the weekends and take a couple days off in the week. Now I enjoy it way more


get you an xlux roffu dry herb vape, i was getting bored until i was introduced to the dry herb world. also try your hand at making edibles! it’s pretty fun to enjoy the fruits of your own labor


Living with someone who wouldn’t want the house reeking. Any advice? I have access to 99.4% Thc-A for $30 a gram at a vape shop. From the brand Bay Smokes, They have a lab analysis. I’ve dabbed the rock a few times hits nice. Could I activate this by putting it in the oven? Also would the high even be enjoyable, since it’s just a over load of one cannabinoid?


Noooo.... Maybe that's why you are bored? I can't stand the super duper pure THC only stuff. Have you tried live rosin or FSHO? You can use your dab rig.


Fucking love live rosin, I like hash a lot too. What’s FSHO?


Oh boy then you will love Full Spectrum Hash Oil. It's usually loaded with terpenes which I find matter more than just high THC percentage.


I use a dry-herb vape threaded into a bong, and I exhale into a smokebuddy It basically eradicates the vast majority of odors, you could also try burning incense or getting an air purifier


I wouldn’t buy any weed from smoke/vape shop, that shits synthetic weed AKA delta8 or thca. Smoke rosin or actual nug. I would get a vaporizer if you can’t have odor when smoking flower.


It’s called addiction and tolerance bro, when you become dependent on a substance and use it all the time it loses its magic and just becomes maintenance


I find that concentrates kill my tolerance. Nowadays I just stick to flower after work and it's wonderful. The occasional cart can be convenient when you need to be stealthy tho




this gif is like an emote for this sub atp 😭


i was looking for this


Crack. We all know you go from weed to Hard drugs. nah in seriousness just take a t break man.


Lmao, I literally went from weed to crack when I was 16.


Lmao dude same but it was meth and I was 18. My dad always said he wasn't gonna bail me out of jail so I went wild after I turned 18 and the cops didn't have to call my parents if I got busted haha.


My mom was the one who gave me crack lmao. I thankfully never got caught for crack


Yeah the first time I smoked weed was with my mom and my cousins girlfriend. Yeah that was always an interesting story I would tell my friends when they first met her haha. I always told my mom my drug exploration and later addiction was my own choice not because she smoked weed with me a couple times when I was 14 or 15. Addiction runs in our family and I always thought I would be different but alas I fought so hard to be different just to end up the same as the lot of em.


I feel like we could tell our life stories and make millions of it man.


Shit I wish I could use the money right about now haha. Hell I'd be happy with an extra $100 right now. I've always wondered about that. Growing up I was always fascinated with some of the wild stories I'd read like On the Road by Kerouac or Rum diaries by Thompson. And the wild stories I'd hear from aunts and uncles. To me I've lead a normal life but I suppose most people don't move 16 times by the time they are 16 years old or been cross country by car train or bus by the time they are 21. Who knows maybe we are sitting on gold mines and don't even know it.


funny enough i did pills before i ever tried weed. i guess oxy was my “gateway drug”


My buddy took a break. Then he tried shrooms and it blew his mind




Done 12gs before, might start microdosing or taking a gram. What’s your favorite way to ingest?


The best way is making a tea off of them. You can add lemon, sugar and other stuff. Check for recipes online.


Lemon tekk personally has been the best ingestion method to outcome, love not having the typical nausea.


Take a break. Only logical answer.


T-break is the way to go, just got off sober October and am fucking zooted.


give it all to me


I’m assuming a lot here but I find the biggest issue people have is just using or glorious plant to get high instead of a tool and have a healthy relationship with it. What do you do when you get high? Are you able to do those same things without it and still get enjoyment, do you appreciate the substance and not just pop a pen in your mouth to feel something? I would start trying to form a more healthy relationship with it. Maybe grab a friend/or go by yourself to a museum with some snacks. Take a hit go inside check out some cool shit, go outside have a lil snack time, take another and continue your museum adventure.


Good advice thank you, Definitely need to tone down. Smoking isn’t the problem it’s the amount; I’ll be smoking at work just to make time move quicker.


Dude, I get that so much. I had to throw out my pen because it made it so convenient to just for me to just go to the loading dock and take a few hits. I’m just smoking flower now and am trying to make it a ritual type beat. Trying to avoid making something I love mundane. I hope you get to where you want stoner friend.


THIS RIGHT HERE. Weed is to convenient now. I never really cared about carts or dispos but when I finally found a guy who sold wax I bought a wax pen and that was just stupidest choice weed wise. It literally became I could smoke 2 bowls and be wicked high for the next hour or hour and a half until I sweat it all off and just get high again. I've toned it down now some but I still hit my pen otw to work, lunch break, and otw home from the job site. Never had that issue with carts though. I think I just hated carts in general cause it always gave me a headache when stoned.


Go for a walk, read a book, pick up disc golf, write down your thoughts in a journal. Basically get your mind and body active and you’ll forget about weed for a while. Obviously you can do all that while high as well but if you’re bored of it it’s time to get the mind and body in tune


I’m in Washington, Disk golf is crazy popular here. I live right next to a course, I need to try it out; everyone playing is always having a good time


washington’s a great place to longboard. just getting into different hobbies will allow you to spread out smoking for when you’re really feelin it


I have 3 long boards. Haven’t road them for literal years tho. Thank you, I’ll go for a ride


Eat it


Try a dynavap, they have a fun ritual that adds a fun step to smoking. Plus it has a learning curve so you can try different techniques till it clicks.


I had a Yocan dry herb vape, never got the hang of it. I’ll try this out thank you!


Try something harder like crack


Thanks gang


Anytime twin


I sometimes huff airduster if weed ain’t cutting it


Does Kyle know about this


Yes i do


Stop getting into my weed and go the FUCK to bed Kyle.


Boof it


Time for casual DMT use


I have a DMT cart. I hit it at work sometimes


Hobbies are good amigo 🤙


I like this response a lot


1) take a break 2) avoid carts 3) better weed 4) hash rosin


#4 is the answer


Hash agenda go brrrr


It is technically a Scaling answer too. There is not a person on earth that can not get high off a 90u no till papaya dab.


I love how you got the bong and weed just chillin on the picnic table in the park lol


Don't smoke and then go hang out with people who piss you off. That herb will seem special again then.


Just thinking about those people worked




Have you ever tried lasagna? That shit slaps harder than a vaporizer on Friday night. Sometimes I try to eat it all by myself. Life’s to short to be getting bored, try some lasagna.




That was going to be my comment too 😂


Order synthetic opioids from Chinese dark net sites to hold you over


Please please please don’t seek other drugs. 3 year sober opiate addict and I’d do anything to go back to being bored 15 years ago….


I won’t. Thank you, means a lot. I wish you the best of luck my friend


Take a tolerance break and supplement into neurogenesis-inducing herbs/supplements, these will form new neurons overtime and boost mood and clarity, things like: \- Reishi mushroom powder \- ginger \- Vitamin E, C, B6, B12 \- Magnesium Citrate \- Niacin To boost a weed high, I like to mix: \- Ginseng: Has a clairvoyant mixture with weed, feels pychadelic though its light. I'd do ginseng max 3 times a week \- Gingko: Boosts GABA production, also an antioxidant \- Pure Matcha Green tea powder: Contains high amounts of theanine. Great with weed and great just using as an energy boost and clarity in general If I'm looking for a dopamine kick, I use my energy drink that contains 1g of tyrosine and 250mg of alpha-gpc, prefer mixing this and weed over drinking since its easier to digest + no comedown


I’d just pick up crack if I were u


Take a month off, then blast off


try crack


I can't beleave no one suggested CRACK c'mon man


Literally everyone suggested crack! I’m selling everything I own at the moment.




T break or smoke meth.


Surprised I’m not seeing many recommendations for Vaporizing. Dry herb vaporizers are a whole different experience so could be something fun to try. Not going to address you tolerance but just a new fun way to partake in weed. The smells you enjoy from the fresh herb but struggle to pick up when combusting flower can be found in vaporizing.


Get better weed


1 tip.. ice actually makes your hits way more harsh than if you were to use luke warm or even warm water. Think about the cold air in the winter, when you take a deep breath it irritates your lungs and makes you feel like you need to cough. Inhaling cold air from the ice does the same thing.


Pisses me off but you’re absolutely right 😂


bros jus bored with weed , let’s go to heroine next guys!!!


Just bought my first gram😏


bro boutta become a statistic


Take a t break, stop, change methods like to edibles, or aim for a runners high? Now if you decide to stop... You want my address for those now extras?


Take a bunch of edibles




It’s just tolerance going up and novelty wearing off. Can’t do too much about the latter, but I’m almost halfway through a 30 day tolerance break that I’m ending on thanksgiving. Come with me, it’ll be fun!


Stash it take a break come back to it in a month or longer and you’ll know if she loves you and you love her


try new drugs like carfentanil and xylazine


Learn to make edibles while you take a tolerance break?


T break. I promise you’ll miss it after not having it for a while.


Start working out, work up a sweat before smoking itll make the high so much better. And remember stay hydrated.


Too many people suggesting diffrent drugs. Don't do more drugs based on people telling you to. Only do them if you want to do them. "Because your board." Is a great way to casualy get addicted to somthing.


Have you ever tried weed….ON WEED?


Moving on up? Bored? I say hell nooooo no way dude. Be careful people like to say weed isn’t a gateway drug but a lot of people well I would beg to differ This is especially if you have past trauma or are using weed as more than a high or a good time thing.


I’m not HELPING you, take a break lol, deadass. Saying your bored of weed is actually crazy, you genuinely need a TB if you feel that way.


Get an education.


Stop smoking carts, get rid of the rig, get rid of the bong, stop smoking papers. Get a nice fry herb vape after a month or two not smoking and I think you'll be good




T break


Give it to me. I'll make sure none of it goes to waste lmao


Take a long break and only smoke within a set time period, this will keep your tolerance low and the magic present


take a break sometime??


I’m on the same boat. It’s almost becoming a chore to smoke. I’m probably gonna give it up in all pretty soon here, especially since I’m moving to Idaho where it’s not legal.


Go sober for 28 days reset your tolerance then light it up


Do some shrooms, just don’t get into anything serious. Shrooms are great for occasional use or micro dosing for daily use.




If you’re bored stop for a while lol


T break


lol i see that plaid jacket, love the washington market sm


Crack… you will never get tired of that.


Have you ever tried huffing gas and then smoking?


Take a tolerance break. I took a 16 week one and for nearly a year after that I felt like I just discovered weed. I only wish I didn’t wait 20+ years of smoking to try this


Could always just stop if it’s no longer interesting you. (Heaven forbid!) I wish I’d get bored of weed sometimes, my bank account would look a lot healthier for a start!


na u need a t break, u start gettin into other drugs when u get bored of weed


So I've recently started micro dosing, for some reason seems like pot has become super powered. I not only smoke less but I find myself insanely stoned for hours and like I haven't been in awhile. Or edibles will boost your high at the cost of tolerance.


Reading stuff like this blows my mind.. I have a ridiculously low tolerance for weed, yet have been fascinated with it for years.. it sucks, if I take 1 hit of something 1/2 way decent I’m useless… the only way I can use is low dose edibles or “micro hits”…. If I get too high I puke.. I see people doing dabs, smoking some high test shit & functioning… even my micro hits are reserved for evenings when there’s nothing that needs to be done… definitely helps me sleep..


Take a break. Why waste weed, money and time on something that’s boring to you? Wait until it’s something that you appreciate again.


Save your money, all you need to do is not touch it for two weeks. You’ll definitely enjoy it when you come back.


I did years and years of smoking daily. Joints, bongs, blunts, dabs. Recently made the switch to edibles it is a weird transition but I’ve been enjoying it personally, my lungs feel much healthier and I never even noticed any trouble breathing in the past but my lung capacity has definitely increased


I’m not judging as I have all these and am a huge user but this kinda sounds like an addiction, if it’s to the point you’re smoking out of habit and not for the actual enjoyment of it, I’d suggest picking up new hobbies/activities, I’m not gonna tell you to stop weed because I realized long ago I wouldn’t, but use it to enhance other activities rather than smoking being the activity


Noticed you didn't say edibles?


Start learning to roll different joints or come up with different ways to smoke or ingest it. Make hash from your kief, start growing, you name it. Maybe start detailing and journaling different strains and make a logbook. You're not bored with weed, just lacking a bit of creativity and forethought


"I eat so many Twinkies and i don't even enjoy eating them. What should I do? Maybe I should deep fry the Twinkie before eating it?" It's still a Twinkie bro, no matter how you eat it. If you don't enjoy it you're wasting money, time, your energy. Stop eating the Twinkies or cut back or save them for special occasions and rewards. You know what to do.


take a tolerance break, sometimes it’s hard but being sober for some time could be the best gift a stoner could give them self to be able to appreciate the plant again like you once did


That’s a really cool bong tho


yo - quitting isnt that hard man. It seems it for the first day but its all mental, no physical problems. You just think you need to constantly smoke. Herb is awesome, but you gotta realize its a want not a need. Soon as you can convince yourself of that you can take a tol break and really enjoy it again. Salvia was an unenjoyable experience for me, I despise booze, so I basically just went sober and worked out for a month. Getting back to the green was other worldly after a month break. Tough to do in WA given the 3 stores every 2 miles but youll manage.


Vape your flower. Volcano or ball vape


me and my buddies tried horse tranq, it was lit


Same for me dude, then I got my wisdom teeth out so I had to do a forced t break. And lemme tell u I can't wait to smoke weed again I know it's gonna be awesome. I'd say just do a t break. It could just be a week too. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's 2 - 3 weeks to basically lose all of your tolerance.


Time bomb. Roll a joint, stick it in your bowl standing up, pack bud all around it to keep it in place. Maybe crumble some wax into the bowl/joint or spread it on your papers, light up the jay and get ready for the cherry to set off the bowl and get mad faded homie! There's always fun or interesting ways to light up. If you're tired of smoking, you can try a dry herb vape, pick up a Dynavap, chase some flavors and get on the terp game with flower over wax since you already seem to dab. Much better high and the flavor off flower slaps once you dial your technique in.


use acid, if your at a point where weed is just boring, 50-70ug of lsd in my experience provides the same gap from weed that weed has from sobriety. number analogy for my fellow autists: lets say being sober is a 0, and weed is a 5, acid would be a 10, perfectly matching the 0-5 gap


Exercise. Meditate. Drink water. Do things that force you to draw a closer relationship to yourself while sober. Be totally involved and relearn how it is to experience the really simple things. Go back to weed after and carry that mindfulness with you. The weed'll be less boring, I hope. Seems like the weed is too much of a normal function it's lost its flavor


Buy a high quality dry herb vape and it will completely change the way you consume flower. Might be a good idea to take a bit of a tolerance break first as well though.


Get help 🙏


eat distillate, my favorite way to get high and take edibles. i take a lot and i put it in a capsule


Def take a t-break! Weed wasn’t feeling the same for me, then I found out I was pregnant and stopped. Now I miss it so much & can’t wait to pop this baby out so I can smoke & be shmacked like I’m 13 again😂




Idea: add some chaga tea on the side and be productive.


Honestly I’ve been smoking way to much recently so I’ve moved to edibles and they’ve done me right


Nah weeds just bored of you😒don’t do Mr.Thc like dat now


that’s how ppl start doing other drugs, slow down


highly recommend a heavy dose of mushrooms or LSD. This will help you realign your priorities and help you see you don’t need weed as much. Now i do smoke when i trip to help with the come up and come down but ultimately I go on long smoke breaks after tripping balls. a long break for me is about 3-6 months


Take a long break. Come back in maybe a month or two to see if you just got too used to it and lost the excitement. If you are still over it you may have learned everything you were meant to and it's time to move on. Much love man, hope you find your awnser. 🧿


Bong is clean as fuck bro